《The Golden Couple》Chap. 3
"What would you like for dinner?" mom asked.
"Not now," I answered, waving her off without looking up from my book.
"What book is it today?"
"Later," I persisted, as I turned the page of The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch.
"Okay," she agreed, laughing. "I'm making Sheperd's Pie for dinner."
She laughed her way out of my room, closing the door behind her.
This book was enthralling, and I didn't want to put it down. We'd originally been assigned to read the first two chapters for homework, but at this rate I was going to finish the entire thing.
What seemed like barely a minute, but multiple pages, later, my phone went off. Bryce's ringtone.
I let out a sigh, debating whether to ignore him or to actually answer it.
But seeing as though he was supposed to be at baseball practice right now, my curiosity got the best of me, and I put my book down and crossed my room to retrieve my phone.
"Aren't you supposed to be at practice?" I asked, taking a seat on the edge of my bed.
"I'm in the bathroom," he informed me.
"Okay, so what's so important that you had to take a fake bathroom break to call me?"
"They named starting pitcher today."
For a moment I could practically feel my heart stop beating. Was he calling me because they didn't name him?
"It's me!"
I couldn't help but laugh, rolling my eyes. "You're such a goof Bryce Harrison."
"You're coming to the game Friday right?"
"I wouldn't miss it," I promised.
"Okay, I have to end my fake bathroom break. But I'll see you at dinner."
"It's Sheperd's Pie."
I could hear him fake-gagging.
"Shut up and get back to practice."
He laughed. "I love you Sophie Allen."
"And for some reason I happen to love you too."
And with that I hung up, my drive to read gone.
With a sigh, I headed downstairs to see if my mom needed help with dinner.
"Is that my daughter?" mom asked, smirking at me.
"Do you need help?"
"Don't you have a book to press your nose into?"
"Okay," I laughed, hopping up on the counter. "I'm sorry."
"Of course I don't care," she said, swatting me with a dish towel. "I'd much rather have a daughter that reads too much than a daughter that drinks too much."
As if I haven't heard that one before.
"Got it mom," I promised.
"But since you offered, you could make the biscuits."
My mom doesn't buy anything pre-packaged that she can make by hand.
"Okay," I agreed, heading to the corner of the kitchen where she'd laid out the ingredients for her biscuits.
"Do you want to check the package?" she called out, holding up the package of Ground Rounds.
"No, I can see it from here," I said, spotting the Vegetarian stamp on the side.
We set to making dinner in the kitchen, my mom's classical music flowing in from her station on iTunes Radio.
"Smells good in here," dad commented, coming in from work.
"It's Sheperd's Pie," mom informed him.
"With meat?" dad asked.
"Half and half for our Sophie of course," mom said, reaching over to swat him with a dish towel. "What kind of mother do you think I am?"
Dad leaned across the counter and planted a kiss on her lips.
"Gross," I complained. "Take that somewhere else would you?"
"Let me go change and I'll help out," dad said, with a laugh.
"You can't help," I complained. "You two will just be all romantic and gross."
"You mean like this?" dad asked, coming around the counter and taking mom in his arms.
She let out a squeal as he danced with her around the kitchen in tune to her classical music.
I let out a sigh, but was unable to keep the smile off my face.
"And dip!" my dad announced, dipping her back.
My mom kicked her leg up into the air, giggling all the while.
My dad lifted her back up right to his lips.
"Okay," I said, covering my eyes. "Too far!"
They both laughed, my mom kissing his cheek. "Go change and I might let you help Sophie with the biscuits."
Dad peeked over my shoulder. "She looks like she might need it."
"Jerk!" I called out after him.
"So I got you a present," Bryce informed me.
We were sitting on my bedroom floor, our Chemistry books spread out in front of us.
"A present?" I asked, my eyebrows shooting up and a smile spreading across my face.
"Well okay, let me explain," he said, and I couldn't help but shake my head.
When a sentence started off like that, it always included the baseball team.
"The guys with girlfriends on the team got their girls jerseys," he explained. "But I made yours a little special."
"You got me a jersey?"
He reached into his backpack and handed me a wrapped present.
"You even wrapped it?" I asked, laughing as I tore off the wrapping paper.
"Of course," he said, indignantly. "Would you expect anything less?"
"Of course not dear."
I shook out the jersey, letting it fall open. It was blue and white striped, the colors of the team's away jerseys.
The front was a button down and had our team name across it, the Panthers.
On the back was Bryce's number, and across the top read Bryce's Girl.
"It's okay if you hate it," Bryce added.
"I don't," I promised, with a smile. "I think it's cute."
"I promise." I reached over and gave him a quick kiss. "Although I'm not sure I want to match Janice and Britney."
"And Trinity," he added.
"Ew, gross, since when was she dating a baseball player?"
"Since like last week. But anyways, you won't. The tops of their jerseys have the guys' last names."
"So you got mine personalized?" I asked, placing a hand over my heart.
"Just for you."
I wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a real kiss this time.
He pulled me into his lap, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, my fingers intertwining in his hair.
That was, until a knock came on my door.
I quickly separated from Bryce, avoiding eye contact with him because the two of us would've started laughing.
I smoothed out my hair, as did he.
"Come in!" I called, picking up my pencil to look focused on my Chemistry.
My dad poked his head in the door. "Not to interrupt your studying, but your mother made chocolate soufflé."
"Sounds great," I promised. "We'll be down in a minute."
He smiled at the two of us before leaving again.
Bryce and I broke down into laughter, my eyes filling with tears from laughing so hard.
"I can't go down there," he hissed.
"Why not?"
"Because..." His eyes traveled downward.
My eyebrows shot up in understanding, and I couldn't help but start laughing all over again.
He shook his head at me.
"Focus on Chemistry," I said, regaining my composure. "That'll kill it."
He let out a groan. "You're the worst."
"You want to know how much I'm attracted to you?" I whispered.
"Not really helping."
"I'm attracted to you like a proton is attracted to an electron."
The two of us cracked up again.
"I'm leaving," Bryce informed me.
"Don't leave," I whined. "Chocolate soufflé is your favorite. They'll definitely know something's up."
"Something is up!"
I clamped my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing.
"Okay that one was on me," Bryce said, with a chuckle.
We were both silent for a few moments, and Bryce leaned back against my wall.
"Tired babe?" I asked.
"Very," he said, with a yawn.
"I'll go downstairs and get us some dessert, tell them that we're super busy," I said, standing up.
"Sounds good," he agreed.
I went downstairs, where my parents were cuddling on the couch, watching TV.
"Where's Bryce?" mom asked.
"Still working on Chemistry," I said. "He's swamped. But he's dying for some chocolate soufflé, so I promised to come and get him some."
"That's sweet," mom said, handing me two bowls and two spoons.
"Thanks mom."
"Of course dear."
I headed back upstairs, where Bryce was now lying face down on my bedroom floor, half-asleep.
"Well that was fast," I said, taking a seat next to him.
"I just feel exhausted," he said, groggily.
"Here," I said, handing him his dessert bowl. I ran my fingers lightly over his back.
"It's probably just baseball," I said, after a few moments. "You're working hard."
"Yeah," he said.
"Why don't I drive you home?"
"I can drive," he promised, pushing himself up. "I just feel bad."
"What for?"
"Because your mom made this soufflé for me and I'm not even hungry for it anymore."
"I'll eat it for you," I promised, with a smile.
He bent down and gave me a quick kiss goodbye.
"Get a good night's rest before tomorrow's game," I said, as he picked up his Chemistry stuff.
"Don't remind me."
"You don't need to be nervous," I said, standing up. "It's just the Sharks."
"I know," he said, with a shrug. "But it's still my first game of the season."
I opened my bedroom door for him. "And no matter what, I'll still love you."
He gave me one last kiss. "I'm a pretty lucky guy."
"That's true," I said, with a smile.
He chuckled, leaving my house the back way so he wouldn't have to pass my parents and explain why he was taking off early.
They worry about him, and if they thought he was under the weather they wouldn't hesitate to call his mom, which would probably just end up stressing Bryce out. So for now it was probably better this way.
"Are those new?" Kylie asked, gesturing towards my white Converse.
"Yeah," I said, as we moved up in the concession stand line. "First time out of the box."
"To a baseball game? You must hate them."
I laughed, stepping up to make my order.
"M&M's and a bottle of water please," I ordered, pulling a couple of bucks out of my back pocket.
I paid for my order and then stepped to the side while Kylie ordered her Skittles and Powerade.
"Hey girls," Landon greeted, as we took our seats next to him in the bleachers.
"Hey babe," Kylie said, kissing his cheek.
So today Landon and Kylie were okay.
I crossed my right leg over my left, watching the opposing team warm up for a few seconds before focusing in on our team.
I spotted Bryce almost immediately. He was the idiot trying to climb over the fence to retrieve a lost ball.
As if they didn't have a bucket of baseballs waiting to be used.
Less than two seconds later his coach spotted him too, and was quick to snap at him.
He held up the ball with a triumphant smile at his coach, who just rolled his eyes and snapped some orders at him.
He may be my boyfriend, but sometimes he's the biggest dingus I know.
After a few more minutes, the Panthers took the field. Apparently the Sharks were up to bat first.
Bryce took the mound, taking a few warm-up pitches.
The first one was a ball, but the rest were strikes.
"Your boy better do us proud," Landon commented, as the first Sharks player stepped up the plate.
"I have complete faith in him," I said.
No sooner than the words left my mouth did Bryce's first pitch come whizzing past the plate, a ball.
Landon just humphed.
"Oh shut up," I said, casting him a look. "It's not like you're the one out there."
Kylie giggled. "Lighten up babe, it's only the first pitch of the game."
And then the second pitch came across the plate, a ball as well.
He must be nervous.
I watched him roll his shoulders, taking a deep breath in and letting it out slow. And then he threw the third pitch.
"That's it!" I called, clapping.
And the next two followed suit, striking the first batter out.
The next batter stepped up the plate, and Bryce called for a timeout, motioning for the catcher to come up to the mound.
After a quick chat, Bryce and the catcher resumed position.
Bryce struck the next two batters out in six pitches.
I jumped to my feet at the third strike, cheering for Bryce.
I retook my seat as Clayton came up to bat, first on the batting order for the Panthers.
I'd forgotten to ask Bryce which number he was this season.
Last season he was fourth, with Clayton at third.
Clayton was able to get a hit off on the second pitch and managed to make it to first base.
The cheers erupted from the crowd.
Next up to bat was Carlos, and he struck out.
And then up came Bryce, third in the batting order.
I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Third in the batting order meant that you were a pinch hitter. It meant that if there were two outs, the coaches expected you to be able to smack the ball.
And Bryce was known to freeze up under pressure at the plate. On the mound was a different story, but on the plate he didn't have the best track record.
I cheered as he stepped up to bat, although I was nervous.
And for good reason too, because Bryce struck out.
I felt my heart go out to him as he made his way back to the dugout, knowing that he must be upset.
"Bryce doesn't seem to be on top of his game tonight," Landon commented.
"He's probably just nervous," I answered, as the next batter got a hit off.
Clayton and the batter both got two bases.
And then the pitcher overthrew his next pitch, giving Clayton the opportunity to steal home.
"Safe!" the umpire announced.
We all jumped to our feet, cheering as the first point was marked up on the scoreboard.
And then our next batter struck out, giving us three outs.
"We should be killing them," I commented to Kylie, as our team retook the outfield.
"We will," Kylie promised. "They just need time to warm-up."
The game continued on a slippery slope.
Although Bryce was getting the job done on the mound, nobody had hit on him yet, we weren't getting the job done batting wise.
And then in the 5th inning, the Sharks got a hit off of Bryce.
I could practically read the curse words rolling off of Bryce's tongue as the Sharks' batter got a double off of him.
It was the first hit of the night, but for Bryce that was practically the end of the world.
"Well fuck," Landon muttered.
And that seemed to be all the Sharks needed. Batter after batter began to smack the ball, bringing the Sharks three runs before Bryce managed to strike one out, giving them three outs.
And to say Bryce was pissed would be an understatement.
I sat criss-cross, waiting for the boys to come out of the dugout to bat.
Up next was Josh, and then Bryce.
Josh managed to get a hit off and get a single off of it.
And then up came Bryce. I expected him to still be pissed, but instead he seemed cool and collected.
And he smacked the first pitch that came his way clear into the outfield.
Josh made it into home, while Bryce got a triple off of it.
There's the Bryce I know.
And that attitude carried throughout the rest of the game, the Panthers taking home the win under Bryce's leadership.
I met Bryce down the fence as he came walking out, one of the last players to exit the dugout of course.
He smiled when he saw me, and I jumped into his arms, planting a big fat kiss on his lips.
"How was it?" Bryce asked, once I dropped back down the floor.
"It wasn't awful."
He intertwined his fingers with mine. "That's what I love about you Sophie Allen."
"What's that?"
"You don't try to sugarcoat it."
"Well you asked," I pointed out.
"I did," he agreed. "And I wanted the truth."
"And the truth is that wasn't awful."
"Catch you tonight?" Josh called out to Bryce.
Bryce just flashed him a smile.
"What's up?" I asked.
It was Friday night bowling night.
"I don't think I'm going out tonight."
"What's the matter?" I asked, stopping.
"I'm just tired."
"I think you're getting sick babe," I said, reaching up to touch his forehead.
It was sweaty, which I wasn't expecting, and I couldn't help but let out a squeal.
"And I'm pretty sure you're not a doctor," he said, laughing.
"Did you talk to your therapist on Tuesday like you said you would?"
"He was busy."
I gave him an all-knowing look.
"I'm just going to go home and sleep," he defended. "I bet I'll feel a thousand percent better in the morning."
"I bet you won't."
"If I don't then I'll talk to my therapist on Tuesday, I promise."
I raised my eyebrows at him.
"I promise," he reiterated.
"Okay," I relented. "But you go home and go straight to bed."
"Yes ma'am."
We reached his car and I gave him one last kiss.
"Go out and have fun tonight," he encouraged.
I shrugged. "It's not much fun without you."
"Well I am the life of the party."
I gave him a good shove and he laughed, wrapping his arms around me.
"You promise you're okay?" I asked, looking up into his eyes.
"I promise."
I nodded, kissing his cheek before stepping away. "I'll see you tomorrow then."
He wrinkled his eyebrows. "Tomorrow?"
"You forgot didn't you?"
He offered me an apologetic smile.
"You have a tux fitting for Kayla's wedding?"
"Right," he agreed. "I'll be there."
"You bet you will."
He offered me one last smile before climbing into his car.
I watched him drive away before turning to greet Kylie, who was already gushing about tonight's pre-bowling party at the diner.
I guess I'm going after all.
So what did you guys think about Sophie's parents? What about Bryce's gift to Sophie? And then the game itself? Did you expect the Panthers to win? What about Bryce backing out on midnight bowling?
So I got an Apple TV for my birthday on Sunday, and I love it. My only complaint is that it randomly disconnects from my Wifi and it's a pain to reconnect. Does anyone else have this problem?
Teaser: Bryce discloses some information to Sophie that's quite shocking.
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The protagonist somehow escape our Universe, 'ascending' into a new Universe, quickly he realize that this one is different.Indeed, this new Universe is filled with immortals, monsters, beasts, and much more.Millions of years later, as he has almost reached the summit, he once again embarks on a journey filled with randomness, from acting as a mysterious old man to taking in disciples, forming and destroying entire worlds.But how long will his time last ? When his ascension to the legendary Celestial Realm is getting closer each passing second, will he leave the Universe fulfilled ?This is the story of a man who wishes to break the limits, surpassing even the Martial Dao itself, all the while being the eccentric man he truly is. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] By the way, yes, the cover has been made on paint... Don't judge me ! (The earlier chapters are horrendous and I will rewrite them once I reach 50 chapters or so.)
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♧اسم فیکشن: شکلات و یخ♤ژانر: رومنس، اکشن، انگست، رازآلود، اسمات♧کاپل: کایهون/سکای ورس ، چانبک (هردو اصلی)♤ فصل اول کامل. قرار بود فقط یه جیب زدن ساده از یه مرد خوشتیپ توی کلابی که کار میکنه باشه،نفهمید چی شد که از جیب زدن به چشیدن یه شکلات جهنمی رسید؟شکلات ممنوعه ای که شاید تاوان مزه کردنش، زیر رو شدن زندگیش بود.........بکهیون ، برادر کوچیک تر و دردساز سهون ، میدونست نباید عاشق چانیول بشهاینجا قصه های پری نبود که شاهزاده و گدابتونن کنارهم خوشحال زندگی کنناما دست خودش هم نبود که دلش با دیدن شاهزاده ی این روزای زندگیش ، تند تر می تپید..!
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One For Three
Vera was just an ordinary girl with an ordinary life, with both parents and a sister whom she dearly loved. Well, that was before she died. And dying was the least of her concerns, especially when she did not even remember how that happened.She received the news that she was the third winner of the Afterlife lottery, where she was given a chance to ask a with from the Great One. Any wish.There's just one catch.She needed to fulfill three different wishes from three different worlds before she got her own.Sounds easy, right?---Three wishes for the living, One wish from the dead. Three wishes you'll be giving, All means to an end. Regret from your heart, 'I wish I have avoided.'You'll reap what's there from the start, Oh, your wish, granted.--- A story born from another story I've dreamed of ages ago. Enjoy! ***Completed Project***
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