《Their Shattered Angel》Spilled Truth



When I woke up all the pain was gone, I felt numb. I opened my eyes and saw that I somehow landed in a big white room. It was spacious, shiny and very white. I didn't like it, I preferred darker colours. It all seemed too perfect and fake, which I hated and made me want to leave.

I lifted myself up a bit so I could sit properly and I saw that I was hooked to a heart monitor, which mirrored my heartbeat. As I was about to rip off the tube that was attached to my arm, a lady in a white blouse came inside the room. Our eyes met and first she seemed shocked, but soon enough a smile appeared on her lips, which showed her perfect white teeth.

"Oh Magnolia, welcome back ! I didn't expect you to wake up this soon." She said with a small chuckle as she came towards my bed to grab a clipboard that was attached to the end of my bed.

"How do you feel ? Any pain ?"

I shook my head no, while I kept my eyes on her analysing every move she made as she flipped some pages of what I think where my results.

"Where am I ?" I asked in a very firm tone, which made her look up from the papers with a questioning look.

"Oh I am sorry" She smiled. " I am Doctor Bonham, you can call me Jenna if it makes you feel any better. Right now you are in "Morgan's Hospital" where we are currently taking care of you. Your brothers brought you here."

I nodded and wanted to stand up, but Doctor Bonham was quick enough to react and gently push me back on my bed.

I gave her a sever look which she immediately gave back and I sighted before laying myself down again.

Morgan's hospital... mum's name was Morgan...

"Magnolia... while you were asleep I did some tests. You have two broken ribs and we will have to operate you to make sure one of your ribs doesn't pierce through an organ. Can you tell me how it happened ?" She asks me gently.


"I fell down a couple of stairs." I lie, but I know she won't believe me if she saw the rest of my body. It is clear what happened.

"I know that is not true." She sights "you don't have to tell me anything, but if you want to talk I am here to listen."

When she sees that I won't say anything, she says one more thing which makes me go in alarm mode.

"I will have to tell your brothers..." she states and my head shoots up to meet her gaze. "Someone hurt you physically and sexually Magnolia. Probably also mentally." She continues, but I don't want to hear anything else.

"No, you can't tell them." I protest and rip my covers off of me to stand up.

"Magnolia please sit down, you are hurt." Bonham states and tries to grab my arm to makes me sit back, but I back off.

I rip off the tube that was in my arm and everything else that is attached to my body. Appart from my hospital robe of course.

I am now standing face to face with a doctor, trying to escape in a hospital robe.

"Magnolia you have to lay back down otherwise you risk to hurt yourself even more." Bonham orders, but I do none of that. I see her grab a thing that is attached to her waist, which probably calls for some help, meaning that I don't have a lot of time before people come running in.

"You don't understand. If they know they will hate me and I cannot bare to have my family against me." I say as I feel tears blur my vision.

"They won't hate you Magnolia... the love you so much you have no idea..." she sights.

"How do you even know ?" I spit back as a lonely tear slips down my cheek.

"I helped your mother to give birth to all of you. I was there since day one. I was there when your brothers lost their parents and their sister. I know them better than you think."

I watch her in shock as my breathing gets heavier. She knew mum and dad... she knows them better than I actually do.


And when I am about to give in and lay back down it's like my mind switches a button off and my body collapses to the ground. Jenna already saw it coming and caught me in time to prevent a hard fall, which would have probably caused a lot of damage.

"I am sorry" I whisper to her. "Could you not tell my brothers before the operation... could you not tell them about the sexual assault before please...and also I don't want them to know that I freaked out like this" I beg her before I feel a needle getting pushed inside my arm.

"Don't worry, it's going to be okay Magnolia. I promise."

Promise. People always tend to promise me things, but they never get to keep those promises.

These are the last thoughts I have before I fall in an artificial sleep

I am back. Once again I wake up in the same white room as before. It's like it happens all over again. But instead of having an empty room, it's filled with boys. My brothers.

I just open my eyes, but don't move so they don't know I am awake. Ethan is sitting on the ground against the wall his head in his hands, next to Greyson that looks straight into the empty space as if someone died.

Leo is on a chair his leg bouncing up and down as he looks at his brothers while his hand is nervously running through his messy hair. Next to him is Damon pacing back and forth as his fingers angrily type on his phone. Blake is nowhere to be seen though, which gives me a small pinch in the heart, because he was the one I needed the most right now.

After a minute of analysing them nobody notices that I awake so I decided to try and grab the glass a water that was standing on a small night table next the bed. Immediately my movement grabs their attention and they all stand up. Damon is the first one to reach for the glass and hand it to me with a small smile.

"Hey angel." He says and I thank him for the glass, before chucking it down in one go. Damn I was thirst.

"How are you feeling ?" Greyson asks and comes on the right side of my bed to hold my hand. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep my hand from escaping the contact of his hand with mine.

"Where is Blake ?" I croak and look at each and one of them, but they all seem to have the same answer. They just shrug to my disappointment.

"Did the operation go well at least ?"

"Yes Angel. You'll be able to come home soon." Leo says as a smile appears on his pale face. It's so pale that it makes me wonder if I was the one that should get operated and not him. But as I look closer to every brother I can see anger and guilt painted on their faces. I don't get it because the operation went well so what could have...

Oh shit.

They know.

I sight and decide to just throw myself out there and stop with the secrets. Well some of them at least. They couldn't possibly know what I did to earn my money before...fuck this.

"What do you guys know ?" Shock is written all over their faces as they watch me closely, trying to figure out what I mean. "Doctor Bonham saw my body... she must of told you..." my voice trembles as I try to say those heavy words that have been stuck in my throat for so long.

"Is it true ?" Greyson says with a tint of sadness as if he saw my struggle to say the rest of the sentence.

"Yes... I-I was raped." I choke out the words and let the truth spill out. My gaze crosses the one of Damon and as I stare into his eyes it's like I can see a storm building up.

Slowly. But once it hits, there will be nothing to stop it.

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