"Hi," Dara smiled uncertainly at him and gave him a slight wave as they stood in front of the hardware store where Jiro worked as a part-timer. That day was his last day at the store and Dara decided to drop by to see him.
Jiro eyed her with a deadpan expression and glanced back, noticing his co-workers ogling at the girl. He sidestepped to block Dara from their view, but the insistent assholes moved from the far left to get a view of her again.
"Is she your girl, Montecillo?"
"Damn, she's cute!"
"Hi!" The boys waved at her while smiling.
"Hello." Dara lifted her hand to wave back, but Jiro abruptly caught it and held her hand firmly.
"I'm going to take a break. I'll be back in a few," Jiro informed the guys who all groaned in protest, trying to make him introduce Dara to them, but it had fallen on deaf ears.
With his hand clasping hers, Jiro strode to the back of the hardware store and Dara followed his hurried steps. He made her sit on the bench located at the far corner, and he took the spot beside her. "What are you doing here?" he asked sternly.
"Visiting you," Dara responded with a smile. Jiro eyed her wearily and remained silent. The girl had no idea how cute and vulnerable she looked - a tempting target for the insufferable jerks in the area.
"Stop frowning. I never get the chance to see where you work so I came here. It's your last day so this is my last chance too."
"It's a hardware store. There's nothing to see," he deadpanned.
"You can be very unromantic, do you know that?"
"I kiss you. That's romantic, isn't it?"
"That's different!" She pouted and eyed him sharply. "We haven't even gone on a proper date."
"A date?" He grimaced. "Why? I see you almost every day. And we do go out a lot of times."
"That's not a date. And when we go out, you follow me like you're my bodyguard, ready to punch anyone who will dare speak to me."
Jiro heaved a defeated sigh. "Fine. Let's go on a date later after my work."
"Not tonight! I need time to prepare. Let's go on a date tomorrow night."
"Time to prepare for what?"
"I need to color my nails and pick out a dress."
Jiro grabbed her hand and looked at her nails. "They're fine," he said and interlaced their fingers, bringing their linked hands on his lap. Dara suppressed her smile at his simple gesture, averting her eyes to look far away.
"Let's go on a date later. Then, let's go on a date again tomorrow," she heard him say.
"Hmm. Okay," she mumbled. There was a slight pinch in her heart as she realized why Jiro was quick to agree and why he was even suggesting to do it again.
Only one week left.
Dara stole a glance at Jiro and stared at the side of his face. One week. So little time left until he leaves. She didn't say a word and focused her eyes forward again, afraid that he would see her somber gaze.
Jiro stole a glance at Dara, admiring her beautiful face. One week. It was not enough but they should make the most out of it. Jiro remained silent as he tore his gaze off her, squeezing her hand as he settled his eyes in a distance.
Jiro stopped and sighed as he stood by the table in Dara's kitchen, preparing the sandwiches that they would bring for their night date. They had already agreed earlier to go to the woods where Bonsai's birthday party was held, and he was trying to hasten up what he was doing. But Dara had been hugging him from behind while he was trying to make the sandwiches, not intending to let go.
"Ramirez," he called out.
"Hmm?" Dara continued resting her cheek against his back, her arms wrapped on his waist.
"What are you doing?"
"Resting. I'm done preparing the rest of the food we have to bring," she reasoned. She then kissed his shoulder multiple times, enjoying the feeling of being in close proximity with the guy.
"Let go of me. I need to wash my hands," he said. The girl grumbled incessantly but eventually removed her arms from him. Jiro spun around to step toward the sink, but Dara was still blocking his path. He was about to sidestep her, but the girl suddenly snaked her arms around his body again, hugging him tightly and burying her face on his chest, preventing him to step forward.
"I won't let go!" she declared and giggled while tightening her hug. Jiro did not argue anymore and just dragged her with him - the girl still clinging on his upper torso as he stepped with difficulty toward the sink while Dara stepped backwards to go with him. He leaned forward to open the faucet, pinning the girl at the edge of the counter. As he washed his hands, he felt her lips kissing his jaw, making him look at her. The girl took advantage of this and gave him a quick peck on the lips, smiling giddily afterwards.
Jiro silently closed the faucet and rested his hands on the edge of the counter, trapping her. "What's with you?" he asked as he peered down at the girl.
Dara did not respond as her eyes flicked down on his lips, swallowing hard as she watched him wetting his bottom lip, slowly dragging his teeth on it. This tease. When Jiro's face descended toward her, her eyes instantly fluttered closed, waiting for his kiss, but the kiss did not happen.
"You're so clingy," he whispered, slightly brushing the tip of his nose against hers, a playful smile curving on his lips. Dara blinked her eyes open and whined when he drew back.
"Jirooo," she whimpered.
"What?" he asked nonchalantly, his hands still resting on the edge of the counter with Dara in between his arms. She tightened her hug on his waist and pulled him closer, tiptoeing to kiss him, but Jiro moved his face away from her lips. The girl was evidently unhappy with what he did and eyed him sharply.
Seeing her angry expression, Jiro sighed in defeat and dipped down, giving her a quick peck on the lips. "There. Happy now?"
"Another one," she demanded, pouting a bit.
He complied and gave her soft, audible kisses on the lips, the smooch sound entering their ears as he repeatedly pressed his lips against hers. "Had enough?" he whispered.
Dara entwined her arms around his nape, still craving for another kiss.
"Another one," she requested.
"I already did."
"With tongue!" she whined, stomping her feet a bit. Jiro's eyes crinkled in amusement as he stared at the girl who looked like she was being deprived of her favorite candy. "Jiro, come on. Another one."
"That's enough."
Dara buried her face on his chest and whimpered like an oppressed cat, obviously unsatisfied. She lifted her gaze and looked at him with somber gaze, removing her arms from him silently.
"Fine," she grumbled, trying to remove his arm trapping her, but he wouldn't budge.
"Are you mad?" he asked.
"You're mad."
"I'm not mad. I'm unhappy. You're hearing my unhappy voice," she hissed.
Jiro smirked in amusement and dipped down, kissing the corner of her lips. "I don't want to hear your unhappy voice," he murmured. He gave her another quick peck, drawing back to stare at her. Dara's hands found their way to the back of his neck again and drew him closer. The guy didn't tease anymore and captured her lips, his tongue tracing her bottom lip and nibbling it slightly before parting his mouth and pushing his tongue inside hers. Dara moaned in contentment as Jiro sank deeper in her mouth while pinning her at the edge of the counter, his arms snaking around her waist, his hands stroking her sides. She slid her hands from his nape toward his chest as their kiss deepened, his taste in her tongue giving her pleasure. She clutched a fistful of his shirt as she tried to match his feverish kiss, her body becoming hot as Jiro continuously feasted in her mouth.
Jiro broke off their kiss and drew back slowly. His hold on her grew firm when her breathy gasps filled his ears, testing his control. "Are we still going on a night date or..." he whispered, his lips brushing on her lips in a feather-like touch.
"Or?" she asked, shutting her eyes again as Jiro began skidding the tip of his nose on her jaw toward the crook of her neck, planting gentle kisses on her skin.
"Bed?" he asked in a raspy voice.
"Nope. Night date."
"Love you," she said playfully.
"Whatever, Ramirez," Jiro grunted in response.
Dara shifted her position, lying on her stomach while propping herself up with her elbows as she stared at Jiro who was lying on his back, his left arm beneath his head. They were at the clear area of the woods where Bonsai last held his birthday party, gazing at the stars after eating dinner that they brought with them for their night date. The small bonfire in a near distance danced with the wind, casting shadows on the couple.
Without uttering a word, Dara leaned down and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. She drew back with a smile on her face as she stared at him again. Jiro looked at her and lifted his right hand, pinching her chin gently. "You're becoming bolder now, kid. I remember you even blushed when I kissed you on the shoulder during Bonsai's birthday party."
Dara scrunched her nose and stuck her tongue out at him. She could still vividly remember that night and the feeling of his lips on her bare shoulder. "You took advantage of me that night," she accused him. "You even hugged me with the lame excuse of keeping me warm."
"I told you I'd borrow a jacket, you refused."
"And you kissed my shoulder because?"
"It was right there, practically asking to be kissed," he smirked.
Dara didn't respond and rested on Jiro's chest, half of her body on top of him as she stared at his face. She traced his jawline with her fingers before pressing her lips on his jaw. "Hmm, I like this date," she mumbled.
"You're taking advantage of me," Jiro said, wrapping one arm on her waist.
"Are you complaining?"
Dara smiled and scooted forward, giving him a peck on the lips. She leaned down again to kiss him, and Jiro just let the girl do what she wanted as she planted soft kisses on his face.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" he whispered.
"Yep," she admitted, smiling at him.
"What's with you?" he asked, sitting up and making Dara sit up as well, his arm still on her waist. He pulled her closer and made her settle in between his parted legs, her back resting against his chest.
"You want a lollipop?" she asked, ignoring his question and pulling a lollipop from her bag.
"It's not that sweet. Taste it," she said and removed the wrapper, shifting her position to face him and hovering the lollipop on Jiro's lips. The guy looked at the lollipop and dragged his gaze at her before parting his mouth to take it in and have a taste.
"It's too sweet," he remarked.
Dara placed the lollipop in her mouth instead, shifting it to the side afterwards, the stick protruding from her lips. She then settled comfortably against his chest as his arms wrapped around her body, both of their gazes glued at the bonfire in front of them, seemingly enthralled by the dancing flame with the soft breeze of the night.
"How is your gang, Jiro?" she asked after a while.
"They can be a handful, but they're alright. I've already passed the leadership to Picaro."
"They are all funny and lively, especially Bonsai."
"That little shrimp needs a babysitter."
"Hey, Jiro," Dara pulled the lollipop from her mouth and shifted to face him, "when we went to Bonsai's birthday party, did you already have feelings for me?"
Jiro met her gaze before replying in a hushed tone. "Yes."
"You did?" her eyes widened in disbelief. "It didn't show."
"I was trying to hide it," he admitted. "Or more like I'm trying to deny it, but it was there even back then," Jiro stroked her upper arm and slid his hand toward her hand, interlacing their fingers, his tender gaze never leaving her face. "You were like a gift that was not meant for me, so I tried to keep my distance. But it was really hard. Every night, I was looking forward to the end of my shift at my part-time job so I could stand in your balcony, hoping that when you see me, you would step outside and talk to me again. Just hearing your voice was enough. Just standing beside you was enough. And whenever I walked you home, I was always wishing that you would walk slower so we could reach your house a few minutes later. Those added minutes were precious to me, Dara."
Jiro dropped his gaze to their linked hands, a small smile curving on his lips as he continued recalling the things that he did because of the girl.
"Whenever we watched TV at your living room, I would always wait for your favorite show because that meant you'd be fully focused on the screen. Then, I could steal a glance at you without you noticing it. In school, I would purposely stride by your classroom to see a glimpse of you. And whenever I was in our turf, I'd always sit by the window, hoping that I would see you on the school ground. Those little things were enough for me, but then I started wanting more, and it fucking drove me crazy."
Dara stared at him, her heart racing with everything he revealed. He lifted his gaze and looked at her, squeezing her hand a bit, his other arm still wrapped around her body. "Up to now, I still can't believe that I can now hold you and kiss you," he murmured and pressed his lips against her lips. "This is something that I don't want to lose. That's why don't be scared anymore. I know you're acting like this because just like me, you're worried of what will happen to us in the two years that I will be gone. You don't need to put a strong front anymore, Dara. Talk to me and tell me all the things that are bothering you. I will be back, so don't act as if this week will be the last time that I'm going to be with you."
She rested her forehead on his shoulder and breathed deeply, her chest constricting with the reality that they had to face. She was dreading the moment that they had to say goodbye. She was dreading the moment that she had to watch him leave. She felt like she had to stare at him a little longer and kiss him whenever she could as the days passed by. Everything was starting to sink in...Jiro is leaving.
"Bonsai, get the hell out of the way!" Picaro growled, kicking the small guy who blocked his path, his hands full with the bags he was carrying.
"Ouch! Dude, I'm also trying to help here," Bonsai argued, showing him Jiro's luggage that he was about to put in the car.
"Does Jiro have a coat?" Stone asked, checking the other luggage. "Oh man, he doesn't have a coat."
It was the day of Jiro's flight. They were at my house where Jiro chose to stay before he leaves. The guys volunteered to help him pack and drive him to the airport, but everything became chaotic when the guys were in one place.
"Are you okay?" Namee asked, stroking my back.
"Yeah," I smiled weakly, not wanting to say more. My chest was already constricting achingly, and breathing proved to be a challenge. He's leaving. Two years away from Jiro. God, will I be able to bear it? Admittedly, I was scared of what would happen to us, but I didn't want to be a hindrance that would block him in achieving what he wanted. For years that I'd known Jiro, he finally had something that he wanted to achieve for himself, and I wanted to support him to achieve that goal. But it still hurts...
"Go talk to him. He's in your room," Namee said, gently pushing me forward.
I didn't argue anymore and headed toward the bedroom, my steps heavier than usual. My heart was sinking with the inevitable reality that Jiro was leaving in a few minutes. I didn't want to promise him anything, but I knew I would wait for his return.
He was standing by the balcony, staring far away. The sun was about to set and the rays of the sun became weaker. My steps halted as I stared at him. The growing emptiness inside me felt like torture. Despite his shortcomings, Jiro was my shelter. His presence in my life was something that no one could fill, a space in my heart reserved only for him. Amidst the struggles with himself, he showed me the kind of love that was both painful and beautiful – a love that I would cradle in the deepest part of me.
Jiro spun around and met my gaze. I instantly smiled to hide the fact that I was slowly crumbling.
"Hey," he murmured, stretching his hand at me. I strode toward him and reached for his outstretched hand, careful not to let my smile slip off my lips. I didn't want to make this parting harder than it already was.
"It's almost time," he said, shifting his gaze to the ground, our hands linked together.
"Yeah," I answered simply. We have already talked about all the details, and there was nothing more to discuss. All that was left now were the murmured goodbyes.
Silence stretched between us as we stood on the balcony, the soft breeze blowing, touching our skin.
"I'll come back, Ramirez," he whispered. "I'll come back and return to you. By that time, I'll have enough to start things over."
"No promises, remember?"
"It's not a promise," he said, conviction laced in his voice as he faced me. "It's a fact."
"You're really stubborn," I said, my smile slowly faltering. God, this is hard. He's leaving.
"I'll come back," he repeated, his voice hoarse as he dragged his gaze toward my lips. "I'll return home," he murmured as he claimed my lips, his kiss gentle and reassuring, melting my heart with the love he has for me.
We were both panting when our lips parted. Jiro gave me one last peck on the lips before he drew back and strode toward the door.
"I'll accompany you to the airport," I said.
"No," Jiro stopped and glanced back at me. "Stay here. Don't go downstairs. Don't walk me to the car."
"Please. Do this for me, Ramirez," he said in a strained voice, and I understood. I watched him silently as he exited my room and shut the door behind him.
On the street where the car was parked, our friends were waiting. From the balcony, I saw him stepping out of my house and striding toward them. He then halted his steps and slowly turned around, looking directly at me. My heart pounded painfully as I stood on my spot, struggling to see things through.
As I looked down from the balcony and met his gaze, I recalled every tiny details about him – his gentle squeeze in my nape or my side whenever he had to leave, the way he leaned his back against his chair while spreading his legs and crossing his arms over his chest, his slow, steady steps whenever we walked together, the way he slowly turned his head whenever I called his name. Those little things which I didn't know I noticed...those little things that would take a long time for me to see again, or I might never get to see again.
As the sun set to end the day, I watched as Jiro walked away. Forever may never happen for us. Forever never existed anyway.
Writer's Note:
1 chapter left + epilogue! thank you for reading! ^_^
Please this chap and please me to be notified of my new story!
(Parts 1 - 3) EBOOK are now available on AMAZON KINDLE!
- End289 Chapters
The Villainess Turns The Hourglass
To beat a villainess, you must be even more evil than them.
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Broken Until You
[COMPLETED] Autumn Cross is now in 12th grade at her new school, Willington High, with only one goal in mind: passing the 12th grade and going to a good college. But her world changes when she meets Ryder Becker.Ryder Becker is one of the most popular boys in all of Willington High. I mean, all the boys want to be him and all the girls worship him. He could care less about grades because he knows that football is what's going to get him into a good college. But his carelessness in grades changes when he meets Autumn.Not only does Autumn get partnered up with Ryder for the biggest class project of the whole year, she also lives on the same street as him. In the beginning she thinks it's a total curse, but maybe it's a blessing in disguise...They both may pretend on the outside that they are fine, but truth be told, they are both broken. The way his smile doesn't match his sad eyes draws her towards him, and the scars and bruises on her skin draw him towards her. A cure for your sadness could be another person, right? Well put her broken pieces together with his, and you have cracked the code. Love could put their broken pieces back together.-----------------------------------A sky full of stars and he was still staring at me."Why are you staring like that?" I asked him."You scare me, Autumn." Ryder admitted."How come?"He looked down at the grass beneath us then back at me and gulped. "Because I want to tell you secrets I'm too scared to admit to myself."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~🤍I wrote this when I was around 13-14 (i'm 19 now) so some chapters may be cringy but I am too lazy to rewrite them, and still so many people enjoy this book and i'm truly grateful! But sorry in advance for scenes that may seem unrealistically cringe...I was young and naive. But anyways,enjoy the book (hoping to write more books in the future)🤍Highest rank: 2019#1 scars 03/12#7 love 04/30#4 romance 06/07#1 highschool 06/07#5 teen fiction 06/09#1 cute 06/15#1 lovers
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Kings Bridge Boys Book OneAfter her beloved mothers untimely death, Cara Collins, an independent, sassy, smart ass girl from Vegas is forced to go and live with her dad who she hasn't seen in 15 years. He's a teacher and housemaster at Kings Bridge Academy for boys. Enter Mitchell, Sawyer, Grey and Nico who are several of the hundreds of gorgeous, wealthy, stuck up boys Cara will now be living with. But they're determined to show her that money isn't all there is to them and that her troubled past doesn't have to be her whole story.Their friendship becomes everything as people from her past return to ruin her.Completed - 9/5/18
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❝ mirror in the sky, what is love? ❞dead poets society (1989)🕯 ˗ˏˋ gentlemen, what are the four pillars? ˎˊ˗₊˚.༄ travesty, horror, decadence, excrement ! 🎞𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘦𝘵lowercase intended© hollywillow-
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STILL WITH YOU -- a Taekook Story (✓)
[COMPLETED]What will happen to him when someone whom he dearly love will leave him forever.... will he be able to move on in his life or will he be stuck there, forever???Jeon Jungkook, CEO of JEON INCORPORATION, is a lovely and sweet husband of his wife HYO JO and father of a boy named HANEUL. He gets married at 22 and became a father at 23. Everything was going smoothly in their life until a sudden car accident broke and scattered everything in his life...Kim Taehyung, a beautiful and lovely boy, works at JEON INCORPORATION as the secretary of the CEO. He happens to live with his brother and brothers-in-law... but life took a turn and everything happened..#1 in M-Preg#1 in angstwithhappyending#1 in taekook**This is a fan fiction about taekook and don't have any intention to hurt anyone. **If you are reading this story at any other platform other than Wattpad , you are very likely to be risk of a malware attack. If you wish to read this story in it's original, safe form, please go to (Wattpad User Link). Thank you.**Start- 09/06/2020End- 03/02/2021
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Can't Stand You
I closed my eyes tightly until I heard laughing. No, I could feel the laughing. My eyes sprang open to find Miles on top of me. I was laying flat on my back in the dirt with my glove with the ball inside pressed against his chest. Miles was not at all fat, but he was 6'2 compared to my barely 5'3.I could feel his chest rumbling and shaking with laughter as I lay humiliated on the ground."I didn't know you liked being on the bottom," Miles said loudly.The whole field cracked up with that. I struggled under him and shoved him off of me. All of the guys were howling with laughter as I got up and swiped all the dirt off me. "Pervert," I muttered, before tossing the ball out of my glove to hit him in the thigh. I stalked across the field without another word. The whole team was in hysterics as I shoved all my things in my bag and practically ran off to get away....Gloria is like any other 17 year old girl getting ready for summer break, but this summer is going to be completely different. Gloria has been playing baseball since she could remember and has been invited to a national baseball camp. Being a girl in the world of a male-dominated sport, she couldn't even count how many times people have told her she needed to find something else to do. Her dad kept her playing though, even after he died a few years ago, that didn't stop Gloria from doing what she loved. The only problem is she is the only girl at the camp for three months. Enter the problem of suddenly having to share a room, more specifically, sharing with Miles Harris. Gloria must deal with Miles, a big shot and arrogant jerk, and all the other horny, testosterone driven baseball players, who just might push Gloria off the edge of sanity.Trigger warning: mention and vague description of SA
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