《resources-》fonts (pt. I)


And, here's your guide to my favourite fonts!

www.dafont.com (click external link to go there)

note: all graphics in this chapter were made by me.

Simple fonts go best with complex design. You want to always make sure that you can read the title of the book, etc, and make sure your fonts fits with the genre or mood that you're trying to create. If you're making a book cover for a historical fantasy, using a science-fiction font probably isn't the best idea.

Make sure any font distortion (e.g blurring, bending) still allows for legibility. In other words, make sure people can read the title!

(the title font from the film A Series of Unfortunate Events)

recommended for all except maybe teen fiction/chickflick.

recommended for all except maybe murder/mystery.

(my go-to fave)

recommended for all.

also, I'm going to take this chance to shamelessly advertise both Run and Shiver, which are both entered into the They're both Science Fiction, Run being a post-apocalyptic, alien-invasion type of story, and Shiver being a chilling dystopia.

It would mean the world to me if someone could go check either of them out at my profile , and give me a little support. But anyway, thank you! 

Onwards with the fonts.

recommended for murder/mystery + gothic/dark.

recommended especially for light-hearted, fun reads, but generally applicable overall. Not particularly recommended for Science Fiction.

I am shocked by the fact that I'm actually advertising something twilight-related, but let's face it: the title font is hella pretty.

recommended for horror, paranormal, mystery/murder.

historical fiction, fantasy, romance

(aka. the font which I've recently fallen in love with)

historical fiction, fantasy, paranormal, romance

That's it for now, guys, I hope you enjoyed that!

Don't forget to vote + comment, and don't forget to check out and !

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