《Of Demigods and Wizards》In Which the Kids Must Escape From Singing California Condors


After a few hours of driving, Jacquelyn had grown tired of everything. All of the running, hiding, and fighting was beginning to take it's toll on her. She said, "I suppose that an explanation is needed."

"Luke captured us," Percy said.

"For shame," said Jacquelyn. "You think you know a guy."

"Indeed," said Grover.

Just then, someone who that Jacquelyn hoped to never meet during the summer surfaced in the back seat of the cast. "Hello, Jacquel."


At the same time, there was a huge uproar when the dress that the twins had picked up in the last chapter has gone missing, along with the shoes and belt. Everyone was mad about that, but they were even angrier when they found out who has stolen the dress and shoes.

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! That little girl was trouble from the start!" A man yelled in anger.

"Well, don't look at me," said another man. "She got it from your side of the family!"

"Are you blaming me for Jacquelyn causing trouble?" said the first man. "When last I checked, it was her grandmother who started all this mess when she was born!"

"Are you blaming all of this on Isabella?" said a woman.

"Well, if it weren't for her, Jacquelyn wouldn't be in this mess," said the second man. "Now look at her, she's running around with the wrong crowd and learning the wrong kind of magic!"

"Well last I checked, she's just 13 years old," said another woman. "She should be at Bandore Academy learning how to properly use magic, not at the this useless Hogwarts that everybody keeps saying she should be. I personally I think that that Professor Dumbledore is a terrible judgment of character."


"Or, Dumbledore is one of the worst people you'll ever meet on this earth," said Seamus. "And why shouldn't he be? He has lied to and manipulated so many people, I'm surprised that the supreme counselor isn't already calling for his head..."

"We'll deal with him later," said a man. "Now somebody better help me find my dress or I'm going to snap!"


"I can't believe that Harry's fat cousin followed us all the way out here!" Ron cried out as he and the others found themselves walking through the desert. "I mean, how did that happen?"

"Who knows?" said Jacquelyn. "Anyway, we've gotta get going. I have a strange feeling that if we stop now, we'll be recaptured."

The large group of demigods, spellcaster, satyr, cyclops, and humans continued to trudge their way through the desert. Grover looked up and saw several California condors staring at him. He cried out, "Uh, guys? Can we move a little faster? I'm dying back here!"

"Oh no, what a nightmare!" Clarisse mocked him.

"That's enough, Clarisse!" Annabeth snapped at her. "I've had it up to here with your snide remarks!"

"Look at them," said Ron. "They're just sitting there, staring at us. I wish I knew what they were thinking."

Just then, the birds stared at the kids and began to sing:

Bird: Food, glorious food! We're anxious to try it.

Bird 2: Three meals a day -- Just the way we like it!

Baby Bird: Just picture a piece of meat -- Baked, fried, roasted, or stewed.

All: Oh food, Wonderful food, Fabulous food, Marvelous food, Glorious food.

Jacquelyn: RUN!!! (kids run as the birds continue singing)

All: Food, glorious food!

Bird 3: How's about some fresh fish


Bird 4: Soup made from a goat

3 Birds: Or a hamburger patty!

2 Birds: Why should we waste our lives doing nothing but brood

All: On food, once again food, Beautiful food, Delicious food, Glorious food!

All: Food, glorious food!

4 Birds: Skin peeled off the dead ones

All: Ripe, ready to eat...

Bird 5: Soon, we'll be the fat ones!

2 Birds: Just thinking of rotting flesh really gets me in the mood --

All: For food, Wonderful food, Marvelous food, Fabulous food, Beautiful food, Delicious food,

Baby Bird: Magical food...

All: Glorious food!!!

At this point, the kids found themselves dangling off a cliff that spanned over a huge lake. The birds had them completely surrounded. Jacquelyn said to Ron, "You just had to know what they were thinking, didn't you?"

Ron was about to respond when the rocks slid off the cliff, sending everyone careening into the lake.

To be continued...

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