《Corruption of the Aether (PENDING EXTENSIVE REWRITE)》Interlude Three
The guards flanking throne room doors were still as impassive as when Jarik first came to stand in front of them. They stood still as statues, full-faced helmets hid everything but the glow from their eyes. A blood-red. “My lord. Are you sure we shouldn’t announce ourselves again?” Jarik looked over to Eravin. Jarik expected him to be a bundle of anxiety, fidgeting and glancing everywhere.
Eravin was surprisingly calm. The guards next to and behind him, though, were everything but that. “No, we shall wait patiently. I expect this ‘Emperor’ is merely seeing to another matter at this time,” Jarik said, returning his gaze to the door. He heard Eravin sigh, “I still don’t think bringing the youngest members of the guard with us was the best choice.” Jarik turned to look at his friend again, “It was the only choice, and you know that. So why question my judgment?”
Eravin simply shrugged, “Because it is my duty as your friend to do so.” Jarik found it was his turn to sigh. He brushed a stray bit of hair behind his ear. A tinny chime sounded as an errant armored finger brushed his earrings. “Damn things, I keep forgetting they are there,” He said in a low whisper. Evidently, Eravin must have heard him and responded, “It takes a while, but you will get used to them.”
Jarik turned to look back at Eravin, a small smile on his lips. “Of course, you would say that you had them since you were a child,” Jarik retorted. He wanted to stab a finger into Eravin’s chest, but that wasn’t a dignified response. “My lord, the Emperor will see you now,” a prominent but icy cold voice said. Jarik turned to the throne room doors. A spritely woman wearing a regal but functional dress stood there.
“I didn’t see her even get here,” said one of the guards behind Jarik. A few murmured agreements followed. Jarik tensed as he took the woman in. Her skin was charcoal black, and bone white hair fell past her shoulders. The woman’s eyes drew him in, not because they were beautiful but because they were hungry.
She looked upon the gathered procession like a starving being would when seeing food. The blood-red glow was more subdued than the guards next to her but still sent a chill down Jarik’s spine. “I must apologize, my lord, but your guards will have to wait outside the throne room,” She said with a small bow. “I am sure your lord wouldn’t mind if they accompanied me. I would afford the same courtesy to him if he visited my court.” Jarik returned the bow and swept his hands to indicate his small group of twelve.
The woman beamed at him, unnerving Jarik even more. “In that case, my lord, I will open the door for you into the throne room,” She turned on her heels and put her palms onto the doors and pushed. Jarik had expected the three guards on each side of the door to be the ones to open the massive doors. Curses born from astonishment as well as from fear echoed from Jarik’s guards. Eravin quickly silenced them with a glare.
The doors swung smoothly and silently out of the way, revealing the throne room. Jarik had expected to see an elaborate and almost garish interior. Filled with banners, candelabras, self-important portraits, and other hopefully intimidating signs of wealth.
None were present. The throne room only had a few features to distinguish it from a common lord’s hall. First of which was the intricately embroidered carpet stretching all the way to the throne. It was a rich purple-blue, with the embroidered heraldry seemingly done in gold. The second was the throne itself. It was a crystal as tall as the room. It pulsed rhythmically from base to top. Sitting at the front base portion was the Emperor, and standing to his right was a finely dressed man whose features seemed to be hidden in shadow.
He sat impassively looking with disinterest at the doorway and his new guests. “My lord, I humbly announce to you the arrival of the representative of the Kingdom of Eltra,” The spritely woman said with a deep bow. The Emperor didn’t even react. The woman quickly stepped aside and ushered the group inside.
The doors silently and slowly shut behind them. As the air settled from the opening and closing, Jarik took a deep breath and paused. He had expected the smell of warmth, tinged with smoke, or of rich perfumes and savory aromas of a nearby kitchen. He couldn’t smell anything. Jarik did everything he could to not show his growing unease. “I am certainly surprised that you would actually heed my summons so quickly,” The Emperor stated, his eyes working their way slowly over the men and women in front of him.
The man to his right appeared to be doing the same. Though Jarik was not entirely sure due to the shadows. Eravin stepped forward and bowed with his arms outstretched. “To ignore the summons of one who can rule an entire continent would be the height of foolishness,” He said, attempting to stroke the Emperor’s ego.
The Emperor smiled. Jarik noticed it was off. In a sense, it didn’t entirely seem to fit the man sitting on the throne. It looked like a smile someone would put onto a statue, worked with precision and great care. Jarik’s unease grew as Eravin stood back up with a servant quickly and quietly coming to his side. They carried a tray full of food and drink. Jarik could see that the food was steaming. The spices baked into the bread’s crust. The succulent and freshly portioned meat.
Jarik still didn’t smell any of it. “Thank you, my lord. These refreshments are very much welcome after our long wait,” Eravin said, leaning over and taking a glass filled with an amber-colored liquid. He gave it a cursory swirl and took in a deep breath to take in its aroma. Jarik didn’t know if he was experiencing the lack of smell, and given his reaction, he couldn’t even tell if he was bluffing. “Smells wonderful, my lord. This is greatly appreciated,” Eravin said before taking a small sip. Jarik watched him closely, trying to gauge his reaction.
Eravin closed his eyes and softly smacked his lips, “Tastes just as pleasant.” The man beside the Emperor bent low and put his head close to one of the Emperor’s ears. His expression didn’t change, “I am quite pleased you find that vintage pleasant. I believe that particular one is nearly a millennia-old.” Jarik knew he let the shock cross his face for a brief moment before returning to a neutral expression. Eravin meanwhile simply nodded, “I will let my liege indulge in it as well.” He passed the glass to Jarik. A swirl and sniff confirmed he still couldn’t smell.
Jarik took a tentative sip and felt the telltale burn of alcohol on his tongue. Swallowing slowly as if he was enjoying the flavor, he nodded, “Wonderful flavor.” Jarik watched as the servant carrying the tray walked to the guards behind him, offering the tray to each of them. Each one took something, and Jarik could see each reaction. Shock at the lack of smell and taste. At least he knew now it wasn’t just affecting him. Eravin watched the guards as well, “I apologize, my lord. It appears my men are completely taken aback at just how delectable your offerings are.”
The Emperor’s smile changed to a thinner one, “You don’t need to be coy with me. You confirmed my suspicions.” Jarik and Eravin froze and turned to look thoroughly upon the man sitting on the throne. “I must say. I did not actually expect you would come personally to answer my summons Eravin Drotetmas,” The Emperor stood slowly from his throne.
Jarik slowly turned his head towards Eravin. Eravin returned the smile and touched one of his ears, “What gave it away?” At the touch, Eravin shimmered, his appearance changing. Pointed ears with a half dozen studs in each, the eyes black and seemingly filled with stars. Jarik couldn’t see his mouth, but he knew the smile was full of sharp teeth.
The Emperor walked forward calmly. The man was still at his side, floating gently off the ground. “A few things, the fresh-faced guards who have never seen their king’s face. Your friend’s recent addition to the guardian markings. But most damning of all the simple fact you could smell and taste both food and drink.” He bowed deeply though his eyes never left Eravin’s face.
The man at the Emperor’s side twitched one finger. Without warning, the smell of the room hit Jarik. The younger guards gagged at the smell and fought to keep the food down. Blood, it permeated the room so wholly Jarik could practically taste it. “Old friend, I don’t believe that was necessary. Now my guests will be unnerved,” The Emperor turned to look at the man, and Jarik now saw his eyes. A deep crimson staring back, “I felt it prudent to get this over with as soon as possible.”
The voice was calm, measured, and held contempt at what Jarik didn’t know. “Sire, we need to leave now,” Jarik whispered into Eravin’s ear. His mind raced with ideas on how to escape the situation. The guards outside the door would pose an issue. If they burst through the doors without warning, they would have the element of surprise. Their backs would be to the Emperor and the man beside him, who had just proven himself a competent sorcerer.
“I don’t think we are in danger yet, Jarik,” Eravin replied while returning the bow finally. “I must apologize for my young guards’ lack of decorum. They should have kept themselves better in check.” The Emperor smiled, and now that they were closer, Jarik could see his teeth. They were sharp. “No need for apologies. They will learn soon enough how to properly behave,” The Emperor responded. Eravin raised his eyebrow, “What do you mean exactly by, ‘They will learn soon enough’?”
The Emperor’s eyes flashed, and within heartbeats, the throne room filled with guards. Each and everyone had glowing eyes. “You will understand soon enough, now King Eravin Drotetmis. I must ask you to relinquish your arms now. We have things to discuss.”
Jarik felt a sudden rush of adrenaline, and time slowed. He looked over to Eravin, who had just begun to nod. Jarik drew his sword and dashed towards the nearest guard aiming for their throat. They brought up their shield too slowly to block the slash which nearly decapitated them. Jarik turned to look at the younger guards and saw they hadn’t even retrieved their weapons.
Jarik knew when he accepted the Guardian marks and studied the risks. Binding his soul to his friend and liege was worth it. Now though, he wished he had all of the guards he came with them did the same. Jarik tore through the Emperor’s guards, but more kept coming in. He was a whirlwind of death, hacking apart the throngs around him. But he wasn’t destructive enough to save the young men and women with them.
Slowly but surely, they all died. One man wasn’t enough to defend nearly a dozen when facing tens of opponents. A young woman who looked at her king with pleading eyes was the last guard to fall. Jarik breathed heavily, pacing around Eravin, who had stood steady as a splendid tree in a storm. “Those are lovely enhancements you gave him. Excruciatingly painful to do, I assume,” The Emperor hadn’t moved the entire time.
He looked almost bored as dozens of guards advanced on Eravin and Jarik. He put up one hand, and they stopped just out of reach of Jarik. “King Drotetmis, we could have avoided all of this if you just relinquished your weapons.” The Emperor said while gesturing around the dozens of corpses strewn in front of him. “I highly doubt a man of your capabilities would have assumed anything other than this outcome,” Eravin replied, putting a calming hand on Jarik’s shoulder.
The small chuckle that escaped The Emperor’s lips seemed to confirm Eravin’s words. “Either way, we will be having that discussion now.” He strode forward towards Eravin, his guards’ parting. Jarik tensed, coiled, and ready to end The Emperor as he approached. The pressure from Eravin’s grip increased, stopping any thoughts Jarik had of lashing out, “I have a few questions before we continue if that is alright.” The Emperor smiled and stopped a few paces in front of Jarik, “Ask whatever questions you may wish.”
Eravin let out a barely audible sigh of relief, “First, are you the same Emperor that first came to power hundreds of years ago? Second, what do you hope to gain by doing this? Third, what would you have done if a typical envoy was sent?” The Emperor was silent for a moment, “Yes, I am the very same, and your second question answers the how. I needed you. I have found Elves, Humans, and the like have certain traits that I need to survive. And your line has the most of them.”
He pointed past Jarik to Eravin, whose grip only tightened. “To answer your final question, that would have meant I would come to you. Which would have been a much bloodier affair.” Jarik needed every ounce of will not to lunge and drive his sword through The Emperor’s heart. “You are a fool! With what you have just done, you have declared war not only on my kingdom but nearly all of them on Oriel. You won’t be able to stand against us!”
The room was silent for a moment, and Jarik felt Eravin’s grip tighten to a painful level. The Emperor broke the silence with a chuckle that turned into mirthful laughter. “Oh, my young King. Do you really think I would have done any of this without having my victory assured? You think because the Mother of Dragons protects you, that you are safe? No, you are not. She will be taken off the board soon enough.”
Jarik saw the man that had stood by the Emperor finally turn his gaze towards him. The shadows briefly flickered away, and Jarik saw the expression underneath. It was horrified and disgusted. Jarik could not help but wonder why. “Do it,” Jarik heard Eravin whisper. Jarik sprung forward toward the Emperor’s sword readied. He only made it one step before the Emperor’s eyes flashed, and he was frozen in place.
“Stupid boy, you just doomed this man. I was going to spare him as a warning,” The Emperor said, and Jarik saw his face crack like someone hit a piece of pottery. “Though he does look quite appetizing, and I haven’t had a good meal in some time,” his face cracked more and fell into his skull.
Jarik felt his heart racing, and he struggled and tried to move. But his efforts were in vain. “So in that regard, I must thank you,” more and more of the Emperor’s face fell into itself. Jarik finally caught a glimpse of what it was falling into. A darkness that seemed to go into eternity. “Further discussion will have to wait until I finish. Take him to one of the guest suites. I will be along shortly.”
Jarik didn’t see the Emperor’s hand gesture. All he could focus on was the darkness in front of him steadily growing and moving towards him. Another flash as the eyes fell into the fathomless abyss, and Jarik found he no longer could feel anything. “You may hate me, but I am not a monster that will make you feel the pain,” Jarik heard the Emperor’s words as the abyss took him.
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