《Last Name... Pottorff. (Sam Pottorff)》1



I'm at the foster home just on my iPhone and there's a knock at my door. I was told to put on my dress. So I did and well there were 6 boys that looked like they were 18-20 but one looked really young. The lady introduced me and then we all went to a small room. They asked me questions.

They said they'd be back in 5 minutes

SAMs pov

We were talking

"She's perfect! who is gonna take legal rights over her?" Connor Asked

"I will" I said

"Sam well help you don't worry!"

"It's cool I'm glad to be her dad"

(A/n Badmtss)

We sighed the papers and we went back to the o2l house

Hannah's pov

Were at their house and I asked for their names and who has legal rights over me. They said their names were. Connor. Trevor. Jc. Kian. Ricky and Sam is my dad. Cool Hannah Lynn Pottorff. I like it.

I went to my room and Sam followed me so we can talk and. Get close cuz he is my father. "Hi Hannah how have you been?" Sam asked "I'm good. Actually great. Thanks so much for adopting me." "Hey your welcome. Your a really sweet girl. I'm so glad your my princess. Love you!". "Love you too dad!"

SAMs pov

She called me dad! you'll never know how great that is. I motioned her over and she sat in her lap. I kissed the top of her head and rocked her back and forth. She was so cute. She soon fell asleep. And Jc and Connor and Trevor sat behind her while KIAN took a picture of all 5 of us. Everyone got up besides me I was still holding her and KIAN sat next to me and Jc took a picture. I tucked her in and went to sleep.

First Chapter!!!! Whoooooo

Hope y'all will like it!


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