《Be Mine》// n i n e //
:: chapter nine ::
The bell has just rang with their teacher pacing out their classroom after bidding them goodbye. Dara stood up and did some little stretching. She then shifted her body facing Jiyong who was now placing his book which he used as a pillow inside his bag. She smiled as she turned around and fixed her things, she then announced that the assigned cleaners should start cleaning the classroom and they did with Dara and Jiyong sitting on the teacher’s table waiting for them to finish as the two would engross themselves on their own world. They would be just talking to each other, staring each other then they will hear Dara giggled as she would play with the stuff toy he gave her.
‘We’ll be going now, Class President!’ Heechul one of their classmates said as he saluted to her. Dara giggled for he was always like that. He refused to call her Dara but insisted on calling her Class President. She waved goodbye to them as she jumped off the teacher’s table and grabbed her bag with Jiyong trailing behind her. ‘You didn’t bring your bike right?’ Dara asked as she looked at Jiyong. He shook his head. He wasn’t able to bring his bike since he jogged his way to the school, wanting to clear his mind. ‘Then we better start walking,’ Dara chuckled as they both paced out of the room and walked their way to her house for him to meet her mother.
Jiyong stared at Dara’s house, it was not a stranger to him but the feeling crawling to his chest was. He felt nervous beyond words and he could even feel his self stiffen in his place. He felt somehow numb. He was a drag racer, he was a reckless driver, he was eating speed, he was speed himself and that life of his was inch close to death that if he made the wrong move, his life will perish. Knowing that, he never even felt a single surge of nervousness but now standing in front of her house, knowing her mother was waiting, he couldn't help but to give in to the nervousness that was bound to eat him. Whole.
Dara then held his hand and squeezed it tightly snatching him from his realm of thoughts as he turned his head to her. ‘Let’s go, Mom is waiting,’ she smiled as she pulled him and opened the gate. He felt like his heart just pumped its way to his throat, it was beating unsteadily and he just wanted to rip it off and throw it somewhere far from him.
When the door opened they were welcomed by the smell of the food and the warm smile of her mother. He bowed down in respect. He was even surprised that he did that, he never did that to anyone, not even to his parents. She was beautiful just like her. She looked young for her age and she had a long black hair braided, which was hanging on her left shoulder. She was wearing simple jewelry and a beige colored dress that suit her skin tone. She also has a smile which was like hers.
The lady smiled sweetly at him as she clung to his arm. ‘Welcome dear,’ she said smiling. And in snap his uneasiness was gone, like it never happened. ‘I told you she will like you,’ Dara whispered to him as they proceeded inside the house with her mother telling stories. Jiyong bit his lips as he stared at her mother who was welcoming her like he was her own son, someone she had loved for a long time even though he definitely looked someone who would flip an entire house.
After leaving their things on the living room they proceed to the dining area were her mother was serving them food that she worked hard to prepare for. Jiyong stared at the table, drowned in his thoughts again. It was not his first time eating homemade foods, that was what he was eating when he was still living in their ridiculously huge house. You could even tell those were like food served in a five star restaurants and hotels yet it was never appealing for him, it tasted bland, it doesn’t have any taste at all. ‘Eat well Jiyong,’ Mrs. Park smiled at him as he forced himself to nod. He then grabbed the chopstick and started eating. He was eating quietly, chewing his food carefully.
He suddenly stopped eating as Dara gazed at him, she held his hand as he shifted his head to her. ‘What’s wrong?’ she asked, worried. He shook his head as he started chewing his food again then he got more rice, more soup, more pork, more vegetable. He started eating like he never ate before, not feeling embarrassed, not caring, he just wanted to satisfy his hunger.
When he tasted the food, he was waiting for the bland taste, he was waiting to taste the tasteless food he was eating all his life in his house. He would sometimes think that there was something wrong with his tongue, since it just couldn’t taste anything even if he was served in their huge table with all the delicious meal in the world. He just couldn't taste anything and he was only eating because he needed to, not because he wanted to. But after tasting Dara’s mom’s home cooked food, he was surprised that it wasn’t bland. It actually had a taste and it was even delicious.
Dara and her mother exchange meaningful glances at each other as their lips broke into smile. Dara stopped eating and just stared at Jiyong with a smile on her lips. In whatever he would do he just appeared fascinating in her eyes. Jiyong shifted his eyes to Dara who was staring at him, smiling like an idiot. He then feed her. ‘Eat,’ he said as Dara chewed the food and nodded as she started to eat once more. Her mom chuckled seeing how they treated each other. ‘Jiyong dear, I would like to ask a little favour,’ she said as both Jiyong and Dara stopped eating and stared at her waiting for her to continue. ‘Is it okay?’ her mother asked as Jiyong wiped mouth with table napkin and nodded to her.
‘Can you always eat dinner with us?’ she smiled. As Dara’s lips curved into a big smile liking the idea as she slowly looked at him. He was contemplating. He does want to always eat with them but at the same time he doesn’t. He doesn’t want to grow attachment but as much as he hated to admit it he was very attached to the girl sitting beside him. He then shifted his eyes on Dara who was waiting for his answer. ‘If it’s okay with you,’ he said as he drifted his eyes back on Mrs. Park. Mrs. Park clasped her hand together. ‘That would be really great, but I need a man’s word,’ Mrs. Park said as her eyes turned into slits. ‘I promise,’ he said while looking at her with honesty in his eyes. ‘Good,’ Mrs. Park smiled as she put a small slice of pork in her mouth and started chewing which made Dara and Jiyong went back on eating.
‘One last thing,’ she said snatching the two of them from their food once more. ‘Take care of my daughter always,’ she said with a warm smile as Dara turned beet red. Jiyong nodded. ‘No need to tell Mrs. Park,’ he said as Dara stared at him, surprised. Jiyong just went back to eating. Dara let out a hearty chuckle as she went back to eating. Why does she felt like somehow she knew that, that would definitely be his answer.
It was almost 10 in the evening when Jiyong finally decided to go home. Dara then led him outside their house. She opened the gate as Jiyong went out. She took a glance at the sky. ‘The sky is beautiful tonight don’t you think?’ she asked as Jiyong looked up and stare at the sky that was filled with stars. He then nodded, Dara laughed as she continued looking at the sky with him looking at something more fascinating than a night sky filled with shining stars. He was looking at her, he was staring at her like he was memorizing every contour of her face, every curved in it like he was slowly but carefully burning her image in his mind.
‘Thank you for coming,’ she said as she dropped her gaze to him, he nodded. ‘No, I’m the one who’s supposed to say that,’ he said. ‘Thank you,’ he said to her. Dara was left speechless. It was not something that people will find touching but for her, him thanking her felt like something so wonderful. Her lips curved into a smile as she moved closer to him and threw her arms around him. She closed her eyes to feel his warmth as he gently wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her and lifted her inches above the ground. There was nothing but silence between them. They just wanted to feel each other’s warm, they just wanted to feel that no matter what happened they got each other. And for them that was more than enough.
‘See you tomorrow,’ she whispered still hugging him with her eyes closed. ‘Yeah, see you tomorrow,’ he answered. He felt like there was a lump that formed in his throat as he felt like as if his arms won’t let go of her afraid that tomorrow might never come. He felt like tomorrow was so far, that it was like years and he just wanted to stay with her. He wanted to be with her, he wanted to see her, hear her, feel her. Dara slowly distanced herself from him as he gently put her down. She smiled. ‘Call me if you already got home, arasso?’ she said still smiling, he nodded.
He then started walking as she waved her hands to him. He would occasionally steal small glances of her. He stopped walking when he saw she was already inside their house. He heaved a sigh as he fixed his bag and placed both of his hands inside his pocket. He was walking not thinking of anything but just how happy he felt today. He felt like his life just began and he felt like he will soon learned lot of things and experience more things that he never thought would come to him. He stopped at one closed store and stared at his refelction. He saw the silly pink beanie that Dara gave him, he never took it off. He then fixed it in place as he continued walking. He was just few meters away from Dara’s house when his phone suddenly rang.
He grabbed it and answered the call. It was her. He pressed the phone in his ears but didn’t say anything. ‘I thought of accompanying you while you walk your way home,’ she said giggling. He took a glance at the night sky. Even in phone, her voice sound so sweet, so warm, so caring. Then she started telling stories, her dreams, about her family and all the things she planned for the future. Then he would just listen to her, like she was a beautiful symphony played by heart. Then a smile tugged in his lips as she would tell him her plans and dreams, there were tons and they were different from each other but they hold one same thing. He was present in all of those, he was included, he was there. That made him smile for the first time. It made him feel that life was something worth living. It made him anticipate for the future and in his head he also started drafting his own dreams, thinking of what he wanted. And in all of those, she was there, she was the center of all his dreams. It was for himself but more over it was also for her. At first he found it hard to believe since he used to live a life with no purpose, no direction. He would accept what it gave to him but now he just felt so different, like he was just reborn into a brand new person. Like his life was put on a reset so that he could start a new, with her by his side.
He was so engrossed listening to her that he didn’t even noticed that he was already inside his house, lying in his messy bed. When he saw the clock was about to reach twelve he sat down and raked his hair, he doesn’t want to end talking to her nor press the end button but he was also not fond of the idea that she will lack sleep and they got classes tomorrow. ‘It’s almost midnight, let’s sleep,’ he said pressing his phoned in his ear waiting for her answer. ‘Okay,’ she answered. ‘Goodnight Jiyong,’ she added. Then his hold of the phone tightened knowing she would end the call.
‘Don’t press the end button,’ he said. Then there was silence for a moment. ‘Why?’ she asked. ‘Let’s sleep with the phone on,’ he said as he lied down back to his bed and set his phone into loud speaker. ‘Sleep now... good night,’ he said as he placed the phone beside him. ‘Good night Jiyong,’ she answered accompanied with a yawn. And that was the last thing they both could remember as they drifted to sleep.
Dara and her friends were laughing happily as CL and Seung Ri were up against each other. They were all in front of the school gate waiting for their other classmates and for the bus that will take them to their camp where they will stay for three days and two nights. Dara was constantly turning her head left and right searching for him only to fail. ‘Forget it, he doesn’t join camp trip even before,’ CL smiled teasingly at her as her lips curved into a cute pout. Youngbae laughed at her cuteness as he lightly pinched both Dara’s cheeks. ‘Look how adorable you are,’ he said chuckling making Dara pout more.
Dara quickly snapped her head to her right as she saw Jiyong who was wrapping his arm around her waist not really that happy about what he saw upon his arrival. Minzy faked a cough. ‘Oh Youngbae, just help me with my things,’ she said as she pulled Youngbae out of the scene before he fall blooded thanks to the deathglare he’s been receiving from the dragon. Dara chuckled snatching him from glaring at Youngbae. ‘CL told me you don’t go to camps,’ she said as he took a quick glance at CL who was smirking at him. He rolled his eyes. ‘That was before,’ he said still staring at CL who just laughed at him as she quickly went to Seung Ri and head locked him out of the blue which made Seung Ri whine as another bickering started between them.
Dara stared at Jiyong then glanced at CL, her head tilted in confusion and curiosity. Jiyong and CL seemed to be close but why didn’t she noticed that before. She stared at him, trying to figure him out, trying to figure his relationship with CL. Jiyong finally noticed her scrutinizing stares, he then rolled his eyes he can perfectly read what was on her mind. He then ruffled her hair as he gently removed her bag from her for just by staring at it he can definitely feel how heavy it was. ‘It’s nothing. Don’t think too much,’ he said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, then he stared in front of them. ‘Okay,’ she smiled weakly at him.
And in just minutes the bus arrived.
----- :]]
//author's blabbering//
And before fuming or what don't worry about CL she's not a bitch and you will thank her in the future chapters to come hehe.
I'm teribbly sorry for the late update. I was busy with my enrollment in my university which has a very slow system ._. I'm sorry guys!!! :( Anyways, here's your short chapter. I pray and hope that you'll love it haha.
thanks for everything
mbie's out
p e a c e
and by the way I pick SAJI haha I never thought of that. I find it cute LOL XD
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