《Because of Karson》Chapter 18
Tears no longer streamed down my face, so I just sat on the bench and silently watched families walk back to their car's. I was the only one left at this park. It was just me and the darkness surrounding.
I decided I should head back home, but if my mother and Jason was still there, I would probably have to go to Noras house.
I slowly got up, my whole body sore as I trudged my way down the sidewalk. I felt numb and even if I wanted to cry, no tears would come out. I just wanted to sleep so I could forget everything and push this feeling down for a few hours. I picked at my fingernails as I walked in the direction of my house. I never realized how far I actually ran until I was walking back.
I was wiping the sticky, dried up tears from my cheeks when I heard a car slow down behind me. I slowly turned around to see a familiar car I followed home the other day. My eyes squinted as I stared at the cars' bright headlights.
Fuck fuck fuck.
I immediately turned around and picked up my pace, not wanting them to see me like this. I ignored their calls as they got out of the car. I just continued to walk faster, my eyes glued to the ground so I wouldn't trip on anything.
"Dakota!" Braxton yelled, sounding so much closer than I imagined. I didn't realize how close they were until he grabbed my wrist, making me violently flinch as I jerked my hand away from his grip. I turned around, shaking, as I stared at Colton, Braxton, and Karson in front of me.
My tired, puffy eyes looked between each boy. Colton looked at me with a glint of curiosity in his eyes while Braxton stared at me with anger. I looked over to Karson who was already staring at my neck, his jaw clenching as he studied the bruise.
"What the fuck happened to your neck, Dakota?" Braxton roared, taking a step towards me. I subconsciously took a step back, flinching from the tone of his voice. I hated when Braxton got mad, it wasn't like his usual self. I was already on edge and they weren't helping me calm down, in fact, they were making me panic even more.
"Nothing," I mumbled, too ashamed to meet their eyes. I mentally scolded myself, of course I forgot about the bruise on my neck. This will lead to so many unwanted questions, and they will start questioning my home life. Fuck.
"Those are in the shape of someone's fucking hand. Someone tried choking you," Karson stated. I glanced up to see all boys looking extremely pissed, even Karson. I kept my gaze on Karson, pleading with my eyes for him to drop it. He understood the message, but he discreetly shook his head in response.
"Look, I've had a long day and I just want to sleep. I don't want to talk about it so please, stop asking," I pleaded, my voice slightly breaking towards the end.
They looked at each other and finally decided to drop it because it's no use asking. No matter how hard they would try, I wouldn't give in. Although I can tell they are curious, I will never tell them what happened. I don't think I can get the words out even if I wanted to.
"Why are you out here so late?" Colton asked, his eyes studying every inch of my face.
"I just wanted to get some fresh air," I told him, the lie easily slipping out. What else would I say? Oh my mom's fuck buddy sexually assaulted me while I was at home. And did I mention they were both drunk? I don't think that would end too well if I told three, huge guys what actually happened. Jason would get beaten until his olive skin tone was no longer noticeable.
"Bullshit," Karson hissed, his eyes intensely staring into my own.
"It's not bullshit!" I argued.
"Who did that to you?" He growled, stepping one step closer to me, but for some reason I didn't step back.
"I told you to fucking drop it!" I exploded, not really wanting to talk about this right now.
"Why?!" He pressed, his voice slightly rising as we argued.
"Because it's not important!" I fumed, my eyes feeling heavy. My throat was raw and my voice felt hoarse.
"Yes it is Dakota! Someone hurt you," Braxton cut in, his fists clenched at his sides.
"Please," I rasped, giving up, my voice sounding quiet and weak. "Take me home."
"Fine!" Braxton hissed, giving in to my plea. He pointed his finger at me. "But don't you even think for a goddamn second that this conversation is over."
I sighed, too tired to argue with him. I knew they would keep bothering me until I told them what happened, but they would have to pull some crazy shit for me to ever tell them. They are my friends, but I don't trust them with telling them about my fucked up life yet.
Braxton turned on his heel and strode towards his car, roughly opening the door before sliding in. Colton motioned me to follow him, so I quietly took short steps behind him. Colton sat in the passenger seat as I made my way to the back.
I slowly got in, breathing in the car's fresh aroma. I leaned my head against the seat, exhaustion finally catching up to me. Karson sat beside me, staring out of the window next to him.
"What's your address?" Braxton snapped, staring at me through the rear view mirror. I told him the address and he quickly punched it into the gps, slamming his foot on the gas pedal. Everyone was jerked forward by the sudden action.
"Fucking hell," Colton grunted as he held onto his seatbelt.
I kept my mouth shut the whole ride, not bothering to make small talk with them as it would do no good. I bit the inside of my cheek, feeling a lump starting to form in the back of my throat. I still felt his hands on me.
You're so beautiful.
I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to keep my head from reliving those moments that only happened hours ago. My right leg subconsciously started moving up and down, anxiously waiting to see if they were still at home.
I saw Karson glance at my shaking leg, looking at it with furrowed eyebrows. I met his gaze and he blankly stared at me, no visible expression dancing across his face.
"We're here," Braxton grumbled, causing me to look away and stare at the house I've lived in since I was a baby. "Who's car is that?"
My body stiffened as my palms began to sweat. Jason was still here, they were probably fucking each other on every surface they could find.
"Its my mothers high school best friend. She made dinner for the two of them," I lied, staring at Jason's car in the driveway.
I slightly coughed, trying to burn time because I too scared to get out of the car. I bit my bottom lip, closing my eyes as I let out a deep breath.
"Are you okay?" Colton asked from the passenger seat, his body was facing me as worry struck his face.
I cleared my throat, nodding in response. "I-is there anyway you could drop me off at Nora's-"
I almost finished my sentence but I saw my front door open in the corner of my eye. I stopped talking, staring straight at Jason walking out as my mother aggressively pointed at him, looking furious.
Our car was parked right in front of my house so they had a perfect view of Braxtons car, but they were too busy arguing to realize it was here.
"Get the fuck out of my house!" My mother fumed, walking after Jason as she shoved his chest. He stumbled before he strode up to her, merely inches away from her face. We all just sat silently as we watched the scene unfold. I shifted uncomfortably, embarrassed that they had to watch this.
I had a bad feeling in my gut as I watched Jason step closer. Although she wasn't the best mother, I wouldn't let him get away with assaulting her like what he put me through. I couldn't bear to watch it go down right before my eyes, no one should ever go through that.
He roughly slapped her face, the noise echoing throughout our quiet neighborhood. I watched her fall off balance before falling to the floor. I gasped, unbuckling my seatbelt, not able to just stand around as I watched Jason hurt her. I felt a tight grip on my wrist, tugging at it so I couldn't get out. I looked at Karson who was already giving me an intense glare. I quickly ripped my hand out of his grasp as I pushed him away. He looked uneasy, an odd look flashing across his face as he glanced at Jason.
"Don't you fucking dare," Karson growled.
"Get the fuck off," I harshly whispered before shoving the car door open. I quickly got out and ran to my mother who was laying on the ground, her nose bleeding due to the contact from Jason's palm. I heard a car door slam behind me, feeling the presence of the guys on my tail.
"What the fuck?!" I yelled, shoving Jason away from my mother as he was about to strike her again.
"Dakota!" Karson yelled from behind me, almost like a warning.
Jason turned around, his eyes swimming with a glimpse of lust and rage. I took a step back, catching my breath as my heart beat loudly in my chest.
"So the little bitch finally decided to come back," he smirked. Jason's receding hairline was hidden behind a hat he wore, making his nauseating brown eyes the only thing visible. He was in his early forties, but he was already forming a beer belly, spending all his time at the bar with my mother. I wondered what happened when I ran out earlier, did he hurt her too?
He glanced behind me, his smirk dropping when his eyes landed on Karson. I heard the sound of grass crunch beneath someone's feet as I looked over my shoulder, watching Colton and Braxton come behind us as well. I felt someone tug my arm, slightly pulling me back so I wasn't as close to Jason.
"Hello Karson," Jason smirked, staring at him behind me. Karson walked up next to me, his eyes showering with a look of hatred as his gaze connected with Jason. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, wondering how they knew each other.
"Jason," Karson growled, his body tense.
"How's your father, boy? God, I miss that son of a bitch," he barked loudly, laughing at himself. Karson clenched his hands at his sides, his eyes darkening.
"Go fuck yourself," Karson hissed, taking short steps until he was directly beside me.
"How do you know this bitch?" Jason asked, pointing in my direction. I glanced over to my mother who was still laying on the floor passed out, either from the alcohol or the force of Jason's hit. My head throbbed. How did we get here? How is this all happening on the same night?
"From school," Karson replied, his voice clipped.
I heard a groan coming from my mothers direction as she slowly lifted her head, her eyes traveling between each one of us. She stared at Jason, her eyes filling with rage again. "Why are you still here?!"
He shrugged, an evil smirk breaking through. "Fine I'll leave, darling. See you tomorrow?"
My mother looked at him with wide eyes, cursing at him to get off our lawn. He put his hands up in surrender, finding this situation amusing. My mother was still sprawled on the ground, but she used her hand to help push her off the dewy grass. She scoffed before turning on her heel, slowly trudging her way back into the house. The alcohol was still evident in her system as she roughly closed the door behind her.
Jason walked beside me, leaning in, his breath hitting my ear. My nose scrunched up as I smelled his sour breath. "I like that bruise on your neck, beautiful. Maybe next time I'll push a little harder so it can be enough to knock you out so you can't run away."
He whispered only loud enough for me to hear before he walked back to his car. My body went rigged as his voice echoed in my head. Maybe next time I'll push a little harder so it can be enough to knock you out.
Next time.
I watched his car reversed out of my driveway, his tires spinning as he skid against the concrete. He sped out of my neighborhood, leaving just me and the guys standing alone in my front yard.
"What the fuck just happened?" Braxton asked, breaking the silence. I didn't know what to say. Karson stared straight ahead, not moving an inch.
"How do you know Jason?" Karson asked stiffly, not bothering to meet my eyes.
"Mom's high school best friend," I quickly replied, lying as I numbly walked back to Braxtons car without saying a word. They followed behind me, stopping when I leaned against his car door.
There seemed to be a connection with Jason and Karson's father. From the look Karson gave Jason, he wasn't too fond of him either. How did they know each other? I've known Jason for three years so how does he know them when they just recently moved here?
"Will your mother be okay?" Braxton hesitantly asked, the awkward silence suffocating the air around us. No one wanted to talk, no one wanted to discuss what just happened. I don't even know what just happened.
I nodded my head. "You guys should go home. I'm sorry you had to see that."
"Don't be sorry, Dakota," Colton reassured. "I think we all need a break from tonight, so we'll talk in the morning."
I agreed, nodding my head as Braxton slid in the driver's seat after giving me a slight nod goodbye. Colton sat in the passenger seat as Karson ignored me, roughly pulling the backdoor open.
I stepped away, turning on my heel as I walked back into my house. I didn't bother glancing behind me to see if they left because I didn't care. I was so exhausted from all the events that went down today. From after school with Karson, Jason almost choking me to death, and now this? Will I ever get a break?
I released a long breath as I passed my mother downing another glass of wine. I ignored her as I traveled up to my room where I could finally get some rest my body longed for.
I woke up in the morning with a throbbing headache. I recalled everything that went down last night, cursing myself for letting the guys see what Jason did to my mother.
My mind wandered to Karson. How does he know Jason? The thought stressed me out, making my head spin even more. My siblings were still at their friends house and they probably wouldn't come home until later tonight.
My mother left early this morning, her car waking me up as it sped off. I was left alone once again. I took a shower this morning, rubbing my skin raw, until my pale skin was bright red. I still felt his disgusting hands on me and I hated the way it felt. I couldn't make the feeling go away, no matter how hard I scrubbed.
I gave up after a while when my skin felt too raw to touch it. My skin burned, but I still wasn't able to get the feeling of his hands off my body. When I got out of the shower, I had to cover the bruise on my neck with makeup. I trailed my finger along the purple mark, wincing when I pressed too hard.
It wasn't a hard bruise to cover, but it wasted a shit ton of foundation. I was able to cover it almost perfectly to where you couldn't even if there was a scratch on my neck.
I didn't have work today which I was very grateful for. My body couldn't take any more stress, even if it was work. I needed this day to relax, because my body needed it tremendously.
I threw my hair in a messy ponytail, pulling out a few strands to frame my face. I didn't put my contacts in, so I wore my black rimmed glasses instead. The only makeup I wore was a small amount of mascara on my top lashes and of course the foundation on my neck.
For some reason, I was able to get a decent sleep last night. Although my eye bags are still visible, I didn't feel as tired as I usually do. I just hoped my mother wouldn't come home, because I didn't want her ruining everything I didn't have planned today. I wanted to sit down and do absolutely nothing.
My mind kept wandering back to last night. I had so many unanswered questions that I wasn't sure how to answer them. I thought about my mother, the way her body was sprawled on the grass. I thought about the boys and wondered how I was going to talk to them without it being awkward.
All these thoughts eventually led back to the same topic, Jason. I couldn't wrap my head around Karson knowing Jason, because there are too many missing pieces to this puzzle that don't make sense. I need to stop thinking about this.
I shook my head as I let my body get absorbed by our cozy couch. I grabbed the tv remote and turned on Shameless. I rested my feet on top of the coffee table, a blanket covering my bare legs. I started dozing off, my eyes closing for a few seconds before slowly opening them.
I abruptly heard a small knock on the door, causing my body to feel wide awake. I shot up, nervous to see who was behind the front door. I slowly made my way to the door, grabbing the door handle as I twisted it open.
My eyes widened when I was met with the gaze of emerald eyes. "What the hell are you doing here?"
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