《Corruption of the Aether (PENDING EXTENSIVE REWRITE)》Chapter 9
The building’s size was deceptive from afar. It was by far shorter than Lissa thought, but broader by quite a few meters. While the main door was easily capable of handling at least a dozen people standing side by side. “A little underwhelming, isn’t it?” Saida asked while giving the rather plain-looking building a once over. She rapped her knuckles on the door, and a small slot opened up near eye level. “State your business.” A pair of dark green eyes said in a very bored tone. “You can see our armor, you should know our business,” Saida replied curtly while leaning closer to the slot.
“I still would have to ask your business,” The eyes replied with a small roll. Lissa sighed as Saida began to become visibly frustrated. Pushing her aside, Lissa stepped forward, “We are here to see the first survivor from that beast encounter. Sadly we weren’t told their name, or I would provide it.” Lissa looked at Saida quickly and saw her arms were folded. “Thank you, and his name is Roland, by the way,” the click of a latch could be heard before the door guard continued. “You can come in, but I advise you to steer clear of our Captain at the moment.”
“And why is that?” Saida asked as the door slowly opened inwards. “You will see when you step in,” the latch slid closed, and a petite young woman stepped around the door. She bowed slightly and gestured for both Lissa and Saida to come in. Once they both crossed the threshold, shouting could be heard quite quickly, “expect me to believe this! That somehow you brainless idiots managed to not only fail our contract! But also let the carriage be washed away in the river!” Lissa looked to her left, where the shouting was coming from and saw a rather burly dwarf man berating a mixed group of individuals.
A blooded woman like Garza, her golden face flushed in either embarrassment or anger. A human woman whose short-cropped hair looked like a new addition to her attire. Finally, a lanky dwarf man whose fists were clenched so tightly the knuckles were white. Saida put a hand on Lissa’s chest to stop her from advancing further, “I want to watch this, let's stay for a moment.” Who Lissa assumed was the Captain stopped in front of the woman with the cropped hair, “And you! If Mir or Hiram were not around while you tried to rescue the carriage from the river, you would have drowned because of your hair! How many times have we told you to keep it short!”
His face was tomato red as he shouted, he took a deep breath after finishing and turned. “I am done shouting at you for the moment and are dismissed.” The group of three stood there for a moment before giving a short and curt “Sir!” Turning on their heels, they marched away from the Captain and down a hall to Lissa’s right. “To be expected of you washouts,” Saida said just loud enough for them to hear as they passed. The blooded woman turned to Saida fist raised ready to strike her. “Ah, ah, ah, I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Saida smirked as she watched the woman take her in and recognize her station.
“Fucking emissaries!” She screamed out in pure frustration and pointed an accusatory finger at both Lissa and Saida. “Do you get off thinking you are better than us!” Her gaze panned slowly between the both of them. Lissa kept her face impassive, but her eyes were locked onto Saida, who was smirking. Before Saida could respond to woman, the dwarf and human grabbed her arms, “It’s not worth it, Tricia, let’s just go.” They pulled her backward and walked her with her down the hall, the woman kept her eyes locked on both Saida and Lissa the entire time. Lissa turned to Saida and whispered under her breathe, “Was that necessary?” Saida cocked her head, “To me, it was yes, shall we go?”
“We don’t even know where Roland is at the moment,” Lissa turned to the door guard, who was still standing there awkwardly. “I can show you the way miladies,” She gestured to a hallway near a small canteen. Where half a dozen other Silver Shields were just now returning to eating after the outbursts. As they walked, the door guard continued, “Again, I must apologize on our Captain’s behalf. He does not take failure well, especially from one of our most highly regarded teams.” Lissa looked to Saida, expecting her to say something.
“We understand, how long have you been with the Shields?” Saida said while not noticing Lissa’s raised eyebrow. “I am officially not with them. I wouldn’t have what it takes honestly. They pay well to have someone answer the door and keep out the riff-raff, and my name is Alba.” Alba turned and walked backward for a moment while introducing herself. “Nice to meet you, Alba, did you happen to escort an Adjutant by the name of Micah earlier?” Lissa asked while they passed a common room on their left, where it appeared an impromptu arm-wrestling competition was ongoing.
“Yes, indeed, he was very eager to speak with Roland. I am assuming you are here to deal with the monster that has been plaguing the area around the town, correct?” Alba asked while Lissa noticed the stares from those not focusing on the competition. “That is part of the reason, yes, and I take it that announcement wasn’t popular?” At Lissa’s question, Alba shook her head. “No, it wasn’t. Everyone here thinks that measure wasn’t necessary.” Alba stopped and sighed while turning to face them both. “Most haven’t seen what the bodies of those that returned looked like. So at least if you are here, I won’t have to see my friends come back dead or injured.”
Alba’s face contorted into a grimace for a moment at a memory. Lissa reached out to put a comforting hand on Alba’s shoulder before she shook her head, clearing her thoughts. “My apologies, I let my memories get the better of me.” Alba smiled before continuing down the hall. Saida and Lissa looked to each other and continued to follow Alba. “I know it is silly of me to think this job is without risk. But I can hope, at least.” They all walked silently for a few more hallways before Alba stopped and directed them to a room on the right. “This is Roland’s room if you need anything, there is a bell near the door. Ring it, and one of the servants will come to assist you.” Alba bowed and started walking back towards the front door.
Lissa looked to Saida, and they both nodded and entered the room. “……it had started stalking you?” Micah’s voice came in as the door opened. Lissa could only see Micah’s back as he stood in front of Roland. Moving to his side, Lissa suppressed a gasp, while Saida couldn’t. The right-hand side of Roland’s face was completely bandaged. That wasn’t what caused the gasp, Roland’s left arm was missing below the elbow along with his right leg up to the hip. Roland turned his gaze to Saida, and sheepishly he moved his missing hand to rub his head. He stopped after pulling it up halfway, “Still not used to that.” Saida quickly composed herself, “I am sorry for that, the report didn’t include details on any injuries all of you sustained.”
Waving her off with his right hand, Roland smiled, “It’s alright, understandable if they didn’t. Not really something you would include, probably just said I was ‘seriously’ injured.” They all nodded, which made Roland chuckle, “Now that you lovely ladies have arrived, I assume we can really begin.” Micah looked at Roland, “Do you want to catch them up, or shall I?” Roland touched his chin and thought for a moment. While he thought Lissa quickly brought over three chairs for all of them to sit on. “The healer’s do say I need to focus on using my jaw, not just for eating. So I will,” Roland replied after they were all seated. He took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly before breathing in again.
“I don’t know what the report included, so I will start from the beginning. Initially, my team was contracted to hunt a pair of dire wolves. Sighted near the town of Silverbanks, I believe, when we arrived, we found that the townsfolk had discovered the mutilated corpses of the wolves in question. It had been maybe a day since they were found, and one of the local hunters took us to them.” Roland reached for a pitcher of water near him and took a drink before continuing. “When we arrived, we found that these corpses hadn’t just been mutilated. They were eviscerated. The surrounding area was littered with signs of a fight. Trees were destroyed, and by that, I mean a few were shattered in half or had large chunks missing.” He spread his arms wide. “We found furrows in the dirt large enough for my entire torso to fit.”
Roland put his arms back down, “We realized whatever had taken down the dire wolves clearly was something else. We spent maybe two hours investigating the site and found nothing conclusive about what killed them. When we got back to town, we immediately sent a message back here. The next day we received the reply had the contract changed to hunt this beast. Over the next week, we combed the surrounding area but didn’t find anything on what could have done that.” Roland shook his head while Lissa looked to Micah and Saida. Micah appeared bored having heard this before more than likely while Saida had her arms crossed.
Lissa quickly turned her attention back to Roland, who continued without noticing her. “Though we did see a bizarre lack of wildlife. The deer and other large game animals seemed to have just left the area in a hurry while the rabbits and other small game either followed suit or just didn’t come out at all.” Roland looked to all of them and appeared lost in thought for a moment. Micah whispered to both of them while Roland was thinking, “About where I was.” Saida and Lissa nodded, the movement broke Roland from his thoughts. “Sorry, sometimes happens where I just lose focus on everything. They say it is due to the healing they did, but who knows.” Roland touched his head and shrugged.
“After that, we started to return to town but noticed that there were tracks, presumably of the beast, and it looked like it had been following us. After finding them, we decided to make a large circle and set a few tags that would alert us if something big passed by.” Roland leaned forward, “Not a single one went off, so we checked the first one we set. Right at the edge of its range, we found more tracks along with rocks and branches near it, probably thrown by the thing trying to set it off. We couldn’t figure out if the damn thing saw the marker or had some way to sense it. So we camped that night about an hour or so away from town and very carefully hid more tags going out to about two hundred meters and made them much more sensitive.” Roland held up two fingers, “Two hours into the first watch, one of the furthest ones went off, and Liz woke us all up. We had slept in our armor and were ready within seconds. The furthest ones out kept going off in a circle around us for the next few hours.”
Roland hit the bed out of palpable frustration, “Even after it stopped, we couldn’t sleep, and by first light, our camp was packed away, and we checked the perimeter. Starting with the first one, we found more rocks and branches, and as we went along, we began finding bodies. They weren’t even eaten! It is like it killed them just to see if they would set the tags off. It was large animals at first, boars and deer. Before it moved onto smaller ones, rabbits, foxes, and a few squirrels. By the time we finished rounding the perimeter, all we had found were limbs of animals.” Roland shuddered, and Lissa bit her lip to hold back questions.
“When we got back to town, it became evident it went there next. It didn’t bother with rocks, just started with bodies and limbs, which scared the shit out of the townsfolk, and rightfully so. They wanted us gone because they thought we brought it there, and so after some tense words, we left and headed back here.” Roland went silent for a moment before continuing in a low voice, “Liz was the first to notice the sounds the next night. Low growls at first inside the first perimeter and circling us. After she woke a few of us up, it stopped. From then on, our watches were done in pairs. For all the good it did at least the next night during my watch, I heard the growls and heavy breathing inside the closest perimeter. It was probably within spitting distance of us at that point.”
“We didn’t know how it was getting past the tags without setting them off, and even the physical warnings we set didn’t seem to have an effect. None of us got much sleep that night after Tom and I woke everyone up. This continued for the next two nights until it came at us on the third. By that time, we had sent a message to the Captain. Reporting what was going on via a traveler moving at speed to Fortwin. Even our sleep-deprived minds realized it was only following us. No other travelers made mention of anything when we asked, besides that most predators seemed to be gone from the area.”
Saida reached out at this point and put a comforting hand on him. He looked at her and smiled, “Thanks. That third night though, it was during Liz’s watch that it came at us. From what I remember, she screamed at Tom to wake us up before it charged the camp and sent Tom flying into me. The screams Liz made as it carried her into the darkness,” he hit the bed again tears in his eye, “It fucking tortured her as we chased after it, she begged for her life before her screaming stopped. We knew she was dead when her torso was thrown at us. It hit Kieran right in the chest she screamed, and as Liz’s legs hit me, I saw it barrelling at us.” Roland clenched the sheets as he started crying.
“Why did it have to be, Liz! Even though I didn’t see it, I know she pushed Tom out of the way. Always so fucking heroic!.” Roland, at this point, was hunched over and inconsolable for the next few minutes. Lissa knew better than to say anything. From experience, when someone was like this, they needed to let it out. Lissa looked to Saida and saw she understood it as well, Micah though, was about to speak and reach out to Roland. Lissa gently grabbed his hand and shook her head. After making sure, Micah saw her and she let go and turned back to Roland and sat while he cried.
Minutes passed before he calmed down, sniffling Roland wiped his tears on his arm. “Sorry about that to me, it’s still fresh even though she has been gone for a few weeks now.” Roland took a steadying breath, and Lissa replied to him. “It is fine. There is no rush if you want us to come back, we can.” Lissa turned to look at Micah and Saida, who nodded in agreement. Roland shook his head, “No, if you leave now, I will just stew, and that isn’t good for my health. Mentally and physically, would you be able to ring the bell for some food?” Roland asked, looking at Saida, who smiled before standing and ringing the bell. Lissa noticed it was much quieter than she would have thought and watched Saida sit back down. “Normally, they would have given me a bell, but they took it away. I have no idea why, honestly.”
Saida rolled her eyes while Roland looked down in thought for a moment. “Well, they should be here shortly to get us something,” Roland said after a moment and took a steadying breath. “As it came at us, I saw it had a tree out in front of it, either to catch our attacks. Kieran tried to lash out at it with a jet of fire from her focus, but it threw the tree at her crushing her and sending a blazing hulk into the forest.” Roland stopped speaking for a moment before musing out loud, “That was probably the only thing that saved the rest of us in the end. By the time it fully reached us, I was up, and Tom and I rushed it while Rhia stayed back and shot at it.” Roland looked at them, “When I first saw it I thought we were facing a drake of some kind. Even though it was hunched over, it easily was twice as tall as I was. It had coal-black scales, horns atop its head, and extended jaw like they do, but it was walking on legs bent like a dog or cat. A long-tail about as long as was tall trailed behind it. With how fast it could run, it probably used it for balance or something. Though what had me scared were it’s arms and clawed hands.”
Roland looked to Saida and Lissa before asking, “Do you have any daggers on you?” Before Lissa could reply, Saida had already taken out her dagger and showed him. “The unsheathed part of the claw looked to be about the size of that dagger. And just from the fact it could rend through Liz’s armor to rip her in half, it could do it to mine. I won’t bore you with the fight since,” He gestured to himself, “You know how it ends. But I can tell you that this thing can’t keep its balance worth a damn once it starts swinging. The horns on its head are thick enough to stop our swings dead. It really hates being hit in the horns, though, and seemed to make it more aggressive. We could still wound it, though not severely with our weapons and magic.” Saida, at this point, sheathed her dagger and put it back at her side.
“The damn things’ hide is thick, and I swore it was testing us the whole time until it had enough. Thankfully the fire that was started drew in the guards for a caravan, and they rescued Rhia and me from it all and retrieved what they could.” Roland looked to them and rubbed his head, “That is all I can really remember clearly, though, so I hope it helps you kill the thing.” Lissa reached out to him and touched his shoulder, “I promise we will.” Roland smiled, and before he could say anything, his door creaked open. Alba carrying a tray of food and drink came in along with a hooded figure whose back was to them. They pulled in a cart with a large bucket full of steaming water and various soaps needed to clean the body.
“Oh, Alba, what did you bring? And is it time to change my bandages already?” Roland asked as Lissa, Micah, and Saida quickly stood up and got out of the way of the cart and figure. “Yes, it is indeed Roland,” the calm and clinical voice came from the hooded figure who turned to Lissa and the others. Lissa didn’t know what to expect as they turned but was shocked to see a young woman’s face. Two large gashes ran across it crossing scarred and empty eye sockets, and she nearly gasped. “It's alright, hazards of this occupation.” The woman smiled and turned to Roland. “Do I need to come back?” She asked, and Roland shook his head while Alba set down the tray of food off to the side.
“No, you don’t Rhia, I just finished speaking to them.” Roland looked past Rhia at Micah, who nodded his head and tucked away a dimly glowing object into one of his belt pouches. Lissa looked to her cousin quizzically, who gestured to the door, “If we need anything else, I can always come back, Lissa.” Lissa shrugged and headed to the door, “Fair enough. Thank you for your time, Roland, we appreciate it and wish you a speedy recovery.” Alba was waiting for them out in the hall, “I wouldn’t worry too much about his recovery. Rhia has been taking care of him even before he was awake. I think they will find comfort in each other.” Alba smiled before continuing, “Would you like me to escort you to the door?”
Before Lissa could reply, gestured Alba forward, “After you milady.” Micah was clearly taken aback by being beaten to the punch and stood dumbstruck for a moment before following them. “Well, what do you think?” He remarked while catching up, Lissa turned to look at him for a moment, “I think we may have some creation gone wrong on our hands. And that you are not just a simple Adjutant anymore.” She pointed to his belt, “What was the glowing thing you put in your pouch when we were done?” Micah smirked, “Something I was given to test out, I will show you along with everyone else when we meet and eat dinner at the Tavern tonight.” Lissa elbowed him, “You better otherwise, I will sic Mera, Mela, and Darvick at you so they can ‘study’ it.” Micah feigned shock and suppressed a laugh, “You wouldn’t dare!”
Laughter ahead of them broke the rapport, and both of them turned to see Saida animatedly speaking to Alba, who was laughing heartily at something she said. “How are things between her and Norman?” Micah asked after Lissa saw the gears turning in his head. “Not well, he was reassigned and didn’t want to continue the relationship with her. She took it surprisingly well but hasn’t had anything serious since then.” Micah’s expression changed to one of shock as he listened to her finish. “When did that happen?” Lissa shrugged, “I am not entirely sure, to be honest. I only found out after having to wake her up and found her passed out with another emissary in her room. I don’t even remember who, but after I woke her up and helped get her cleaned up, she told me about it.”
“Do the others know?” Micah asked incredulously. Lissa only could roll her eyes at that question, “Of course they know, it has been about a month and a half since then. With how out there she is with some of her activities since then. It isn’t hard to put the pieces together.”
Further conversation between them was cut short when Alba turned to them. “I hope you all were able to get some valuable information and take this thing down.” As Alba spoke, she swept her gaze along the entry hall, “Most of everyone who knows about this situation is justifiably upset that we couldn’t keep trying. But in case I didn’t say this already, I am glad you arrived, and this is put in your capable hands.” Alba bowed deeply as she finished and stepped aside to let Lissa and Micah join Saida at the door. “Thank you for your hospitality, Alba,” Micah said in passing while Saida slowly leaned against the door to open it.
“Well, Micah, you better tell us………” Saida’s sentence was cut short as Micah interrupted her. “I already told Lissa I would share with everyone when we met back up tonight.” Seeming satisfied with that answer, Saida nodded and swept her arms wide, taking in the outside air. “Now, after all that unpleasantness, I feel like a drink is in order. On me, of course.” Lissa folded her, and her tail swept side to side in agitation, “And where is there a bar or inn around here anyways?” Saida pointed, and Lissa followed it to a building off to the side of the Silver Shield’s and groaned, “Right there, of course.” Saida put down her arm and started walking. “Let’s just hope she doesn’t start a fight,” Lissa muttered under her breath following her.
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