Late night
Call you in the late night
Trade love for one night
Two pills and a red wine
Trigger warnings: alcohol, betrayal, prostitution, blow job, language
Y/N was sitting on the couch, absentmindedly watching Akiko mixing drinks. It was a busy night, busier than usual and technically Y/N was pretending to be interested in whatever conversation the two guys beside her were having, but she was only half listening. It was fascinating to her to watch Akiko mix her drinks, the way she was shaking the cocktail mixer, it looked elegant and flirtatious at the same time. No wonder she was making good tips behind the bar.
Y/N honestly wasn't sure how to feel about Akiko anymore. It was difficult to come to terms with her betrayal, especially since she had been her friend from day one. Y/N had managed to get Akiko to the position she was in. But then again... every girl here was trying to get ahead somehow. Akiko had already managed to get away from dancing and sleeping with clients. It only made sense that she was trying to establish her position at the boss' side by snitching on the rest of the girls.
And she had been trying to make it as easy as possible for Y/N. She had given her water and the benzos, she had taken care of her afterwards, she had told Shouta about the possibility to buy her - she had basically given Y/N a way to get out of this. But she had also been the one that had snitched to the boss. Y/N had no idea how to feel about her anymore. But maybe she didn't even need to think about her for much longer.
Shouta had been negotiating with the boss, that much she was aware of. And apparently he was asking a huge amount. That was all that Shouta had told her. And that he was working on getting all the money together, so he could get her out of here. He had said that she could be living with him and then they'd figure something out. Y/N had to force herself to think of something else, because every time she thought of actually living with Shouta and getting out of here, she got tears in her eyes.
And until then? Well, Y/N just had to play the part of being a good little whore. Make the boss happy, make money, don't say anything, don't make any mistakes. If she could keep that up, she might be out of here pretty soon. Hopefully before someone else snatched her up. That danger was always on her mind, but she just hoped with Shouta showing such an interest in actually buying her and her being as obedient as possible and making as little trouble as possible for her boss, he would be lenient on that and not just sell her off to anyone.
Somehow it was all a little easier with that - having an end in sight. Yes, there were still men that beat her and were just gross, but it was much easier to endure when she knew... some day... some day she would be able to be with someone that was so different from them. Someone that cared for her.
"Hey, hey, Y/N, come on. Drink another one with us!" one of the men next to her said loudly and bumped into her, his hand resting on her thigh. Y/N smiled and nodded quickly, eager to give them whatever the hell they wanted, so they'd tip her well and hopefully leave her alone.
"Of course, Sir." she replied and waved over one of the girls that were waiting on them today. It was a girl that had gotten here a few months ago. Y/N wasn't sure what her name was, but it didn't matter either way.
"Yes, what can I get you?" the girl asked with a big smile on her face. There was no doubt that she was faking it, but everyone was too drunk to even realize it. That was, if they even cared much.
"Another round of tequila for everyone!" one of the men shouted and the girl just nodded quickly and disappeared again. Y/N grimaced for a split second. She hated tequila more than anything. But it was bearable. Drinking with customers would make good money. Mostly because they tipped better when they were drunk and about halfway through the night, every girl only got shots that looked like alcohol. One reason was to keep them able to work and another reason was to save money.
Y/N wasn't going to complain. Not getting drunk on the job while still keeping the customers happy was pretty ideal for her. Happy customers paid well and if they were drunk and she wasn't, it was easier for her to make sure they wouldn't take advantage of her. More than they paid for, at least.
The girl had quickly come back with a tray full of tequila shot and placed them down on the table while the hand on Y/N's thigh wandered further and further up. She let it slide for now, but if he touched her any more then she'd have to suggest a private room... which she wouldn't mind too much.
This guy didn't seem too nasty. He was much older than her, yes. He wasn't particularly handsome either. But he also wasn't terrible and he seemed to at least be cleanly enough. And he didn't seem like the type of guy that was into weird stuff. Y/N figured it would be 15 minutes of work. Tops.
"Go on, Y/N, drink! Chug it down in one go!" the other one next to her said, with the rest of the group laughing. Y/N smiled, doing her best not to roll her eyes at them, and took one of the shots, gulping it down in one go and quickly swallowing the bitter liquid. Tequila was the fucking worst.
"Hey, that's a good girl!" one of them howled, the other laughing. Y/N chuckled and put the glass back on the table. She couldn't wait to be done with them and hopefully it wouldn't be that much longer, since she felt that hand on her thigh wander even higher up. She leaned in closer to the man beside her.
"Looks like you might wanna go somewhere a little more private..." she whispered into his ear, making sure to place her hand on his chest and give him her best smile. They tended to forget about the money they were leaving behind that way. Once they were sober again they'd be cursing themselves for spending so much, but then it would already be too late. The money would be gone.
"Oh, I think I'd like that... How much, babe?" he asked. Y/N smiled and nodded towards the bar.
"You'll have to head over to my friend at the bar. She'll tell you about the prices and take the money..." Y/N replied. The man grinned and nodded, before getting up quickly and heading over to the bar. Y/N leaned back with a sigh. Hopefully he didn't want anything too weird. Thankfully the last few days had been rather tame, which meant that Y/N's body had time to recover at least some bit.
She still had welts on her legs and her back. They were healing slowly in some places and some would probably leave lasting scars. Y/N hated looking at them. Every time she looked at them and thought about it too long, it took actual effort for her not to become a sobbing mess. And even with all kinds of effort she sometimes couldn't help it. But she managed to keep it together with clients. Somehow.
Y/N watched how the man came back from the bar with a big smile on his face. Y/N glanced over at Akiko who gestured wildly. Y/N smiled and nodded. So this guy just wanted a blowjob? Well, at least that wouldn't be too taxing. And there was no need to show her back with all those terrible scars.
She stood up from the couch and walked up to him, running her hand down his chest, before looking up into his eyes. He honestly looked like the type who just did this kind of thing to be able to brag to his friends. They were usually harmless, which was a relief for Y/N. She just hoped he wouldn't be gross.
"You ready to go upstairs?" she asked, curling her lips up into a smile. He put his arm around her waist and nodded.
"Yeah, let's go, babe." he told her. She nodded and took his hand in hers, quickly leading him upstairs towards the rooms. She opened the door to her room and let him walk inside first, before following him inside and closing the door behind herself. She turned around with a smile.
"Get comfortable. Is there anything in particular you want me to do?" she wanted to know. He sat down on the bed and looked at his feet, seeming a little embarrassed. It was almost a little endearing.
"Uhm... can... can you wear lipstick? Bright red, if... if you have that. And... do you swallow?" he wanted to know. Y/N nodded. So he was harmless. That was good. This blowjob wouldn't be fun, but it would be easy money. As she had thought earlier, 15 minutes tops.
"Sure, I can do that. Why don't you get comfortable while I put on some lipstick?" she asked and headed into the bathroom. She looked through the small bag full of makeup she had, until she had found a lipstick in the brightest red she could imagine. She carefully started applying it to her lips, making sure she was putting on just enough, fixing some of the corners quickly.
"Do you mind if I tie up my hair?" she wanted to know. It was just so much easier if her hair was out of her face. But it wasn't like it was impossible with open hair. It just made it messier. Whatever the clients preferred.
"Can you... leave it open maybe? Your hair is so pretty." he replied. Y/N smiled and nodded. She turned around to him, seeing him blush a little, as she approached him and knelt down in front of him slowly, mostly to make her movements look elegant, but also to be able to manage the pain in her legs.
He still had his shirt on and his boxer, but as she was kneeling down in front of him and ran her hands along his thighs, he ran his hand through her hair, holding her face with his other hand. It made Y/N shudder involuntarily. Somehow she got that reaction when anyone but Shouta did that to her. Which was honestly a pain in her profession, but... well, most didn't realize it.
"You're such a pretty girl..." he muttered and stood up in front of her. Y/N smiled and slowly pulled down his boxers, freeing his erect cock. She wrapped her hands around it and started stroking it slowly. She could see the precum leaking from his tip, quickly licking it off while pressing a kiss to his tip.
He did taste a little gross. Not too bad, but still. Well, a job was a job. She could always brush her teeth right after. Maybe this would be over quicker than she thought. She kissed along his entire length, small open-mouthed kisses. She could hear him moan and his hand tugged at her hair a little. Y/N looked up at him to see what he wanted from her. Maybe he wanted her to do something differently...
"Fuck, can you look at me while you...?" he asked. Y/N smiled and nodded, keeping his eyes on him, as she began to take his length into her mouth slowly, doing her best to ignore the bitter taste. She moved her head, taking in a little more of his length each time. She could feel him throbbing inside her mouth.
Y/N tried to think of anything to distract herself, but she couldn't make anything up that wouldn't make her feel terrible. The laundry still had to be done, but Y/N just couldn't bring herself to go to the basement. She hadn't been able to go down in weeks... No. Wrong thing to think about.
Y/N focussed on what she was doing again, looking up into his eyes and working around him faster. She could feel his cock twitching in her mouth and she knew that he was going to cum soon. She hummed and moaned around his dick, hoping that he'd cum soon. She hollowed her cheeks and that seemed to do the trick.
"Fuck, babe, I'm going to..." he cried out, but Y/N could already feel the hot, sticky liquid shooting down her throat. She kept it in her mouth, until he pulled out and then swallowed. Gross.
He was breathing heavily and sitting down on her bed. Y/N got up from the ground, wiping her mouth. She faked her best smile, as she looked down on him. He seemed pretty satisfied, which was good. At least there wouldn't be a complaint to her boss or anything. Maybe she'd even get some of the tip money, if she was doing well for the rest of the evening.
"Did you like it?" she asked. He looked up at her and nodded slowly, before sitting up. Y/N tied up her hair to make it easier for her to wash her face. She couldn't wait to wash out her mouth, but not right in front of him.
"Fuck, that was really good. You sure know what you're doing with that mouth, girl." he replied.
"Thank you. I'm glad you're happy with me. Would you like to relax for a few minutes or head downstairs already? I'm going to need to take some time to get ready again." she told him. He nodded.
"I'll wait a few minutes, babe, if that's okay." he said to her. Y/N nodded and put on a bathrobe.
"Sure. I'll just be in the bathroom. You can leave any time you want." she replied and headed into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She quickly opened the tap and gathered some water in her hands, drinking some of it and using the rest to wash out her mouth, with the water still running, so he wouldn't really hear any of it.
God, it felt good to wash her mouth. He had really tasted pretty gross. Sweaty. Bitter. Only a little salty. Y/N took another few gulps of water until she got rid of most of the taste in her mouth. She looked up in the mirror. Her mascara was a little smeared and her lipstick was basically ruined. Well, she had put it on for him in the first place. She preferred having either a darker red one or none at all.
She took a face wipe and wiped away the smeared mascara and whatever was left of the lipstick, before putting some toothpaste on her toothbrush and finally brushing her teeth. She was sure that he wouldn't hear anything, as he was putting on his pants again. Shortly after she heard her door opening and then closing. Y/N let out a sigh and brushed her teeth even more intensely.
It really helped to get rid of the taste. When she was finally done, she quickly reapplied her mascara and put on some deodorant. She had been sweating a little through all this. Y/N took the hair tie out of her hair and brushed through it, putting some hairspray in it to make it look more voluminous.
She took another look in the mirror. Good as new. With a sigh she hung up her robe again and made her way out of the bathroom. She found two notes on the bed - a pretty generous tip. Y/N smiled and grabbed the notes. She thought about keeping them in her drawer, but it was too risky. Shouta was giving her money sometimes, simply so she could eat, get medicine, the bare necessities. But she knew she could trust him. News about this tip could easily get back to her boss and then she'd be as good as dead. She put the notes in her bra and made her way back downstairs.
She'd have to go and hand the money in to Akiko who would hold onto it until the boss came around to collect everything. And after all, if Shouta actually did buy her she'd have no need for a lot of savings. Someone else would get ready with her and there was no way she could just take the money without anyone noticing. So it made more sense to actually spend it on things she needed.
Y/N made her way down the stairs again, slowly, since her legs were still hurting. She saw Akiko waiting for her behind the bar, giving her a warm smile. Y/N smiled back at her, even though she felt sick to her stomach. She still felt betrayed by her, even though Akiko was really trying to make it up to her and make things easier for her. Maybe she really thought she was doing her a favour or that she needed to do it to save her own skin. It still stung, however.
"All good?" Akiko asked her. Y/N nodded and pulled the notes out of her bra, handing them to her. Akiko smiled and took them off her, silently counting them, before putting them away and noting the amount down in a book.
"Thanks for that. Looks like that just catapulted you on top of the tip list tonight." Akiko said with a smirk. Y/N scoffed.
"What does that say about me? That I give good head?" she replied and shook her head. She glanced at the bottles on the shelf behind Akiko. She really wanted a drink to completely get rid of the taste.
"What can I get you?" Akiko wanted to know. Y/N chuckled. Well, she still knew her all too well.
"Something sweet." Y/N answered. Akiko nodded.
"Speaking of sweet, check out the table in the far left corner. You've got a special visitor." she said. Y/N turned around and glanced back at the corner that Akiko had pointed out, a smile spreading over her face, when she realized who it was.
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