《The Undead Multiwalker》BRACE
It didn't take long for them to stop.
At an unfortunate moment when their route has been blocked off by destroyed vehicles and roads.
Forced to abandon their transport and once more to move on foot, they moved through building to building. With the help of their friendly alien courier’s motion sensor, they were able to avoid the enemies as they moved through the ruined battlefield without any problems.
After hopping between buildings, they decided to take a short break in an abandoned convenience store to rest and resupply.
“How long are we far from the base?”
“About…” The CO began looking at his map for a good long moment. “2 clicks.”
The soldiers sighed slightly in relief hearing that, while the others were confused by that.
“What does that mean?” A civilian inquired.
“Kilometers. We’re about 2 kilometers away from the base.” A private replied. “We’re getting close.”
As the others began using their time to rest and acquire what necessities they needed to double check, Askad began tweaking with his helm as he looked outside through the window.
To others, it would look like he was scanning the perimeter with his helmet. But he was actually trying to calm himself on dealing with escort missions. Not to mention he may have to meet up with the brass of this world’s government and help out in pushing the Sharcks out of their world.
Half of what he said about these water-based aliens was bullshit. Something he pulled out from his ass to make up something believable.
“Hey, mailman,” A voice broke his train of thought as he turned to look and see the XO calling out to him. “Any enemy activity?”
He glanced back to the window before returning back to the XO.
“Several squadrons in 450 meters… East of our location… They are not moving towards our position… Recommend action to be silent as possible.”
The XO nodded before relaying back to others, who affirm in reply. He noticed a marine approaching him cautiously.
“Hey, mind if I ask something?”
He ceased touching his helmet and turned to look at the man.
“…How long have you been at war with those bastards?”
“In contrast to your standard time… Relatively 9.5 Earth years.”
“Almost a decade?” The soldier widened his eyes in surprise. “Damn… Who’s winning?”
He didn't answer immediately as to give a dramatic pause sequence. “Unable to say. The Sharcks are one of our enemies… There are many… But they are not our main threat…”
“What do you mean they aren't your main threat?” Chimed in a new voice.
Askad didn't turn to look who it was, but he knew it was one of the civilians.
“Truly, your species are fortunate… To be ignorant.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“…Unable to explain.”
“Unable or won't explain?” One of the marines spoke up from the chair he was seating.
“…Will not explain.”
He received suspicious glares from those who heard him.
“Why?” Inquired the civilian woman.
“Your world is not yet ready… To receive the horrors… Of the galaxy…”
“You said something about preparing what is to come… What is it that is coming?”
“We need to know. We’ve been through tough shit, I doubt there would be something worse than this.” Scoffed one of the marines.
“Do not speak as if you know what I’ve known, Human…” Askad made sure to bite his words out with venom. It worked when they were all tense, he also noticed one of them almost drew out their pistol.
“…And the estimated time of bombardment is… 20 minutes.”
The soldiers blinked as they quickly checked their watches and remembered their mission briefing about the designated air force bombardment.
The CO directed command.
“Alright, I want everyone to double check everything. Get everything we need in a cart and head to the back of the building within 10 minutes. Air Force is gonna come down on us soon!”
They all moved to follow the order, Askad however stayed where he was. It was a useless matter.
The alien air force has already dominated the skies. The humans were pushed back out of the city. But these people wouldn't believe him until they saw the remains…
It was until 5 minutes, everyone began walking to the back of the building for cover.
“Hey, courier, might wanna take cover in the back now. Bombing run’s about to start.”
“Noted…” He replied.
The marine waited for him to move until he realized he wasn't moving.
“Uhhh, now might be a good time.”
“I’ll be fine, soldier… Follow your officer’s orders…”
“You sure about that?” He said cheekily.
“You will see… That they won't be coming…”
The marine raised a questioning brow on that, and before he could ask, he was called over by his team to take cover from the incoming bombing run.
The last minute was tense as everyone did what they could to cover themselves from any stray debris from hitting them. Using chairs and a thick tarp they found in the storage room as cover.
The XO began counting down, making everyone to brace…
Only for the minute to pass and the expected bombing run was not when they should have expect.
“Hey… What gives?”
“Wheres the bombing run?”
“They should have dropped.”
“What the hell?”
“Wouldn't we have felt that from here if they'd dropped? We would have felt them.”
Everyone began asking questions to themselves and to their officers for answers, but they don't have it because they do not know.
“It is more likely…” Askad began to speak, gathering the attention of those around. “Your military has… pulled out from this city…”
“That's bullshit!”
“This is not happening…”
“I’m afraid it is not… I have monitored all aircraft before we have… hunkered down in this building… There was none of your military…” He looked back at them, seeing their expressions of disbelief and doubt. “Best we keep… moving. Multiple contacts… approaching from our South…”
That got everyone to quickly move out.
It was just another couple of walking more, a couple of kilometers before they arrived at the airport. And they did not like what they saw.
It was ruined. Corpses lay motionless everywhere, vehicles burnt and still burning, base was destroyed.
Their airforce and FOB have been taken out.
“…You really were telling the truth.”
“I do not lie, soldier.” He said sternly. “It is useless and I… gain nothing from it…”
“Mailman,” The XO said. “Anything alive in there?”
“I’ve repeated my scan… several times before we arrived… There are none.”
Everyone grimaced before one of the marines unlocked the gate and they all poured in a loose, spread formation.
Despite the Courier’s word on the base being clear of anything, they still moved in cautiously.
“They really got fucked over… Damn…” A marine cursed.
Once they felt it being secure, the CO began ordering half his men to guard the front of the hanger base. Several marines have already been moving the dead aside gently on some corner so as to not impede their movement. And also in respect.
Several marines scavenged for weapons, equipment, ammunition, anything they can use. The civilians and police were then issued some vests and a helmet for some protection at the bare minimum. Better than nothing. Those who can fight requisitioned weapons from the dead soldiers who would no longer need them.
He himself kept posted on top of a broken tank, to make himself look as if he was scanning the perimeter with his helm.
He then heard some heated but controlled argument going on in the hanger. He already knew how this was going to go. Although some changes, it would end the same.
He waited and waited until they would cool down and begin to move out with determination on their faces.
They got several vehicles up and running. An APC and a couple of armored Humvees with mounted MGs.
Civilians were placed inside the APC for protection. Those who can fight were placed in Humvees.
Askad placed himself on top of the rear Humvee.
“Hey mailman, are you sure you’ll be alright back there?” Cried out a marine in the driver’s seat.
“I will be fine…”
“If you say so man.”
They began moving out of the airport. Askad tweaked his helm to their frequency coms. Then not to be surprised by this would be impossible.
“Human, multiple contacts ahead… 600 meters… No heavy weapons detected.”
*We’ll head straight through them* The XO said after regaining his composure.
They were approaching a tunnel, and true to his word, there were multiple Sharcks quickly setting themselves up behind whatever cover they could find.
*Know what they say when you hit a deer?* The XO climbed out of the APC and armed himself with the MG.
*Speed up!* The driver grinned wildly.
*Punch it!* The APC began to increase speed, ramming straight through the enemy squadron as they fired back on them.
The APC carved through the obstacles like nothing.
The Sharcks personal weapons are unable to penetrate through the APC’s armor. Same could be said with the Humvees as they were too thick their bullets to pierce through.
Askad and the mounted soldiers on the Humvees began firing as they passed through the Sharcks, taking them out as much as they could.
It wasn't long before they reached the designated evac site. And not a minute long before they saw a chopper landing in.
They began loading into the chopper as much as they could, exceeding the minimum load, but it was necessary.
“Hey, mailman! What are you doing!? Hop on!” The CO shouted.
Askad didn't move to the chopper as he began reloading his weapons. The pilots and the gunner looked at the courier uneasily.
“I will be… Exceeding the weight capacity… Of that aircraft… I shall stay…”
Before anyone could interject, he materialized the STC and tossed it over to the CO, who quickly grabbed it mid-air.
“Do not lose that chip… For your species’ sake…”
“…We won't lose it!” The XO exclaimed with respect. Everyone looked at him with respect and thanks.
“Thank you, Mr Alien!” A child shouted out.
Askad smiled before turning to walk away. He glanced to see the chopper now taking air and flying away.
He mused that some minute later they’ll be dropping down like in the movie plotted them to. They’ll be taking out the Command Center in the area around. With more of them this time, their chances would increase.
He walked towards the direction of the area of blacked out power. Finding himself some stray squadrons in the way, he killed them quickly and efficiently before any of them could even fire a shot at him.
Not long after, he sensed about a dozen contacts moving through where he was about to go swiftly.
He mused on the time table when they decided to come along.
He proceed to walk into a tunnel system leading to an underground system, and seeing Sharck contraptions on the flooded floor. He guessed they were some kind of a purifying machine for the aliens to absorb as. Maybe fuel, but he wasn't sure.
Contacts closing in, he quickly and quietly moved aside, using the shadows as cover. He waited until they passed by him and followed from behind.
He noticed the soldiers from before followed through where he came from. And so he slowed down before sensing they were entering the sewer.
“I do need to ask… What are you doing here?”
Everyone jumped in surprise, almost pulling a trigger before they all processed the figure in front of them before sighing in relief.
“Jeezus man, scared the shit out of us.” One of them whisper-scolded harshly.
“We're here to help you out, don't think you’re going to destroy the Command Center all alone ain't ya?” One of them joked, making others smirk in response.
“You think the Command Center’s here?”
He looked at the XO, who was very determined and focused on the task, same goes to others…
“It is here… Scanning results of a large object underneath… This tunnel is one of the entrances to it… It is heavily guarded…”
“No shit on that part, what do you think can take it out?”
“Do any of you have explosives? I am unable to… damage the Command Center with my arsenal…”
“Got a couple of rockets, but I doubt we’d be able to blow it up to pieces.” One of them gestured at the Javelin they had hanging on their back.
“Don’t worry about that, I got that covered.” Replied the XO in reassurance.
“Excellent, but before that…” He pointed and fired a Sharck that managed to snuck up behind them. But Askad was able to kill it before it could fire a shot upon them.
“Oh fuck!” Some of them exclaimed with curses of surprise.
“We’ve been compromised… Extract through that exit.” He pointed at the ladder leading to the surface.
“Everybody out now!”
“Move, move, move!”
Askad followed from the rear, covering the marines as he fired back at the peeking Sharcks from around the corner of the tunnel, suppressing them from approaching.
One by one, they all climbed up the ladder and into the surface. Askad followed in suit before seeing he was the last one down the tunnel, he quickly climbed up the ladder and saw the XO waiting with a grenade at hand.
“This should give us a couple of minutes.” He flicked the grenade down into the grate, he was amused when he noticed for a brief moment, a Sharck picking the grenade up before the nade exploded.
Askad and the soldiers began moving to what they deemed is a good cover and began to set up their equipment.
“Laser target, staff sergeant? We don’t have any more jets up though, right?”
“They can fire ground-to-ground missiles from Edwards Air Force Base.” The XO explained.
“So we radio in a strike, point the target with the laser…” The CO finished.
The soldiers nodded in acknowledgment.
Askad tuned out their planning as it is going as it should be, but with some additional numbers to this surprise attack.
“Mailman,” He heard being mentioned and turned to face them. “If we hit that thing, it should take the whole thing out right?” The CO pointed at the Sharck spike.
“Yes… But that is their communications relay. It would be best… to destroy it completely…”
“So we’ll have to make sure our hits count then…” One of them grimaced, but their eyes speak of determination.
“We’ll make our stand here. Lets show these bastards who they’re fucking with…” The XO supplied.
Then they all moved out to find secure positions on covering the laser, with one heading on top of the ruined tower for radio signal.
Several marines began planting bombs and mines around their area. They are here until they get the strike ready.
He assisted by throwing in some of his mines around the grates he suspected where the Sharcks might appear from below.
“Mailman… You have a name or something?” The XO asked.
“Why do you ask?” He raised a brow.
“This might be our last stand… Better get to know you before we might die.”
Askad hummed. “I do not believe we will die on this occasion, but your concern is understandable… I am named Askad.”
“Askad…” He tested the name. “Sounds decent. Here.”
He looked and saw the STC that he had given to the XO, in his hand.
“I feel like it would be safer in your hands than mine.”
“Understandable concern…” He took the STC and deceptively put it into his void inventory.
“Enemies closing in… 200 meters…” He suddenly stated, the friendly exchange switched to one with seriousness.
“Where are they coming from?” The XO’s ability to switch was impressive… He is no doubt a veteran for certain.
“Below—” Before he could finish his sentence, he spun around and shot a sneaky Sharck who managed to get under his senses.
“Damn, nice shot there!”
Askad didn't look at him before he sprinted to an angle where the Drone would be killing the man on radio. Just moments before the death of the soldier was about to happen, he fired a two charged shot from his [Twin Destroyers].
Before the Drone was about to fire, his shots landed and destroyed it. All the marines saw and cheered in relief and satisfaction that their comrade saved and their enemy shot down.
“Holy shit!”
“That's what I’m talking about!”
“Prepare yourselves, they are here…” He replied as he reloaded.
Just as he said that, the grates exploded and Sharcks come pouring out from the ground.
Askad didn't pause as he fired as they climbed up, but there were many to whittle them down. The marines fired in suit just a second later after recovering from the blast.
The marines setting up bombs quickly moved for cover.
“Kerns, get your ass out of there!” Exclaimed the CO.
The marine from the ruined tower didn't need a second response as he ran down to support his team and began firing upon the enemies and covered the laser.
“Get to cover, now!”
“Chest shots! Aim for their chests!”
“Shift fire right side! Right side!”
Shouts sounded through the battlefield as the marines fired upon the Sharcks as they came from the holes. They didn't think it’d get worse when a Sharck vehicle came to play.
“Oh shit!”
But it didn't last long when Askad fired another charged shot at it, and it exploded. Causing a large chain reaction of explosions due to nearby mines within its proximity.
“Fuck yeah!”
“Where’s that goddamn artillery!?” It should’ve hit by now!” Couple of marines checked the sky to see the missile but saw none.
“Incoming drones…!” Askad shouted.
The marines took cover as they saw the drones come swooping down and fired blasts at them. Fortunately, none of them were hit.
“…Incoming!” The XO shouted once more as they braced for another explosion.
This one, made everyone knock off their feet as the ground shook upon impact.
“We got it!”
“Direct hit… Direct hit!”
“It’s not over…” Askad said grimly.
And just as the marines were about to ask about that, the ground rumbled and the cheering stopped.
Everyone watched as the Command Center broke the ground and floated upwards.
“Focus!” Askad shouted, getting the marines out of their stupor. “Officer, do you still have one more missile!?”
“Y-Yeah! We got a couple more!”
“Get to it! We CANNOT let it escape!”
Once more, another waved of Sharcks come to stop them. Holding them back once more just in time for a missile to arrive.
Askad could obliterate the Command Center with his spells and guns combined, but it would make it easier. However…
“Focus on taking the ones on the ground… I’ll handle the drones…”
He focused on taking out the drones that were tied to the Command Center trying to take it away. He took down at least several, slowing it down almost to a halt.
“Incoming Copperhead!”
With almost no drones to cover the Command Center, it was vulnerable to attacks now. There was nothing to block the missile strike now.
They watched as the Command Center was struck by the missile. It went through, causing a massive explosion in the floating bulkhead.
Everyone watched and cheered as the Command Center went down in flames. A short moment after that, the drones all over the skies began falling down like debris.
A sight to see for the marines and everyone around the city, to see the terrifying flying machines of their enemies, began falling down.
“There's nothing controlling the drones anymore…” The XO sighed in relief.
Before anyone could have a moment of relaxation, Askad moved forward with guns raised and pointed.
“Enemy below approaching…” He stated.
A second afterwards, another grate exploded.
“There’s more of them!”
The marines quickly took cover and fired back. Askad strode over the battlefield as he moved forward just as the Sharcks began to retreat.
“They are pushing back warriors, now is the moment of retaliation!”
“You heard the man, advance!” The XO shouted and all the marines got up from their cover and fired as they advanced. Slightly lagging behind from the mailman ahead of them.
The Sharcks took casualties as they retreated, whilst the Marines took not at the very least. Askad lowered his weapons after scanning the area around to see they were pulling away.
“The Sharcks are fleeing… Towards North as it seemed…” He stated.
The Marines slowly lowered their weapons as they merely looked over to the skies and saw the drones falling… It was beautiful as it was satisfying.
“…Radio extraction point on our position, it's about time we head back home.”
. . .
It took awhile for the retrieval chopper to arrive as the marines took their time to reassess and double check their status. Fortunately, the casualties have minor injuries.
They were all very stressed out, worn out, and extremely exhausted from what they had been through despite being in the warzone for just a single day and probably another half.
The flight back towards their T.O.B (Temporary Operating Base) on the Mojave Desert, was quiet, no one spoke a word as they had nothing to say at least. But they were all glad to be alive and have done much more against their enemy.
As they arrived, they were greeted with thanks and praises from the marines being re-deployed to combat.
“You guys saved our lives back there!”
“You kicked ass, staff sergeant! Welcome home!”
As the marines processed what they had heard, Askad simply looked around on the base they were at. It was not as good as the former F.O.B back in the city, but it works.
And the technology mesmerized him despite it being of an old era where the skies weren't covered with smog and the air toxic…
“And who’s this?”
“…A mailman from outer space sir. His name is Askad, he’s here to help.”
The commander narrowed his eyes at the mentioned figure. Before, aliens in outer space seemed hard to believe. But now, they delivered a hard punch to the face that they are not alone.
“Sounds like something that needed some details explained, staff sergeant. But we’ll brief on that later, get out of that gear… Grab some breakfast in the tent. You’ve earned it.”
They moved to the tent, grabbing themselves a bottle of water. Drank, as some of them rinsed their heads to cool off. None of them spoke as they looked at each other in comfort.
They sighed in relief, but they were not satisfied. They are safe now, but others are not…
They are tired, but to them it didn't seem like an excuse.
They sat as they mourned in stoic silence for their comrades whilst they were still alive.
The CO and XO coincidentally looked at each other, a silent conversation held between their eyes as they nodded.
They both approached the table and resupplied and rearmed themselves.
The soldiers around looked at them, one by one, they went to the table and began arming themselves. Following in suit of their officers who they come to respect without a word and without a question.
They are willing to go back to hell once more, even alone, then they will accompany them together.
“You wish to go back…” Their friendly alien mailman spoke up. “Admirable yet foolish… It makes me wonder how your kind are rather persistent.”
Some of them chuckled, others grunted in reply.
“We’re Marines, Courier…” One said hoarsely with a smirk. “We’re built different.”
“…Interesting human terminology.” He hummed, playing himself still as an alien.
“Askad, you coming with us?” The XO asked gruffly but politely.
“Apologies… But I cannot. My objective is to hand over the STC to your world’s military… It is a necessity for your kind to have this technology…”
The soldiers around looked disappointed but they understood.
“…Thanks for helping us out then.” He offered a hand.
“…What is it you are doing?” He asked. The others chuckled at the awkward interaction when the dangerous individual in their base asked what a handshake was. It was almost a comedic sight.
“Ah, this is what we call a handshake. You can say it is something like…” The XO paused, trying to find the correct term.
“It's something like an agreement of terms and conditions or something…” One of them supplied.
“Ah, I see… Very well.” Askad nodded in understanding to go along with his lie before gently shaking the man’s hand. “You are welcome of it.”
“Lieutenant, Staff Sergeant,” The commander approached. “What do you think you’re doing?”
The two shared a glance before the XO answered with a tired grin.
“We already had breakfast, sir…” He said respectfully before breaking eye contact and proceeded to head to the nearest chopper.
The others followed him in suit after rearming themselves.
“Carry on then, marines.” He nodded in respect as he watched them leave to fight once again.
“You are this military’s commander?” Askad inquired.
“I am.” He nodded. “Commander Rich for Los Angeles operation. I’ve heard about you briefly from Two-Five, the team you accompanied along with the civilians who they rescued. But not the complete reason.”
“Then I will reintroduce myself… I am from the Galactic Nova Prospekt, Union Courier 14…”
He recalled the same introduction he had when he met the squad he encountered yesterday not long ago.
So much to say, he gave them the basic but important information regarding their alien enemy, Sharcks.
The human commander was suspicious when he arrived alongside the enemy, good, he was suspicious of him. A good trait.
He made up a backstory that he is a Courier in an unmarked and non-associated armor and equipment to fool the Sharcks. And to arrive alongside the enemy would also mean that his story is more believable, and they would not consider aliens to be some ‘story or a myth’. This attack on Earth proved them to be real, and thus, backing his story up.
If he was to arrive early before the Sharcks arrived, they would most likely not believe him in any sense.
Which made a good point to the commander in a logical sense. Humanity never thought that there is life in outer space. This event gave them a wake up call.
After giving him what he needed to hear, along with the STC, the human commander was having some difficulty trying to process what the alien courier gave to him so that he had to sit down for it. It was obvious he didn't find him trustful, but to dismiss such information would be foolish, so he considered it.
“…You’ve given us, humanity a chance to hit those bastards back, courier. You have no idea how much this means to us.” The commander said in genuine appreciation and thanks.
Askad looked at his hand for a moment before shaking it.
“I am only doing my job… Human.” He said before taking out another data chip similar to an STC, but somewhat inches smaller and less glowing…
“This data chip contains information regarding the stars. This will help you learn what lurks and lives… throughout the void.”
The human commander took the chip eagerly and tenderly, taking a brief look at it before pocketing in his clothes.
“A great help, I’ll have this checked by my men… So, what will you do now?”
“I will return back to the stars and report my objective to my superiors… And to follow your language’s polite way of dismissal; take care.”
The human commander chuckled at that, making Askad smirked beneath his helm.
“You got a ship somewhere or something?”
“Yes…” He nodded. “I shall be going…”
“Need us to drop you somewhere or—?”
“Unnecessary… But appreciated.”
. . .
Askad walked outside the perimeter of the T.O.B, being eyed by many soldiers around the base, and waited.
He was planning to have dropped back into the city and escaped through the portal once he found an isolated spot for him to do so, but that plan was scrapped the moment he went along with the marines to their T.O.B .
And him being in a wide open desert provided no cover at all. And him disappearing within the compound would incite conspiracies and suspicion that he might be still around to sabotage.
Which is why he has an alternative option for this one…
‘Oi, Gman, you there?’
‘I know, I see, and I hear, Askad. But you might just need to wait for a good while before a ship comes to pick you up.’ Said the benevolent asshole in his mind.
‘Can't you just freeze time, wipe the memories of these people, summon a portal, and be done with it?’ He grumbled.
‘I could, but I won't.’
‘…Might I even ask, why?’ He deadpanned. His irritation grew.
‘Dramatic reasons alone are enough.’ He could literally see that bastard shrug. ‘Mind you, it is for entertaining purposes.’
‘Fucking entertaining for me it aint!’
‘True, but I would say to move a bit to the left.’
Askad was about to ask ‘wtf’ he meant by that before realizing he meant literally move to the left, as there was an incoming falling object coming right at him and he barely managed to move out of the way as it crashed on top of him.
The soldiers went full on panic as they quickly got themselves ready for a fight.
Askad grumbles as he stood up, dusting himself off to see what landed on top of him was a ship shaped like a “T” with its wings slanted downward.
From what the bastard gave him, it was a Fighter-class ship coming from “Eve Online”.
Ship from another universe coming to this one… Apparently Gman wouldn't care about restrictions any more?
‘Depends, this situation is more convenient to cover.’
He grunted. Walking up to the ship, it opened up a door for him to enter. He noticed there wasn't any damage to its frame or hull despite how hard the crash was. Probably Gman’s warp-fuckery on work to not have it damaged. Considering he literally just landed it right on top of him.
The soldiers behind him lowered their guns but looked ready enough in case shit hits the fan. Although they were awed enough to look at the literal spaceship of a friendly alien.
The ship’s interior was how he expected it to be. Sci-fi looking and rugged as it looked on the outside. It was appealing to him at least.
He would check on this ship longer if he wasn't in a hurry. If he takes longer to take off, it would grab suspicion. He hurried to the cockpit and dialed in his navigation to leave the planet’s atmosphere. It was odd for him to know how the controls work despite not even having once flown in a spaceship.
‘Argh, I wish I could enjoy flying this thing but… Eh, man can hope.’ He sighed.
It wasn't long before he managed to take off and blast into the atmosphere. Being an Undead in this case, he was able to experience the G-Force without the life-systems, those are for living beings. Him however? Nah.
It was a quick transition when he boomed out into the skies and out of Earth’s atmosphere. And now, he was in space.
He was awed and mesmerized by the beauty of space. It was his first time out here! In a spaceship as well!
“Getting into space is now crossed off from my bucket list.” He grinned as he took in the beauty.
But that didn't last long when he noticed some strange anomalies at a distance.
Sharck fleet, or what’s left of it. They were here for conquest and control for resources.
Earth would be dealing with them for who knows how long, but they will endure. With the STC and the Sharck technology that they will acquire for themselves, they will reach the stars with it.
Mission accomplished.
A portal appeared near him. It was his extraction point.
He moved his ship into the portal and immediately the ship vanished like dust. And out of the portal, he was back at the M.T.G platform.
It was a very, very weird yet amazing experience. It was almost like one of those glitch trips he accidentally experienced one time. Not to mention the transition was very disorienting, but he managed.
He groaned as he made his way back to the bar and sat on one of the comfortable-looking couches and sank into it. His senses may be dull by being an Undead, but even he wouldn't want to pass up the opportunity to sit on soft surfaces like this.
Ordering a mixed drink of something he can taste. Vague, but the drones can quickscan his profile to find a compatible drink for him.
After ordering, he just sat there waiting and contemplating on life…
‘Just give me some days of peace…’ He groaned as he closed his eyes in relaxation…
. . .
. . .
That about it people.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter.
There is more to come, but I just want to put this out since its been in a grand hiatus for a while.
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8 3364 - In Serial136 Chapters
Silver Amelia
Amelia used to be a positive, brimming girl loved by those around her. Once tragedy had befallen, her view of the world has changed. Her sight was no longer filled with blooming flowers. Her eyes bore those of an actor. Her body knew what true pain was. Lastly, her heart was filled with the resolve to continue her Grandfather's legacy. The dream of a world that accepted diversity. However, in a series of events, Amelia was jolted with another realization. The ancestors of her family, Laurel's Royalty, descended from a being far from what humans could call a relative. Now, her ancestral blood forcefully awakened by a grand scheme, Amelia found herself unsure of her own identity and purpose. Would she live as a human and only lay the foundations for diversity? Would she accept her newfound identity and become immortal? Even so, no matter what option she chose, she needed to prepare on how to accommodate the Heroes summoned from another kingdom. _____________________________________ Author's Notes: This novel is a participant of WriTE This novel will be re-written after I finished it and gained more experience in writing. Anyway, feel free to join Amelia's journey. My first work. Light gore only. Added traumatizing content just in case. Comedy is less prioritized when the story moves. Tags will be added as the story goes. Feedbacks are appreciated. Release schedule: 1-3 chapters per week (Updates on Weekends) Unknown Chapters: Stalled (Read at your own risk, but the continuation will be posted at a later time) Feel free to join this discord: https://discord.gg/duFTzZr *Cover is mine.
8 117 - In Serial60 Chapters
A Nation of Distances (possibly a dystopian love story)
Michael lives in a toxic macho world with extreme male hierarchy. When he gets a weird rating that makes his place even more problematic he's forced to choose a fiancée at a Wife School, and he slowly discovers more about the other side of the great divide between the sexes in The Nation. If only the world would stop being so complicated... On the other side there's Megan, who's more interested in books than in marriage, and the unpredictable Eliza who seems to have a connection with Micheal already. Will they be able to cross the distance and become friends against all the rules of their own world, or will they just be crushed? Are positive relationships between men and women even possible? And is there a way to change the world or is that just a naive thought of a silly wimp? 'A Nation of Distances' is a slightly dystopian dialogue-heavy drama set in a low sci-fi future setting about the war between the sexes, disconnect and friendship. The genre will fluctuate in between more slice-of-life parts and soft sci-fi drama with possible romantic elements, with alternating lead and switching perspectives once more of the main characters are established. Content Warning: Certain concepts and scenes might be disturbing and/or triggering to some, even though the story itself won't be extremely heavy most of the time. Sexism as a double-edged sword destructive to both sexes is an important part of the story, but so is friendship.Note that all descriptions of persons and places are purely fictional and made up by the writer, and any resemblance with anything in the real world is a coincidence, since the real world is not supposed to be dystopian anyway!
8 206 - In Serial24 Chapters
Warwielder - Book 1 of The Evernoth Odyssey
Marschal's down on his luck.He's a remnant of a fallen empire that once spanned several conquered nations. Now he's forced to struggle through day-to-day life with too many enemies on his tail. But all that changes when a stranger offers to grant him what he wants most.But at a price.For there is a mysterious lady who's looking to embark on a mysterious quest and she needs companions to help her accomplish it. A wiser man would have refused. But beggars can't be choosers.And Marschal is about to learn that maybe not all adventures are taken by heroes.
8 177