《Because of Karson》Chapter 22
"Dakota, look at me," Karson growled. I kept my eyes closed. "Princess."
I opened one of my eyes and stared into his direction. I didn't want to see when he put the stitches in. The thought made me sick.
"This is going to hurt, so I need you to sit as still as possible," he explained, grabbing all the materials.
I nodded my head, giving him a thumbs up, signaling I was ready. He put the needle in, threading the first stitch. I held my breath as I squeezed my eyes shut.
"How do you know how to do this?" I strained, trying to make conversation to distract myself from the pain.
"Like they said, I used to fight," he huffed, another stitch going through. My body tensed as I bit my tongue, drawing blood. My toes curled in my shoes as my other hand clenched at my side.
"He would clean up his own injuries," Braxton explained, answering for Karson.
"Keep talking, it's distracting me," I breathed out, my nostrils flaring as my eyes began to water from shutting them so tightly.
"My middle name is Joey," Braxton added, helping me as my mind tried to think of other things. I slightly smiled as a tear fell down my swollen cheek. So much pain.
"Keep going," I trembled, still closing my eyes as Karson continued to close my wound. I held back a sob, my leg anxiously moving up and down.
"Pretty girl," Braxton paused, the concern evident in his voice. "It's going to be okay."
"P-please, just keep talking," My voice broke as I tried to keep myself from breaking down in front of them. I pushed all my emotions down, but they were finally catching up to me now.
Fuck, I'm supposed to work tomorrow. I won't be able to work. I'm going to have to call Stan.
My mind started wandering off as many questions began to suffocate my thoughts. Why did my mother have to be an alcoholic? Why did my siblings have to deal with her shit at such a young age? Why did dad have to die? Why is life so shit?
"We all moved down here together to get a fresh start," Colton added.
I heard a grunt as I opened my eyes to see Braxton elbowing Colton in the gut. Braxton gave him a hard look.
"I'm almost done," Karson muttered next to me as I felt a pinch near my fingers.
"Did the same person who choked you the other day do this too?" Braxton hesitantly asked.
My body stiffened as I glanced at Braxton, my eyes wide. I thought they would forget about it. "W-what?"
"You were walking home in the dark and you had a huge bruise on your neck, then this happens. Who is doing this to you?" Braxton asked as his electrifying blue eyes stared at me with caution.
"No one is doing this to me. I just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and a few guys jumped me," I briefly explained as the last stitch went through my palm.
"I finished," Karson grunted. I looked down at my palm as he gently wiped the remaining blood away. The wound finally stopped bleeding. I let out a breath of relief as my body finally relaxed for the first time tonight.
I looked into his emerald eyes, my breath still rigid. "Thank you."
Karson just nodded his head in response as he gathered all of the materials and started cleaning up the area. Colton went back into the kitchen to grab me some water and food to help me feel less lightheaded.
"Why can't you go to the doctor?" Braxton pushed, his eyes narrowing at me as he tried getting answers out of me.
"We don't have insurance," I lied, hoping they would believe it. Karson handed me a bag of ice and guided my hand up to my jaw. I placed the bag of ice on my jaw as I continued to stare at Braxton.
"How is your hand?" I jerked my head up to see my little brother who randomly appeared next to Braxton. I didn't see Olivia with him.
I placed the ice pack down, the coldness making my fingers go numb. I gently wiped my nose with the back of my hand to get rid of the remaining blood underneath my nose. My jaw felt sore as I kept my gaze on Jace.
"When did you come downstairs?" I asked, avoiding the question as I slowly ate the crackers Colton gave me. "Where is Olivia?"
He shifted on his feet before staring right at my hand. "I came down a few minutes ago and Liv is sleeping on a couch upstairs."
"How is your hand?" He repeated, walking up to me as he lightly grabbed my hand. The stitches were a few inches long, starting at the bottom of my fingers and ending right above my wrist. Karson cleaned up the blood that covered my hand, so I was finally able to see my skin tone again.
"It's better. It still hurts but it stopped bleeding after Karson gave me stitches," I explained as Jace's eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"He gave you stitches?" He asked bewildered, his eyes moving between Karson and I.
"Yeah I did," Karson grunted from beside me as he gathered the last of the supplies before giving them to Braxton and Colton to put up. Both boys had their arms stuffed with medical supplies and they made their way upstairs to return the supplies back from where they first got them.
"How did you know how to do it?" Jace questioned, crossing his arms as he faced Karson.
"I used to fight," he bluntly responded, not giving many details as his nostrils flared. Karson shifted his chair away from me to give us more space. He sat merely inches away with his arms resting behind his head. I never realized how attractive he looked in this lighting until now.
His chiseled jaw was set and his emerald eyes were slightly brighter. He wore grey sweatpants with a loose t-shirt, showing off his tattoos. He was slightly sweaty as his damp hair rested messily against his forehead. His eyes caught mine, smirking as he looked me up and down.
I quickly averted my gaze, my cheeks heating up from embarrassment. If only he wasn't such a dick.
Jace cleared his throat causing me to glance up at him with a look of confusion dancing across my face. His eyebrows rose in suspension as a sly smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. I glared at him as I shook my head.
He quietly laughed to himself as Karson looked between us, annoyed. With the food and water given to me, my head wasn't throbbing and I didn't feel as weak as before. I already felt slightly better now that I wasn't bleeding out.
Jace coughed. "You fought?"
Karson grunted, rolling his eyes as he got out of his chair. "Yes I fucking fought. I used to fight before we moved down here."
Jace nodded his head before hesitantly continuing. "Illegally?"
Karson grit his teeth as his chest began to rapidly move up and down. "Does it fucking matter?"
"I'm not going to say anything, it was just a question," Jace put his hands up in surrender, scoffing at Karson.
Karson clenched his fist, not saying another word to my brother as he turned to look at me. "Those stitches will dissolve in a week or two. Don't pick at, just leave them be. Go easy on that hand for the next couple days and cover it up when you're showering."
"Thank you," I mumbled in response, raising my hand to look at it once more. My eyes scanned the black stitches that were stitched deep into my palm. I held back the tears as my other finger slightly traced over it. Why did my mother have to be like this?
"You're lucky I knew how to do that," Karson grunted as he pointed to the palm of my hand.
"I guess this is payback for going to the mall will you," I slightly smiled as I remembered the huge smile Amelia wore on her face.
"Whatever," he retorted, walking away as he went to sit down in the living room.
Braxton and Colton came back together as they walked up to my brother and I. "How is your hand?"
"It's good. Karson did a good job, I think," I shrugged my shoulders as I continued to snack on my crackers.
Braxton slightly chuckled before sitting in the same chair Karson sat on a few minutes ago. Colton stood next to Jace, leaning his arm on my brother's shoulder.
"Are you sure you don't know who did this?" Braxton cautioned, his elbows resting on his knees as he looked up at me.
"I promise," I lied, slightly glancing at Jace from the corner of my eye. "It was dark so I couldn't see anything."
Braxton hesitantly nodded his head as his leg rapidly moved up and down. "What about that Jason guy?"
I shrugged my shoulders as my heart beat loudly in my chest. I felt sheer panic rise as I stared at Braxton. "He's just a douche our mother is friends with."
Jace cut in. "Dakota told me that y'all know him. How do you guys know him?"
"Karson used to fight in the underground for his father," Colton hesitated before glancing behind his shoulder to make sure Karson didn't hear our conversation. "And Jason used to work for his dad before he moved down here. We didn't know Jason lived here, so it's kind of a coincidence that we all live in the same place now."
"What happened to Jason?" I asked, trying to fill in the missing puzzle pieces.
"He was a good man before he got mixed up with the wrong crowd. Karson's father, Damon, took him under his wing and taught him everything he knows now. Damon turned him into a dangerous man," Colton continued as Braxton's head was hung low beside me.
"Why did he move down here then?" Jace cut in as he tried to put some pieces together as well.
"Damon didn't want him anymore and basically kicked him out. He threatened Jason that if he didn't leave town, then he would kill not only Jason, but his daughter as well," Colton grunted as he moved to lean up against a wall.
My head jerked to Jace's direction, my eyes widened as I took in what they said. Jace's face was struck with confusion, his gaze snapping to mine. Jason has a daughter?
"Wait, Jason has a daughter?" I asked, shocked as I imagined Jason with a daughter. I couldn't see him having a little girl and raising her until she was big.
"Yes, but we don't know where she is. We don't really know much about her either," Colton explained as a small frown etched onto his face.
"I'm confused," I admitted, my gaze lingering on Colton. "Why does Jason still like Damon after what he's done to him?"
They both shrugged their shoulders. "He's just fucked up in the head. I wouldn't be surprised if Damon brainwashed him."
Colton hit the back of Braxton's head, causing Braxton's small chuckles to fill the air. Colton shook his head in disappointment as he fought the small smile threatening to break out onto his face.
"Wait, then why did y'all move down here too-" Jace started before he was interrupted by Karson's loud footsteps coming towards our direction.
Karson's chest was moving up and down as he looked up from the ground and immediately connected his gaze with mine. His emerald eyes held a glint of hatred as he strode up to me. "I need to talk to you."
My hand began to throb as I looked at him with shock written over my face. "Why?"
He didn't answer and just grabbed my good hand as he pulled me upstairs. I stumbled up the stairs as he quickly pulled me along. I glanced behind my shoulder and gave Jace a help me look. He just laughed.
His grip was still tight when we reached someone's bedroom. He lightly pushed me inside as he closed the door behind him. I made my way to a bed and sat on the edge as I crossed my legs, butterfly style. I held my injured hand in my lap as I watched Karson turn around.
He took long strides as he stood in front of me. I had to raise my head up slightly because his body towered over me. His eyes glistened in the light as we maintained eye contact.
I averted my gaze and quickly looked around the room. I was quite shocked when I realized how clean it was. There wasn't a sock out of place and it smelt like a familiar cologne I've smelled many times before. This was Karson's room.
He didn't have much decoration in here, just a small picture frame that hung crookedly above his dresser. The picture captured Amelia sitting on Karson's shoulders as they both laughed at something in the distance.
"What the fuck did I tell you?" He growled, glaring at me as I sat tensely on his bed. With his strong cologne and the smell of his room, my nose was overwhelmed as the two smells mixed together.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, genuinely confused. I stood up as the bed slightly creaked from my weight, no longer pushing on the mattress.
He glanced down at my hand for a split second. "I told you not to fuck with Jason."
"Excuse me?" I squeaked, my mouth slightly ajar.
"My father knows that I ran into Jason the other day. What the fuck did you tell Jason?" He growled as his jaw ticked.
"I didn't tell Jason anything!" I hissed as I shook my head in disbelief.
"I'm going to repeat myself one more time. Do not fuck with Jason," he growled as he slowly spaced out each word to give a dramatic effect.
"Are you that fucking oblivious?" I scoffed, giving a dry laugh as I turned away from him. I walked around his room, my eyes traveling around his bare, light gray walls. His room was quite big but he only had his bed, a dresser and nightstand. It was very plain.
I abruptly turned around to face him. We were now further away from each other as I glared at him. "Why would I ever tell Jason anything? I hate him more than you, and that's saying something."
"Then how the fuck does my father know that I was with him that night?" He asked as his chiseled jaw went rigid.
I blinked at him. "Maybe, oh I don't know, Jason told your father himself!?"
The sarcasm was obvious in my tone. I just stared at him as I gave a humorless laugh. Is he really that clueless?
"You automatically blame me for everything, even if I'm not involved. What the fuck is your problem?" I continued as I slowly walked back in his direction.
"I just thought-" he started before I cut him off.
"You thought. Stop assuming I'm the bad guy, Karson. Maybe if you took one second and allowed yourself to see who I really am, then you wouldn't be accusing me of this shit," I bellowed as I stopped merely inches away from him. "I haven't done anything to you this whole time I've known you, so what makes you think I'd do something now?"
"Jason practically lives with you. How could I not think for a split second that you've told him at least something about me?" He stared down at me as his gaze flickered to lips for a short second. "I overheard Braxton telling you how Jason knows my father. I'm not stupid. Maybe you thought telling Jason about me was a good way to fuck me over."
"I just learned about them knowing each other today! Now, let me tell you this one more time. I will never willingly talk to Jason. Just because he's at my house a lot, doesn't mean I interact with him. Stop assuming I'm pulling shit out of my ass just so I can make sure you get fucked over by your dad," I told him as I noticed his breathing got heavier. "Look, I know we don't get along and we argue basically everyday, but I wouldn't go that low."
He hesitantly nodded his head as he slowly calmed down. He ran a shaky hand over his face as he paced around his room. My eyes followed him as he continued to pace around.
"Uh, are you alright?" I hesitantly asked. I felt awkward as I just stood there, watching him anxiously walk around his room.
"Fuck," he cursed under his breath. "My father texted me when I was in the living room and he knows about our little interaction with Jason the other night. He knows about you know."
"What are you trying to say?" I asked as I walked up to him. He rubbed his jaw in frustration as his gaze dropped down to mine.
"I guess Jason got a hold of my father and told him about you, me, Braxton, Colton, and Jason," he rushed out as a line of sweat broke out on his forehead.
"I don't understand," I told him truthfully. I didn't know what he was trying to say.
"My father is a dangerous man," he growled. I had never seen him look this uneasy before. He looked pale as he continued to stare into my eyes. "We moved down here to get away from him. He didn't know where we lived until Jason just told him. Now he knows about you, Dakota."
"I still don't understand what you mean," I admitted as the palm of my hands began to sweat.
He took a step forward. "It means that you need to be careful. If my father finds us, he'll destroy everything I care about."
"What?" I breathed as I racked my brains for any possible answer as to what he meant. "Why should I be worried then?"
He ignored my last question.
"We all got away from him, me, Braxton, Colton, and Amelia. We ran away so we didn't have to deal with his bullshit. Remember when he threatened Amelia and I?" I nodded my head. "Well, he basically told me that I'll be a dead man if he ever finds me. He said some pretty fucked up things about what he would do to Amelia and I. God, I fucking hate him."
I had so many questions running through my head at once. My head began to spin as I tried to find an answer to every single one. Why did I have to worry about his father? Why doesn't Amelia live with the boys? Where does she even live?
How much shit were they put through to make them run away?
I stared into his emerald eyes. They held a look of defeat and hatred. "So now what?"
He huffed as he ran a hand through his hair. "I need your help."
Here we go again.
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