《Disillusioned - (Volturi Kings) Light Carries On Endlessly Even After Death》Chapter 7
When we reached Volterra it was around 8pm. I stepped out of the car and was faced by a grand castle. Five round towers rose high above us. The castle was set firm in cobblestone and looked strong despite its obvious age. The towers were connected by enormous walls made of olive yellowstone. I stood there mouth agape hypnotised by the beauty of the scene in front of me. The sky was a shade of purple and blue with a tint of blood orange. It looked like a scene out of a painting. I heard a chuckle behind me and felt a hand snake itself around my waist.
I desperately hoped it was Aro's hand, but turning around I saw Caius. Smiling, I leaned into him as we walked towards the castle. The heavy wooden doors opened as we reached them and I caught sight of our welcoming party. There was a buff and tall vampire that was even bigger Emmett, if that was possible. Next to him stood a shorter and more lean vampire with sharply gelled blonde hair. These two approached us first and bowed. "It is good to finally meet you my queen," the shorter of them spoke. I chuckled awkwardly, not sure what to say, "It's nice to meet you as well..."
"Demitri" he said happily, "oh and this is Felix," the taller dude nodded and smiled. "I am honoured to make your acquaintance my queen," Felix's voice sounded very friendly, contradicting his appearance. "Likewise, and Lyra is fine," the hand around my waist tightened slightly and both vampires nodded.
Looking over I realised that the other 2 couldn't be any older than 16. "You must be Jane and Alec?" It was posed as a question but I was fairly confident. The 2 of them looked shocked, as they hastily bowed.
"Indeed my queen," Alec spoke.
"Aro speaks very highly of you both," I said, shooting a glance towards Aro, who maintained a neutral expression and continued looking forward. Looking back over to the twins, I realised that they were both on the verge of giggling.
"Master's I hate to interrupt, however, there are some important trials that need your attention," Demitri grimaced. Aro nodded whilst Marcus and Caius looked disappointedly. "Jane, would you be so kind as to show Lyra to my room? Alec come with us." Aro posed the question to Jane, however, did not stop to hear her reply. Once Jane nodded, the others all disappeared.
I huffed in annoyance. Aro was beginning to get on my nerves, all I had done was ask a few questions and he was refusing to even look at me. Jane suddenly looked worried, "is something wrong my queen?" I shook my head and patted her on the shoulder, "I'm okay, and you can call me Lyra". She looked over her shoulder and shook her head, "I'm not sure the kings would like that".
"You can call me Lyra when they're not around then," I said, with a cheery demeanour. Jane looked sceptical but agreed.
The castle seemed to go on forever. Everytime we passed 5 hallways there would be a circular stairway. We travelled 3 stories up and I couldn't help but feel dizzy everytime we passed a window. Jane was walking at 'human pace' and seemed quite happy with my company. She couldn't have been older than 15 when she was turned, she had platinum blonde hair tied back into a sleek ponytail. Jane had a very innocent and adorable face, but her eyes held a ferocity to them. I don't know why but I really just wanted to give Jane a hug and tell her that everything would be fine. She may have been only 15 but her eyes made her look so much older, there was a distant pain in them.
"Jane, where is your room by the way?" My tone was casual, but Jane looked surprised that I had taken interest in her. "My room is on the 2nd floor with the rest of the elite guard. The 3rd floor is specifically where the kings' rooms are as well as the q... I mean other VIP guests, master Aro often holds grand balls and invites other surrounding coven leaders." Jane looked like she was going to say something but paused.
"The dungeons are 3 floors underground and the common guard's rooms are found on the 1st floor underground, but you don't need to worry yourself with those places." I heeded Jane's warning but still a part of me wanted to explore the areas. "This is Master Caius' art gallery, we're not allowed in there unless we get special permission." Jane pointed towards a room to my left that had dark green double doors.
"Master Marcus' room is further down the hall and if you take a left there you can find the library." I looked shocked by this. "You have a library?!" I sounded like Jane had just told me I had won a million dollars.
"Well technically this library is the master's private one, the guard's library is on the 2nd floor,"my mouth dropped. "So there's 2 libraries?!?!" Looking at my face, Jane started laughing, it was a melodious laugh and it made me smile as well.
"So besides the floors underground and Caius and Marcus' private rooms are there any other room's I should steer clear of at the moment?" Jane looked thoughtful for a minute.
"There is the 4th story which mainly has meeting rooms and master Aro's study. Oh and the throne room, most trials happen there and the vampires can get a bit rogue," Jane sounded serious, "also try to avoid the other rooms on this floor," Jane added the last bit silently. I nodded in understanding.
When we reached Aro's room I was scared of going inside. I didn't want to talk to him or see him, but at the same time I wanted him to scoop me up into his arms. "He's not in there," Jane added a little quietly. I shook my head and chuckled, "that's not what I'm worried about," I lied. Jane gave me a look that said 'sure'.
I took a few steps into the room before I realised that Jane hadn't followed me. "Jane, you can come in," I said, not bothering to look back. Aro's room was more like a mini house in its own style. There were 3 doors leading to probably a bathroom and closets. There was a huge crowded desk and piano in one corner of the room. 7 tall windows littered the wall behind the bed that were cradled by tall silk curtains that were the deepest shade of red I had ever seen. The entire room had splashes of the colour red here and there, it was soothing.
Eying the huge bed in the centre of the room I felt a wave of fatigue wash over me. I sat down on the edge and wondered why Aro would even need a bed of this size. Jane came and sat down beside me. "Soooo, I heard you have a gift," I had been itching to ask Jane about her pain-stare. Jane nodded and I continued, "so what does it do?" Jane looked considerate for a second, "Ihaven't done it on myself, but once I got so mad I did it on Alec accidentally. He said that it was like he was being burned alive and dying over and over again, it took him a while to recover," Jane's voice sounded timid but there was a small grin growing on her face.
"I bet he didn't make you mad again for a long time after," I laughed. Jane chuckled and nodded. "I was actually hoping you would do me a favour Jane..." Jane's interest perked up, "sure, who do you want to torture?" I broke into a laugh at her casual tone. "Oh my god... I don't need you to torture anyone Jane, ah," I managed to choke out in parts.
I asked her as I calmed down, "I want you to test your gift out... on me..." there was an uncomfortable pause. "Excuse me?" Jane asked, on the verge of anger. "Before you misunderstand, I want you to test if your gift works on me. I have my own gift. I can create mindlinks between others and myself and gifts - beside Alice's - have only worked on me when I'm using the mindlink, Edward could only read my mind when I had a mindlink on with him. So yeah..." I didn't realise I was ranting until I saw Jane's uncertain look on her face.
"What if you get hurt?" I smiled at the care that was laced into Jane's words but shook my head. "You'll stop it if I do," Jane nodded but still looked unsure. "I won't let the kings get mad I promise" I was certain that I would be able to keep my promise... by not telling Aro, Caius and Marcus in the first place. 'They won't care either way' I ignored the voice in my head.
"Very well then..." I excitedly shut my eyes. A minute went by but I didn't feel anything, there was a strange tingling feeling in my hand but other than that everything was fine. I opened my eyes to find Jane frowning in concentration. "I guess not then," she said looking relieved. "Wait this means that master Aro's-" Jane was about to say something but went quiet.
"What about Aro?" I asked curiously. "Nevermind," Jane's voice was full of anxiety. "I'm really sorry, I really enjoyed spending time with you but I should go my que-... Lyra," Jane smiled when she said my name. I wanted to stop her and ask what she meant but didn't.
I was left alone to my thoughts, hunger and fatigue. I walked over to the small 'kitchen' that I was sure had been set up for me, temporarily pushing the catastrophic thoughts to the back of my mind. After having a bowl of cereal for dinner I curled up under the sheets and the thoughts resurfaced. I desperately, desperately wanted to go to sleep, but I couldn't.
Was it something I said? I knew the kings would get tired of me eventually but this was very quick. Maybe it was because I was to live in his quarters, maybe he didn't want to share. Maybe he didn't want to be my true mate. Was I too ugly for him to love? I wondered if they were punishing me for what Edward did.
Approximately 2 hours later I was a shivering mess. Silent tears were dripping off my cheeks as I hoped my thoughts would stop. I was tired of being abandoned, I desperately just wanted someone, anyone to not get sick of me. First my parents, then Edward, then my other family and now my true mates. The individuals who were meant to love me despite everything. I must be unloveable.
I couldn't describe it with words but there was a physical hollow pain throbbing in my chest. I just wanted it to stop. I wasn't new to rejection or loneliness, but it had never hurt so much before. I wondered what would happen if the kings did decide to leave me. I couldn't go back to the Cullens, tears spilled out of my eyes as I realised I had nowhere to go.
I doubled over in pain as I understood that the kings didn't want me. Before I could stop a whimper left my lips, followed by a series of badly hidden sobs. My heartbeat quickened as I heard steps approaching the door. I practically flung myself out of bed and into the bathroom, turning on the taps to hide my uneven breathing. I felt the door to the room open and someone come inside. I held my breath as more silent tears spilled out. I silently slid down the wall hugging my knees to my chest.
Someone knocked on the door, "Lyra are you in there?" The voice was soft, I realised it was Aro's. Clearing my throat and sniffling slightly I managed an answer, "Yeah, I'll be out in a second," my voice sounded strained. Aro must've been satisfied with the answer because he didn't respond. 'He cannot care less' I thought and the pain increased again. The thoughts kept coming. Realising that I couldn't spend the night in the bathroom, I got up. I washed my face and tried to slow my breathing, it helped slightly but my breath still came out in shaky waves.
I unlocked the door and stepped outside, Aro was sitting at the desk, not particularly doing anything. I looked down at the floor and started walking back to the bed. Before I could reach it I bumped into something.
I continued looking at the floor. "Lyra..." his voice was very gentle, it made me want to pull him into an embrace, but I refrained. The pain in my chest throbbed as I felt fresh tears form in my eyes. I had to bite my lip to not cry out. "Please look at me," Aro's voice cracked slightly.
"I'm sorry," I whispered. A part of me believed that he wouldn't hate me if I apologised for... well... being me. "Why are you sorry mia cara?" Aro went to tilt my head upwards, but stopped halfway. Perhaps he was too disgusted to even touch a human like me.
"I-I'll just go to bed," my voice cracked as I went to move, but Aro grabbed my clothed arm. "I owe you an explanation," he whispered. Pulling me over to the bed he sat down opposite me. "There is something I need to tell you." I felt my heartbeat speed up, thousands of possibilities raced through my mind. Was he about to ask me to leave, tell me he didn't like me or that... he liked someone else. I felt a stab of hurt in my chest.
"I'm gifted." I looked up with confusion, thankful that he was looking the other way. "I have a gift similar to Edward's, tactile telepathy. I know you're upset, but trust me Lyra even when I touched you when we first met I didn't see anything besides the thoughts you were having in the moment." I let out a shaky breath. This was why he was avoiding me? Fear and sadness were now replaced with guilt. "I'm sorry, I didn't know..." I apologised once more but this time Aro was confused. "Why are you apologising Il mio amore? Please don't apologise."
"No, I thought... Even if you wanted to, you could not have seen anything." He looked back now and I quickly dropped my gaze. "My gift... the mindlink... your gift won't work on me completely unless I connect a mindlink with you," Aro walked over to me now and sat down. "Are you sure?" I didn't make eye contact with him but nodded. "Even if your gift does work, I have nothing to hide from you," I could feel the joy radiate off of him, but the destructive thoughts that were bothering were hard to dispel.
Aro tentatively put his hand forward and I placed mine into his. After a few minutes he removed his hand from mine and pulled me into his chest 'Incredible". I limply allowed myself to sink into him. My overwhelming emotions overtook me once again and I began softly sobbing. Aro pulled back and tilted my chin up, "mia cara what's wrong?" I didn't answer, instead sinking back into him.
"Y-you, I'm," I couldn't talk, I could barely breathe. I connected a mindlink with him and pressed my hand into his. "Lyra you don't have to," he said softly. "I want to," I choked out. For a few moments Aro was silently, rubbing circles on my back. His arm tightened around a few times but other than that nothing was done or said.
Eventually, Aro pulled back and I could see venomous tears in his eyes. "I'm so sorry Mia Cara, I did not realise my behaviour was affecting you like that." I wrapped an arm around myself. "I was not irritated at you, god I could never be, it's just seeing you with my brothers and not being able to touch you... it was driving me insane." Realising he was ranting, Aro pulled me back into his side.
"You don't have to worry there is no one in the world more dear to me than you, I would rather die than hurt you on purpose. I love you," it was the last 3 words that caused me to finally calm down.
"I love you," I whispered shakily, I realised that I did love him. The pain in my chest finally subsided, Aro shifted so that I was practically in his lap.
"Does it... still hurt?" I realised that I must've cut my mindlink off. I shook my head and pressed myself into him. "Could you feel it?" I asked him. He nodded solemnly, "at first we thought it was because we were away from you. Then Marcus saw our bond shaking and I left to find you." We, that meant they felt it as well.
"You don't need to worry or feel guilty, this was entirely my stupidity and both my brothers know that. You should have seen Marcus' glare." Aro shivered. "You're not stupid Aro," I mumbled half-asleep. "You're perfect". Aro stilled at my words and I shifted to look at him. His eyes looked sad yet happy at the same time. "I love you." I said once more. Aro's eyes turned black and I sat up to get a better look at him. "Aro your eyes... are you okay?" I gently grabbed his face, rubbing his cheek.
His gaze suddenly flickered to my lips and I giggled as understanding dawned on me. Not wasting any time I closed the distance between us.
Aro's lips were incredibly soft and reminded me of the texture of roses. Our lips danced with one another delicately as Aro snaked a hand behind my head. It was slow and soft, I was doing surprisingly well, considering that this was the first time I had ever kissed anyone. Aro's eyes shot open as he took control of the kiss. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and I felt a tingle in the pit of my stomach. Even whilst in control Aro moved gently, as if afraid that I would break.
We parted as I ran out of breath. "That was your first? I was your first?" Aro sounded like a child who was just told that Christmas was coming early. I blushed and hid my face in his chest. I could feel the smirk that was playing on his lips. "Goodnight mia cara." Aro said finally, gently kissing the top of my head. I felt safe and sleep finally came to me, while I was pressed into Aro's side. "Goodnight Aro".
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