《That One Girl // Sam Pottorff》Chapter 1


Ally's Pov:

I woke up with my head pounding. I don't know why but I didn't really care because that's what happens pretty much every morning.

I get up and walk to the bathroom and wash my face so people couldn't see my dried tears on my face.

I grab some random clothes off the floor and put them on and I grab my binder, folders and textbooks and walk out the door.

It's still dark outside and pouring rain so I run to school as fast as I can trying not to fall or get to soaked.

When I walked into the school I went straight to my locker trying not to cause attention because that's the last thing I need.

I open my locker and Tom 'the jock' pushes me against the lockers, while all of his so called friends laugh at me.

I just act like nothing happened until Tom put his arms on both side of me so I couldn't move.

"Why are you even still living? You would give us all a favor if you just died." Tom whispered

I thought about it. Why don't I just die it seems easier then living this horrible life. But then I gave myself a pep talk.

Ally don't think that way your stronger than just giving up.

I smiled and kneed Tom in the place you don't want to get kneed in. His face went red and he fell to the ground

I got the rest of my stuff in my locker and walked to class with a smile on my face.

I sit at a table by myself like everyday with only my molded bread with I don't even know I think it's peanut butter and jelly in the middle.

I look around to see if anyone was looking at me or just what they were talking about when I got hit with mash potatoes right in the cheek.


Im surprised because this stuff never happens during lunch. I wipe the potatoes off my face and look around to we how did it.

Of corse Tom.

His group was all laughing. I couldn't take it anymore I walked over there with my lunch and sat down next to this random kid that I've never seen before that was in Toms group and I was sitting right across from Tom so I can yell in his face.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Tom asks grinding his teeth.

"Ok you shouldn't fucking do that your messing with the wrong girl you don't know what I can do to you and it will be bad so just leave me alone and go pick on someone your own size instead of me."

All the boys went 'ohhhh' and Tom gave them like his 'I'm going to kill you' look

Tom grabbed my by my shirt and whispered in my ear

"If you think your so cool see me after school. We can settle this and I wouldn't make anyone watch. So you don't get embarrassed when your head is in your ass"

I smiled and began eating my food at Toms table while they all talked.

I felt some dude tap my shoulder and I turned around.

"Why don't you just move away from this hell hole if I was in your spot I would have moved a long time ago." The guy said

I nodded and thought about moving I do have a couple thousand dollars maybe I could.


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