《Unspoken Thoughts》Love, Bittersweet


Love, when I told you to wait,

You said you can,

You were willing,

You did not think twice.

You were determined to meet me

At the end of the tunnel.

Yes, it's bittersweet how the

Universe managed to pull the

Attraction left between us.

I have to let you go not because

I found someone new nor

Because of my uncertain feelings,

But it is because you weren't

Happy with me anymore.

I can sense it, I can see it in your eyes.

I can read it between the lines

Of your messages.

Painful it may seem but if

Letting go means knowing you'll be

Happy with someone else's arm then,

I won't hinder you.

I just pray that he knows how to

Handle your craziness,

Caresses away your insecurities and doubts,

Listen to your endless and pointless stories.

But most of all, can give you the love

that you keep trying to give to others.

Love, it may be painful but I can go on.

I must have to because my home left me for good,

And there's nothing I can run back to anymore.

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