《The Gaang reacting to ALTA》⛰Return of Omashu⛰
Me:ok so we are at episode 3 now yay.
Sokk: ok cool now-
Toph: let's get in to it
Sokka: hey I was going to say that.
Toph: I know.
Sokka: oh yea we are here.
Aaang: yup
(Scene ends 2:35)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(The scene opens with a shot of the sun in the sky. An instant later the camera zooms back to reveal a Fire Nation flag in the foreground, fluttering in the wind. Cut to a wide, long shot of the fallen city of Omashu. The Fire Nation flag hangs over the newly installed front gate. The path up to the city gate has been recently broken along a good portion of its length and been repaired. Around the fortress the scaffolding of what appear to be siege towers can be seen. Columns of smoke still rise from various places in the city. The camera zooms back again to show Aang in the foreground, back to the camera.)
Aang: I can't believe it. I know the war has spread far, (he turns to face his friends) but Omashu always seemed...untouchable.
(Cut to a frontal shot of Aang, again looking at the fallen city. Aang, Katara, Momo and Appa are behind him.)
Sokka: Up until now, it was. Now Ba-Sing-Se is the only great Earth Kingdom stronghold left.
Katara: This is horrible, but we have to move on.
Aang: (firmly) No. I'm going in to find Bumi.
Sokka: Aang, stop. We don't even know if Bumi's still...
(Aang turns to look at Sokka, his expression hardening.)
Aang: (defiantly) What? If he's still what?
Toph: alive
Sokka: (refusing to meet Aang's eyes) ...around.
Katara: I know you had your heart set on Bumi, but there are other people around who can teach you earthbending.
Aang: This isn't about finding a teacher. This is about finding my friend.
(Cut back to a wide, long shot of the smoking city, with the kids in the foreground. Then cut to a shot of the new city gate. It's turrets, guard house roofing and even the paifang in front of the main gate are all built in Fire Nation architectural style. Behind the city wall, smokestacks and scaffolding are seen.
The camera pans down the city wall and fades to indicate a location skip. The fade ends to show a long shot of Appa floating deep down in the city's moat. Appa floats beside a ledge at the base of the Omashu side of the moat. Appa grunts a bit as he floats.)
Sokka: (from o.c.) A secret passage?
Suki: you guys came from a secret tunnel now you are going into a secret passage.
Sokka: oh yea.
Aang: what coincidence.
Sokka: is it a coincidence?????
Katara: yes Sokka it is.
(Cut to a shot of Katara, Momo on her shoulder, and Sokka standing in front of a capped drain pipe emerging from the wall. Aang is atop the pipe, using his staff as a lever to try and open the drain. Appa floats peacefully in the background.)
Sokka: Why didn't we just use this last time? (The cap pops off, releasing a huge gout of greenish sewage, some of which washes over Sokka.) Ugh!
Aang: Does that answer your question?
Sokka: yes.
Zuko: ew
Suki: yea
(Cut to a shot from inside the pipe. The greenish sewage continues to pour out of the pipe as Aang swings inside and disappears up the pipe, a smile on his face. Katara, Sokka and Momo look into the pipe and the flies that are buzzing around it. Sokka jumps into the pipe and covers his nose as he moves forward.)
Sokka: Ew!
(Cut to a side shot of Aang, a determined expression on his face, as he airbends the sewage out of his way with his staff. The camera pans slowly down the pipe to reveal Katara traveling in his wake, and then Sokka, who is making plenty of "ew!" and "ick!" noises as he is slowly covered in sewage from Aang's receding wake.
Toph: why did you keep your mouth open?
Sokka: I don't know. I just did.
Cut to an exterior shot of an Omashu city street and its skyline. The camera pans down to reveal a sewer manhole in the middle of the road. A puff of air pops the manhole open for a second. It settles back for a moment before Aang pushes it open with his hands and peers out. Cut to his p.o.v. as he looks around. The street is empty. Cut to a wide shot of the street as Aang drops the manhole cover and jumps out into the open. Katara emerges behind him.)
Katara: That wasn't as bad as I thought.
Sokka: cause you had your bending.
Katara: yea pretty much
(Cut to a shot of the manhole, where a blob of green sewage emerges. An alien like sound effect plays in the background as the things lifts itself onto the street. It moans like some monster from Scooby-Doo. Cut to Aang and Katara, who both look horrified. Katara spies something to her left, then cut quickly to a wider shot where she bends some water from a nearby water barrel at the monster. The water washes the gunk away to reveal Sokka, who yells in surprise, then slumps, sopping wet. Aang swings his staff at the water tribe boy, whipping a gale that blows him dry, once again producing an outcry from his target.
Cut to a close shot of Sokka, who raises his head to reveal two purple octopus like creatures stuck to either side of his head. He is unaware of his guests until a second later they both palpitate a bit and squeak.)
Sokka: Aaahhh!
Suki: aw their cute.
Aang: yea they are aren't they.
(Sokka grabs one creature in each hand and tries to pull them from his face, but their suckers keep them attached. He stretches them out to an absurd distance, but still they hang on.)
Sokka: Aaahh! Aahhh! They won't let go! Help! Aaaak!
(Cut to a wider shot of the three as Aang pounces on Sokka, pinning him to the nearby wall, then releasing him. Sokka now sits on a crate, a sour and resigned look on his face.)
Aang: Stop making so much noise. It's just a purple pentapus.
Toph: yea Sokka.
Sokka: hey it was a weird feeling I had on my face
(Cut to a close up of Sokka's face. The pentapus' begin to palpitate again, making slight squishing noises. Sokka's eyes bug out as he looks to either side of his face in horror and terrified, but slightly choked noises emerge from his throat.
Aang's hand enters the frame from the right and grips the nearest pentapus. He rubs its head with his finger. It raises its tentacles from Sokka's cheek and pops off his face without further fuss. Cut to a wider shot of Sokka and Aang. While rubbing his free cheek, Sokka repeats the process on the other side of his face. The other pentapus squeaks a bit and releases Sokka's right check with another little popping sound. The suckers on the tentacles have left little round red dots all over Sokka's cheeks. Sokka rubs his cheek for a second and Aang's removes a third pentapus from behind Sokka's neck before they are interrupted.)
Guard: (from o.c.) Hey!
Suki: oh no
(Cut to a patrol of Fire Nation guards entering the street, then cut back to the kids. Sokka and Katara close ranks to obscure Aang for a moment, who disappears and reappears a second later with a red, flat top hat on to hide his airbender tattoo.)
Toph: haha lol.
Suki: you guys completely changed
Sokka: well we don't wanna get caught.
Guard: What are you kids doing out past curfew?
Katara: Sorry. We were just on our way home.
(The kids turn and walk away, Sokka bringing up the rear. The guard notices the red welts on the back of Sokka's neck.)
Guard: (from o.c.) Wait! What's the matter with him?
Zuko: oh no
(The kids stop and turn around. Katara puts her hands on her brother's shoulders.)
Katara: Uh...he has pentapox, sir.
(The guard walks up to Sokka, and moves to touch him.)
Katara: (a pleasing, earnest look in her eyes) Um...it's highly contagious!
(The guard hesitates, then pulls his hand back. Cut to a close up of Sokka's face, who realizes the ploy and begins to act ill. He raises his hands in front of him in a zombie-like fashion and begins to moan.)
Sokka: Uuuuuu....It's so awful...I'm dyiiiing...
Toph: u look hideous.
Sokka: 😑😑😑
Katara: ...and deadly...
(Sokka continues to moan and lurch forward, the guards begin to lurch backward to avoid contact.)
Guard: Wait, I think I've heard of pentapox. (to one of his comrades) Didn't your cousin Chang die of it?
(Sokka advances, coughing and spitting up gunk at them)
Guard: We'd better go wash our hands...and burn our clothes!
Toph: these guards are dunderheads they just literally fell for that.
Sokka: what can I say I'm a great actor.
Toph: sure whatever you say snoozels. She said in a not genuine voice.
Sokka: 😑😑😑
(Guards exit the left of the frame at a run. Sokka stops his act and straighten up. Cut to a shot of Aang in the foreground, Sokka behind. The Avatar, smiling, is rubbing the head of a pentapus he holds his hand.)
Aang: Thank you, sewer friend!
(Cut to a long, overhead shot of Princess Azula's ship beside a beach. It is night, and the full moon hangs overhead. The beach is filled with tents and is populated with people from Azula's royal procession. Cut to a long shot of Azula sitting within her litter which rests atop the dais on the deck on her ship. She is flanked on either side by her crone teachers. Below them on the deck, a row of Fire Nation soldiers lie prostrate on either side of the ship.)
Crone Teacher #1: (from o.c. at first) When tracking your brother and uncle, traveling with a royal procession may no longer be an option.
Crone Teacher #2: May no longer be wise...if you hope to keep the element of surprise.
Azula: You're right. The royal procession is dead weight. If I want to catch my prey, I must be agile....nimble. I need a small, elite team. It's time to visit some old friends.
Toph: I bet it's Mai and that other girl tylee.
Sokka: I bet it's actually old friends people.
Katara: Sokka it's probably Mai and tylee you know.
Sokka: I know but azula might have actually old friends like those two twin old ladies from before.
Zuko: oh li and lo
(Cut to a shot from somewhere in Omashu. The camera pans down to show the kids looking around and moving ahead while trying to escape detection. The hide behind some construction material as a patrol passes.)
Katara: Let's find Bumi and get out of here.
Sokka: Where would they be keeping him?
Aang: Somewhere he can't earthbend. (looking up and around, cut to Aang's p.o.v. as he pans around) Somewhere made of metal.
(Cut to a close up of a young woman with a large quantity of well coifed black hair. Her expression is emotionless, her eyes golden or light brown. Behind her walk two Fire Nation guards.)
Mai: There really is no fathoming the depths of my hatred for this place.
Zuko: Mai ☺️
Toph: yes we know who she is lover boy.
Zuko gave a annoyed face to Toph.
Toph: I saw that.
(Cut to a wider shot to show Mai walking next to an older woman carrying a baby. They are being escorted by Fire Nation guards down a tunnel or passage.)
Governor's Wife: Mai, your father was appointed governor. We're like royalty here. Be happy, and enjoy it.
(Cut to a long, overhead shot from higher up in the city as Mai's party exits the fortress passage and emerges out into the open. It is still night and the torches of Mai's party can clearly beseen below. In the foreground is the beginning of one of Omashu's famous chutes which ends near where the party is walking below. The camera zooms back to show an overhead view of an Earth Kingdom resistance fighter who looks down at the torches, then back to someone off screen. In front of him are some rocks or other objects ready to be dropped down the chute.)
Resistance Fighter #1: The targets are approaching.
Suki: oh no
(Cut to a close up an earthbender's bearded face, his eyes obscured by his helmet.)
Resistance Leader: Take them out.
Zuko: shoot.
(Cut back to Mai and her party walking below.)
Mai: (distressed, but in a dull tone) I thought my life was boring in the Fire Nation. But this place is unbearably bleak. Nothing ever happens.
Sokka: not for long.
(Cut back to the resistance fighter above. He launches the rocks into the tube which go crashing down at high speed. Cut to Aang who looks in horror at the falling debris, then over at the party of people passing to his left who will soon be crushed by the falling objects. Shift to a side view of Aang, Katara and Sokka behind him. Aang stands just next to the bottom of the chute as the rocks enter the frame from above. Mai and her party are slightly below him on the plaza itself. The Avatar raises his staff and pulverizes the rocks into pebbles and dust as it passes with a blast of air. Cut to a wide, overhead shot from across the plaza, clearly showing Mai's party, the kids, and the huge cloud of dust from the foiled assassination attempt. A few moments of silence pass as Mai looks at Aang and Aang looks back at her and the rest of her party. Cut to a wide shot of Mai's group looking up out of the frame at Aang.)
Governor's Wife: (pointing at Aang) The resistance!
Suki: not quite
(Cut to Mai, who smiles slightly and in an instant fans out her arms, releasing a hail of small arrows. Cut to Aang, who dodges the arrows which embed themselves on the stack of construction material he is standing on, then to a wider shot as Aang, Katara and Sokka run out of the frame to the right, pursued by Fire Nation soldiers who climb up a couple ladders from the plaza below. Katara turns and using the water from water skin she whips them off the ledge and onto the plaza below.
Cut to a stylized shot of Mai running at Katara, her arms spread to either side. A close of up shot of Mai's hand appears a split second later. She fires another hail of from some unknown mechanism around her hand and forearm. Her nails are long and black. Cut to Katara, who creates a wall of ice in front her, stopping the arrows. Mai continues the pursuit as Katara flees. Aang lets Katara pass as he turns to face Mai. As his assailant approaches, Aang causes some construction scaffolding on his right to collapse between them. As the scaffolding collapses, Mai is able to get one, ornate throwing star through the falling debris. Aang twirls his staff in front of him and stops it just in time. The dust from the falling scaffolding clears, once again giving Mai a clear shot. She throws another hail of arrows, but the kids disappear through a large trap door which closes instantly above them. Cut back to Mai, who sighs amidst the wreckage, turns, and walks away.
Sokka: I guess back to the boring life.
Cut to a tunnel scene which the kids have just fallen into. Green sewage drips from the ceiling. Pan down to reveal the kids sitting on the floor of the tunnel where they fell from above. Aang and Sokka rub their heads. Cut to a shot of the bearded Earth Kingdom soldier who gave the order to go ahead with the failed attack.
Cut to an upside down shot of some grass. The camera pans up to reveal an upside down frame showing some red and pink circus tents with mountains in the background. A few people are working on finishing tent set up and rolling barrels around. Azula, also upside down, walks into the frame and addresses the camera.)
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