《Aang's Guide》Frozen in Time: Kyra
1 year and 1 month.
Zuko and I had gotten married four days after his ceremony. It was beautiful, Aang had walked me down the aisle. We married a day after my birthday making me 17. His birthday was two days before also making him 17. Then nine months later I had twins a boy and a girl. Ling and Ren were the most beautiful things I had ever seen.Only at 1 year 1 month and I can see that they are going to be very good benders. Zuko and I have taken them to Ember Island so that I can spend some alone time with my family. Aang and Katara are coming to visit in a few days. Maybe even Sokka and Toph. Aang has been quite busy with restoring the earth kingdom he is creating a new city there. Toph has started a metal bending school, which she seems to be doing very well with. Sokka has gone back to the Southern Water Tribe to help the rebuild of it. Katara has been at the Northern Water Tribe teaching healers. As for relationships, Katara finally wasn't so confused anymore, because me and Sokka walked into Aang and her kissing. Sokka and Suki broke up a few weeks after the crowning because Suki didn't want to be away from the Kyoshi Warriors. Toph then started to drop hints and we all aren't sure if Sokka is seeing them...
I'm laying on the beach watching my husband and the twins playing. The twins are in their suits flicking the sand in the air. Zuko is shirtless and is laughing with them. He looks towards me and winks. I smile and stand looking down at myself. I wipe off the sand that was on my red two piece. I went to sit next to Ren he looked up at me and I was stunned to see what happened next, a small flame came from his fist. I gasped and looked at Zuko who's mouth was open, "Zuko! Did you see that?" He smiled at me"Yes! He took after his daddy!" I smiled as I bent down and kissed Ren. "He's super young to be bending, isn't he?" He smiled as he picked up Ling and sat her in his lap. "Well in the Fire Nation that means he will be a powerful bender." I smiled and fixed Ren's black puff of hair. I looked at Ling,"Now my lovely daughter will you be a air bender?" Zuko looked up at me,"I truly hope so.. She already looks just like you my queen." I smirked and looked at her and smiled. I heard loud yelling behind me, "Zuko what in the world is that?" He chuckles and points behind me. I turn to see up Appa flying towards us. I look back and down at the kids, "Alright my sweethearts let's go see your Uncle." I stood up and grabbed Ling from Zuko. As Zuko grabbed Ren and stood up following me. Appa landed right next to us, "Good grief Sokka could you point those smelly things somewhere else!" Toph says as she kicks him off the saddle. Sokka has his socks in his hands and smiles at us, "Hey guys!" Katara jumps off and runs to me, "Kyra!" She hugs me and tickles Ling. Aang air bends down, "Hi Kyra.." He comes over and hugs me tightly. He pulls away as I look at how much he had changed in the last few months. "Aang are you getting taller?" I realized we were eye to eye now he only smiled as he looked to Katara who rolled her eyes. Aang looks to Ling and puts out his hands, "Come to Uncle Aang." Ling pulls towards him with her arms out. Aang pulls her off my waist and cradles her. I look over at Zuko and Ren, Katara is playing peekaboo with him. I finally see Toph climb off of Appa, "Hey let me hold one of the nasty booger makers." Zuko goes over to her and hands her Ren. Toph smiles and cradles him. Sokka walks over to her, "He's so squishy.." He says while poking Ren in the face. Ren giggles and grabs Sokka's finger and bites it, "Ow!" Tophs laughs hard, "I like this one!" I smile as I walk over to her, "This one is Ren, Toph." Toph smiles, "Hello Ren.." I here a groan behind me, "Uh Kyra?" Aang says. I look up from Ren and see Zuko wincing at the scene behind me, "What Aang?" I turn to see Aang covered in green barf. Ling is giggling, "Zuko grab Ling and we should all walk back to the villa, it's time for the kids to nap." Sokka points at Aang and chuckles, "You look like seaweed!" Katara bends the barf off of Aang and flings it onto Sokka. Sokka starts to gag, "I think I'm gonna barf!" He runs towards the villa, and we all follow giggling behind the frantic Sokka.
As we enter into the villa, I see Sokka is in the fountain getting off the barf, "Sokka! That's not a tub!" Zuko hands me Ling as he runs up to Sokka and helping him out. Ling giggles as Sokka falls out of the fountain,"I think your children have it out for me Kyra." Zuko smiles at me and winks, "Oh Sokka they just find humor in your stupid ways." I say as I head towards the twin's rooms. Everyone laughs and Sokka just sticks his tongue out at me. "Hey Toph follow me and we will put the kids down for a nap." Toph comes up beside me and we walk down the main hallway to the twins room. I open the door and gently set Ling in her bright orange crib. Toph does the same with Ren in his red one, "Did I put him in right? Is he comfortable?" I smile and walk over to Ren's crib and he is peacefully asleep. "Yes Toph he is peacefully sleeping, you did fine." She sighs and heads for the door with me at her heels. I turn back towards the twins as I shut the door and whisper,"Mommy loves you both." I shut the door.
After the kids went to sleep Toph and I walk back to the group were we find Aang talking to them about a small island that will be off the coast of the new city. Toph goes over and sits next to Sokka. Zuko comes up to me and gives me a quick kiss, "Are the twins ok?" I smile, "There fine Zuko." Aang smiles at me,"Kyra I have a present for you." I smile and sit next to Katara and Zuko follows,"What's the present Aang?" Aang sighs, "Kyra I want you to name the new city.. I want to share a piece of the city with you." I smile,"Aang that is so sweet." I rub my chin,"I have thought of a name before." Aang starts to get excited,"Alright what is it?" I smile,"Well when we talked about the city during the letters you said it was to be a place where people can come a speak freely about who they are. So I thought about making it simple, so I was thinking the name should be Republic City." Aang's eyes were in awe of the name, "I like it! It's not complicated or long. It's perfect..." Everyone was smiling. Katara then shoved Sokka,"Oh guys Sokka didn't want me to tell you guys but it's his birthday today.." Sokka kicks her in the shin. "Happy Birthday!!" We all scream. He chuckles,"Thanks guys." Toph hits him in the shoulder,"So any special requests meathead."Sokka looks at her and smiles. We all watch as Sokka stands and jumps up onto a rock, "I have announcement to make!" I giggle, "We figured that Sokka." He crosses his arms,"Silence from the crowds please." I giggle as Zuko puts his arm around me. "Alright want everyone to know that I'm going to ask someone special a important question!" I look over at Toph and I see her sigh, "And she doesn't know it's her.." I watch him look at Toph,"I have been blind.." Toph coughs,"Well.. Good luck with that.." She stands and starts to leave,"Toph.." Sokka jumps off the rock and grabs her hand. He twirls her to him and kisses her. We all gasp, "That was unexpected.." Aang says as he goes and sits next to Katara. "I didn't even know Sokka liked her.." Katara says as she watches Sokka and Toph kiss. Sokka finally pulls away,"You are my request Toph. I would like you to be my girlfriend." She blushed and hugged him. I look over to Katara and Aang,"So when are you guys going to start acting like your dating?" Katara blushed,"Uhm I don't know what you mean." I giggle, "Well the kiss at Ba Sing Se was pretty clear." Aang smiles and grabs Katara's hand. Sokka walks over to us with his arm around Toph, "The birthday request is officially been asked and said yes to." Toph blushes. Sokka looks at Zuko and I. "Well when are we eating?" I smile,"Seriously?" Zuko chuckles and leads us all towards the banquet hall. I grab the door and turn to Sokka, "Sokka we already knew that your birthday is today. So we set a surprise for you.." I opened the door and the overwhelming smell of meat hit us. The whole banquet hall was full of many meats and other foods. I watch as he jumps up and down. He kisses Toph on the cheek and runs over and hugs me,"Thank you!!" Then he runs over to the center table and digs in. We all laugh and finally join him.
1 year and 4 months
It's been 4 months on Ember Island. I have found myself already having issues with me leaving. I'm 18 today.. So tomorrow will be our anniversary. I haven't been sleeping at all, so I watch my beautiful children in there slumber. Ren has been breaking more things than ever. The villa has burnt curtains and rugs in every room. Zuko is enjoying his little student, and as for Ling she hasn't shown any bending at all. I have been watching her more lately, I just hope she becomes an air bender. The gang left about a month ago. It was hard saying goodbye to them, I knew I would see them at my ceremony but I just didn't want to say goodbye knowing the next one would be harder than ever. Zuko has been more clingy to me the last few months. I can see the worry on his face every time I look at the twins.
It's about dawn and the sun is finally rising. I'm leaning over the railing in my red nightgown. My hair is wavy and down, just like Zuko likes. I had just checked on the kids, they were so beautiful. I was watching as the sun finally popped out over the water. The sky was orange and had ember highlights around it. It reminded me of Zuko's eyes, everytime I looked into them it was calming. I smiled at the thought of them,"What are you smiling about my love?" I turned to the the right and saw those ember eyes. He was shirtless and he had on black pants. He came over and wrapped his warm arms around me. "I was just thinking how the sunset looked like your eyes Fire Lord Zuko.." He squeezed me,"You didn't sleep.." I sighed,"I had another nightmare.." He kissed my head,"Tell me.." I could feel the tears building up,"It was the day I awakened.. You were old but handsome. And then my children all grown up with my grandchildren. They bowed and had smiling faces." He chuckled,"Kyra that sounds lovely." I let one tear fall,"Zuko I wasn't there to grow old with you. I wasn't there to see my children grow up and fall in love. I didn't get to see my grandchildren born. And the grandchildren didn't believe me when I told them I was there grandmother." I started to cry. Zuko held me close and kissed my head multiple times. "Kyra, those grandchildren will love you. And our children will love you. And I love you. And I am so proud of you Kyra." I looked at him,"I love you too Zuko." As he held me tight that morning I knew that even though the pain is horrific the outcome will be priceless.
It was about noon and I was getting the children ready for a day of play. When Zuko entered, "There's someone here to see you.." I turned to say something funny when I saw Iroh smiling at me, "Hello Kyra.." I smile and put Ren on my hip,"Hello Iroh.." Ren giggles and smiles at Iroh. Iroh comes and takes him off my hip,"Hello Ren.. You are a strong young boy." Ren giggles and singes Irohs beard. Zuko and I laugh,"Well I can see who got your bending Nephew." I giggle and turn to grab Ling. Iroh hands Zuko my boy as I hand Iroh Ling,"Well don't you look like your mother." I smile at them capturing this moment forever. Zuko put Ren in his crib,"Kyra I thought you would like some company. I will be leaving tonight to check up on the palace." I smile and nod my head as I watch Iroh put Ling in her crib. Iroh then put his hand on Zuko's shoulder,"Your family is safe with me my Nephew." We all smile and leave the children for a small nap before play.
Zuko has left fighting off tears as he hugged me tightly as he turned to board his ship, he waved to me while I stood on the dock with Iroh. Iroh convinced me to have tea in the courtyard,"How's married life?" Iroh chuckles as he looks at me. "It's been wonderful, actually. Though recently I think the reality of me leaving is starting to sink in for us both." He sighs,"Zuko has asked my advice about you having nightmares. He was in tears about the whole thing." I choke back a sob,"Yeah they have been stressful. I know it's bothering him, that I don't sleep. And that the nightmares haunt me so much I've actually bended in my sleep. Some of the dreams are when I'm awakened but others are the dangers my children will face. I'm worried Iroh, this emotional strain is unbearable." He sighs,"Kyra sweetheart those children of yours are going to be so proud of you. They are gonna want to learn everything about you.. Don't you worry because I promise you this I will protect those children with my life. And I have no doubt your husband will too." I smile and see Zuko's ship is finally out of view,"I will tell you this that concerns me more than anything is Ling." He looks over at me,"Why? She's beautiful and strong I can feel it within her." I take a sip of tea and stare at the water,"She isn't showing any kind of bending. I'm just hoping shes an air bender." He grabs my hand and squeezes it,"Why are you worried about this so much Kyra?" I sigh and look at him,"I want Aang to have a piece of me I guess and for Zuko to be remembered of me." He smiles,"I see.." I sigh and set my tea on the table between us, "I'm gonna go check on them." I stand and head towards there room. As I reach the door I sigh and put on a smile. When I open the door I see that Ren is still sound asleep but Ling is sitting up looking at me. I smile at her and pick her up,"Hello my angel." She giggles as I put her on my hip. I go over to Rens crib and rub his head. I left quietly with Ling and I head towards the beach. As I hold her with the wind in my face I watch the sun kiss the water. Ling nuzzles her head under my chin,"Ling your mommy loves you, I will always love you. You and your brother are my world, I only hope you understand one day what your mommy had to do." She giggles and kisses my cheek. I set her down on the sand in front of me.I'm staring deep without the see watching the waves hit the shore. I feel this forceful puff of air hit my face. I look down and Ling has her hand up she then did it again. "Ling your air bending!" She giggles and does it again. I let the happy tears fall from my face,"Oh my love your uncle will be so excited." I pull her up in my lap. She leans back into my stomach and yawns. I wrap her in my smooth jacket around her. I hear a small whisper,"You two are beautiful." I turn my head and see Iroh smiling at me. I can feel myself blushing,"Thanks Iroh." He sighs,"I had always dreamed about what would've happened if my wife and son didn't pass so early in life." I give him a small smile,"You don't have to speak about it Iroh." He came and sat next to me,"I dreamed that I would have owned a tea shop, my wife helping me run the shop. My son grown and finding love to give me grandchildren." I sighed and looked down at Ling. He chuckled, "It was a dream of course I had many of nights after the death of my son. When I returned form Ba Sing Se, I put all my energy into protecting Zuko." I sigh and look up at him."I'm so sorry Iroh." He chuckles,"I'm just glad my nephew fell in love, by doing so he has changed." I smile and look down at Ling,"Ling air bended a minute ago." He smiles and looks at her,"Now you don't have to worry." I smile and kiss the top of her head. "I can't wait to tell Aang." Iroh chuckles,"I'm sure he will love to have a student." I look down at Ling and she's is sound asleep. Iroh stands and bows to me,"Goodnight Kyra." He turns and heads towards the villa. I smile and turn towards the sun. That night is the night I knew not to worry anymore. I will see them again some day.
1 year and 6 months.
It's the day I have dreaded. My family and I have traveled to the Southern Air temple. I am in the engagement dress and I have on my ruby bracelet and betrothal necklace on. I'm being escorted by the White Lotus to the ceremony. As I enter I see the gang and my family. Iroh is beside me,"You ok?" I look at my children's faces,"I think so." We reach the platform, I look out and see many of the people I have become friends with. Tao is standing at the podium,"Today is the day we say goodbye to the Avatars Guide. Kyra is going to be frozen in time until the next Avatar is born. Kyra please come forth." I sigh and walk up to him,"Kyra you have accepted these terms: You will have to leave your family for the greater good of the new Avatar. You must stay in this frozen capsule until the next avatar needs the assistance of you. And you must say goodbye to your friends and family today. Is this correct." I look over at the gang and my family and sigh,"Yes I agree." Everyone claps and start to head towards the platform with earth around it. They make everyone line up to say there goodbyes. I walk up to the line and start to cry. Katara is the first,"Kyra, thank you for being here for us. Meeting you has changed our lives more than you will ever know." I smile,"Goodbye Katara, take care of Aang for me." We hug and pull away. Next is Sokka,"Watch over them for me." He smiles and nods,"Goodbye Kyra." He hugs me tight and pulls away with tears in his eyes. Toph is smiling at me,"Well your Ladyship it's time." I giggle and hug her. I pull away and see the tears in her eyes. I get to Suki,"Hey Kyra.." I smile,"Be careful my friend." Suki smiles and hugs me tight. She pulls away and let's a tear fall. I move to Iroh,"Will you tell my children and grandchildren about me?" He chuckles,"I would love to..Goodbye Kyra." I hug him tight. I pull away to his smile. I then look to my brother Aang. "Hi Aang." He smiles and hugs me tight,"I love you Kyra." I can feel tears on my shoulder,"I love you too Aang." He pulls away and kisses my cheek. "Aang teach Ling for me. Oh an tell them who there mommy is." He smiles and nods. I look to Zuko he has already been crying. Ling and Ren are in his arms. I put my arms around them,"I love you all." I kiss Ren and Lings heads,"Your mommy loves you." I pull away and Iroh and Aang take them. Zuko kisses me hard and long. He hugs me tight,"I love you Kyra and I'm so proud of you." I cry hard wetting his shirt. I pull away and kiss him again. "Kyra it's time." A White Lotus member says behind me. I pull away and blow kisses at my children. I walk up to the the dirt platform. I turn and stare at my friends and family. I close my eyes and feel the cold encase me forever.
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Teaching Heroes of Might and Magic
Xianxia, the dream of many. To be reborn in such a world so that you may make yourself a god amongst gods, so that you may rule your own fate and destiny.Well, welcome to reality, because even if you end up in such a realm, who says you get power? Who says you are the one who gets to rule as a god amongst gods? Those stories you read at home on your phone or laptop? Sadly, it just isn't so. Just like Zev, the protagonist of this novel discovered when he was dropped into a world full of Immortals, Monsters, Gods and other monstrous beings. No other worldly power, no other worldly magic, no treasure trove of knowledge or skills was given to him. He was dropped as a mere human, a slightly stronger than average human, into a world where his goal was to simply teach others upon pain of death.-----Full Name of Story [Teaching Heroes of Might and Magic: Mentor of Main Characters]And for the synopsis, I'll first of all state that I am not good at writing them, and this may not have explained the story very well. So I'll just state what the story includes, and what it doesn't. It includes Immortals, demons, gods, etc, you get the idea. What it doesn't include is an actually powerful main character. The main character has a set of unique skills, which include lying, cheating, faking, and all around poker face to get him in and out of situations.Again, the Synopsis needs to be worked on, but for now, that is what it is.
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