《Their Shattered Angel》The dragon symbol



Like you can imagine Blake wasn't happy that I was late after school. He "had to wait 10 minutes for me" which was apparently so dramatic for him, because he had other things to do. I didn't mention to him that I talked to a boy nor that I 'fainted' because I knew the consequences that would have on an already pissed Blake. Instead I kept my mouth shut. That's what I do best anyway.

Once at home, Blake disappears in Damon's office and I head to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. To my surprise, Leo is in the kitchen preparing food for tonight, which smells heavenly good.

"Hi !" I joyfully greet him, after not seeing him for three days.

"Hey Mags. How was your day at school ?"

"It was fine" I lie and change subject as quickly as possible to avoid lying to him even more. "how was your business trip ? Did everything go as planned ?" To answer me he just nods his head while cutting up tomatoes, but the bags under his eyes say otherwise.

"Can I help with something ?" I smile at him and manage to make him smile back at me.

"Sure. You can make a salad as a side dish and put some music on. It's to quiet for my poor ears here." he joked, before tiredly continuing his task in silence. For the next hour we didn't really talk, except for the usual small talk which wasn't really interesting.

" Get ready for our guest Magnolia, it won't be long before he shows up." Damon's voice breaks the confortable atmosphere that was created between Leo and I in the kitchen. His presence always gives out power which I unintentionely relate to my foster dad. I obey and walk passed him, head low, before I stop dead in my tracks to look in his eyes.

"What do you want me to wear ?" I gather the strength I have to not make my voice tremble as I look in his tired eyes. In return he gives me a small smile, which I didn't expect and answers.

"What ever makes you feel happy, Angel." He softly responds as if a switch was turned on in his brain to imprison the Demon inside of him.


I made my mind up to put a white satin top with black tailored pants instead of putting a dress or jeans on. I had no idea who was visiting us and I didn't want to overdress or look too casual. My hair is nicely held back in a high ponytail so you could see my face.


As I am about to walk out of my bedroom door I take a last glance in the mirror and see the scars that cover my bare arms. Being ashamed and insecure I grab a light jacket to cover my past experiences. It will stay forever and I have to accept it, instead of covering it, but I just can't. Not now.

I take my time to walk down the stairs when I hear multiple voices in the living room. I recognise all of them, which belong to Demon and Blake, but there is an other one I don't recognise and assume it belongs to the guest.

"... is in our warehouse. We found him a few states away and brought him to my territory to be sure. Although we have no trace of his son." The unknown voice explains with a vocabulary I am quite familiar with. His words leave me standing in the middle of the stairs, thinking if he could be talking about my foster dad and Nick. But that would mean...

"Eavesdropping ?" A voice suddenly whispers in my ear making me let out a small scream. I turn around to see Greyson grinning, his arms crossed on his chest. I can't stop myself from giving him a death glare and a small punch for scaring me like that.

"No. I was ugh... fixing my hair, before my grand entry." I stated with a small smirk, because I knew exactly that Grey knew I was lying to him, but I am sure that he won't snitch. He just chuckled and hooked his arm with mine before he go down the last steps of the glass stairs.

"Sneaky." He whispered in my ear. "I guess we are indeed siblings." He smirks and I can't stop myself from smiling with him, forgetting about what I heard in the stairs.

As we both enter the living room, I see Damon, Blake, just like I predicted and the back of the unknown visitor, all standing while holding a glass of red wine in their hands.

"Magnolia, Greyson ! Perfect timing. Angel come and meet Elijah please." Damon's stern voice says and as he speaks Elijah turns around to us. My eyes meet his dark brown, nearly black eyes and I fail to breath for a second at his breath taking beauty.

I walk towards him and extend my hand once I am in front of him, which he gladly takes, before he turns it around to place a soft kiss on it. I can't stop myself from blushing and catch him smirking at me.

"Stop that Elijah ! That's my fucking sister you idiot." Blake spits out, like these words are venom to him.


"Calm down, I am just messing with you." Elijah jokes, before turning to look at Blake with a smirk. "Or not."

I chuckle when I watch as Blake tries to punch Elijah in the stomach, but gets stopped by Damon, who gives him a warning glare.

During the dinner, I don't really talk much, but observe the exchanges between Elijah and my brothers. I learned that Blake and him are actually best friends, even though they won't assume it. At one point a flashback of what I heard before in the stairs comes through my mind and I immediately shut down, letting my face have an emotionless expression, while I think.

"Lila ?" Blake's voice snaps me back into reality and I mumble a quiet yes to let him know that I am listening. "What are you worrying about ?" He questions me as his eyes dig deep in my soul, probably trying to figure out something. Anything.

Me, not wanting to reveal everything, I ask a simple, but important question.

"Did you manage to find Nick and my foster dad ?"

Silence. All the boys look at each other and it seems like they are talking in a secret language I don't understand, because suddenly Damon speaks up for all of them.

"No. Sorry Angel."

I don't believe it. Damon just lied to me even though I know pretty damn well that they were talking about them when I was eavesdropping. So he forbids me to lie to my siblings, but I can't even trust them ? How the fuck is that suppose to work.

At this point I am fuming on the inside, but don't let it show one bit as I just nod my head and play with the rest of the food I still have on my plate.

They continue to talk and joke around about things I have actually no clue of, because of the past 10 years I hasn't here with them. It doesn't really feel like I am appart of this conversation and end up excusing myself from the table. My eyes meet those of Elijah one last time, who looks confused and pained at my sudden behaviour. Before I disappear down the hallway to go to my room, I feel the heavy stairs of my brother, which really don't seem to ease the nauseous feeling I have.

Once I am in my room, I slop down on my bed to let out a sight that has been stuck in my throat during the whole dinner. By instinct I go to my closet to grab a pair of leggings along with a sports bra. Halfway through changing I notice the small box I tried to hide in between two hoodies. I sadly smile as I make my way towards it and open the box to get out what is inside.

A trailing point knife engraved with a meaningful symbol.

Jace gave it to me about three months ago, when he noticed that I wasn't that bad at throwing knives. He made sure to engrave the dragon bitting itself and forming a perfect circle to make me understand that it belongs to him. This symbol means a lot to him and for a fact shows what he managed to built a kingdom by himself. But that was in the past.

As I rethink of the day he gave me the knife, I skilfully make it spin between my fingers, while staring at it. A tear leaves my eyes, making my vision blur for a second, just the time for me to scrape my skin with the blade lightly.

"Fuck." I mumble as a tiny red line is now visible on my index finger. " You said you wouldn't leave me damn it !" I whisper and recall the exact same words Jace once said to me, when we were together furiously driving in his car, right after he managed to pick me up at my house to make me escape an other beating. Too many emotions storm through my body, making me throw the knife back in its original place and chug it away right back in between the hoodies.

I end up sneaking out of my room to get to the fitness room we have on the ground floor, without anyone seeing me. It was getting way to suffocating in my room and I had to let out all the anger I kept inside of me for way to long.

"I promise I will kill these motherfuckers" I angrily spit and throw a hard punch in the bag that was handing in the air. At that moment I was referring to the people who killed the first and only person that really loved me for who I am, but because life hates me, it got ride of it, like it got ride of my happiness. It only took One fucking car crash.

A/N : Well hello ! I am back with an other chapter bitches !

How do you like Magnolia's vibe ? Is she actually a weak and broken girl or will she prove you wrong in the following chapters ?

let's see !


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