《Wizards - Douxie x OC 1 (Complete)》Chapter 6: memories
Previously on Douxie x OC
"And lets just focus on getting these royal siblings to hug and make up." I say and take Douxies hand.
"And not die." Claire adds.
"Uh, yes, that, too." Douxie squeezes my hand comfortingly as he notices my voice quiver.
"Don't worry. We can do this!"
Mailins PoV:
I walk near enough to Douxie to hear what he's saying to Father but far enough away, so father won't notice me.
"Eh, enjoying the hunt, milord?" Douxie asks after clearing his throat.
"You again, boy? No. I'll feel better after dealing with my sister." Father answers annoyed.
"Wouldn't you say life's too short to hold grudges?" Douxie asks.
Father growls angrily.
Douxie chuckles nervously before talking again "I mean... family's so important, isn't it? You're lucky you've got one. Closest I ever got was him." Douxie points at Archie "and my wife." He adds under his breath while sending me a quick loving smile which I return.
"Please, sire." Douxie says as he walks after father "Morgana was only looking out for those poor creatures. Is all this really worth hurting her?"
"I will speak of this no more!" Father says angrily and shoves Douxie back, who sighs.
After a while of walking, we stopped.
I gasp as I notice Fathers and mother's names carved in a heart into a tree, below that stood Aunt Morganas name.
Douxie walks up next to me.
"If only you could make them, remember the good old days." Archie says as we look at the carvings.
"Maybe I can." Douxie says and puts his hand on the carvings which lit up blue.
"Say, my liege, didn't you used to spend time in this wood?" Douxie asks father and gestures to the carvings.
"Yes. As a boy. Much time was lost in this accursed forest." Father answers and walks over to the carvings "I often fled to these woods to escape from my growing responsibilities."
I smile, remembering how I did that too. Douxie and I always went here on walks, our dates and share many loving memories of which when we were here.
Douxie smiles softly at me, knowing what I was thinking about.
Father touches the carvings and his eyes shone blue. The tree glows a bright blue and from the carvings rose blue balls of magic. They flew around gracefully, and I laugh as I danced with the magic.
I felt Douxie watching me, a soft smile on his lips.
Merlin looks disapprovingly at Douxie, and he just stuck out his tongue and did his usual rocker hand motion, which always makes my heart skip a beat.
Laughter echoed from the magic, and I gasp as a young image of my mother formed, as well as a young father and aunt Morgana.
I gasp when I saw mother fall and get attacked by a stalkling. A tear escapes my eye, father had never told me exactly how it happened but seeing it now saddens me even more.
Douxie walks up next to me, takes my hand in his and gives it a comforting squeeze while wiping away the tear with the thumb of his other hand.
"I'm sorry you have to see this my love, but maybe it'll help your father and Morgana when they remember the good times."
"It's alright." I take a deep breath and kiss his cheek "thank you for being there for me Douxie."
"Anything for you, Mailin."
The lights vanish again and Douxie, Claire and I smile as we see father and aunt Morgana smile at each other.
Douxie opens the map and says cheerfully "it's working!"
The peaceful moment was shattered though by Sir Lancelot running towards us while shouting "Troll! We found one!"
Father growls "I will lose no one else to those creatures."
The map flashes red and shows father, dead, again.
"No, no, no, no, no! Not now!" Douxie says and we run after father.
"Oh, no! Jim!" Claire says worriedly.
"Steady, men! Remember your training. Kill the beast!" Sir Lancelot orders loudly.
"Wait, kill? I thought this was catch-and-release!" Steve says panicked.
We quickly follow the knights as they charge into battle.
We caught one of Gunmar's soldiers and father kicked it into the sunlight where it immediately turned to stone.
The knights and father cheer but then Bular shows up.
The knights fight, their swords clashing the gum-gums prince stone skin.
I wasn't really focused, distracted as I tried to think of a way to protect father, when Bular grabbed me by my throat, starting to choke me.
"Mailin! No!" I heard Douxies voice call worriedly.
My hood fell of, and I heard father gasp "Mailin?! What are you doing here?!"
I clawed at Blulars enormous hand, trying to lose the grip.
"I Ah- ugh- wanted to try and help- you-!" I cough while struggling to breathe.
I heard father roar while black spots danced in my vision.
"Let Go of her immediately you beast!" Father strikes him with his sword and was able to get the troll to release me.
I fall to my knees, coughing as I try to regain my breath.
"Mailin!" Douxie kneels next to me and puts his hand on my shoulder "are you alright love?" He asks while his eyes scan my body for injuries.
"I'm fine." I answer hoarsely and let out a shocked gasp as I saw Bular slam father against a tree and point his sword at him.
"I'll carve you open, let your guts spill out!" Bular growls at Father and was about to strike when a blue chain wrapped around his arm and held him back.
"There's no spilling anything today!" Douxie grunts as he pulled the chain.
Merlin casts a spell which captures a struggling Bular.
"Father! Are you alright?" I ask as I ran to him.
"You!" Father shouts angrily and grabs my arm harshly "You dare disobey me? I told you to stay in Camelot!" Father growls.
"Ow father that hurts!" I gasp in pain as I try to free my arm from his painful grasp. "I'm sorry!"
Father growls and throws me to the ground. "Bring her and the beast back to Camelot! The rest, with me!" Father shouts and leaves with his knights.
I rub my arm to try and soothe the pain as I glare after him.
"Are you ok?" I look up and see Aunt Morgana smile sympathetically at me.
I felt the tears I tried to hold back escape "he's never been this aggressive!"
"I'm sorry my dear niece, here this will help." Aunt Morgana holds her hand above my arm and an orange, warm glow emits from her palm. It made it hurt less and my skin didn't look so purple and red anymore.
"Thank you, aunt Morgana." I smile kindly at her, and she helps me up "I don't want to go back to the castle."
"Alright, then come. If your father says anything I'll take care of it." Aunt Morgana says and winks at me.
Douxie comes up next to me after Aunt Morgana was walking up ahead and asked me if I was alright.
"Don't worry, I'm fine." I reassure him with a quick peek on his lips. He sighs relieved and we continued walking through the forest.
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