《The Mask Man In The Woods》10.


"Here's my card. If anything comes up, call me."

I took the card from the young officer and nodded. "Thank you."

I got out of the car with Drakon and we quickly went inside the house. It felt cold and no longer like a home. I went straight to the kitchen; shivering and I rubbed the back of my neck as I turned the stove on.

"Mom, I'm tired." He said from the doorway, yawning and rubbing his eye.

"Go take a nap if you want. I'll be down here." I suggested and Drakon nodded, dragging his belongings as he yawned.

I put the card in one of drawers and sat up on the counter, kicking my feet. Watching the fire lick the bottom of the kettle, my mind started to wander.

Nothing was going right.

I never had anything like this happen while I lived in the city, and the city was where most crimes happened. I never had ghosts haunting my dreams. I never had a crazy homeless girl try to kill me. I never had weird dreams of being in someone else's body.

And I never doubted Javon.

He was always there, but now? I didn't know what to think. Was he with another woman? Did something bad happen that he didn't want me to know? Did he lose his job? What was going on with him?

Where was my husband who called and texted me every minute when I told him I was attacked by a ghost? Why did his behavior suddenly changed? Was it something I said or did?

I sighed and rubbed my templates. All this thinking was making my head pound.

I turned off the stove, losing my appetite for tea. I was about to turn off the lights when a dark figure caught my eye. I backed into the kitchen, spotting Tristian outside.

An indescribable feeling of relief washed over me and I ran to the back door, pushing it open. The hinges creaked and Tristian turned around.

"Hey." I greeted, walking towards him and stopping a few feet away.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to come yesterday. I was caught up." He apologized, shifting his weight from leg to another.

I shook my head and I wanted to hug him so badly. I wanted to feel so sort of comfort. I wanted a sense I wasn't alone and in danger, but the thoughts flew out of my mind when my phone rang.

I jumped and took my phone out of my back pocket. Javon was calling me. I cleared my throat and forced a smile.

"I'm sorry. It'll be a minute."

Tristian nodded and strode off, touching the broken furniture every now and then.

"About time you remembered me." I answered angrily.

There was a lot of commotion on the other end until I heard a door shut and Javon cleared his throat. "I'm so sorry, babe. My phone died and I had this meeting—"

"For the whole night? Jesus, Javon. Is-Is there something you're not telling me?" I asked, feeling a lump in my throat.


"I think we should talk about this when I—"

I sighed loudly, cutting him off. "Forget it. I don't want to ruin your meeting." I added and hung up.

I wanted to throw my phone, but I managed to control my anger and breathed through my nose to calm myself down.

"Everything okay?" Tristian asked from behind the busted picnic table.

I cleared my throat and pointed behind me. "Do you want to come in? I brought new chocolate cookies and I think I have extra kisses."

Tristian's shoulders dropped slightly and he nodded. I walked ahead of him and he followed. I opened the top cabinet where I hid all the candies and cookies from Drakon and pulled it out. I set it out on the counter and pointed at the kettle.

"Would you like some tea?" I asked.

Tristian took his seat and shook his head, mask directed towards the screen door. I tucked my hair behind my ear and sat down next to him.

We were silence for a while, none of us touching the cookies or chocolate. I knew it was silly to offer him food and drinks, but I couldn't help it.

"Every single time there's a guest in your house, offer food and drinks." My mama would say when I stood by the side as guests arrived for whatever reason. She would pull me to the kitchen and start getting everything ready. "It's a way to show that you 'care' about 'em, and when you kill and getting ready to eat 'em, they at least have something in their system, no?"

My mama always had that dark sense of humor. It was one of the reasons my step-papa loved my mama. With my step-papa's sarcasm and my mama's humor, they got along perfectly. When they argued, they laid all their cards on the table and it was why they never stayed mad at each other for more than a few hours.

They couldn't live without each other.

I lightly smiled at my memories and didn't notice Tristian was burning holes into the side of my face until I shook myself away from them. My smile melted into a frown when I saw my wedding ring. I twirled it around my finger and slipped it off.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek and ran my tongue over my lips. I put the ring back on and laid my hands flat on the counter.

"If..." I paused and turned to look at him. "Okay, let's say you're married and everything was great between you and her. But suddenly, your wife... changes."

"Changes how?" He asked, intrigued as he shifted his body to face me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "She comes home late from work. She, uh... doesn't return your calls or messages, not even when you were about to be killed by a homeless girl. Her behavior—"

Tristian sat up, alarmed as he looked from me to the screen door. "Is that what happened to your door?"

I forced a smile. "I'm fine. Nothing happened."


"What do you mean nothing happened? She just came in to break your door and left?" He asked, his body growing tense.

"No, she was just ill and tried to rob me, but I wasn't hurt. I managed to get out." I explained, turning completely in my seat to face him.

Tristian fell silent and stared at the door. He lowered his head and cleared his throat. "Did s-she anything to you?"

I titled my head, confused by his question. "She told me she was hungry and asked for spare change or food. She also asked if she could use the bathroom, so I let her in."

"Nothing else?"

"She said she wanted everything."

Tristian's hand shook and he got up from his seat, storming out. I called out his name and ran after him. I grabbed his shoulder and got in front of him right when he was about to enter in the woods.

"Tristian, what's wrong?" I asked, lowering my hand.

He shook his head and tried to go around me, but I quickly got in his path again.

"Tristian, talk to me. You're freaking me out." I said.

His fist curled into fists and it appeared his eyes locked with mine. "If I'm such a freak to you, you should probably befriend normal people."

I was taken back his sudden anger and took a step back. "I-I didn't mean—"

"Save it." He snapped and went around me. I didn't stop him this time and watched as he disappeared among the trees and bushes.


"I'm not really feeling tired, mom. Can't I stay up with you?" Drakon asked as I tucked him back in his room.

I shook my head and pulled the blankets over him. "No, I want you sleep here and now. You're going back to school tomorrow."

Drakon groaned and turned around to lie on his stomach. "I hate school." He commented into his pillow.

"Yes, but school leads you to a successful life, so you have to go." I said, ruffling his hair.

"But I'm not tired."

"Watch a few videos to get you tired then." I suggested, heading towards his dresser and taking out his tablet he rarely used unless he was really bored.

Drakon reached for it, but I pulled it away and held up my finger. "But only for half an hour, okay? I'll be keeping track, so don't pull any tricks on me. I'm not in the mood."

Drakon rolled his eyes and nodded. "Yes, mom. I hear you loud and clear."

I handed it to him and slightly closed his door. I went to my room and fell fact first on my bed. I kicked off my shoes and climbed into bed for a more comfortable position when I heard someone clear their throat form the doorway.

I turned around and glared at Javon as he set his suitcase down and started taking off his tie. "I'm—"

"I don't want to hear it." I interrupted, sitting up and undoing my hair from the ponytail.

"What's with the attitude?" Javon asked, anger clear in his tone.

I scoffed and got out of my bed. "My attitude? You're questioning my attitude? How about we question you? Since we moved here, you went AWOL on me!"

"I was in the office."

"Yeah. An office. An office where there are tons of computers, phones, fax machines—"

"What are you trying to say?"

"Yesterday, someone tried to kill me." I started, watching Javon's expression not change one bit. "And you didn't pick up your damn phone! The police called you like a million times and where were you? You were in an office surrounded by ringing phones, and yet you didn't pick it up."

Javon ran his hand down his jaw and put his fist on his hip. "My phone died."

I threw my hands up and turned away, pulling the covers back and grabbing a pillow. I threw it at his feet and pointed at the door. "Sleep somewhere else or better yet, go to sleep in your office. I don't want to see your face."

Javon kicked the pillow away and marched straight to me; his strides clearly enrage and fast. My anger melted and was replaced with fear when he roughly pulled me to his chest. I instantly tried to escape his firm grasp and Javon pushed me back until I was pressed up against the wall.

"Let go of me, Javon!" I shouted, twisting and turning.

He shook me until he grabbed my jaw and forced me to look at him. "My. Phone. Died." He repeated, putting extra emphasize on each word. "Now why didn't I pick up my phone?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "If you're not happy with me, say it to my face. Be a man about it, you disgusting coward!"

Javon raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Is that what you think I'm doing? You think I'm cheating?"

I didn't answer and glared at him. He chuckled and rubbed my lower lip with his thumb. "Why would I be unfaithful to my beautiful wife who has the whole package?"

His eyes stared hungrily at my lips and I seized the opportunity. I pushed him off and grabbed my phone, holding my hand out as a warning. "Take one more step and I'm calling the police." I said, trying to sound firm, but my voice wavered.

Javon held his hands up and took a step back, his smirk still intact with his face. "Fine, darling. You win... for tonight."

He grabbed the pillow from the floor and threw it on the bed. "I'll take your advice and sleep in my office. At least there, I won't have to deal with this bullshit."

He walked away and I waited to hear the front door slam before I lowered my hand and exhaled loudly as I lowered myself to the floor. I curled my arms around myself and pulled my knees up.

Tears stung at the back of my eyes and I squeezed them shut. I didn't want to deal with this anymore. I was tired. I was mentally exhausted and I never felt more alone.

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