《Price of admission》Price of admission Part 28


The group was on the bus and was headed home, with Takagi and Nishikata sitting next to each other, Nakai and Mano sitting in front of them, Hamaguchi and Houjou behind them, and Sumire and Yukari across the aisle. In addition, it was very quiet, and Takagi was asleep on Nishikata's shoulder. 'She's so beautiful when she's asleep.' He placed a hand on the side of her head and began to rub it. 'And her hair is so soft.' He froze as he realized what thought went through his head. 'Ack, even if we are dating, she'll still think I'm a pervert for having thoughts like that.'

"Definitely." Takagi said in her sleep.

'And of course, she's reading my mind.' He moved his hand to her shoulder and simply pulled her closer.

"Hey." Came Nakai's voice from over the seat in front of them. "So, what happened when you two were alone?"

'And of course, it's Nakai who's going to bring it up.' "Oh, just ... some stuff."

"Oh really? Cause you two look very close right now."

He glanced at Takagi, and he could swear that her smile had gotten bigger. "You ... could say that."

"Nakai." Mano began as she pulled on his sleeve. "Maybe we should let them be, yeah?"

"So are you two dating now or something?"

Takagi wrapped her arms around Nishikata's solder and pulled her cheek right next to his. "I win." She whispered.

"Are you really asleep?" There was no response, so he turned back to Nakai. "Well ... to put it simply ... yeah, we are."

"Wait, what did I just hear?" Hamaguchi asked as he poked his head around the seat.

"I said that Takagi and I are dating."



"Well ... to put it simply ... I kissed her."

"Congratulations!" Mano exclaimed.

"That's so romantic!" Yukari cooed.

"Please keep it down. You're going to wake her up."

"Fine." Mano began. "But I'm really happy for you two."

Nishikata blushed and turned away. "T-thanks ... I'm actually really lucky to have the most-" He paused as he already felt the glares coming his way. "One of the most amazing girls in the entire school as my girlfriend."

"Hey Nakai." Mano began as she turned to him. "Would you say that you're also lucky?"

"Huh?" He asked as he looked at her.

"I asked, would you say that you're also lucky?"

"I ... y-yeah, of course." He ducked back below the top of the seat as Mano followed.

The bus ride soon came to an end, and the group began to depart.

"Takagi?" Nishikata began as he tried to wake her up. "It's time to wake up, we need to go." She opened her eyes with her usual playful smile. "You were awake the whole time, weren't you?"

"I was trying to sleep." She said as she stood up. "But yeah."

They walked off the bus and the group bid each other farewell. "See you guys Monday." Nakai said as he and Mano left.

"Yeah, we'll see you all Monday." Houjou said before she and Hamaguchi separated from them.

"Thank you guys for letting me join you." Yukari began. "I'll catch you later."

"I should probably get going as well." Sumire said.

Nishikata and Takagi were now alone together. "So, shall we?" Takagi asked as she held out a hand.

"Yeah." Nishikata took her hand and they began their walk home.


"So, back on the bus." Takagi looked at Nishikata and smiled. "You were bragging, weren't you?"

His face turned red as he tried to look away. "I ... they asked ... and I just told the truth."

Takagi laughed as Nishikata's face turned even redder. "Geez Nishikata, there's no need to hide it."

"Yeah." He scratched the back of his head as they continued making their way down the street. "Oh, I almost forgot, what was that thing you wanted to say?"


"Earlier, you said you never lie because there's something you wanted to say that you didn't want me to think is false."

"Oh, right." She scratched her chin. "I never answered that, did I?" She stopped and turned to look at him. "Well, there were actually two things."


"Yup, and the first is-" She grabbed his shoulders and put her mouth right next to his ear. "I love you."

For a moment, Nishikata's face went red, before he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug. "I love you too." They stood there for a moment in each other's embrace. "So what's the second thing?"

She smiled brightly as a small blush appeared on her face. "Yes."


She let go of him and spun around. "But that's not for a very long time."

"I don't understand."

"You will." She spun around and leaned closer to him. "When we're both ready." She turned around again and started walking.

"Takagi, come on, what are you talking about?" He asked as he chased after her.

Takagi let out a laugh and glanced over her shoulder at her boyfriend. "Not telling!"

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