Author's Note: Guys, may I know where you guys are from? Please drop a comment on where you're from. I see different languages in the comment section lolz! I don't speak Spanish well even though the surnames I used for the main leads sounded Spanish.
Dara's POV
Days passed and everything gradually returned to normal. The talk about the InterSAT bonfire and the events that happened after slowly faded until the students found other random topics to focus their mouths on. Everything is back to the way it used to be.
The same cannot be said between Jiro and me. For reasons unknown, Jiro stopped dropping by my house. I seldom see him at school and when I do, he seemed to have psyched himself that I'm just a random object lying around that does not merit his attention at all. But it's fine, because I'm also doing the same thing.
The initial pain of seeing him and Riko has already subsided but it still stings. The heartache is like a looming storm vying for its time, waiting for the right moment to unleash its destructive force. I don't like to experience that kind of pain again so I did what I thought would be best – I tried to push Jiro off my mind, hoping that doing that will push him off my heart as well.
Whatever his reason for distancing himself from me, I don't want to know. Okay, I actually have a vague idea what his 'reason' is and it goes by the name of Riko, but I don't want to confirm it. I'd rather live in ignorance for now.
It took tremendous effort and tears to pick up the broken pieces of me and make myself a normal functioning human being again. Bullet and Namee have been a brilliant support group, helping me focus my attention elsewhere. At night, though, my mind wanders back to the kiss that Jiro and I shared and in those moments, I tend to question if there's a remote chance of him liking me. That tiny flicker of hope, however, is crushed whenever I remember Riko. I don't want to get in their way just because Jiro promised to look over my safety. And I don't want to make a complete fool of myself again by trying to pull him towards me when it's clear that he wants the line between us to exist, which must be why I haven't seen him lately.
Bullet has been my constant companion when Namee isn't around. That guy is all sorts of crazy and his abundance of cheesy lines knows no end. Namee, on the other hand, has been unusually attached to her phone. Apparently, Picaro of Black Dragons has been sending her pictures of his drawings and they've been texting each other for a while now. Whenever I ask her about Picaro, she becomes a huge ball of energy that nobody can suppress. I have heard a hundred different versions of Picaro being the epitome of awesomeness. Somewhere in Little China Town where Namee lives, I'm pretty sure a Picaro shrine is being built.
I headed towards the university garden and sat on the ground, pulling my book out of my bag. What I love about being a Creative Writing and Lit student is that our subjects involve reading a variety of books. Reading calms my nerves.
A few minutes after I've settled down, I felt him hiding behind the tree and slowly crawling towards me. I didn't even bother glancing back as Bullet swiftly hugged me from behind. "SURPRISE!" He exclaimed, seemingly pleased with himself.
"Get off me, Bullet", I said in a noncommittal tone. But being the koala that he is, he insisted on clinging to me. I just let him be because experience told me that arguing with Bullet will unleash the little devil in him and he will do all shameless things until he gets what he wants.
"Munchkin, do you want to be my girlfriend?" He mumbled, his breath brushing on my neck.
"Stop breathing on my neck."
"Does it get to you?"
"Bullet, I swear", I turned my head towards him and he immediately took advantage of it, pressing his lips on my cheek. He then moved away swiftly and knelt, raising his hands up in the air like a kid being punished.
"Stay in that position until our vacant hour ends", I said with mock anger.
"Munchkinnn..." He whined. "I just love kissing you because you look so adorable. And you're my munchkin!"
I ignored his whines and got back to what I was doing.
"Forgive me?" He asked.
"What's going on here?" Namee strode towards us and slumped on the spot between me and Bullet.
"Great! Namee's here! Namee will not let you do this to me", he pouted.
Namee gave me a questioning gaze. "He kissed me again", I complained. She gasped dramatically and turned to Bullet, "You're a monster! You should be stoned in public!"
"It was just a quick peck! And I already apologized", he said defensively.
Namee leaned towards him and gave him a peck on the cheek. She then turned to me and smiled. "I got your revenge, Dara. Now, stop punishing our baby."
"You're spoiling him."
"He said he was sorry."
I sighed and nodded while flipping through the pages of my book. I really can't win with these two.
Bullet gleefully set down his arms and stubbornly tried to fit himself between me and Namee. This guy needs body warmth at every freaking time; it boggles my mind.
"How are you and Ice Lord doing?" Namee asked. Bullet quickly placed his hands on my ears and glared at her. "You should stop mentioning the asshole-who-must-not-be-named. Look, you're making my munchkin cry."
I peeled off his hands from my ears and gave them a weary look. "I'm fine. I barely see him nowadays. He and Riko must have patched things up", I said nonchalantly.
"You're not fine. I don't see you smile anymore", he said.
"I'm fine."
"Ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend", I heard Bullet whisper in Namee's ear.
"Do you want to be Bullet's girlfriend?"
"She said no", Namee reported.
"Munchkinnnn..." Bullet called out in a sad voice and rested his head on my lap. He is IMPOSSIBLE. "You just broke my heart."
"You'll be fine. Look, your fangirls are waiting for you", I said and pointed at the group of girls in a distance eyeing him. He sat up immediately and smiled.
"Oh! They need some Bullet Love!" He stood up and gave us a salute. "I'll see you girls later!" He said and sprinted towards his harem.
This kind of scene pretty much sums up my everyday life now, with Bullet annoying the crap out of me and with Namee nagging me about everything. I chose to believe that this kind of life is fine – my life without him. But...it's hard to fool myself.
Dara's POV
"You know Bullet likes you, right?" Namee asked while we were walking towards our next class.
"He likes you too."
"Not that kind of like, though. If this blows on your face, we will lose a great friend. So stop pretending and deal with him."
I sighed and massaged my forehead, not wanting to respond.
"You also have to deal with your other guy."
I groaned and faced her. "Can we not do this?"
"Dara, Ice Lord lost for you. He chose what you want over victory and that's saying a lot."
"He purposely lost because I talked some sense to him. I-..." My eyes widened when I saw Jiro walking in our direction.
"Don't panic. Deep breaths, deep breaths", Namee said while smirking. I can tell she's suppressing her chuckles. I ignored her teasings and focused my gaze on the ground. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to unleash the ancient power of invisibility.
He was a few meters in front of us and has his eyes focused forward, not even giving us a glance, when the broadcast speakers boomed to life.
"Test. Hello. Test." We heard someone say over the speakers. Namee and I halted when we realized who it was.
"Is that Bullet?!" Namee exclaimed.
"I'll be quick! Get off me, damn it!" We heard him say, followed by more expletives, sound of chaos and grunts of pain. I can safely assume that our dear friend entered the broadcast room without permission and he is leaving some casualties behind. I feel bad for the students who tried to stop him.
"Can you hear me, InterSAT?! INTERSATTTT!!"
Oh my God, that idiot! What is he doing?
"It's Dara's birthday tomorrow! ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARA RAMIREZ!"
Thank you, Bullet, for mentioning my whole damn name. ARGH! Oh, my life. My peaceful life.
"Stop being sad and forget the asshole-who-must-not-be-named, okay? Namee and I are here for you."
I buried my face on my palms and groaned. When I lifted my gaze, I caught sight of Jiro at the corner of my eyes walking past me. "Sweet", he mumbled sarcastically.
I glanced back and followed him with my gaze. It felt like years when I last heard his voice and even though that line he said is meant to annoy me, all I can think of is how much I miss him...how much I yearn to be beside him. All I can think of is that night which I promised to forget – the night when he held me tightly.
Sadly, that moment will never happen again.
Dara was practically dragging her tired body home, still stunned with what Bullet did. Arden Lee. That guy charges at life like a bull and fears nothing; consequences be damned. He gives absolutely zero thought about his actions and prided himself for it. She can only shake her head in frustration at the thought.
Her sluggish movement halted when she saw Picaro and Bonsai slouched on the pavement in front of her house.
"Hey!" Bonsai waved and stood up, approaching her with Picaro following right behind.
"You promised I'll do the talking, Bonsai", Picaro reminded him.
"Yeah, well, I did that to make you shut up. I ain't married to you so promises between us meant nothing. So..." Bonsai turned to Dara, "..come with us."
Picaro shoved Bonsai aside and faced her. "Jiro has been acting weird lately so we decided to stalk him and we found out-..."
"Sshh! SSHHH! Don't tell her yet! That will ruin the surprise!" Bonsai frantically waved his hands, stopping the tall guy.
"We're not supposed to surprise her. We're supposed to bring her where Jiro is so she can stop his madness", Picaro said in a concerned voice, enough to raise Dara's curiosity.
"What do you mean? Is he in trouble?"
"Just come with us", Bonsai said impatiently.
"Wait. I need to change my clothes", Dara ran inside the house and blindly grabbed the nearest clothes she could fit herself into. For two of the Black Dragons to fetch her, this must be something big. Is he in trouble? She hopes not.
After one bus ride, Dara found herself in Sunset District – in the middle of the busy jungle of fast vehicles and tall buildings. They walked towards a noisy street lined up with bars and turned left in an alley. Dara arched her eyebrows when they reached a suspicious-looking club in what seemed to be an old building. She can hear the loud chatter of people and the blaring music even from outside. They entered the place and just as she thought, the club is packed. The party is in full swing at the dance floor and the alcohol stench lingered in her nose. She squinted and tried to adjust her vision with the dim light as she followed Picaro and Bonsai who were heading towards a narrow hall at the corner. None of them said a word; probably because conversing is impossible with the noise that is rupturing her eardrums.
A steel door with two burly men standing outside is apparently where they're heading. If she was not nervous before, she most certainly is now. Anything involving steel door that has to be guarded by the descendants of The Hulk could only mean trouble. She shuddered a bit when the half-humans gave them a hostile glare.
"What is Jiro doing in this kind of place?" She asked Picaro in a voice loud enough for him to hear.
"Exactly. That's why we brought you here. You need to make him stop doing this before he gets hurt", Picaro responded.
Dara did a double-take. What is going on behind that steel door?
Bonsai approached the guards and talked to them. With the heights of the two giants towering over him, he looks like someone whom they will eat for dinner. But Bonsai was not intimidated at all. He then turned to them and nodded his head as one of the guards tapped on the steel door. When it was finally opened, Dara looked at Picaro anxiously when she saw another guard waiting behind the door and a stair descending towards hell.
"Come on", Picaro held her elbow and guided her while Bonsai followed them from behind. Slowly, they descended the stairs. She yelped in surprise when the guard suddenly shut the steel door, muting the deafening music outside. But a different noise entered her ears...howling and whistling, loud cheering of a crowd. Hesitantly, Dara continued descending the stairs and when they reached the last flight, her jaw dropped at what she saw – a circular seating area where the large crowd is situated, encircling what seems to be a ring where the fight is being held. Dara roamed her gaze in disbelief, unable to form a coherent thought. Yellow bulbs lit the place; the dim lighting making the scene more terrifying. People are shouting and placing their bets, and the sound of punches and kicks can be heard amidst the chaos.
As if in a trance, Dara walked towards the edge of the ring which is surrounded by a concrete fence that reaches above her waist. Her eyes widened when a familiar figure caught her sight.
It's as if she was seeing a different person. He was standing shirtless in the middle of the ring – sweat all over his body, his fists covered with blood, his eyes cold and unforgiving. It cannot even be compared to what she saw at the InterSAT bonfire.
Dara shuddered as Jiro dodged his opponent's punch, grabbed his head and pulled it down while he drove his knee upwards. The audience roared as he lets go of the unconscious guy, blood all over his face. He stared at his opponent like he's not even remotely interested if the guy is still alive or not. He has obviously seen enough brutality in his life.
After the unconscious guy was pulled out of the center, Jiro raised three fingers. Almost immediately, three guys entered the fight floor. Dara's hands covered her mouth to muffle her gasps as she watched how Jiro maneuvered his body to block their kicks and punches. Had it not been Jiro, she would have been captivated by the way he executed his attacks with frightening speed and unbelievable strength. He moved with primal grace, like a warrior thirsty for battle; a warrior who only has victory or death as his choice.
But the warrior is Jiro... No matter how strong he is, no matter how fast he is, she doesn't want to see him in a violent scene that could possibly harm him.
"Jiro..." She couldn't even recognize her own voice. Nobody heard her, for her voice was drowned by another round of applause and cheers after Jiro successfully defeated his opponents. When she saw that Jiro is going to raise his fingers again to request for more contenders, Dara cupped her hands on her mouth, her lips trembling as she shouted his name once again.
His body became rigid and his eyes became unusually alert. Dara was not sure if he heard her so she shouted his name again.
Finally, his gaze settled on her; his eyebrows furrowed deeply and his lips slightly parted in shock, which was quickly replaced by fury. "Fuck!" He muttered and raised his closed fist, signaling the end of his match. He then marched towards her, his face contorted with rage.
Jiro jumped over the low fence and towered over Dara, his eyes ablaze with anger. She was about to say something but Jiro ignored her and turned his attention towards his two gang mates standing behind her. "WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING HERE?" He demanded, his jaws clenching while glaring at the two.
Bonsai, who has a wide array of witty remarks and who is seemingly unfazed with anything, was not even able to open his mouth.
"We thought she's the only one who can stop you in your suicide mission", Picaro explained. "It worked."
"FUCK!" Jiro cursed and turned his back at them, placing his hands on his waist while hanging his head low, breathing deeply to obliterate his urge to kill someone. What were they thinking bringing the girl with them? What could have happened if chaos breaks and she's there – vulnerable and helpless. His heart hammered in panic with the thought; his fists immediately curling in tight balls on his sides.
He finally turned around and faced them again. He lowered his eyes and looked at her coldly, not uttering a word. After his long and hard gaze, he spoke to the two guys. "I need to take a quick shower and get my things. Don't let her out of your sight", he growled. After seeing Picaro and Bonsai nod in understanding, Jiro took a step back to leave, but Dara's voice stopped him.
"Jiro, why are you doing this?" She asked in a strained voice. He paused for a moment and Dara thought he will finally say something, but he did not. He ignored her and hurriedly strode away, leaving her miserable once again.
Dara was sitting in the cramped bar together with Picaro and Bonsai when she saw Jiro frantically searching for them, his hair still wet from the quick shower he took and his bag slung on one shoulder. When he finally saw them, relief was written all over his face.
He hurriedly strode in their direction, his eyebrows slowly furrowing upon seeing a guy holding two bottles of beer who is making his way towards Dara. The useless idiots, Picaro and Bonsai, were busy arguing over something that they didn't even notice the asshole who is now handing her the bottle. DAMN IT.
Dara blinked in confusion at the guy who was standing in front of her, seemingly giving her a bottle of beer. Since the music is still blaring in full volume and conversation is almost impossible, she just pointed at herself and arched her eyebrows to confirm. The guy smirked and leaned down, whispering on her ear.
"Yes, this is for you sweetheart", he said and handed it to her. He was about to ask her name when a strong hand pushed him by the shoulder, startling him.
Jiro snatched the bottle from Dara's hand and shoved it back to the guy forcefully. The dark expression on his face made it clear that he's not someone to be messed with, making the guy step back. Dara gasped in surprise when Jiro grabbed her wrist and dragged her away, leaving his two gang mates who were not able to react.
Not a single word was uttered between them as they made their way out of the alley and hopped in a bus. Dara stole a glance at Jiro who was seated beside her and decided to keep her mouth shut. Clearly, he was determined to ignore her. Her worries and frustrations piled up as the silence stretched. After seeing him hugging Riko and after all those days of not knowing what he has been up to, this is what she gets? A cold shoulder because she was worried for him?
When they finally reached her house and when Jiro shut the door behind him, she didn't even bother sitting and quickly faced him.
"You're not going to explain why you're in an underground fight, are you?" She asked, frustration laced in her voice.
"I can take care of myself. You, on the other hand, almost got picked up by that asshole. What the fuck were you thinking going in a place like that?" He said coldly, his jaws clenching in suppressed annoyance.
"I went there because I was worried. And look what I found out."
"I won, didn't I?"
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