《The Gaang reacting to ALTA》The avatar returns
Hello welcome um thanks for all the views it got more than expected but anyway thanks for waiting for this episode and by the way this is the first and last time I'm putting the intro in cause u know it is a bit of a hassle so :)
Me: ok so um this is part 2 of the last episode the boy in the iceberg so u guys ready?
Me: ok start!.
Katara:is it always my voice and is this the same intro?
Me: yes it's always gonna be ur voice and no it's not the same intro it's shorter.
Katara: sweet.
"Long ago the four nations lived together in harmony then everything changed when the fire nation attacked. Only the avatar master of all 4 elements could stop them but when the world needed him the most he vanished. 100 years passed and my brother and I discovered the new avatar an airbender named aang"
Katara: oh so in this intro I mention aang.
Me: yea
"And although his airbending skills are great he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone"
Toph: definitely
"But I believe aang can save the world"
Aang: nice to know u believe in me from the start.😁thanks
Katara: oh-yea ur welcome.
Avatar the last airbender
Previously on avatar
(I'm not showing that but yea)
Suki: so we left of where aang and katara set off the fire nation ship and Zuko found aang and the South Pole village.
Aang: yup
Book 1: water
Chapter 2: the avatar returns.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"I knew it you signaled the fire navy with that flare, your leading them straight to us aren't you?" "Aang didn't do anything. It was an accident." "Yeah we were on the ship and there was this booby trap and well we— we boobied right into it." " katara you shouldn't have gone on that ship, now! We could all be in danger." "Don't blame katara I brought her there, it's my fault" "aha! The traitor confesses! Warriors away from the enemy! The foreigner is banished from our village"
Toph: not good first impression aang.
Aang: hey!
Toph: wow snoozles u just banished Aang not the first thing I expected.
Sokka: Then what did u expect.
Toph: I don't know what did u expect?
Sokka: well I- wait no I asked that answer my question first.
Toph: nah
Sokka: 😤
" sokka your making a mistake" no I'm keeping my promise to dad, I'm protecting you from threats like him."
Toph: hahahahah! U said twinkle toes was a threat.
Aang: hey! Whats that supposed to mean!
Toph:no offense twinkle toes but at that time ur not really such a threat
"Aang is not our enemy, don't u see Aang's brought us something we haven't had in a long time - - Fun." "Fun? we can't fight firebenders with fun!" " you should try it sometime"
Toph: yea snoozels I have fun all the time beating some firebenders before.
"Get out of our village now!" " grandmother please don't let sokka do this" "katara you knew going on that ship was forbidden, sokka is right."
Toph: hahahahhahaha
"I think it best if the airbender leaves" "fine then I'm banished, too. Come on Aang let's go."
Toph: loook suger queen is defending her Boyfriend.
Katara: he's not my boyfriend (katara whispers) yet
Zuko: wait katara I heard u whisper something what was it? (He said in a teasing tone)
Katara blushed and said nothing can we just continue.
"Where do u think ur going?" " to find a water bender aang is taking me to the North Pole" "I am? Great!" "Katara would u really choose him over ur tribe"
Suki: oof big decision!
"Your own family?"
Suki: oof the family card.
"Katara I don't want to come between you and ur family." " so ur leaving the South Pole? This is goodbye?" "Thanks for penguin sledding with me."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Suki: this is cute and sad sokka how dare u?!
Sokka: hey!
"Where will you go?" "Guess I'll go back home and look for the airbenders wow I haven't clean my room in 100 years not looking forward to that" Aang airbends himself up to appa's head. "It was nice meeting everyone" "let's see your bison fly now airboy"
Suki: ur mean sokka
Sokka: what so toph is the only one who can come up with nicknames for us?!
Toph: yea snoozels
"Come on appa you can do it yip yip." " yea! I thought so!" "Ahhhhhhh aang don't go I'll miss u" "I'll miss u too"
Suki:owwww 😥 that girl and look how sad katara looks. 😭
"Come on boy" "katara you'll feel better after you-" "u happy now there goes my chance of becoming a waterbender." "Alright ready our defenses the fire nation could be on our shores any moment now" but I gotta-" " and no potty breaks" then we ice and appa and aang.
They all laughed at the kids who always needs to pee
Katara: wait so u didn't really leave yet.
Aang:why did u want me to.
Katara: no but- ugh never mind
Appa groans "yea I liked her too"
Katara blushed a little and aang blushed a little too.
Pans over to zuko's ship then to the village while aang says "the village!" Aang slides down. "Appa wait here!" Appa groans.
Suki: wow look aang comes to help right after he got banished. 🤨👀
Then the scene goes to sokka getting ready for battle.
Suki:you wear makeup too!
Sokka: it's not makeup!
Suki: oh yea then what is it?!
Sokka: it's- um warrior's ma- I um PAINT. It's warriors paint!
Suki: uh huh 😏
Pans to zukos ship then to Zuko getting ready to fight too.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Sokka's watchtower falls "oh man!"
Toph: hahahahah ur watch tower fell apart
Sokka: I spent weeks making those.
Pans over to katara then to sokka and zukos ship comes out of the fog "oh-h-h-h ma-an"
Zuko comes out of the ship sokka run towards Zuko "aaahhhhhhhh" then sokka gets beaten by Zuko really quick.
Zuko laughs at sokka first followed by everyone except sokka.
Sokka: that kick hurt u know.
Zuko: sorry but I just kicked ur butt like in a instant he said still laughing.
Toph: hahhahahahhahah I thought you would do better than that hahahaha.
Sokka: hey! I improved in my fighting!
Suki: we know that, then suki kissed him on the cheek
Then sokka felt better.
Zuko looks around "where are u hiding him?!" He looks around then grabs gran gran. "He would be about this age master of all elements!" Pans over to the village everyone looks confused then Zuko displays his firebending over their heads. "I know ur hiding him" then sokka picks up his club the runs towards Zuko tries to get him but Zuko flips him over then sokka falls on his butt then Zuko tries to firebenders him but sokka doges then throw his boomerang it "misses" zuko "show no fear!" The boy throws sokka a spear then sokka runs towards Zuko but Zuko breaks the spear takes it away then pokes him on the head with it 3 times then breaks it apart even more then boomerang comes back and hits Zuko in the head.
Sokka laughed at Zuko followed by everyone except Zuko
Sokka: hahahahah boomerang came back so Zuko who's laughing now?!
Toph: me! At both of u.
Sokka and Zuko: 😂😐😤😤😤
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Then it shows Zuko get really angry then fire daggers come out of his hands then pans over to aang riding on a otter penguin then it knocks over Zuko and his helmet land on his butt.
Sokka laughs at Zuko followed by everyone but Zuko.
Sokka: thank u aang
Aang: why?
Sokka! For bringing me justice.
Aang: ur welcome?
Then the kids start cheering but get covered by snow stop the cheer again. Then aang gets kicked out of the back of the otter penguin by the otter penguin. The the otter penguin Looks at aang then waddles away. "Hey katara hey sokka" "hi aang thanks for coming" Zuko signals his soldiers to get in to position then gets in to fighting stance and so does aang the aang airbends the snow at the soldiers then to Zuko "looking for me?" The snow on Zuko melts. "Your the airbender ur the avatar?!" "Aang?" "No way" "I've spent years preparing for this encounter training meditating ur just a child!" "Well ur just a teenager."
Toph:hahahahaha sparky u walked right in to that one
Everyone but Zuko laughed with toph.
Zuko starts firebending aang blocks it with is staff and airbending and the fire scares the village and aang has face of sadness for them. "If I go with u will u promise to leave everyone alone" then Zuko nods in agreement. Then the fire nation soldiers grab aang. "No! Aang don't do this" "don't worry katara it will be okay. Take care of appa for me! Until a get back" " head a course for the fire nation I'm going home" it pans over to aang slightly smiling and katara crying-ish and as the door closes aang's smile fades.
Suki: this is so sad did u see katara and aang's faces 😥😭😥
Then it blacks out then we see the southern water tribe zuko's ship long gone and then pans over to the village looking really sad. And them fixing tents and the watch tower.the pans over to katara. "We have to go after that ship, Sokka."Aang saved our tribe.Now we have to save him." "Katara, I..."
"Why can't you realize that he's on our side?If we don't help him, no one will.I know you don't like Aang,but we owe him and..." "Katara, are you going to talk all day or are you coming with me?" "Sokka!" "Get in." "We're going to save your boyfriend." "-He's not my..." "-Whatever."
When aang heard this he smiled a little and blushed and Katara blushed at sokka saying aang was her boyfriend.
Toph: Ha! Sokka called it.
Katara: what do u mean sokka called it.
Toph:well from my sense of ur vibrations when I had my earthbending ur hearts aren't the quietest 😏
Katara and aang just blushed.
(Let me remind u all aang and katara were not a thing yet I made the story happen before they kissed so that I can make things interesting when we get to the deep kataang moments)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"What do you two think you're doing?" "You'll need these.You have a long journey ahead of you.It's been so long since I've had hope,but you brought it back to life,my little waterbender.And you, my brave warrior,be nice to your sister."
(I know this hope is not katara but it's because of her so hope count-3)
"Yeah, OK, Gran." "Aang is the Avatar.He's the world's only chance.You both found him for a reason.Now your destinies are intertwined with his." "There's no way we're going to catch a warship with a canoe."
"You just love taking me out of my comfort zone,don't you?"
"This staff will make an excellent gift for my father.I suppose you wouldn't
know of fathers,being raised by monks.
Suki: oof harsh-ish and Zuko what will ozai do with an airbending staff?
Zuko: I don't know but eh.
Take the Avatar to the prison hold and take this to my quarters." "Hey, you mind taking this to his quarters for me?"
"Ugh! So, I guess you've never fought
an airbender before.I bet I can take you both with my hands tied behind my back." "Silence." "The Avatar has escaped!"
Suki:ha u showed them.
"Go.Fly.Soar." "Please, Appa, we need your help.Aang needs your help." "Up.Ascend.Elevate." "Sokka doesn't believe you can fly,But I do, Appa.Come on, don't you want to save Aang?" "What was it that kid said?Yee-ha?Hup-hup?Wa-hoo?Uh, yip yip?" "You did it, Sokka!" "He's flying!He's flying!Katara, he's...I mean, big deal.He's flying."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Suki:appa showed u
Toph: Did u see sugar queen smug face at snoozles over there hahaha. Wow that was little weird to say.
Aang: why?
Toph: cause twinkle toes I used the word SEE
Aang: oh! Yea u can see now.
Aang " you haven't see my staff around have u?" Then aang just zoomed around the walls. "Thanks any way!" Aang goes to a different level and a soldier fire ends at aang but aang dodges flips and cuts the rope with his helmet knocking the soldier to the floor.
Suki: nice one aang
Aang: thank u 🙏
Aang opens another door and we hear snoring then we see it's iroh sleeping.
Then closes the door while whispering "sorrry" then continues running the finds his staff "my staff!" Then the door closes then we see Zuko "looks like a underestimated you" the. Zuko gives apostate and then aang looks worried then Zuko gets into a fighting pose then blast fire at aang he tries multiple times but aang dodges all.
Toph: well sparky seems like twinkle toes here is dodges every move u make it's kinda funny.
Aang goes on his air scooter then goes around the room Zuko tries to get him with a fire whip but fails then aang falls down gets the tapestry wraps in around Zuko. Zuko escapes then aang airbends the mattress at Zuko.
They all laugh except Zuko.
Sokka: Zuko vs a mattress who will win? He says in a announcer voice.
Toph: I bet the mattress.
Sokka: winner! MATTRESS and the crowd goes wild. Wooohooo!
Everyone keeps on laughing
Aang runs away from zukos room.
Aang jumps with his glider then Zuko jumps after him and catches his foot aang falls. They both get up. The appa groans "what is that" appa groans again "Appa!" Zuko fire bends aang Blake's it with is staff and aang almost falls of the ship. Zuko continues to firebend. Aang gets knocked out then falls into the water.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"Aang no! Aang! Aang! Aang!" Aang goes into the avatar state.
Suki: oh shoot!
Aang goes into the water whirlpool. Zuko has a shock scared look on his face. Aang goes on the boat then knocks almost everyone of the ship. "Did you see what he just did?" "Now that was some waterbending." Aang feels weak then falls to the ground "Aang, are you OK?"
They all gasped in amazement at aang going into the avatar state even do it's not the first time they seen it.
Toph: did u see sparky's face he looked so scared
"Hey, Katara.Hey, Sokka.Thanks for coming." "Well, I couldn't let you have all the glory."
"I dropped my staff." "Got it." Sokka grabs the staff the. Zuko grabs on then tries to get up then sokka bonks him on the head 3 times. He Zuko falls but he grabs on the chains of the anchor. "Ha! That's from the water tribe!" Fire nation soldiers stand up and katara tries to waterbend at them but instead goes to sokka. "Katara!"
Toph: wow sugar queen u really improved in bending.
Katara: well!- oh um thanks.
"Hurry up, Sokka!"
"I'm just a guy with a boomerang.I didn't ask for all this flying and magic." He says while breaking the ice with a boomerang.
Toph: not anymore u have no boomerang and space sword.
"Yip yip! Yip yip!"
"Huh? Huh?"
"Shoot them down!" Iroh and Zuko make a big fire blast.
Aang: wow Zuko we gotta try that.
Zuko: why?
Aang: cause it's cool.
Zuko: someday.
Aang: ok looking forward to it.
Aang airbends the fire blast from them and into the ice which falls down to zuko's ship."Good news for the Fire Lord.The Fire Nation's greatest threat is just a little kid."
"That kid, uncle, just did this.I won't underestimate him again.Dig this ship out and follow them.As soon as you're done with that."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"How did you do that with the water?! It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen."
Toph: for now.
Katara: 🙂
"I don't know. I just sort of did it."
" Why didn't you tell us you were the Avatar?"
"Because I never wanted to be."
Toph:wait a minute u never wanted to be the avatar.
Aang: I didn't because-
Me: ah! don't tell them that will be another episode so shush
"But, Aang, the world's been waiting for the Avatar to return and finally put an end to this war."
"And how am I going to do that?"
"According to legend,You need to first master water, then earth, then fire, right?"
"That's what the monks told me."
"Well, if we go to the north pole,you can master waterbending." "We could learn it together!"
"And, Sokka,I'm sure you'll get to knock some firebender heads on the way."
"I'd like that.I'd really like that." "Then we're in this together."
Sokka: ALRIGHT team avatar Version 1 is a go!
"All right,but before I learn waterbending,we have some serious business to attend to here, here, and here." "What's there?" "Here we'll ride the hopping llamas. Then way over here we'll surf on the backs of giant koi fish.
Suki: ok that explains why u-
Me: shush they will find out
"Then back over here we'll ride the hog monkeys.They don't like people riding them,but that's what makes it fun!"
Toph: wow twinkle toes u are going to take ur time learning water bending .
Me: ok so that was the second episode of AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER. So what do u think?
Aang: well liked it
They all said SAME!
Toph: can't wait to SEE the rest of the adventures before me.
Suki: can't wait to see the adventures.
Ok that's the end of this episode so what did u think?
Anyways thanks for reading and stay safe!
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