《The Gaang reacting to ALTA》Jet 😒
Me: ok guys get ready for episode 10 of AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER.
Zuko: do u have to shout that.
Me: Yes. I. Do.
Zuko: whyyy?
Me: cause it's the greatest show ever.
Zuko: I guess Im going to be deaf soon.
Me: 🙄😤
Me: anyway even do I was rudely interrupted I still love u all cause u guys are the best and let's get right into it.
Book1: Water
Chapter 10: jet
Katara: oh great. 😓😒😒😒😒
Toph: oh yes!
Katara: why are u so excited?
Toph: duh it's about jet that means I get to see u embarrassed and that scene from the ember island players.
Katara: it did not happen like that exactly.
Toph: ha exactly so something like that happened.
Katara: well-😒😒
Toph: I'll take that as a yes.
Aang& sokka: oh great jet 😒
(OPEN on a pale blue sky, panning down to reveal the tops of a vast deciduous forest. The trees are blanketed in leaves of fiery reds and oranges; there is just a hint of green left on one or two. The air is alive with the CHIRRPS and WHIRRS of insects. The pan stops on wide branch. A little yellow beetle scuttles from around the backside of the branch, toward the trunk. The bug is suddenly covered in a rapidly growing shadow as MOMO swoops in from above. Before he can catch it, the beetle's carapace opens like a ladybug's, and it flies off while he peeks under his paws to see if he got it. Discovering he hasn't, Momo leaps after it.
Cut to the forest from just below canopy level, looking up. The beetle flies up the tree trunk with Momo climbing in pursuit and CHITTERING. They ring the tree then descend.
Cut to the base of the tree. A pile of slightly lumpy red nuts sits in the foreground. The beetle enters from OC and lands on the ground. Momo lands in a pounce from the same direction, but once again the beetle flies off before he can catch it. He watches it, then notices the fruit.
The camera pulls back to reveal the neat pile of about a dozen or so apple-like nuts sitting on a pile of leaves. Other than the leaf pile, the ground is bare dirt. Momo's ears prick straight up.
Cut to the little clearing with the pile of fruit. Momo pounces on it from OC. Suddenly, copper-colored slats snap up from the leaves and surround him in a globe. The snare's slats run longitudinally; the "poles" are parallel to the ground. The globe shifts so that the 'north pole' is on top and the camera pans up into the canopy as the snare and its cargo spring into the air, where two other snares hang.
Cut to a place just below canopy level. Momo's snare comes to a jerking stop at about the same level in the air as the two other snares. They are also occupied: large brown baboon-like animals BARK noisily, as they hold onto the slats like prison bars and pull on them. The momentum of the ascent leaves Momo's snare—and Momo—spinning.
Cut to another clearing in the forest. Between trees AANG, KATARA, SOKKA and APPA are visible at the far end, taking a break from travel.)
Aang: Where's Momo?
Toph:in the tree.
(Momo's yowl echoes through the forest.
Cut to Aang standing in the foreground with Katara and Sokka sitting on the ground. They look around, trying to tell where the call came from.
Fade to the clearing with the snares, looking up from ground level. Aang wanders in from OC, drawn by Momo's urgent CALLS. With a sweep of his arms, He airbends to leap, climbing to Momo's height by rebounding up off close-by tree trunks.)
Aang: Hang on Momo!
(Cut to a tree branch. It extends out of a main part of the tree. Attached to the trunk is a small winch. A rope enters the winch from lower on the trunk OC, then continues up to an eyeloop bolt attached to the underside of the branch, before hanging straight down. Aang ascends in from OC. He sits, then flips over the branch and dangles beneath it like an acrobat on a trapeze. He grabs the rope, releases a latch on the winch, and carefully feeds more line.
Cut to the ground, as Sokka and Katara ease the snare down to the ground between them and together pull the squeaky slats apart enough to make an exit. Momo immediately hops out and runs to the foreground to finish a handful of the nuts, his peril forgotten. Sokka and Katara release the snare, and Sokka GROANS and slaps his forehead at the lack of gratitude. Aang jumps down from above and looks up. Sokka and Katara also look up.
Cut to the other two snares. The Hog Monkeys in them MOAN pleadingly. The traps are suspended near each other on a different branch.)
Aang: All right—you too.
(He crouches, then springs up in a spiraling column of airbent wind that carries him up to the camera and OC. Sokka reaches behind.)
Sokka: This is gonna take forever.
(Sokka throws his boomerang in one fluid move; with a WHIZ it zips up and OC.
Just below the branch, the ropes come from opposite directions, but they parallel each other as they hang down from curved staples. With a WHIZ, the boomerang enters and exists the scene, cutting the both ropes in the process. The ropes fall away; There's the sound of CRASHES and panicked beast BARKS.
The camera pans slightly as Aang arrives from OC: he's hanging below the branch and hugging it as he inches over to the first staple. He pauses to look upside-down at the ground below.)
Aang: nice one sokka
Sokka: I know thank u
Aang: That works...
(On the ground, the hog monkeys are loose; their cages like open clamshells. They walk on all fours to the foreground. One disappears between the framing trees, the other climbs up the tree framing the left and disappears. Sokka approaches one of the busted snares and kneels to examine it, as Aang enters by skidding down the trunk and root of a tree in the background.)
Sokka: These are Fire Nation traps—you can tell from the metalwork. We'd better pack up camp, and get moving.
(Sokka's hands pull taught the bindings on a roll of gear.
Cut to the clearing from over Aang's shoulder. Katara hands a gear roll up to Aang, who is sitting on Appa's head. Sokka sees this. He leaves his roll and walks over to them.)
Sokka: Ah-ah...no flying this time.
Katara: What?
(Aang hands the roll to Sokka, who puts it on the ground.)
Aang: Why wouldn't we fly?
Sokka: Think about it. Somehow Prince Zuko and the Fire Nation keep finding us. It's because they spot Appa—he's just too noticeable.
Zuko: yea I mean u are like the only bison to be seen flying.
Katara: What! Appa's not too noticeable!
Sokka: He's a gigantic fluffy monster with an arrow on his head—it's kinda hard to miss him!
(Appa turns his head and GROANS at Sokka. Aang is in the 'driver's seat' holding his reigns.)
Aang (gently to Appa): Sokka's just jealous 'cause he doesn't have an arrow.
Sokka: I'm not.
Aang: sureee.
Sokka: really I'm not.
Aang: ok whatever u say.
Sokka (to Aang OC): I know you all want to fly, but my instincts tell me we should play it safe this time and walk.
Katara: Who made you the boss?
Sokka: I'm not the boss—I'm the leader.
Katara (incredulous): You're the leader? But your voice still cracks!
Sokka: I'm the oldest and I'm a warrior. (tries to speak deeper) So...I'm the leader!
Toph: ha nice try.
Sokka (lowers his voice): jokes on u that's how I really talk.
Toph: is not.
Sokka (trying to maintain low voice): is to.
Toph: is not.
Sokka (his voice gave in and a little voice crack sneaks in ): is to!! Um- I mean (lowers his voice again) is to.
Toph: yea keep telling ur self that.
Katara: If anyone's the leader, it's Aang. I mean, he is the Avatar.
Toph: of course sugar queen of course.
Katara: what!
Toph: I mean of course u say that.
Katara: so? What's ur point?!
Toph: I think u get my point.
Katara: no I don't, tell me.
Toph: eh busy.
Sokka: Are you kidding—he's just a goofy kid!
Aang: He's right.
(Cut to Katara and Sokka again. Sokka has his pack on his back.)
Katara: Why do boys always think someone has to be the leader? I bet you wouldn't be so bossy if you kissed a girl.
Sokka: I-I've kissed a girl—you...just haven't met her.
Katara: Who? Gran-gran? I've met Gran-gran.
Sokka: No—besides Gran-gran. Look, my instincts tell me we have a better chance of slipping through on foot and a leader has to trust his instincts.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Katara: Okay, we'll try it your way Oh Wise Leader.
(Aang steps over, now wearing a backpack. Momo is sitting on the top.)
Aang: Who knows—walking might be fun.
(Cut to the forest. Between trees the group trudges along, with Sokka in front, followed by Aang/Momo, Katara and Appa)
Aang: Walking stinks! How do people go anywhere without a flying bison?
Katara: I don't know Aang. Why don't you ask Sokka's instincts—they seem to know everything.
Sokka: Ha ha. Very funny.
Aang: I'm tired of carrying this pack.
Katara: You know who you should ask to carry it for a while? Sokka's Instincts!
Katara: hey sokka's instincts can u get me a drink.
Katara: okay I'm just kidding.
Sokka: yea yea. 😒
Aang: That's a great idea! Hey, Sokka's Instincts, would you mind—
Sokka: Okay, okay—I get it. Look guys, I'm tired too. But the important thing is that-- (He pushes the branches from two rust red-leafed bushes and holds them, focussing his attention on Aang and Katara.) --we're safe from...the— (He finally turns around to see what's beyond the bushes.) --Fire...Nation...
Toph: yea nope.
(Sokka, Aang Katara and Momo have just walked into a clearing with a Fire Nation encampment in it. On the opposite end of the clearing are three Pavilion tents, and an active fire pit with logs as benches on two sides. The camp is occupied.
Cut to the reaction of the soldiers—most of them seated or crouching near the fire with bowls in hand. The surprise of others. On a couple of soldiers seated closest to the tents, which have doorflaps with the Fire Nation emblem on them. One of these soldiers has a patch over his left eye.
Back to Momo and the Trio.)
Sokka: RUN!
(As they drop their packs, The soldiers leap up from the logs, swords out. The one-eyed soldier takes a bender's stance and launches a fist-full of fire at them. The fire misses them—mostly—but sets the bushes behind them alight.)
Sokka: We're cut off! (Meanwhile, the left sleeve of his tunic is on fire.)
Aang: Sokka, your shirt!
(Sokka looks, and YELLS in panic.
Katara uncorks a skin container and begins to bend the contents—water—into a flowing ribbon. The ribbon splashes against Sokka's tunic, putting it out. Katara redirects the ribbon back into the waterskin and replaces the cap.
The trio is surrounded: the burning bushes behind them, the soldiers all around. They put their backs together and face the warriors, ready to fight if necessary.)
Sokka: If you let us pass, we promise not to hurt you.
Katara (quietly): What are you doing?
Sokka: Bluffing?
Zuko: I don't think they bought that.
(The One-eyed Captain smiles from his lines.)
Captain: You? Promise not to hurt us?
(There is a quiet ZIP and THUD. The Captain looks surprised for a moment, then groans and collapses face first on the ground. His men lower their weapons a little.)
Aang: Nice work, Sokka! How'd ya do that?
Sokka: Uh...instinct?
Katara: Look!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(She points to somewhere above. Blur to a figure standing on the massive branch of a nearby tree. The person drops something and draws two blades from the middle of his back.. He steps off the back of the branch, his weapons held high. Instead of falling straight down, the weapons seem to catch on the branch, allowing him to sling himself in the direction of the camp. The stranger kicks over two of the soldiers farthest from the Trio; he lands with a foot on each of their backs.
He is JET. He is a young man—about Sokka's age. Except for a red vest, he's dressed from neck to toe in dark green clothing. What little armor he has (shoulder caps and hip/upper thigh covers) are mismatched. He has a shaggy mane of brown hair, and a twig held in his teeth.
He rushes forward, his shuang gou (twin hook sword) in each hand. He hooks a leg each on another pair of soldiers and sends them head over heels. With a polished body flip, he launches them through the air. They end up in a heap on top of their prone captain.
Jet lands on his feet, ready for more.)
Jet: Down you go.
(The trio looks up from the little pile-up at him. They've gone from surprise to varying degrees of pleasure (Katara) awe (Aang) and incredulity (Sokka).
A soldier rushes up from behind Jet, sword raised. The young man hooks his opponent's sword hand as he spins. Jet finishes where he started—ready to face a new opponent—while his opponent is sent flying. The man lands at the feet of a quartet of sword holders. The closest then looks up.)
Soldier: They're in the trees!
(A small boy drops from above and lands on the soldier's shoulders, then spins his helmet around, blinding him. He staggers off, his small attacker still on his shoulders and laughing all the while. Before the remaining three swordsmen can react, arrows ZIP from above, disarming each man without hurting him.
Blur up to the archer sitting on a branch. He reaches for a quiver on his back and fits two arrows to the string of his bow. The archer swings backward, until he is hanging beneath the branch by his knees. He lets his arrows fly.
Cut to another quartet of soldiers. The foremost two have their swords knocked from their hands by the arrows, while an individual leaps from a low branch to the ground.
As the two disarmed soldiers run off, a swordsman charges the newcomer. This freedom fighter ducks, lets the swordsman run into (and across) his back, and tosses his opponent up onto the branch with a shrug. The second swordsman is more cautious, but with speed and strength the rebel grabs him, spins him around and throws him. The barehanded rebel turns and heads for new targets before his old one hits the ground. Meanwhile, a boy with a knife and red facepaint drops to the foreground and runs off to fight.
Cut to Jet, who watches over his shoulder as Katara uses her water to take on an OC foe and beside her Aang bends the air, dragging two soldiers in a dusty circle around the pair.
Cut to Sokka, boomerang raised in both hands, shouting a war cry. A soldier charges him, but before they meet Jet enters the scene. He uses his swords to pole vault him into the chest of the swordsman, who goes flying in the opposite direction OC. Sokka stops shouting and sags out of his battle stance.)
Sokka: Hey, he was mine!
Jet: Gotta be quicker next time.
(Jet turns and rejoins the battle. Katara is left impressed, while a grumpy Sokka walks off.
Cut to two soldiers backing towards the forest, but before they can escape, a massive rebel drops to the ground. As they turn to face him, their faces register shock as he comes out of his drop crouch...and towers above them. Quickly however, they recover and take a battle stance. The grinning giant simply reaches over his shoulder and pulls out a log thicker than a man's leg. He raises it two-handed over his head, and with a growl lowers the boom.
Jet turns from his current opponent to watch the two swordsman backing away, their swords bent beyond use. They drop them and flee. He grins and turns to face the determined spearman. The man jabs for his throat, but he catches the spearshaft with the hooks of his swords. They struggle for a moment, before Jet spins and sidesteps the spear. With one sword free, he hooks the man, who goes flying. The soldier's spear is also sent flying. Its butt-end strikes the back of a nearby swordsman's helmet, knocking him out. The sagging soldier reveals his opponent to be Sokka, ready to receive an attack with his war club. He looks at the downed man.)
Sokka (frustrated): Man!
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Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.
WARNING!!! The mc of this novel is weak(mentally) and thus unlikable. The story also has a tag SLOW-PACE. Which means there won't be a lot of actions going on from the get-go.Erlig, a senior in a respectable college lived his whole life without knowing such a word as trouble. Stable life with no accidents, great parents, and a good friend. Gaming was his hobby.But when he tried a new game something happened to him.He was trapped in a new world as the protagonist of this game. The worst is that he was cuckolded, humiliated, and beaten down. Not knowing how this happened he now forced to live a different life.Those things, that looked like fiction in the game turned out to be much more real. He is forced to confront the dark and grimy world that looks much harsher than what he always saw. The only things that left in his changed world, is his meager knowledge of the game and his, own, self.Given such a miraculous opportunity, he is forcibly taken out from his bubble and placed between a choice.To break and fall or to forever change his fate, his life, and everything around him. A little description to give a better understanding of what this story is about. It's my vision on a fusion of Korean fighting manhwas and Korean r-18 romance manhwas with the protagonist that is not typical to those particular works.Author's note: As this is my first novel and English is not my native language any criticism would be appreciated. Release schedule: At least one chapter every week.I also post on Scribble Hub and Webnovel.
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