《Day Dream [Dreamwastaken x OC]》Epilogue
"Claaayyy" I complain "Can you go get me a water and snacks pretty please" I beg my boyfriend, giving him puppy eyes
Clearly, this doesn't work, my boyfriend is sprawled on the bed next to me, not intending to move a single hair he lets out a loud huff
"She isn't here, go get it yourself" Clay answers
And there we go again, Angel mention. We have not spoken a single time since the London incident. I've tried keeping my distance, but living in the same household as her boyfriend has not been making that so easy
"Why did you need to mention her" I say rolling my eyes, then turning to look at Clay in the eyes.
"She will give in" he assures me
"She won't"
"She will, Nick said she mentioned yoy for the first time" he confesses
"She did?" I say, with a slight glint of hope in my voice.
Am I dumb to still be hung up on a friendship that has no future? Maybe.
"Yeah, she was telling him a story and named you" he further explains
"Well, that's new" I say, trying to look nonchalant. When in reality, I'm so fucking excited about that
"Yeah, and I also think she's starting to like me better" he proudly says
"Well yeah, you're the one paying for the house" I say with a "well that's obvious" tone in my voice
"And I let her inside it" he clarifies
"Because I kindly asked" I answer, giving him puppy dog eyes
"You bribed me with a blowjob" he deadpans
"Still, I asked nicely" I innocently add
"Yeah, after what she did to you and how she spoke about me, I shouldn't be this nice. I shouldn't have sold myself over a blowjob"
"But you are, that's why I love you" I say, moving further up our bed so I can hug him and lightly peck him on the lips
"Keep saying that and I'll believe it" he says, not reciprocating my affection
"You have to be kidding me" I say moving back, sitting on the edge of the bed
"I proposed and you ignored it"
"I WAS DRUNK" I shout
"Ok, but I'm asking again now" he insists, moving closer to me
"Look, I'm not saying no, because I want to, you're the love of my life, but we're too young... so eventually" I smile
"You sound like me talking about my face reveal" he chuckles
"You did end up doing it" I clarify and he pushes his head back. God he is so fucking hot
"Because you pushed me"
"I wanted to kiss you under the fireworks, in Disney" I say
"You already did that when Sapnap came for the first time" he says remembering one of our first dates out
"But without being scared for you, or us" I say, sitting on his lap and fixing some of his little curls
"People still don't know we are dating" he clarified
"And I don't mind, I know how fans get" I answer. I truly don't care if the fanbase doesn't know, as long as I have him and he's healthy, I don't care.
"Are you still gonna be on my stream today?" he asks, slightly changing the subject
"Wouldn't miss it for a thing" I smile, putting my nose on top of his
"Good, smiletwt misses you" he lightly laughs, his cheeks slightly turning red "It's been a while" he then adds
"I know, since the face reveal" I say remembering his face reveal stream we did about a month or so ago. Once George finally moved here permanently, Clay decided it was enough and just one day streamed with his camera on.
Well, it wasn't that easy. We all put great thought into it and in my opinion, it turned out great
"I love you" he whispers on my mouth
"Why" I smile
"What do you mean why"
"Like, why did you say it now"
"Because I wanted to remind you"
"Because you're the fucking love of my life, Charlotte"
"I love you so much" I answer, having the goofiest smile plastered on my face. But I don't care
"This is so corny" I say looking down at my phone
"What" he laughs
"This, it's just going to be 2 minutes, tops" I say, holding my phone in my hand while making my way through his- our house
Clay insisted we facetimed while I went to look for snacks, emotionally dependent mother fucker
"Too much time" he whines
"It's not baby" I say pointing the phone at my face, but after looking at him pout I can't help but miss him
"I miss you already" he repeats again so I quicken my pace and get to the kitchen faster
"I'll try and grab everything as fast as I-" I begin to say, but get cut off once I get my eyes away from my phone and notice Angel standing in our kitchen
"I didn't know you were here today, sorry" I say, but I don't get an answer from her, as usual. So, I insist "Angel, we need to talk"
"There's nothing to talk about" she nonchalantly says
"Yes, there is, I'm sorry, I truly am. But you cant keep on giving me the cold shoulder like this anymore" I plead
"I can, and I will" she says, again with no emotion in her voice
"Angie-" I try to begin once more but she cuts me off
Alright, now she is getting on my nerves.
How many more times do I have to try and fix things while she is disrespectful towards me and my boyfriend
"Do you even know why the fuck you're still allowed in this house?" I say, almost beginning to shout.
I notice the smug look on her face slowly fade away
"Char" I hear Clay warn me through the phone
"No" I'm giving her a piece of my mind wether she likes it or not, so not to let Clay interrupt me again, I hang up the call and begin "I begged Clay to let you inside here, I was thinking about you and Nick, and how shitty it would be no not be allowed to see the person you love"
"As if Nick would've le-" she begins, but this time it's my turn to do the interrupting
"He isn't paying for this house, he contributes absolutely nothing to maintaining this place" I say, now shouting.
I hear someone running towards the kitchen, and when I turn around, I notice Clay almost out of breath. The little baby got off the bed huh
"Charlotte, just grab the food and lets go upstairs" Clay says, grabbing onto my wrist and slightly pulling me back
"Do as your owner tells you to do" Angel says with spite
"Oh fuck no" This bitch has gotten on my last nerve, what even happened to
the Angel I knew?
"Hey, babe" Clay says, noticing my change in mood "It's not worth it, I'll just order something lets go upstairs mkay?
But I haven't even begun with this bitch
"I'm done Clay, I'm done being fucking nice" I say turning to look at him, when I hear her speak up again
"You've always been a little brat, right? Wanting things to go your way?"
"Yeah, because I get things my way and you're now getting on my last nerve. And believe me when I fucking tell you that if you don't take all of your shit out of this house by tomorrow, yourself included, I will call the police" I say, getting angrier and angrier by the second
"Clay-" Angel finally addresses him, after all this time, and looks behind me at the blonde towering over me
"I'll have a talk with Nick, can you just come back to our room, Char?" Clay adds, completely ignoring her
"No, I'm not done. I'm not letting her have the last word again" I say, still our for blood
"You're fucking nuts" Angel answers, looking at me with disgust
"And YOU are the spoilt brat. Wanting me to break up with the love of my life? The best thing that has ever happened to me? Because you simply felt like it? Because you don't like him?" I finally burst out. The room falls silent and Clay attempts to pull on my hand once more so that we finally leave.
Bur once more, I'm not done "Well, news flash, neither of us give a flying shit about what you want, and if you think that you're gonna break us up with one of your little tantrums, you're the one that's fucking nuts here"
Once I'm finished, I don't even give her time to process anything I just said, so I grab Clay's hand and walk back upstairs, dragging him behind me
"That just turned me on so much" I hear him say from behind me, and I can't help but laugh
"You're a pig and we are streaming right now. Later" I simply say, smirking even though he can't see me
"Hi guys" Clays says looking at the camera
"Hiii" I wave from besides him
omg !! facecam stream
you both look so good !!
charlotte looks so cute😭
you guys would look so cute together
where's george?
"Yes chat" he chuckles "This is a face cam stream"
"You're welcome by the way" I add from behind him
"Yes, this was Charlotte's idea" he says, turning to look at me "Surprisingly"
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean" I say, diverting my gaze from the monitor, I notice his expression drop
"No" he quickly backtracks "I wasn't saying you were dumb, It's surprising you joined given-"
"Yeah, let's not go there" I chuckle
"Aleight, so, what we are doing is... teaching Char how to win minecraft" he says, and then begins to explain exactly how we will do it and how much he will actually help me
"I'm really the best minecraft player out there. Don't let the green man fool you" I say to chat
"Hey! I'm no longer green" Clay answers, referring to his no longer anonymous state
"Mhm sure"
"I AM PUNCHING THE FREAKING TREE" I shout trying to understand how this fucking game works
"BUT NOT LONG ENOUGH" Clay shouts back
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOT LO-" I begin to shout again but quickly realize this will get me nowhere "I'm really trying here Clay"
"I know bab- Char, and you're doing great, just don't lift your finger up from the left click" he begins to explain, almost slipping out a 'babe'. I turn to look at chat and notice people are picking up on it
bye he definitely wanted to say babe
guys dw he thought she was george
"IM DOING IT" I shout, trying to once more, divert the subject off of us
"YOU'RE DOING IT" he answers
"I GOT WOOD" I happily say once I notice the tree log pop up on my inventory
"YOU DID" Clay answers once more
"Alright, now what" I say, taking my hands off the keyboard and smiling at him, content with the single piece of wood I acquired
"Jesus Christ" he says facepalming
Now, after a long two hours, I found myself in front of the end portal, ready to jump in. Surprisingly I managed to not die a single time since I spawned, surviving the nether and multiple caves. Dream insisted we took a bit longer so we could get armor and potions, which would prevent me from dying so easily.
I mean, he did save me twice in the nether, I was about to fall from the side of the fortress and he quickly took the controls and block clutched. He profusely apologized later and said he should've let me die so I could learn, but in my opinion it was hot as hell... maybe i'm not all that ok in the head...
"Ok, I have everything on, the sword and my armor and the potions and the the- the water bucket" I smile "Nothing can go wrong, right?" I say turning to look at him, but when I receive no reply, I insist "Right?"
"As long as you don't get killed by endermen or die to fall damage or die from dragon's breath or obviously by getting thrown off the edge into the dark menacing void" he begins to explain, and I can't help but feel a bit scared
"Hey, I'm not sure I wanna do this anymore" I whisper, taking my hands off the keyboard and sitting back on the second gaming chair he gave me
"You'll be fine, I've done it a billion times" he says trying to soothe my anxiousness
"Yeah because you do this for a living... maybe????" I sarcastically say
"You've got this baby" he says, grabbing my shoulder and giving it a little shake
Oh no
"Who?" I say moving back
"Sorry" he says, quickly realizing the pet name that slipped through his lips
I turn to look at chat, and panic washes over me. Everyone did notice
guys!! he is clearly thinking it's george, relaxxxxx
where's george?
"Um, fine... I'll just go in" I quickly say trying to not get too affected by the chat
Once I jump in, the platform is thankfully inside the island so I don't have to make a bridge and risk falling into the void.
Now after that point, everything went fine, I managed to break all the end cristals, avoid the endermen and dragons breath. That was until I went to actually fight the dragon and it sent me flying onto the air
Clay had explained that in this situation i needed to hit the 6 key and water drop. Easy, right?
"Dream, I'm going to die" I say while pressing the 6 key
"Hit it on time" he says, intensely looking at the monitor in which the gameplay was displayed
"I'm dead, I'm dead I'm dead I'm..." I repeat as I'm rapidly reaching the ground, aaaaand I click just on time, noticing the water flowing down under my character "Not dead?"
"YOU DID IT" he shouts turning to look at me
"I DID IT" I shout once more, looking deeply into his green eyes
He unconsciously lunges himself at me to peck my lips but I quickly move forward onto the desk to get back on the game
"I should... um finish off the dragon now" I awkwardly say
"Yeah probably" Clay answers, realizing how bad it would've been.
People probably tied the loose ends by now and realized we are in fact, dating. But I don't mind them speculating, they've done it since the beginning. There's no harm to it.
When I turn to read chat I can see that, they have in fact, realized
yeah i dont think he's seeing george anymore
they would be so cute together
so... no george?
After I kill the dragon and Clay and I celebrate, it's sadly time to end the stream
"Alright guys, that was so much fun, hope you guys enjoyed it as much as we did" Clay begins the outro to his stream
"I didn't enjoy that, very traumatic experience, won't do it again" I sarcastically add
"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad" he says with his very fucking sexy ass voice, and now I'm the one not controlling myself, since I just hungrily stare at
him "Wait why are you looking at me like that"
"I'm not looking at you like anything" I say, quickly blinking a bunch of times, sort of as is I was breaking from a trance
"Mhm... sure" he says whilst smirking "Alright, BYE EVERYONE"
And he clicks on 'end stream'
"They definitely know" is the first thing I say when he closes OBS
"Oh yeah, it's already trending on twitter" Clay answers while checking his phone
"'Baby'? are you serious?" I say unimpressed, raising my eyebrows
"It's a reflex! Plus you almost kissed me, TWICE"
"YOU almost kissed me" I fight back
"Like this?" he cheekily adds, pressing his lips against mine
"Mmm, kinda like this" I counter, getting off my chair and onto his lap, deepening the kiss
"Yeah" he whispers "Maybe you could grind your perfect juicy ass on my dick a bit more if I'm being honest"
"You're such a dork" I laugh, slightly hitting his side "I hate you"
"You don't" he smirks
"I do" I answer, froening
"You love me"
"Wanna show me how much you hate me on our bed?"
"Let's go"
Fuck, I love him so much
OK THIS IS IT !!!!!!!!!
(this was NOT proof read btw sorry!)
hope you guys enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing this.
You all are free to imagine any possible ending after this. maybe angel and charlotte fixed their differences, maybe they didnt
just know charlotte and clay never broke up because they're meant for each other etc etc
anyhow, ill probably edit the story soon so i can fix plot holes and maybe add a scene or two so the entire book has a smoother move
I in part wrote today and finished this to get a distraction from everything that's going on regarding techno. He was a great confort to me and I'm devastated about the news from his passing. I know he is probably laughing at most of our dramatic asses for bawling our eyes out, but I just really fucking miss him, so I hope he rests easy and takes over the kingdom of heaven :,).
If anyone needs someone to talk to u can always dm me here my dms are open
please stay safe and take care of yourselves, i love u :) bye bye !
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Author: Heather_ANAREStatus: ongoingStatus in COO: ongoingSource: webnovelEnding your own life isn't the right decision. Moulin had never believed this phrase until he did it. Moulin, a depressed shut-in digital writer, transmigrates into the frail body of a spoiled young master. Unknown to him, he was swallowed by the fear of death. This time, he intended to start a new beginning and relive his life carefully.An unusual world where special people possess elemental powers and thriving magical beasts, A cute meng selling snow-white fox, A crowd of overprotective people, and a powerful yet impressively annoying person...a stressful Moulin massaged his forehead. This couldn't possibly get any worse... Moumou: My body doesn't feel right...( secretly inspects lower body)Moumou: [email protected]$%#!!!!An Evil Lion: My love, our bed has gone cold...Moumou: (#ง'̀-'́)งWarning this novel includes the following:1. Smut 2. Gore 3. Inappropriate language‼️ PLEASE READ ‼️(this is not mine Credits to the owner of the story, I'm only doing this for offline reading,Please support the author in webnovel i will hunt you guys in you're dream's if you don't)
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