Picaro cleared his throat as Namee continued staring at him like he’s some divine apparition. They were standing on the hallway in front of the line of lockers, earning curious glances from other students.
“How do I erase this?” He asked, showing her his palm where her phone number is written. Namee giggled after realizing his predicament, making Picaro frown.
“Why do you want to erase it?” She asked, tilting her head in amusement. Why? She’s asking him why? Here’s why….
Errr… Why indeed. If you think about it, having the scribble on his palm doesn’t affect his life at all. His punching power is the same, judging from the level of ‘Ouch!’ that Bonsai exclaims. No, wait. When he recently hit Bonsai, he said ‘Aw!’, not ‘Ouch!’ That must mean something. Is his strength declining? Is he unconsciously aware of the scribble in his palm, making him distracted? Interesting. The scribble has powers!
“Come here, I’ll erase it for you”, Namee said while walking towards her locker. “Why are you not texting me?”
“I don’t have anything to say.”
“You can send me pictures of your drawing! I know you love to draw.” She glanced at him and smiled before entering the number combination to her locker.
Picaro furrowed his eyebrows, wondering why she knew that. “I was seated behind you during freshman year”, she offered. “I had short hair before.”
He stayed silent as he tried to recall his freshman classes. But how is he supposed to remember her? Freshman year is supposed to be forgotten because it was the most awkward part of every student’s life. Just thinking about his hairstyle during that time makes him want to crawl in a hole somewhere.
“Namee Cheng…” He mumbled to himself, watching her open her locker. Then, he finally remembered. Yes, she was seated behind him during Literature class. She was the one who asked for one of his doodles that he already crumpled and was about to throw away. And she’s-…
“Oh”, he exclaimed in recollection. “You are the-…” He cut himself off, knowing that it’s a sensitive topic.
“Hooker?” Namee continued where he left off while staring at her open locker with a letter dangling on the slot. The paper slid down on the floor and Picaro saw what was written there.
‘Hey Cheng. How much do you cost for a night?’
“Yes, that’s me”, she mumbled nonchalantly, but Picaro knew better. The girl picked up the letter and crumpled it, throwing it unceremoniously inside her locker. She then retrieved a small pouch and pulled out a cotton and a liquid container, pouring the liquid on the cotton. Picaro shifted his gaze and saw his crumpled drawing pasted at the side of her locker.
“Give me your hand”, Namee said, and he complied silently. He watched her as she rubs the ink off his palm, noticing her somber expression.
“Why are you keeping my drawing?” He asked, trying to divert the topic.
“I like it.”
“I’ll text you pictures of my other doodles. Pick one and I’ll give it to you”, he said. Namee lifted her gaze and stared at him. “Really?”
Just like that, her smile appeared once again. She then went on and about their freshman year; the class that they both attended; and how she admired her talent since she saw him scribbling doodles on his notebook. He doesn’t know why but seeing her cheerful self made him feel relieved.
“By the way, I’m not a hooker. I’m an assistant cook to that club”, he heard her say.
“I see. Rumors got you”, Picaro said quietly.
“Yeah. It sucks.”
“Have you been receiving that kind of letter since then?” He asked when Namee put away her things and closed her locker.
“It was worse before. It was a pile”, she chuckled bitterly. “But because I became friends with Dara, it was reduced to one letter. This one is persistent.”
“Do you know who sent that to you? I can challenge him in the InterSAT bonfire and when I win, I can ask him to stop bothering you.”
“Y-You will do that for me?”
Picaro shrugged his shoulders in response. “I can use a little exercise.”
Namee’s expression softened as she stared at him, grateful at his offer. “It’s okay, forget it. Besides, even if you win, there’s no guarantee that this person will stop.”
“Oh, he will”, he said. “If that guy is a gang member and if I win our duel, he better stop. The InterSAT bonfire this year is different. Those who will have a duel will write what he wants his opponent to do for him if he wins. They will give the paper to the overseer and the duel will only be possible if the two agrees on each other’s demand. Of course, things like money and other ridiculous requests are not accepted. The overseer will make sure of that, otherwise, he will deem the duel invalid and the fight will not commence.”
“I didn’t know that”, Namee said in awe.
“Yeah. The gangs decided to spice things up for this year’s InterSAT bonfire. Your friend, that Fire 39 leader, better prepare himself.”
“What? Bullet? Did you challenge him?”
“Not me. I think Ice Lord did.”
Dara placed the beaker on the sink and faced her classmates. Since she has a vacant hour before her last class, she volunteered to tidy up the lab equipments that they used.
“Go ahead. You’ll be late for your next class. I’ll take care of this”, she said.
“Thanks Dara!” Her classmates headed out of the lab, leaving her behind. She proceeded with what she’s doing while her mind is preoccupied with many things. After their heated row last night and after Jiro left, she felt quite guilty. Avoiding Jiro and getting riled up because of his past relationship is a bit childish. But her logical thinking is muddled up because of her emotions, so what can she do? Knowing that Riko holds a place in his heart even if it’s in the past and seeing the two together pains her tremendously.
Dara sighed and pushed the unwanted thoughts off her mind, pouring her concentration on finishing the task at hand before the next class comes in. She was almost done washing the lab equipments when she heard someone entering the room
“I’m almost finished. I’m sorry”, she said without glancing at whoever it is; probably a student from the next Chemistry class. Why they have a Chem 101 subject in their curriculum is beyond her. Sure, it’s one of the general subjects together with History and Math but-…
Dara jerked back in surprise when someone suddenly rested his left hand on the edge of the sink while his right hand turned off the faucet. Seeing the dragon tattoo on that hand though, she didn’t feel alarmed. Dara dried her hand with the towel and turned around to face Jiro. With both his hands resting at the edge of the sink, she was trapped between his arms. She dragged her gaze towards his face and their eyes locked. Her eyebrows furrowed seeing how tired he looks. Didn’t he get a good sleep? Is it because of their fight?
“I’ll walk you home later. No more excuses”, Jiro muttered.
She bit her lips and lowered her gaze, fiddling with the hand towel that she was holding.
“Ramirez...” Jiro said exasperatedly, pulling the towel from her grip and throwing it aside. “Talk to me.”
Dara shuffled her feet and stared back at him, thinking of the correct words to say. “A-Are you still mad?”
“Don’t be mad anymore”, she mumbled and without anything to fiddle, she began buttoning and unbuttoning his jacket uniform.
“I’m not mad at you.”
“You know, Bullet is a nice guy”, she said as she continued playing with the buttons of his jacket.
“He stole a kiss from you”, he growled, his expression becoming dark. “And you said it was not the first time.”
Dara pouted, pondering over something. “You kissed me too”, she mumbled.
“You kissed me too…on the shoulder during Bonsai’s birthday party.”
Jiro paused for a while and stared at her with a deadpan expression. “That was different.”
“How was it different?”
“I don’t have any ill intentions towards you. He does”, he reasoned and gripped Dara’s hands, stopping her from fiddling with the buttons of his jacket. “Is that the reason why you’re avoiding me? It won’t happen again. I was just-…” Jiro sighed and averted his gaze. “It won’t happen again”, he said in an almost inaudible voice.
“No, that’s not what I meant”, Dara said hurriedly, trying to catch his eyes but the stoic guy kept averting his gaze. “Jiro”, she exclaimed when he took a step back, preparing to walk away.
Without thinking, Dara threw herself at him and wrapped her arms around his neck, startling him. “Will you listen to me first?”
“Get off me, Ramirez”, he said and tried to peel his arms but she held on tightly.
“Listen to me first. Jiroooo….” She whined.
“Fine. What is it?” He said in defeat, shoving his hands inside his pockets and letting her cling to him. He lowered his gaze and stared at the tiny woman.
“First of all, I’m not miffed about you kissing me on the shoulder.” She felt him stiffened and he averted his eyes once again. Dara placed one hand on his cheek and made him look at her. “So you better stop acting like you did something wrong”, she added. “Second, I’m sorry if I’ve been acting…strange lately. There are just a lot of things in my mind. And lastly…”, she entwined her arms around him once again, clasping her hands behind his neck, “…stop getting mad at Bullet. He’s my friend.”
“I hate him.”
“I hate him.”
Silence stretched between them as they stared at each other, forgetting where they’re currently at. When a round of murmurs and astonished gasps entered their ears, both of them turned their heads towards the source of the noise and saw the next class waiting outside while looking at them.
Her eyes widened when she saw Riko among the students. She was standing by the door, rooted on her spot while staring at the compromising position of the two. Dara immediately removed her arms around him and hastily retrieved her things, keeping her gaze down.
“Ramirez”, her steps halted when Jiro called her.
“Don’t go to the InterSAT bonfire”, he said.
“You have to go to the InterSAT bonfire!” Namee shrieked while rushing towards Dara as soon as she found her in the library.
“Sssshhhh!” The librarian shushed them sternly. Dara hid her face behind the book that she was reading while Namee hastily sat beside her, darting her eyes around while frowning.
“Let’s get out of here”, she whispered.
“Why? I’m trying to finish this book.”
“Read that damn book later. It’s too quiet here. I’ll combust into flames if we stay here longer. God, why the hell do you enter libraries? Libraries are for sick people!” Namee said and flinched when the librarian glared sharply at her. “Come on! Conan the librarian is widening her eyes at me. Centipedes might ooze out of her mouth any moment.”
Dara bit her lips to stifle her chuckle as she followed Namee out of the library. They headed towards the back of the building where the concrete round tables are located. As soon as they were able to settle, Name bugged her again about the InterSAT bonfire.
“You have to go, Dara. Ice Lord and Bullet might have a duel.”
“That’s ridiculous. Why would they fight?”
Namee held her gaze silently with a serious expression on her face, making her nervous.
“I’ll ask Jiro not to fight”, she said and was about to stand up but Namee stopped her.
“Even if Ice Lord doesn’t challenge Bullet, I think Bullet will challenge Ice Lord.”
“I don’t understand!” Dara said in exasperation while slumping back on her seat. “What will they get out of it? They are already the leaders of their respective gangs. Do they have to prove who’s stronger?”
“This is not about that”, Namee sighed. “This is about you.”
“Yes. That’s why you have to go and stop Ice Lord if he gets violent.”
Dara’s mouth gaped, anxiety creeping into her system. “W-What do you mean? How is this about me? And didn’t Bullet say that the InterSAT bonfire holds friendly matches with an overseer to make sure everything will be fine?”
“You haven’t seen half of what Montecillo is capable of doing, Dara. Bullet is going to get hurt.”
Her heartbeat fractionally increased as she stared at her friend. “Namee, stop scaring me. Bullet knows how to fight. He will be able to defend himself. Shouldn’t you be telling me to stop the two so both of them won’t get hurt? I should be worried for Jiro too because Bullet is a good fighter.”
“Bullet is going to lose. He knew he doesn’t stand a chance but I don’t know why he must go through this. That idiot…”
“Namee…” Dara’s voice was a mixture of worry and exasperation.
“I’ve seen Montecillo in Little China Town when I was in high school. He was fighting with the alley thugs and I swear, he looked like a demon that crawled out from hell. He was merciless. But the way he fights left me in awe”, Namee recalled. “You heard the InterSAT students admiring his fighting style, right? There was a massive gang brawl before between the Black Dragons and The Claws and we all witnessed how ruthless Ice Lord can be. He is a natural fighter and his movements were indescribable. Bullet is also strong, having learned martial arts from what I heard. But Montecillo is different. I don’t know how to explain it but it was like he was used to fighting on the streets.”
‘He was’, Dara thought, recalling what Jiro told her regarding his past.
“I met the wrong people, joined underground fights to survive and lived every day wishing it will be the last day of my life.”
Dara heaved a deep sigh, massaging her forehead in frustration. “But what can I possibly do?” She asked weakly.
“You were able to stop him when he attacked Hawk before.”
She looked at her friend thoughtfully before nodding her head. “I’ll see what I can do. Though I still don’t understand why this duel is about me. Is it because Jiro hates Bullet for stealing a kiss from me?”
“Bullet did?”
“He’s just being playful, you know him.”
Namee rubbed her face with her palms and groaned. “Oh dear, this is more complicated than I thought.”
Saturday came quicker than expected – the night of the much-awaited InterSAT bonfire. Near the Fire 39 turf, bathed with the darkness of the night, a big crowd is already gathered.
There was a pile of wood in the middle; secured in place by a circle of a pile of rocks. The loud chants of each gang filled the air, coupled with the excited murmurs of the students.
“Excuse me.” Dara was among the crowd of spectators, squeezing her way through the front. Sweat trickled down her face as she pushed herself in between gaps from the barricade of people, using her phone to light her path. It was dark and her feet have been stomped over countless times; but she persistently continued until she finally reached the front. She squinted her eyes, trying to see where Jiro and Bullet are. But with only the moonlight to aid her, she can only see silhouettes of the gangs huddled up at the other side.
A guy holding a candle walked towards the pile of wood and faced them. “Good evening, students of InterSAT”, he said in a loud voice, which was welcomed by cheers from the crowd. “I am Spade of the Sparrow Gang. Being the oldest among the gang members in InterSAT, I was appointed as the overseer for this year’s bonfire.” A round of applause followed when he paused briefly.
“This year’s InterSAT bonfire is slightly different since we added a new rule. The challenger and his chosen opponent will both write what they want their opponent to do for him in case he wins. I will be checking the demands and if it is something absurd, impossible or something that the other party is incapable of doing, I will deem the challenge to be void. Also, if his opponent does not agree to the request, then there will be no duel.”
“The old rules apply. A small white flag will be tied to each of the dueler’s wrist. The fight will be stopped if the white flag is raised, signaling surrender. Please remember that we will not interrupt the duel until the white flag is raised, no matter how bloody the fight gets.”
“As the InterSAT tradition, bear in mind that this is to teach all you young punks that raising the white flag is another form of courage. Know your limits and swallow defeat. But before you do that, fight to your heart’s content.”
The overseer threw the candle at the pile of wood, setting it ablaze. Dara shielded her eyes from the sudden light emanating from the bonfire while the crowd roared and cheered, clapping their hands and pumping their fists in the air.
As Dara was slowly lowering her arm, her breathing was caught on her throat when her eyes landed on the guy standing at the other side of the bonfire, staring directly at her. The loud noise grew distant as she stood frozen on her spot with Jiro’s gaze drilling through her, the dancing fire casting shadows on his face.
She turned her head to the left and saw Bullet together with his gang. Gone was the playful smirk that she got used to seeing. His eyes were focused on her, his expression unreadable.
Her heart thundered inside her chest as she dragged her gaze back to Jiro, an unexplainable feeling swarming through her body.
“Let the InterSAT bonfire begin”, the overseer announced.
Writer's Note:
Hello Ice Cubes (#teamIceLord) and Munchkins (#teamBullet) !! Thank you for your votes and comments ^_^ Thanks for the encouraging words. You guys inspire me so much ^_^
And to our hardworking MGP roleplayers and the entire MGP team, kamsahamnida! Follow @MGPpress for news about the MGP fan chat and roleplaying.
Thanks to trpplr_c for the Chap banner!
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