《While The Parents Are Away》Chapter 2
"Say, Kya, you didn't happen to pack any of those kale cookies, did you?" said Bumi, reaching for the biggest bag they had.
"Not yet!" she kicked away his hand, "We only left home an hour ago. You can eat tomorrow, we can't be this reckless with our supplies."
"So there's a chance we'll run out of food soon?" asked Tenzin, "I wasn't planning on making stops that aren't for sleeping."
"Look, I packed plenty. If Mr. Bottomless-Pit can keep his hands off, we'll be set until we reach Lin's secret criminal island..." Kya mocked.
"I should show you where it is, Tenzin." Lin cut in, "Bumi, hand me a map."
"Where is it, Kya?"
"I didn't pack a map." Kya shrugged, "You didn't tell me to."
"It's common sense, bringing a map on an overseas trip." Bumi said and Tenzin nodded in agreement.
"And maybe I would know that if I went on missions with the army, or on trips with Dad..."
"Well, we're all lucky you packed you jewelry." Lin started.
"What? I'm not wearing any jewelry." Kya showed them her wrists.
"I'm referring to the jewelry in the bag."
"There is no jewelry in the bag, Lin!"
"Yeah, right... I can feel the metal in it from over here." Lin waved her hand to try and bring the proof out in the open, but stopped when she heard a muffled "ow" coming from the bag.
"You're chocking me!" Turned out that the necklace was attached to Suyin, who slowly crawled out of the bag.
"You snuck her on?" Lin turned to Kya again.
"No! I had no idea she was in there. She must have hid in there before Bumi carried it onto Oogi."
"My back!" Bumi rubbed his neck.
"You're such a brat, you know?" Lin yelled, "When people are actually trying to help you, to keep you safe..."
"You just didn't want me to come!" Su was at the brink of tears from just that sentence.
"Lin, maybe you shouldn't..." Bumi didn't like where all this yelling was taking them. This was not at all how he imagined being on Team Avatar.
"Shouldn't what, Bumi? Take any responsibility, like you?"
"I would have you know, you are speaking to a soldier of-"
"Everybody shut up!" Tenzin yelled out of the blue, blowing some wind their way, "If you do not stop arguing, I will turn this bison around and fly us straight home, Spirits help me!"
Tenzin's outburst seemed to do the trick and everyone stopped talking and even looking at each other.
"We're all tired, cold and a little scared, but we should still treat each other with respect. If we cannot find a way to work together, then we shouldn't be on this trip at all."
After Tenzin's speech everyone kept quiet and just looked at the stars in thought. They stopped arguing, but they also stopped talking altogether. Within another hour Bumi fell asleep with his head hanging out the saddle. Su and Kya followed close after him, dosing off while Kya had the girl in her embrace. They didn't seem as bothered by Bumi's insistent snoring as Lin was. Sleep just wouldn't come to her, and maybe it was because Bumi sounded like a sky bison, but maybe it was because she was still so angry. Angry at her mother, at Su, at Kya and just... Angry.
She finally gave up trying to dose off and carefully walked over to sit next to Tenzin on Oogi's neck. Neither of them said anything for a few moments. They just enjoyed the atmosphere, the quiet of the middle of the night.
"How much longer to the Fire Nation?" Lin asked.
"We'll be there at dawn probably."
"Oh... That's good."
"You don't need to worry about, Su." Tenzin said after another silence, "We'll all protect her if we get into trouble. She's probably safer here than-"
"I'm not worried."
"Of course not." Tenzin noticed Lin's hand was extremely close. He could just reach out and take it. It wouldn't be a big deal, would it? Would she even like that? What would be the worst thing that could happen?
"You want me to take over so you can sleep for a bit?" Lin interrupted his thoughts.
"No... I'm not tired. And I'm quite enjoying the silence." he said and she nodded.
No! Why did he say that?! He didn't mean for her to stop talking! No!
There were a few more moments filled with silence before Lin spoke again.
"I think it's pretty cool how you got everyone in line today. I didn't know you had it in you."
"Thanks." he didn't really know how to respond.
Lin turned around to check one more time that everyone else was asleep. Then she quickly, but gently, put her hands arounds Tenzin's face and pulled him in for a lingering kiss.
As soon as Tenzin's lips were free he smiled from ear to ear.
"If you tell anyone, I'll-"
"Yeah, yeah... I won't." Tenzin interrupted her.
"Oh, no." Lin removed her hands from his neck, "I didn't even ask if this was OK... I was just waiting for the perfect moment and I... I didn't want to assume."
"It was OK." Tenzin said causing Lin to look away. Oh, he could do better than that...
"It was amazing actually." he finally reached for her hand and took it into his, "I was waiting for the perfect moment too."
The next morning Kya was woken by someone lightly slapping her cheek.
"Come on, Kya!" Suyin shook the girl's head, causing her to open her eyes.
"We need you to remember which of these windows leads to Izumi's room." she heard Lin say and immediately sat up. When her eyes adjusted to the morning light she realized they were hovering very close to the Fire Nation palace.
"How should I know?" she rubbed her eyes.
"Suyin was too young last time we visited and I didn't spend more than a few minutes up there." Lin explained.
"Why don't we try the main gate?" Kya asked.
"That's what I asked." Tenzin gave Lin a look, "But it was explained to me that we can't just tell Aunt Mai her husband is probably dead and we want to take her daughter with us on a trip."
"You're probably right. Adults ruin everything." Kya looked around carefully trying to find her bearings.
"Hey!" Bumi objected.
"She meant parents, not you." Tenzin said.
"I would say it's that one." Kya pointed to a close-by window.
Tenzin followed his sister's finger and got them just outside the Princess' room. They could see her inside, still sleeping in her bed.
"Perfect." Kya opened her water pouch and made an icy bridge leading through the window. In a few steps she was inside and near Izumi's bed. It only took a few drops of water on the Princess' face to wake her.
"Good morning, Kya. What brings you to my room?" Izumi was collected as ever.
"Our parents are in trouble, Izumi. We're all going to help them." Kya started.
Izumi looked through the window and saw Su and Bumi enthusiastically waving at her.
"And we could use a firebender."
"No... I couldn't. I'd have to ask my mother. And even then, I'm not very good, you know this." Izumi sat up and nervously ran her fingers through her hair.
"It'll be alright. Su's going." Kya sat next to her, "It wouldn't be the same without you."
"And you all ran away from home?"
"Some of us more than others."
"Alright." Izumi agreed, "I'll have to pack. I'm not even dressed."
"Whatever you need. Just hurry."
The Princess started gathering things from her huge room into a decent-sized bag. She stopped to change out of her pajamas when she heard her mother calling for her.
"Tell her you're getting ready." Kya suggested and Izumi agreed. She opened the door to send her mother away when she saw Mai was not alone in the hallway.
"Izumi! Izumi, run!" Mai was being dragged away by two men wearing dark clothes and masks. She was fighting back, but they were just too much for her. And there were more of them running towards the room.
"Mom!" Izumi screamed, but couldn't move an inch. Thankfully, Kya acted faster. With a few moves she unfroze the little bridge and used the water to knock out the men. But there were more coming and Mai was already dragged out of their sight.
"Some help here!" Kya yelled and Bumi immediately jumped in through the window and gently led Izumi towards the bison. She was in shock at first, but was now starting to come to her senses. The two of them jumped together while Kya was still fighting off the intruders.
"You left her alone?" Lin was getting ready to jump in and help her when Tenzin pulled her back. He saw Kya froze the entrance to Izumi's room and was just about to get back to the bison.
"Go! Go! Go!" Kya jumped right onto Bumi's back, "Get out of here!"
And Tenzin obeyed, steering Oogi in the direction Lin showed him.
After a few hours they noticed Oogi flying lower so they decided to land just outside a small Fire Nation village. Since Su had to remove some of the supplies to be able to hide in the bag, they were a little short on food so shopping couldn't be avoided.
"I just wanted to... Apologize for not doing more." Izumi said while getting off Oogi. She'd been quiet the whole trip there and none of them wanted to push.
"I put you all in danger by not acting. Kya, Bumi, I'm sorry you almost got captured." she added.
"It's alright." Kya smiled, "We're just glad we got there in time to get you out at least."
Izumi looked to the ground.
"We'll get them. I hope you realize that." Lin grabbed one of her shoulders, "They have no idea what's coming for them."
"Thank you." the Princess hugged Lin, to everyone's surprise, including Lin's.
"Did any of you get a good look at the intruders?" Tenzin asked.
"No, not really." Izumi let go of Lin.
"They faces were covered." Kya added.
"They had a red flower on their left shoulder, each. It must be a kind of symbol for them to put it on their uniform." Bumi said.
"You think they have an army?" Lin asked.
"I think they're organized. It's just a question of what their agenda is. What connects the Northern Chief to Izumi's mom?"
"They're world leaders." Izumi cut in, "Like your dad, my dad and Chief Sokka."
"Someone's snatching world leaders." Lin concluded, "Come on then, we don't have any time to waste."
"Su, you want to go shopping with me?" Kya asked and the little girl jumped from joy.
"Could you get me something to wear, please?" Izumi begged, "I can't stay in these pajamas."
"Can I help you pick, Kya?" Su asked looking up at her.
"Can you go with them to make sure they don't buy something too... Impractical?" Izumi asked Lin.
"So no dresses. Something you can move around in."
Lin nodded and started slowly walking after Kya and Su towards the village.
"I should go too. Get some food for Oogi." Tenzin said.
"Good idea. Go with Lin." Bumi whispered.
"No, I really have to feed Oogi."
"Sure, you do." Bumi winked.
Tenzin decided making his point wasn't worth the aggravation and just walked away, leaving Bumi and Izumi to watch over everyone's stuff.
"This one is pretty!" Su found a wine red dress and pulled it of the shelf to show Kya.
"No dresses, you heard Izumi." Lin peeked in between rows of stacked shirts.
"Yeah... And those ruffles... I don't think so." Kya said.
"And not a dress!" Lin could swear those two had hearing problems.
"How about we look around for you too, Lin?" Kya asked, "I bet green is totally your color."
"Yes! You don't have to dress like a boy all the time." Su started searching the shelves.
"I do not look like a boy, Su." Lin ran a hand through her hair, which was obviously longer than a boy would keep it. Well, except Bumi, but he was the exception, not the rule.
"Well, you have to admit, you do dress a bit boyish." Kya said.
It took every bit of self-control Lin had not to answer with: Your brother didn't seem to mind it last night.
"Nonsense." was what she ended up saying, "Now hurry up with that."
"You know, you're really no fun at all." Su said and walked over to Kya, "I wish you could be my sister and not her."
"Now, Su... That's not very-"
"No, let her speak her mind!" Lin raised her voice, "You want to trade? I'll give you over to Kya right now in exchange for either of her brothers."
"You'd really rather have Bumi?" Kya was happy he wasn't there to hear her say that.
"Bumi's a trained professional..."
"Bumi's a clown."
"Then go spend time with your new family!" Su put her arms around Kya.
"Maybe I will!" Lin yelled back.
"Maybe you should!"
"Well, good."
Kya sighed and watched Lin strut out of the store and over to where Tenzin was buying vegetables for Oogi. Yeah, the two sisters were so different...
"How do you put up with her?" Lin immediately asked Tenzin.
"Kya? Yeah, she can be mean..." Tenzin tried to be understanding, but didn't really know what happened in the store.
"No, I mean... Well, for example, we're on a life-threatening mission right now, where all of our parents' lives could be in at stake and all she wants to do is give me a makeover. She needs to get her priorities straight. I mean, she acts like she's younger than Su."
They both stepped forward, since they were almost next in line at the vegetable stand.
"That's exactly the point." Tenzin started, "She's doing it for Suyin. She got that from our mom. Anytime our dad was in trouble, I would always know, since she'd spend extra time with us, doing anything we wanted. Kya's just trying to keep Su from being afraid."
Damn him and his big bald head... That made sense. Could she be overreacting? Mom says she's always overreacting... Maybe she should have played along. But Lin never plays along... Maybe that's why she doesn't really have any... Whoa. That went... Damn.
"Makes sense." Lin said just in time, since it was their turn. Tenzin stepped forward and asked for a couple of cabbages or whatever... Lin wasn't really listening.
"But I don't have that much." Tenzin told the merchant.
"That's the price, kid. Now, if you're not serious about buying, get out of the line!"
"But you just charged that guy a quarter of that."
"That's different. That's the Fire Nation price." This sentence sparked Lin's interest.
"That's what?" Lin stepped up and put her fists on the man's stand.
"I'm just saying I can't charge my country men and this cloud hugger the same."
"Lin, let's get out of here." Tenzin tried to pull her away, but her feet were planted firmly in the ground. She stomped with one of them, bringing a big piece of the ground crashing on top of the man's stand.
"This is what I think of your prices!" Lin pulled a few more rocks in the air to appear more threatening. Tenzin also got into his fighting stance and stood next to her, kind of weirdly happy about what she did.
"You will pay for this!" the merchant made a fireball in his hand.
"Make us!" Lin struck again.
"Does it hurt?" Kya was having difficulty healing both Lin and Tenzin's injuries at the same time, also being quite pissed at them.
Tenzin looked over to Lin before answering.
"It's better, thank you."
"Good." Kya returned the water in her pouch, "What were you two thinking?"
"How was I supposed to know a troop of Fire Nation soldiers was approaching?" Lin crossed her arms.
"We were lucky to get out of there fast enough after what you did! You can't go around-"
"If I may, sister?" Bumi interrupted her, handing her the reins to Oogi. They were already flying away from that village since they were left with no other choice. A group of soldiers came to the merchant's defense and they had no time to explain anything before they were in a fight with all of them. Kya and Su had to leave the store without buying anything, too, so they were at square one again.
Bumi stood behind the two teenagers and then, without warning, simultaneously smacked both of them on the back of their heads.
"Listen up, recruits! This kind of behavior continues, and you will be painting this bison blue, one hair at a time! Is that understood?"
"Actually, no." Lin said, cracking up.
"Do you think I am joking, private Beifong?! That's what we call military camouflage."
"Yes, Sir?" Lin tried.
"As you were." he said and looked over to Izumi and Su who were giggling the whole time.
"Now for the next problem..." Bumi took off his red United Forces uniform jacket and handed it to Izumi.
"Thank you. It was always my color." Izumi put the comically too large jacket on and proceeded to roll back the sleeves. It looked rather funny, over her pinkish, silk pajamas.
"So what are we going to feed Oogi?" Tenzin asked, "And ourselves?"
"We'll stop somewhere, it's no big deal." Bumi sat back down.
"It's nothing but ocean from here on out, so why don't you ask Lin about that?" Kya said, clumsily stirring Oogi.
"There are a lot of ships down here!" Tenzin looked directly under them.
"Look, it's not my fault that guy was a jerk!" Lin defended her actions.
"Yeah, the rocks just started flying on their own..." Kya mocked.
"Guys, it looks like a fleet or something." Tenzin said.
"It's true that we would have food now if you didn't go all Beifong on the guy..." Bumi told Lin as calmly as possible.
"It's not my fault we're without supplies. Suyin's the one that took them out of the bag!" Lin pointed at her sister.
"You were gonna leave me!" the little girl screamed.
"That can still happen." After Lin said that Su jumped at her, knocking her over. Lin fell on Izumi, knocking her out of the saddle and sending her flying towards the water.
Tenzin wasted no time, but grabbed his glider and was ready to jump after her, before Lin stopped him.
Izumi was using her firebending to slow down her fall. She eventually did hit the water, but it was no more dangerous than a swim at the beach. Tenzin took the reins from Kya as fast as he could and led Oogi closer to the water to look for their friend.
They ignored the wooden ship that was sailing quite close, but Tenzin did think it was unusual that these waters had so much traffic. Then, suddenly, a net flew from that ship and completely entangled Oogi. They could do nothing as the ship pulled them closer.
Feel free to comment. I'll update fast since I'm just reposting this from other fanfiction sites.
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