《School of Madness~ One Piece x Reader (AU) [#Watty2015]》Are We Lost?


Toward the back wall, through the gaping hole you had made when you sent Spandam flying and into the forest. You look around as you walk alongside Zoro. "So this is where you've been going..." You comment.

"Actually I just found it during strength training.... I thought you'd want to be away from the craziness for a while," He replies, looking up at the trees.

"Well aren't you thoughtful," You muse. He chuckles and rubs his neck.

"Yeah..." He murmurs. After some time you come across a clearing to relax in.

"This looks like a nice place to nap," You comment.

"Way ahead of you," Zoro chuckles, falling back onto the grass. You giggle and lay down close to him. You blink up at the clouds and smile.

"This feels nice," You murmur. He hums in agreement and you both drift to sleep.

A cool wind makes you press more into the warmth against you. They shiver too and you open your eyes as Zoro does the same. You both tense, nose to nose. "Um... Hello.." You squeak. He blinks and chuckles.

"Hello," He rumbles. You giggle and sit up and looking around, finding everything dark.

"Uh oh..." You mutter. He sits up and looks around as well.

"That was a long nap..." He comments.

"Shit, how are we suppose to get back like this?" You ask. He shrugs.

"We could just sleep out here until the morning," He offers. A wolf's howl close by makes press into him, looking around warily.

"Zoro, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty much a beach and city girl..." You say nervously. He blinks and can't help but chuckle at how cute you are. You give him a scared pout.


"Alright, lets head back then," He says, getting up and helping you to your feet. You both start into the shadows. Another wolf howl makes you grab his hand.

"This is okay right?" You inquire. Zoro smiles a bit and gives your hand a light squeeze.

"Yeah, I don't mind at all," He replies. You both try to find the path you had made but everything looked different in the darkness. Your grip on Zoro's hand tightens the longer you wonder in the darkness until he finally stops. "___, are you okay?" He asks.

"We're lost aren't we?" You whisper. He pauses, not wanting to scare you.

"... Yeah... But we'll find the way in the morning," He says, picking you up suddenly.

"Eh?" You breathe.

"Hold onto me," He instructs.

"Okay," You murmur, holding onto him as he starts climbing a tree. You look down as shapes dash forward and snapping fangs aim for Zoro's legs. You tense, holding onto him tighter.

"It's okay, they can't reach us," He murmurs, pulling up onto a large branch, he sits against the trunk, still holding you against him. "Think you can sleep up here?" He asks. You look at him like he was crazy.

"What if we fall?" You huff.

"___, I'll never let you fall, I promise," He breathes. Something about his words made you blush, but you knew he meant them. You relax.

"Alright then..." You murmur, putting your head on his should. "They're gonna be so worried... I knew I should've left a note," You mutter.

"Then they'd be lost out here too," He points out.

"Good point..." You sigh with a yawn. He shifts, holding you tighter as you start to fall asleep. A wolf howling next to the tree makes you jump. "Don't make me come down there!" You warn the wolf, making Zoro chuckle.


"Alright fireball, got to sleep," He rumbles. You chuckle a bit, yawning again before falling fast asleep.

Your eyes drift open and you are greeted by a beautiful mountain view. It takes you few moments to realize where you are as you sit up, looking out at the view. Your gaze sweeps over to your 'tree buddy', his face looked stern in his sleep, which was a bit cute. You touch the corners of his lips and gently push them up to make him smile. You smile a bit as you start to mess with his face. Suddenly his eyes snap open, surprising you and making you flinch back, almost falling off the branch. His strong arms wrap around your waist as your arms instantly wrap around his neck. Your eyes lock, noses brushing eachother.

"... Morning," You squeak. He blinks and smiles in amusement.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" He asks, straightening up, still holding you. You give a smile.

"Yeah, not bad for a night in a tree, and look," You murmur, turning your head to the scenery. He looks to, "That's a nice sight to wake up to." You comment.

"Sure is... Ready to get down now?" He asks. You glance down and stiffen.

"Holy crap! You climbed up high..." You whisper, seeing you were nearly three stories off the ground you hug his neck. "I don't think I can..."

"I'll carry you down," He assures, starting to move. You cling to him tightly and close your eyes as he descends swiftly. He reaches the ground and pauses since you still cling to him. He smirks and decides to wait for you to open your eyes. Your eye cracks open when there is no more movement. You glance around before hastily letting go of him. "Better?" He asks.

"Yep, now, lets find the school," You huff, looking around and not recognizing any of it. ".... Shit..." You mutter, shoulders drooping.

"It's fine, lets just go this way." He says, starting in some random direction.

"Hey, wait up!" You gasp, hurrying after him. Hours pass and the school doesn't come into view. You stop, and fold your arms, making him stop as well. He looks over at you with a frown as you tap your foot. "Are we lost?"

"No-" You give him a look and he goes quiet.

"Are we lost?" You repeat.

"Yeah... We're lost...." He sighs.

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