《School of Madness~ One Piece x Reader (AU) [#Watty2015]》Time Extension?!


Your captor lands on the roof and sets you down. "There, you'll safe up here for now," He says. You look up to meet the friendly blue eyes of the blond you had seen chatting with Luffy earlier.

"Thanks," You breathe, glancing around the roof. There was darker skinned guy sitting on the ground, hugging his knees as he faced the ledge. The raven haired guy that had also been with Luffy and another blond guy, with shorter hair and a cigarette hanging from his mouth. "Um... Hello..." You manage. The raven haired guy grins, and you could see freckles on his face.

"Man, you are brave! I've never seen anyone do that to Kid!" He chuckles. You pale, gaping at him.

"Kid!?" You squeak. The blond next to you frowns sympathetically.

"Hey Ace, I don't think she knew that was him," He comments. The one with freckles- Ace, gaps at you.

"Oh.... You really screwed up...." He huffs. It was then you decide to join the sulking guy. You sit next to him, hugging your knees as well.

"I'm going to die...." You murmur.

"Me too..." Your long nosed companion murmurs.

"Death buddies?" You ask, offering your knuckles for a bump.

"Death buddies," He agrees, bumping knuckles to yours. You both go silent for a bit. "Did you take him on in those?" He asks, looking straight ahead and pointing at your slippers.

"Mhm..." You hum.

"You're crazy..."

"I'm really not...."

"Sabo! I'm back! Did you get- why is she sulking with Usopp?" Luffy's voice caches your ear.

"She just found out it was Kid," The blond that had scooped you up answers. You don't move, only glancing over when someone kneels at your other side. Law offers you a smirk.

"Law! You're okay!" You gasp, hugging his neck. He lets out an amused huff.

"It's only been about ten minutes, what did you think would happen to me?" He questions.


"I don't know...." You murmur. He hugs you back and after a bit, you pull away to look at Luffy who was still grinning.

"You sure are crazy ___!" Luffy chuckles, coming over and picking you up.

"I'm not... That was all defence..." You tell him.

"Shishishi! If you say! Did you meet my brothers?" He asks, still holding you up as he carries you to the two males he was talking with earlier. He sets you down and places a hand on your head. "Sabo, Ace, this is ___! I told you about her earlier," Luffy chimes.

"Luffy sure has taken a shine to you, I'm Sabo," The blond says, holding out his hand with a warm smile. You take it, instantly at ease after seeing his smile.

"Thanks for helping me out Mr. Sabo," You tell him with a smile. He blinks and blushes a bit, offering a sheepish smile.

"Just Sabo is fine," He chuckles.

"You... Plan on letting go of ___'s hand now?" Ace asks, lifting an eyebrow at Sabo. The blond blushes more and swiftly releases your hand and looks away.

"Sorry," He says. Ace snickers.

"Looks like Luffy's not the only one who has taken a shine to you," Ace chuckles, taking your hand and putting it between his. "My name's Ace, it's nice to meet someone as innocently crazy as you," He says.

"But I'm not-"

"Hello~! My name is Sanji! Are you hurt cutie~!?" The other blond gushes, taking your hand from Ace's to put it in his.

"Um... Hi.... And I'm not hurt..." You assure him awkwardly. Law puts an arm around your waist and pulls you away, frowning at Ace and Sanji.

"Oh! And that's Usopp!" Luffy adds, pointing to your, 'Death Buddy'. Usopp holds up his fist slightly without turning around or looking at you.

"Death Buddies," He says. You touch your knuckles to his.


"Death Buddies," You murmur. Luffy chuckles.

"You guys are funny!" He comments.

"Think they're serious..." Sabo tells him.

"We are serious," You and Usopp say in unison. The guys sweatdrop.

"You're not going to die... You just have to lay low until your time here is up," Law tells you. He pauses, "When is your time up?" He asks you.

"One month," You answer. His shoulders droop and he somewhat pouts while Luffy really does pout. "What about you guys?" You ask.

"Four months," Law sighs.

"Three months!" Luffy chimes.

"Five for me." Ace says.

"Three," Sabo and Usopp pipe up.

"Seven," Sanji grumbles. You blink.

"Oh... Looks like I got luck--"

'___! Report to my office! ,' The intercom sounds with Doflamingo's voice. You pale, arms falling to your sides.

"Law..." You whimper. He pats your shoulder.

"I'll walk you to the office, I'm sure it's nothing," Sabo says, stepping forward.

"Okay..." You murmur, going to his side. He suddenly picks you up, making you stiffen.

"Need to get off the roof first..." He says, walking to the ledge. You become alarmed as he nonchalantly looks over the side.

"Um... What are you doing?" You ask warily.

"Checking my landing area," He replies, adjusting his grip on you. You look at him in slight horror and he offers a smile. "You might want to close your eyes," He adds. You swiftly put your face in his neck and he jumps off the roof. You latch onto him tightly until he lands easily on the ground. "Um, I don't mind carrying you, but are you alright?" He asks when you don't move.

"Mhm...." You hum, rigidly pulling back to look at his face.

"Sorry," He tells you, offering a soft comforting smile. You relax instantly, meeting his blue orbs. You both pause.

"Hey Sabo! You can put her down now!" Ace calls from the roof. A blush comes to both your faces and Sabo swiftly sets you down, tossing a slight glare up at his freckled brother.

"Lets get you to the office."

"Smokey!" You gasp when you enter the office and see the familiar officer. You run over and and hug the officer. "Please say you're here to take me home!" You whine into his chest.

"Sorry ___," He sighs.

"Your officer friend will be one of our new admin for the time being," Doflamingo rumbles.

"Eh why?" You ask.

"He was worried about you, and seeing that you will be staying here two more months..." Doflamingo trails off as the masked guy from earlier comes in. "Alright, thank you for joining us Killer," He greets the newcomer with a smile. You pale. His name is Killer!? You can feel Killer glare on you and you hug Smoker tighter.

"___, come stand next to Killer," Doflamingo tells you. You hesitantly stand next to the guy, feeling something like static coming off him. "Now then, you two, since you've cost me a table and chairs, your time here has been extended two months, " Doflamingo informs you both. You pale.

"Hold on, it was my fault for flipping the table.... He was just defending himself," You say without thinking. They all look at you in surprise.

"So you wish to take full responsibility? That will result in an extension of one year," Doflamingo informs you. You silently cursed yourself.

"It's the tru-"

"It was also my fault, I shouldn't have slashed the table up," Killer interrupts. You blink and look over in surprise.

"Well then, two month extension for both of you."

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