《Aang's Guide》The Visiting Sister: Kyra
It's been peaceful the last few days, Aang hasn't mentioned the affection Zuko bestowed me when he returned from his trip with Sokka. I don't even know if I'm ok with how Zuko acted, but when he disappeared like that I freaked out. I just kept thinking how worried I was for him. I just wanted him to be safe and I don't know. I think I love Zuko, but I don't think I could give him only a year and leave him behind to mourn. I was told by the monks that I could never fall in love if I took my oath and if I ever did I would be putting not only myself in danger but the ones I cared for as well. Back then I just thought I would never fall in love with someone, but I guess I was completely and utterly wrong.
The gang was all asleep, the kids from the invasion even decided to join our group the night before talking and laughing around the fire. I even moved from the air temple rooms to sleep by the fire to join them. I was laying on my side looking at the air bison painting on the wall it reminded me of my own bison and how much I missed his company. Suddenly, something shook the temple, rocks fell a few feet behind me. I rose quickly turning to see ten fire nation aircrafts, heading this way ready to attack. I turned back to see everyone awake in shock by the abruption, I saw a boy pointing behind me his eyes full of fear. I turned to look and saw a hug fire ball heading in our direction. "Everyone take cover!" I yelled while earth bending a house around Aang, Sokka, Suki, and I. I looked to my left and saw Toph had made one for Hakoda with the invasion kids and her. I looked out to see Katara and Zuko running toward us. I jumped out of the earth house and ran towards the fire ball, for I knew they wouldn't make it. I started bending the water from the fountain swirling it behind me then pushing it with all my force. I shot it towards the fire ball soaking it and slowing its speed. It hit the bottom of the temple and shook the whole temple, I turned around to see rocks about to fall on Katara. Zuko grabbed her waist pulling her out of the way. I sighed of relief as I ran back towards them, as soon as I passed the metal shutters Aang air bended them shut.
"We have to go underground to escape." Aang said grabbing Appa and heading to the wall behind us. Toph made a quick tunnel and smiled. I watched as they all tried to push Appa into the tunnel. Zuko was behind me, "Kyra?" I turned to him, "Yes, what's wrong Zuko?" He gave me a small smile, "Its Azula, I saw her on one of the air ships. It's time for me to face her." I crossed my arms, "Not without me your not." He sighed as his hand touched my cheek, "It's a sister visit I believe. Plus by the look of Appa he isn't going to get into that tunnel, I need you to get Appa and fly around the air ship incase I fall ok?" I sighed and got on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "Please be careful." I whispered as he froze a moment. He started to lean down to kiss me but instead pulled me into a tight hug and whispered. "You too." He turned sprinting towards the air crafts. I quickly turned from him not wanting to watch him leap towards his sister in a floating aircraft. I jog toward the group, air bending myself on top of Appa, "Guys he isn't going in! Look, some of us need to go through the tunnel and the rest need to go on Appa." Aang nodded in agreement and jumped on Appa. Katara sighed and kissed her father on his cheek. She ran extending her arm out, as Aang received it helping her up. Sokka hugged his father then grabbed Suki's hand running towards us. He boosted Suki up and jumped on himself. Toph waited for Hakoda and the invasion kids to get into the tunnel when she closed it. She ran towards us and Sokka helped her up. I turned the roaring Appa to the line of fire.
I gasp as I watch Zuko and Azula falling in mid air below the aircrafts. I scream, "Appa! Yip Yip!" We flew up and out of the temple swooping under the air crafts. I finally maneuver Appa under Zuko. I watched as Katara grab his arm pulling him into the saddle safe from harm. A sigh of relief flows through me as a falling Azula catches my eye. "She's not going to make it...." I heard Zuko whisper behind me. I watch as Azula looks at me, she recognized me. She groans as she pulled the fire nation pin from her hair then fire bended to the earth wall. She stabilized her self on the wall with the fire nation pin watching us. "Of course she made it." Zuko whispered as he sighed letting his head drop. I turned and looked at her, "Sho!!!" she screamed I tensed up as my name echoed through the abyss. "You can't hide forever!" I sighed and stood, "Aang, take a hold of Appa.." Aang jumped up and grabbed the reigns. I saw his glider to the right side of the saddle. "Aang I need to borrow your glider." Everyone looked at me in shock. I only looked at Zuko, "I'll be back, I promise." Zuko went to grab me but I jumped off the saddle, back first with Aangs glider in my left hand into the mist below. I glided to the all powerful princess, who was laughing as I got closer. I landed on a rock that was sticking out of the earth wall. "Hello Princess Azula."
She scoffed, "Hello Sifu Sho." I smirked, "I see your cruel ways haven't changed." She rolled her eyes, "I see you are with my banished brother, Zuzu.." She fire bended to the rock ledge across from me, she sent a wave toward me. I dodged with ease at her attempt to shake me. She groaned as I took a perch on another rock formation sticking out of the cliff just a few feet above her. "Yes, I am.. I'm helping him teach the Avatar fire bending." She laughed, "Why would you do that? Your bending was weak and easily penetrable." I smirked, "Well Azula, you act like you know everything but sadly you do not. I guess the best way for the world to know who I am is to tell the Princess, daughter of Ozai himself. I'm the avatars twin sister, Azula. Capable of all the elements, just like my brother." She cascaded a fist a blue fire towards me. I diminished it with ease, "Oh Azula I see you haven't changed, your anger flows through you. Even your technique is still lacking momentum, even your brother knows better." She was different now than as a child. She was unraveling, she was no longer in control of her emotions, "I can see you still think you can change everyone and everything. You think you are so wise and all knowing, but your wrong." I shook my head, "At least I'm doing what is right." She growled as she tried to bend another fist of blue fire toward me, and once again I diminished it. I laughed as I stood up, "Why are you talking to me?" She stayed crouched as she blew a strand of her hair from her face. I smirked, "I know one thing I could not change during my time living with you and your family... and that is you Azula. Even your dear mother knew that.." Her anger was her powerful enemy, she flipped onto the rising aircraft, she landed and I watched her build up her lightening.
I was ready for it, she gave a hysterical laugh as she struck me. But only to her amazement I redirected it into the sky above us I heard Appa calling for me as I fell into the mist below and glided away. I dodged some more lightening as I tried to catch up with the group. As I landed on Appa, somersaulting into the saddle with deep heavy breaths. As I started to stand, Zuko grabbed me and pulled me into an embrace, "Are you crazy!?" I laughed, "Only slightly.." Toph and Sokka laughed. Aang came up beside us, "Kyra, why did you talk to her? She could of captured you." I pulled away from my embrace from Zuko, "Because Aang I wanted the world to know, that the Avatar was not alone. That his twin sister with abilities just like his, has risen." Zuko frowned, "So you jumped off Appa to tell my deranged sister that you exist!? We could have told the next town that! What if she captured you or worse turned you in to my father." I rolled my eyes, "It wouldn't be any different than when I visited you the first time. Your father is just as deranged as your sister, but anyway by doing what I did, I noticed something." Aang looked to Zuko then me, "Noticed what!" I crossed my arms, "Azula isn't the same, she's losing control." Zuko sighed, "Next time I don't think you should just jump off Appa to just..." He threw his hands in the air, "Whatever it was you did!"
I crossed my arms, "Well you know what I can handle myself! I am the most advanced bender in this group. Both of you need to calm down, I didn't get captured and yes it may have been risky but I think you all need to realize is that someone is going to have to take Azula down and the more we get intel on her well being the better the fight between that person and her will be." I realized I had released my crossed arms and my fists were clenched. I released them as I looked at the clouds. I could feel Zuko's staring at my face, "I was just.." I turned to him and clenched my hands again, "Just what Zuko!?" He sighed and looked at the clouds not answering me which made me even more furious, "Zuko, I don't want her being Fire Lord. You are the true heir to that throne, if you haven't realized that then here is your wake up call. Your mother, uncle and I spoke of one day that the grandson of Roku would soon rise to meet that honor. And I want to be able to be by your side, even if I have to be queen." I realized what I said as shock entered into my body. I loved Zuko so much it never occurred to me that I wanted to be his queen. But I couldn't, my head is telling me not to, but my heart is reminding me of the connection we had between us. A connection that can't be broken and so pure. I knew it, but I had kept fighting it every step of the way. Sokka stood, "Wait.. grandson of Avatar Roku? Like the fire bender Avatar.. the one with the Fire Sages?" Katara punched him in the shoulder, "Not now Sokka.." Everyone was looking at Zuko and me, "This is awkward." Suki said wincing. "Hot head..weird bender wants to be your queen." Toph said poking Zuko in the calf laughing. Zuko looked at me stunned, but he was smiling. I just looked at the clouds wishing I was far away from here. I felt this hand grab my chin, I looked at Zuko who was smiling wider now. "I just want you to choose the path you think is right, Kyra. But deep down I do hope you chose to be my queen one day." I wasn't sure what was right anymore. I let a tear fall down my face as I turned from him to go and sit on Appa's head.
The whole afternoon we flew through the land of the Fire Nation until we landed in a meadow. I didn't eat with the group that night I just slept until the next day. Toph and Suki came an told me Zuko was helping Katara find the man who killed her mom. I laid there and told them to leave me. For two days they were gone, when they finally came back Toph told me that Katara didn't kill him. I was happy for her, she made the right choice. That night as I laid in my tent, a figure entered into my room. "Kyra?" I sat up and saw it was Zuko. "What do you want Zuko?" I rubbed my eyes, "You haven't eaten in a few days, that's what." He scoffed to me. I sighed, "Yeah I know." He knelt beside my bed, "What's wrong?" I let a few tears fall from my face, "I don't know what the right path is Zuko. My mind is repeating the oath I gave. But my heart is telling me what I truly want." I was sitting all the way up now my feet on the grass as he laid his hand on my knee. "What is your heart telling you?" His eyes glistened from the lamp to my side. "My heart tells me to give you what I can offer. But I can't offer much." He only smiled as his hand shifted to my cheek cupping it in his hand, "A short time with you, would mean everything to me. I have fallen for you already in just this short time and it has been amazing." I nodded, "Yes and I you. But I don't know if I could just leave you after only a year." He put his hand on my cheek, "Kyra, having you by my side would mean the world to me, I know the sacrifice I will be making if we go through with this."
I stood walking past him. "What about my oath Zuko? I can't just abandon it. But I also can't abandon you!" He stood staring at my back, "You won't abandon me Kyra. Your destiny had been called upon you, something I know you truly weren't sure you wanted. They have decided your duty in this world but they can't control how you feel. No one can tell you what your heart wants, you get to chose that. The question is what do you want Kyra?" I felt tears stream down my face as I turned to face him, "I WANT YOU! Since we met near the river I wanted you." He abruptly stepped forward grabbing my face with both hands and kissed me hard. The kiss was passionate, tender, and it made my stomach flutter. He pulled way quickly putting his arms to his side, "I'm sorry I couldn't wait any longer, I didn't mean.." I reached up pulling on the back of his neck down towards me and kissed him back before he could finish. We pulled away and started laughing. "Your what I want too Kyra." I smiled. That night we cuddled on my small cot. The next morning I woke up and felt him behind me. I giggled, "What are you giggling about?" said a coarse voice. I turned around in the covers and saw his dark hair all in different directions. "Nice hair." He smirked, "You should see your hair." I giggled and slithered out of the bed. I walked over and saw the mirror in the corner of my tent I walked over to it. I looked at my long shirt and pant-less body. I was smiling in the mirror forever before realizing it. I quickly started to get dressed. I looked over at Zuko who was getting dressed as well. His back muscles made my whole body shiver, "What are you staring at?" I didn't realize he saw me, "You of course."
He smiled as he walked over to me, he was shirtless and smelled of body sweat. I was fully dressed now as he kissed my neck. I smiled, "Aang is going to freak out on you." He laughed, "Ehh, I got you to protect me." He kissed my neck up to my cheek bone then stopped just as he sent a shiver through my body. He grabbed his shirt and put it on. I earth bended a tunnel at the back of my tent. He gave me a confusing look, "So you can sneak out." He kissed me softly and pulled away, "Thank you." I smiled and watched him crawl out. I waited a few minutes until I heard him talking. I walked out of the tent and everyone was getting ready to leave. I watched Zuko go into his tent and start to pack. I went back into mine and did the same. When everyone was done we all decided to debate where to go when Zuko said, "How about Ember Island?" I looked at him and smiled. Everyone seemed to be ok with the idea. As we headed there I slept in Zuko's lap, as he played with my hair.
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The Harmless Sweetie is Far From Harmless [CANCELLED, REWROTE IT IN ANOTHER BOOK}
One hundred and fifty years ago, The Witch of Despair fell into a slumber. Fires burnt like raging hellfire as kingdoms fell and mountains turned to plains, her agonized scream and cry over her betrayal resounded throughout the Isles. And her final wish, all but forgotten to the people of the Abyss. A child born from the wish of a broken down soul enters the world, he was an innocent child who dreams of peace and love. A child who wanted nothing more than a family who would love him as he is. They say that when you stare at the Abyss, it stares back, but when one sets their gazes down at Clailip Diancia, one would find one's self unable to resist. To resist what, you ask? To resist the urge to play with those malleable pudgy cheeks and spoil this adorable, harmless, sweetie, of a little boy. Unfortunately, fire burns, and trees are flammable. Yet, this boy, soft as can be, bumbles his way through the Eastern Isles, trying to find a family that once was his. "I can't believe my bad luck managed to worm its way into this world too..." _________________________________ A/N: Please do understand that this is my first book and such I will be improving my writing with each chapter. I promise you I will do my best not to disappoint! Leave a comment or two so I can fix the mistakes and deliver a story that will please you! Also like, If you're new here I suggest just reading prologue 1 and 2 then jumping to chapter six if you want to get to the action immediately. Chapters below six are more or less slice of life style and just MC doing MC things. Though for the full experience, I highly recommend reading everything! _________________________________ UPDATES ATLEAST ONCE A WEEK NO UPDATE ON WEEKENDS IM ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE AT PROOFREADING AND SPOTTING MISTAKES PLEASE POINT THEM OUT SO I CAN FIX THEM YES AND THANK YOU __________________________________________ ON A HIATUS FOR NOW! TRYING TO IMPROVE MY WIRITNG SOMEHOW!
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