《The Mask Man In The Woods》17.


Hi! So I made a mistake in updating chapter sixteen twice with different endings. It's been a while, I'm so sorry. I edited chapter sixteen with the new ending and rewrote this chapter, so there'll be no double chapter, haha.

So sorry for the mix-up! Thank you for reading!


My body stood frozen. I couldn't believe it was happening. After all these months, I was touching his skin, feeling his lips on mine. After all these months wondering why he was covered from head to toe, he took off his mask and was kissing me.

Tristian was kissing me.

My heart burst and I warped my arms around his neck, kissing him back as if I missed him. I let my fingers explore his surprisingly soft hair and his stubble cheeks.

As we kissed, it felt like we had done this before. His lips felt familiar to me and this moment felt like a déjà vu moment.

I pulled away to breathe and felt chills run down my spine as I smiled. Tristian lightly bumped my forehead with his and rubbed his nose with mine; something no one had done for years.

"When can I open my eyes?" I asked after a long period of silence.

"Just five more minutes." He sighed, hugging me tighter.

I chuckled and kissed his chin, resting my head on his shoulder. He started to hum an unfamiliar tune, rubbing small circles on my lower back.

Just as it began, the moment was ruined when my phone rang. My eyes sprung open and while my sight was a little blurry, I was about to make out the deep scar that seemed to start from his cheekbone. I quickly closed my eyes and Tristian pulled away. He cleared his eyes and I opened my eyes to see he had his mask back on.


Part of me felt bad he had to wear the mask. If was a scar he was hiding, why not just make it disappear with makeup or something?

I forced a smile and went towards the living room where I left my bag. I took out my phone, raising an eyebrow when I saw Kris's name on the screen.

She never called when she was on a date. I looked at the time and clicked my tongue. It was late. She probably got drunk already.

"Where are you, Kris?" I answered.

At first, I heard nothing until I heard what sounded like a faint moan. I checked my phone to see if she didn't hang up on me.

"Hello? Kris? C-Can you hear me?" I asked.

"H...Help me..." She whispered faintly.

"Kris? Where are you?" I asked in alarm and grabbed my keys.

"Oh, god, no! H-Help! Varia—!" The call was cut off and I quickly dialed again as I hurriedly pulled on my coat.

"Drakon! Drakon, I'm going to pick up Kris— damn it!" I spat when the phone call went straight to voicemail.

I was about to dial again when Tristian grabbed my elbow.

"Hey, calm down. I'll follow you from behind, okay?"

I nodded and he left through the back door. Drakon appeared from the top of the stairs, his eyes squinted against the lights.

"I need you to stay in my room and don't come out until I'm back. I need to pick up Kris from the bar again." I lied and Drakon nodded.

I shut off the lights and locked the front door. I headed to the main road and dialed Kris again.

"Maybe your friend is playing a trick on you." Tristian said, coming up to my side.


I shook my head and put my phone in my pocket. "No, she would never pull off a joke. She's a horrible liar and actor."

When we got to the sidewalk, I turned to Tristian and nudged my house. "Watch over Drakon. I don't want Javon to make another surprise visit."

Tristian seemed torn and nodded. "Be careful."

I smiled and jogged down the sidewalk towards the bar. Kris usually ended up there when her dates had left.

"I'm making a toast for maybe finding my forever boyfriend!" She would say when I picked her up.

She was the one to fall fast and hard. No amount of warning or advice got her to slow down.

I rounded the corner and spotted the bar. I ran towards the front doors and dialed Kris again to make sure she was in there when I saw it.

My phone slipped from my hand and my breath was knocked right out of me.

There was blood all over the glass front doors. It couldn't see inside, but there was no chatter or clinks of glass. There were no sports playing on the TV or men trying to top off each other's singing.

There was nothing, but silence.

My vision blurred and I quickly picked up my phone. I dialed 911 and was advised not to go in, but I wanted to see if Kris was in there. She was the only friend I made since I moved here. Though we haven't known each other for long, it felt like we were friends since diapers.

The sirens of the police pierced the silent night and not five minutes later, people formed a crowd and I was standing with a police officer.

"And your friend is in there?" He asked, pointing at the bar with his pen.

"I'm not sure. She called; really scared about something, so I thought she was here. I came to pick her up, but I haven't seen her. Her name is Kris Moore..." I trailed off as multiple ambulances came. "C-Can I know what happened in there?"

The officer sighed and closed his notepad. "To be honest with you, if your friend was there, she didn't make it. No one did."

I gasped and started walking past him. "N-No one made it? My friend is s-supposed to be here. She—"

"Ma'am, please step back." The officer demanded, grabbing my shoulder.

"No!" I shouted, slapping his hand away. "My friend! My friend is alive!"

The officer grabbed both my shoulders as I sobbed in my hands. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, but I didn't care. Kris was most likely in there. It was a small town with few places that stayed open at night.

There was no other place she could have gone. I sniffled and the officer helped me up as another came up to us, taking off his hat and eyes filled with sympathy.

I lowered my eyes as the second officer told me that it was confirmed. Kris was in the bar.

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