《Because of Karson》Epilogue
"Olivia! Amelia! Come downstairs!" I yelled as I carefully placed the cake on our new dining room table. I sighed, rubbing my hands together as I lightly dusted my fingers against my pants.
"We're coming!" The two ten year olds yelled in sync as I heard their loud footsteps pound against the stairs.
"How's my favorite pretty girl?" I heard someone whisper in my ear as their hands crawled around my waist. My body stiffened as his chest pressed against my back before I elbowed his ribs.
"Braxton, I swear to God, do that again and I'll tell Connor we had sex in high-school," I grunted as I heard him groan in protest.
"You wouldn't," he gasped as I turned around to fully face my best friend. His blonde hair was still the same after these years, and he definitely started working out more as his new tattoos stood out against his muscles.
"Watch me," I narrowed my eyes at him as I cupped my hands around my lips. "Connor!"
"You bitch," Braxton hissed as he swatted my hands away from my lips. I easily broke out into a fit of laughter as I watched Connor swiftly round the corner until he was face to face with Braxton and I.
"Is everything okay?" Connor frantically asked as his eyes flickered between us.
"Yes, your boyfriend is just annoying," I innocently smiled as I turned on my heel to head towards my living room. As I walked out, I saw the look of confusion on Connor's face as I heard Braxton mumble a few profanities under his breath.
Connor was Braxton's boyfriend who he met in his sophomore year of college. They managed to stay together throughout the rest of college and all the way up to graduation. Connor and Braxton had the same majors, so they were in almost every class together. They clicked immediately, and soon began dating only months after they first met.
I absolutely loved Connor, and obviously so did Braxton. All three of us went to the same community college only a town over, so we all became really close. Karson and Colton ended up going to a different college together, but they were still only an hour away from us. It was perfect for all of us to keep in touch. Throughout the five years of knowing them, we never once fell out. We've all been so close with each other since our senior year in high-school.
"Dakota?" I heard someone ask as I turned my head to see who the voice belonged to. I immediately broke out into a smile when my gaze was met with Colton's. He was already sitting on the couch as I swiftly sat next to him.
"Yes?" I asked as I raised one of my eyebrows at him. He shook his head, a small smile tugging at his lips as we were the only ones sitting on the couch. He almost looked the exact same, except he wasn't as shy anymore and he began to workout with Braxton on the weekends.
"When can I eat the cake? I'm fucking starving," he whined as he aggressively rubbed his stomach. I blankly stared at him as my lips pressed together in a thin line. "I can hear it calling my name."
"And here I was, thinking that Braxton was the idiot this whole time," I mumbled under my breath as I playfully pushed his chest. He groaned in protest as I got up and flipped him off. "It's been you, Colt!"
"Bitch!" He whined as he rolled his eyes. His body slumped back into the couch as it easily engulfed his body.
"We're just waiting for those two dumb shits to come back, and then we can eat the cake," I told him as I turned my back on him and went to where the two ten year olds were sitting. This house was already in chaos.
I raised my eyebrows at them as they sat on the last step on the stairs. They were whispering in each other's ears, giggling as they showcased their missing teeth. Olivia's blonde curls were getting in Amelia's eyes, but she obviously didn't care. They were having fun.
When Olivia finally saw me, she broke out into a smile as Amelia looked at her with a glint of confusion flashing across her brown eyes. Amelia shrugged her shoulders as she looked at me with her eyes wide. "Hi, Kota."
When Olivia turned seven, she randomly decided to start calling me Kota because she wanted to call me something different than everything else. I loved the nickname Kota, but she wouldn't let anyone call me that unless it was her. She was basically gatekeeping my nickname.
"Hi Liv," I smiled as my eyes flickered to Amelia. After we graduated from high-school, Karson had Amelia fly down to us so I could finally meet the little girl who caused Karson to have such a good heart. After she spent only five minutes in our house, Liv and her became instant friends. They absolutely adored each other.
Amelia still lives with her grandma, but she comes down here very frequently because after every trip, she'll end up calling me saying how she already misses Liv and Karson. Olivia and Amelia would always call on the phone right after she went home, and they'd immediately hand the phone to Amelia's grandma and I to arrange the next time they could see each other. They were each other's best friend.
"Do you know why your brother is taking so long?" I asked as I watched her shrug her shoulders. I huffed, closing my eyes for a brief second before I turned around and grabbed my phone from my back pocket.
The two girls immediately fell back into a conversation as I glanced up from my phone to see Braxton and Connor walking together to sit down with Colton. Braxton ruffled Colton's hair as he sat as close as he possibly could to push his buttons. I heard Colton scoff as I watched him smack the back of Braxton's neck.
I snickered, holding a hand above my mouth as I watched Connor burst out into laughter as they began to banter back and forth. I gently shook my head, biting back my laugh as I began to search through my phone to find my contacts.
As I was about to press the familiar name, I heard the door shoot open, hitting the back of the wall as it made a startling thud. My back straightened up as I turned around to see Karson and Jace standing at the entrance. I raised an eyebrow at the two men as Jace awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.
"Hi," Jace was the first one to speak as they both stepped inside and carefully closed the door behind them. I blankly stared at them as they both began to ramble at the same time.
"You should've seen the line!"
"We totally didn't get sidetracked and stopped by-"
"Shut the fuck up, Jace," Karson hissed, cutting him off as he smacked my little brothers arm.
"I got you an early wedding gift," Jace awkwardly smiled as I tried so hard to fight back the laugh that threatened to slip through. These two were idiots, but unfortunately, I loved them. It was fun giving them a hard time.
"Very tempting," I mumbled as I watched his body visibly relax. I shook my head in amusement as I walked up to both of them. They were supposed to be here an hour ago with party decorations and food, but I guess they got sidetracked while shopping.
"Your fiancé is scaring me," Jace whispered to Karson as he barked a laugh.
"She's your sister," Karson sobered up as I watched his teeth take in his lower lip to suppress another laugh.
"So?" He whisper-yelled as if I wasn't right in front of them. He was acting as if he was twelve, and not a twenty year old man.
"You both are fucking idiots!" I heard Braxton yell from the living room as Connor told his boyfriend to shut up.
"I'm sorry, Dak," Karson frowned as he placed the bags he was holding onto the ground. I didn't even realize how much shit they were carrying until now. "We were getting everything, but this dickhead got sidetracked and found a dollar tree that he needed to go in. Blame him."
"Asshole," my little brother mumbled under his breath as I heard Colton laugh loudly behind me. The two girls shrieked in horror as the loud noise that came from Colton scared them.
"It's just a party with our usual group, so it's fine. I'm not mad," I chuckled as I lightly shook my head. "You know, we really don't have many friends."
"It's y'all's engagement party! It's the perfect amount of people!" I heard Connor in the living room yell as I felt my cheeks heat up.
During our senior year of college, Karson proposed to me at the park we shared most of our time together. It was the place where we first opened up to each other. It was the turning point in our relationship. We never once broke up throughout college, and we both knew that we were meant for each other. I remember my younger self thinking about the moment I would get engaged, and Karson made it perfect. It was one of the best days of my life. I get to marry my best friend.
Today was our engagement party and we only invited the people we were closest too. We all had friends throughout college, but they came and went. After each year went by, we would make new friends and forget about the ones last year. They were never my true friends. The group I had now was forever. We all stuck together through thick and thin.
Everyone around here helped to decide that we were going to get married a few months from now, in the church Colton's mother got married in. We weren't entirely sure where to get married, so when Colton offered this venue, we immediately thought it was perfect. Amelia and Olivia couldn't wait, because they were both excited to become family.
We both thought it was the perfect time to get married, because we really wanted to start a family. We quickly found jobs that would really benefit us and would help us support our needs to raise a baby. He only worked five minutes away from my house while I only had to drive ten minutes away. It was convenient for both of us.
When my thoughts began to wander to my old job, my heart clenched in pain. Thinking back to the old coffee shop I used to work at in high-school made me feel nostalgic. I remember going there, like it was my second home when I was at my lowest. Stan would immediately brighten my day after the hours of pain my mother put me through. He really knew how to put a smile on my face.
I eventually quit that job when Stan suddenly passed away from a cardiac arrest. He passed away my first semester in college, leaving me absolutely heartbroken and devastated. I had lost another father figure, and it really took a huge toll on me. Every time I tried to step foot in Stan's coffee shop, I would immediately be on the verge of tears. I couldn't stand being in there, knowing that I couldn't go into the kitchen to see the man I loved as a father, kneading dough as he constantly told me to get some rest.
It tore my heart into pieces and I couldn't handle it, so I quit. Eventually, some new owner took over the coffee shop, completely changing the name and the interior. It's been a while since I drove by there, but I believe that they changed it into an 80's themed diner.
A lot happened that year. My mother and Damon got arrested, Jason was killed, Stan passed away, and I fell in love. And towards the end of my senior year, I was eventually given the chance to gain full custody of my siblings. Right when I turned eighteen, I immediately went into action and took all the precautions I needed to take in order to become Liv and Jace's legal guardian.
I contacted Dawson on my eighteenth birthday and we talked on the phone for hours, discussing everything I needed to do in order for the judge to approve me to be their legal guardian. It wasn't an easy process, but with Dawson's help, and with the same judge we had during my mother's sentence hearing, I was able to gain full custody of my siblings.
It was the highlight of that year. After waiting years for that moment, everything had finally paid off. My siblings and I dreamed of that moment happening ever since we started to realize my mother's downfall. It was a dream that finally became a reality. Although it took a while to officially gain custody of them, it was all worth it. I really wouldn't have been able to pull it off if it wasn't for Dawson. He's helped our family since the very beginning, when our mother's health first went downhill.
After I gained custody of them, I promised them that we would all live in this house until they were old enough to move out. I wasn't going to let them stay here alone, especially since Olivia was so young.
As of right now, we are still living in this house, but it'll soon change when Karson and I get married. Although I was a little uncertain about Jace's plan, he told me that he would live here with Liv until she was eighteen. I told him that he didn't have to do that, but he persisted, and told me that he wanted to do something for me for once. He told me that he wanted to take care of me this time. He told me I needed to be selfish for once and let myself have this moment.
He wanted me to finally get away from that house and find a new one with Karson. Jace was twenty, so I knew he was capable of taking care of Olivia and the house. It took a lot of persuasion, but I eventually gave in. He kept reminding me to go out and live my life. He said that he was grateful for everything I did for them, but it was time to let go.
While we were in high-school, I was practically forced to become a mother at such a young age, so all Jace wanted to do was make up for everything that happened. He told me that this was their thank you for protecting and raising them for all of those years.
"Dakota? Anyone in there?" Jace asked, breaking me away from my thoughts as he flicked my forehead. I narrowed my eyes at him as I slapped his hand away. I watched as he raised his eyebrow in suspicion before he huffed and walked past me, towards the living room.
"K!" I heard a young voice scream as small footsteps ran towards us. I was still facing Karson as I watched his eyes immediately light up when he crouched down to his sister's height. She ran past me and threw her arms around his shoulders as he gently rubbed her back.
Karson looked fucking gorgeous. He got more tattoos during college, trying to fill in any empty spaces he could find on his bicep. His jaw was more defined and he really grew into his body. He had an amazing body in high-school, but now that we're in our twenties, he's more muscular in the right places. He was more than perfect.
Some of the new tattoos he got were mainly to cover the scars from fighting. Instead of being reminded of what happened to him, he decided to make a good situation out of the bad. The fight against his father was the last fight he would ever compete in. He didn't want anything to do with it anymore. When he went to the gym, he would still use the punching bag, but if someone offered to fight against him for practice, he would immediately decline.
"Dakota? Are you sure you're okay?" Karson hesitantly asked as he released his sister and stood up to meet my eyes. My eyes followed the little girl as Jace eventually chased the two girls upstairs. Their screams echoed throughout the house, causing the boys on the couch to quickly cover their ears and groan in annoyance.
I shook my head in amusement as I slowly walked closer to Karson. He wore a frown as my feet subconsciously moved until I was directly in front of him. I sighed, leaning my head against his chest as his arms slowly crawled around my waist. His chin rested on the top of my head as he pulled me closer to his body. I couldn't help the small smile that broke through, letting it stain my lips as I felt the warmth of his touch seep through my clothes. I would never get tired of this feeling. "I'm perfect. Everything is just per-"
I was abruptly cut off when I heard a sudden crash come from upstairs. Karson quickly removed his arms from my waist as my eyes widened in alarm. My head quickly snapped to meet the gaze of Connor, Braxton, and Colton looking at me with wide eyes before my feet quickly moved in front of the other.
I smoothly ran up the stairs, grabbing the handrail as I heard the loud footsteps follow behind me. I immediately turned my head towards Jace's room and saw the door already open with all three of them standing there as they stared at the wall.
I groaned as I quickly made my way towards Jace's room with the guys right behind me. I inhaled a sharp breath when I was standing at the door frame as I watched the two young girls eyes go wide. Jace's mouth was slightly ajar as they simultaneously looked at one specific wall.
"What the fuck?" Braxton grunted behind me as I heard his heavy breathing. He was already out of breath.
When I looked at what they were staring at, I almost burst out into laughter. There was a specific picture frame that fell off the wall, revealing the hole Jace had put with his fist five years ago. Jace and I shared a look as I bit my lip to suppress the laugh that formed in the pit of my stomach.
"Why is there a hole in your wall?" Colton carefully asked as we all slowly moved into Jace's room.
"Senior year of high-school, my dear old brother put a hole in the wall with his fist," I snorted as I ran my fingers through my long hair. I felt someone's presence behind me, but immediately knew who it was when their hands were gingerly placed on my hips.
"We kind of forgot about it," Jace shrugged his shoulders as a smile tugged at his lips when he looked at the hole in the wall. So many memories.
"How the fuck do you forget about a hole in your wall? It's been five goddamn years," Braxton shook his head as he continued to catch his breath. Maybe I should get him a gym membership for his birthday.
"I guess it was easier to just hide it, and we eventually forgot. If you can't see the hole anymore, who cares if we didn't fix it? At least it was covered." Jace snorted as he shrugged his shoulders before sitting on the edge of his bed.
"Wait!" Connor began as his gaze met mine. "This is a perfect wedding gift!"
"We're not even married yet," I deadpanned as Karson laughed behind me. He gingerly rested his chin on my shoulder as my eyes flickered between Braxton and Connor.
"When you get married, fixing the wall is my gift to you," Connor smiled as Colton disappointingly shook his head on the other side of him.
"So thoughtful," Jace snorted sarcastically as he ruffled Olivia's hair below him. She grunted, slapping his hand away as Amelia began to laugh.
"You guys are all idiots," I told them as I pointed to everyone in the room. Before my finger got to Liv and Amelia, I quickly skipped over them as they both giggled and stuck their tongues out at Jace. He waved his hand in the air in a dismissive manner as he rolled his eyes.
"But you love us," Braxton playfully whined as he threw a wink my way.
I flipped him off, not denying or agreeing to what he said, even though we all knew my answer. I loved these idiots more than life itself.
At least I had another thing to look forward to. I could finally fix the hole in the wall that I said I would fix five years ago. It's crazy how just knocking down a picture frame could trigger so many more memories that we completely forgot about. The rest of our engagement party was just for us to eat cake, and look back at all the memories we made as teenagers.
We were fucking stupid, but hey, I'll have some good stories to tell our kids when Karson and I are older. I can't wait to see the look on their face when I tell them the story of how I fell in love with the one guy I hated.
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