《Be Mine》// s e v e n //
:: chapter seven ::
Jiyong sat on the couch as Dara went to the kitchen to grab Jiyong a drink and some of her freshly baked cookies. With a smile she placed the tray of lemonade and cookies on the top of their center table. Dara sat across Jiyong still smiling as she watched the lad stiffly grabbed the glass of lemonade as he took a sip on it. ‘I just baked the cookies. I just followed the recipe and procedure in the book... if it tastes awful. I’m sorry,’ she said fiddling her fingers. Jiyong then grabbed one cookie and took a bite from it. Dara was staring at him, watching his reaction though it never changes; patiently waiting for his comment.
‘It tastes good for someone who just learned how to bake,’ he said staring straight at her brown orbs as he finished the whole cookie. Dara smiled heartily to him as he faked a cough. ‘We need to go now,’ Jiyong said. ‘Oh,’ she said as she stood up. ‘I will just change my clothes,’ she mumbled as he nodded. She then paced to their stairs aiming for her room. ‘Wear jeans,’ he said as she snapped her head at him. She nodded as she continued walking completely disappearing from his sight.
He heaved a sigh, in reality he doesn’t have a single idea on why on earth did he go to her, on why he was now inside her house. He stood up and started roaming around. Her house was quite big and it has a very simple yet beautiful interior. It was bright and he found it very calming, an environment that she definitely needed and deserved. He then walked closely to a shelf with an array of photographs placed in different photo frames. He then grabbed a picture frame and stared at the photo, drowned in his thoughts. It was a photo of her wearing a hospital gown, white beanie, tons of tubes and machine connected in her hands, pale face and dark circles around her eyes and a bright smile in her lips.
He felt like he understood that she was someone who lived all her life smiling sweetly even in the face of death. He looked at her brown eyes; they seemed to be alive telling that she was not a bit mad about her fate, about every suffering she had to take. Her eyes, they were happy, full of hope, it was different from those whom he saw before. He used to come in and out of hospital due to fights, not ordinary fights. Fights which involved bloods, knives and sometimes even guns and sometimes even death. He was like that, he would be playing tag with death, and there were moments when he was even the one chasing it.
And from that he saw a lot of sick people. They looked awful, they’re pathetic and they pity themselves more. They talked as if there were no hope, as if no tomorrow would come for them when what they have at times were diseases which were curable unlike hers. He then gently placed the picture frame back as he roamed his eyes on the others. Just like a flash of light, like a shooting star across the night sky he suddenly found the answer to his question, the reason why he was there, why he just suddenly asked her to go somewhere. He was about to grabbed another picture frame when he heard her footsteps getting louder. He turned his head to her as she descended from the stairs.
She smiled at him as she went to the center table and grabbed the tray after placing the glass and plate of cookies on it; she then paced to their kitchen. He shook his head upon seeing her disappear. His lips pressed together contemplating how she looked beautiful even in simple clothes. She was wearing a white v neck shirt paired with black tight jeans and red converse. She doesn’t have make up either yet she looked stunning, breathe taking.
‘Shall we go?’ Dara asked him as he nodded and paced to the door without any words. Dara then closed the door and locked it as they walked out the gate, to his black Ducati. After closing the gate Dara stared at Jiyong who was riding his bike now and wearing a black helmet. She heaved a sigh, there were so many emotions building in her chest that she felt her heart was beating like crazy at that very moment. Jiyong looked at her as he handed her a black helmet. Dara smiled as she grabbed the helmet and stared at the thing contemplating on how she should wear it. Jiyong jumped off his bike and moved closer to her. He gently tucked her hair behind her ears as he carefully put the helmet on her. He locked it. Dara was not moving at that time and she was barely breathing. She was just staring at him, just watching him. And that was the time she knew that he was gentle, he was holding her like she was someone who will break, like he was afraid to do something that might hurt her.
Jiyong then rode his bike with her doing the same. He was about to tell her to hold on to him but he was a bit shaken when she suddenly wrapped her arms around him and leaned on his back. He was a bit stunned that he actually forgot what he was about to do, like his mind just went into a complete black out. The only thing he could think of was how her warm arms were wrapped around him, how it felt like she needed him for support, for protection. He took a deep breath as he escaped his reverie as he kicked the engine to life and with that he sped off with her locking him in her arms.
Dara couldn't help not to smile as she tightened her embraced at Jiyong. There were many things crawling in her chest. Excitement. Nervousness. Thrill. And the warm feeling of hugging Kwon Jiyong. They were moving fast and she could even feel her body merged one with the wind as Jiyong kept on increasing the speed. It was her first time riding a motor bike and she was nervous, afraid even just by thinking about it. But all of it was gone as she would wrap her arms around Jiyong. Knowing that he was the one in control, knowing he was the one she was holding on gave her an eased feeling that the fears she had subsided as enjoyment and excitement filled her.
Jiyong was constantly checking on the speed meter. He never did that before. He would just ride his bike, pick up another speed, and increase it every second. He was not afraid of going too fast. Of driving real fast though he perfectly knew death could be his destination. But now, feeling her arms around him just made him shudder in thought of what could happen. He was afraid that he might be going too fast, he was afraid that he might be scaring her with his speed. This was the first time he ever drove with a very inconsistent speed which goes up and down. He will grabbed speed then slowly dropped it. And it’s messing up his head so much that how come when it came to her he just couldn'ttake any risk. He felt like he always needed to prioritize her, chose what’s best and safe for her.
After a not so long ride they finally reached their destination. Dara slowly got off his bike as she stretched her hands upward. She felt numb. Jiyong got off his bike; he then went to Dara and gently removed her helmet as she welcomed him with a smile. Jiyong pressed his lips together as he placed the helmet on his bike compartment after removing his. He then turned to Dara who was looking at the whole place with amusement painted in her face. It was also his first time going there and he never ever thought going even once or even just checking it. For him it’s useless, senseless. He couldn't even imagine himself going there but he did anyways.
Dara looked at him with a smile on her lips. ‘Thank you,’ she mouthed to him as he nodded. Then Dara grabbed his arm and dragged him with her. They were at the amusement park. Before they even reached the ticket booth she remembered that she brought Sanghyun’s gift for her seventeenth birthday, a digital camera. She thought it will be handy and besides it will be one of life’s rarest moments that she got a chance to hang out with Jiyong. She then grabbed it and quickly took a stolen shot of Jiyong. ‘What are you doing?’ he hissed. ‘Keeping the memories alive,’ she smiled at him as if she didn’t do a grave thing. If she was someone else she could have fallen to the ground already, beaten to death. But then it was her, she was different and somewhat special to him that he couldn't even imagine hurting her or letting anyone to do that shit to her.
Jiyong rolled his eyes as he grabbed her hand, pulled her that she almost fell to the ground, after losing her balance a bit. Dara stopped making Jiyong snap his head on her with brows meeting in the center. Dara rolled her eyes and heaved a sigh she then pulled her hand from his grip then she moved closer to him. She was now standing beside him. She looked at his hand and held it; she then laced her fingers with his. ‘Much better,’ she smiled as he just snapped his head in front of them and started walking aiming for the ticket booth.
‘Two,’ he said coldly to the ticket seller who was all smile at him. He then placed the payment and pushed it to her. ‘Here sir, enjoy,’ she said as she pushed the two tickets and bands to him. ‘Thanks,’ Dara smiled at her as the lady smiled at her as she slowly dart her eyes on the guy who was holding her hand. She couldn't help not to pout, he was cold and rude while the girl beside him was bright as sunshine. Jiyong then grabbed the ticket and the band as he gently grabbed Dara’s arm and placed the band. When he was about to do the same to his wrist, Dara quickly snatch the band from him. With a smile she gently placed the band on his wrist making him stare at her carefully like he was studying her every move as she placed the band.
They entered the amusement park as he groaned in frustration upon realizing what he brought himself into. The park was full of people, children, parents, teenagers and couples. And he couldn't help not to curse himself. One of the many things that he despised in this life of his was crowd. And that was what exactly the amusement park was built of. Crowds, stupid crowds, annoying crowds. Dara let out a chuckle completely knowing how he was feeling. ‘Should we go home?’ she asked as he stared at her. He didn’t answer instead he started walking, pulling her. She laughed a bit as she followed him and walked beside him.
Then they started riding the rides in the amusement park but with a little drama before doing so since she would always have to force him to join her because he would always refuse. You know him, and what Kwon Jiyong said it should be done like a king’s word that could never be broken. But you also know how he was when it came to her, one little dash of aegyo and a pinch of puppy eyes and add some pleading and he will give in like magic. He would always groan, grit and frown in frustration but nothing can stop her from enjoying the rides with him.
Jiyong stared at the camera in his hands as he quickly aimed it to her and took a snap as she was happily waving at him as she rode the carousel with people looking at her. She looked so happy and adorable. The only eighteen year old lady who was happily riding a carousel, happy like a child. She was surrounded by kids yet she was not ashamed riding such childish ride. She was even happily waving at Jiyong who just raised his hand on her as she giggled; he then took more snaps of her. He then checked the photo he took and was amazed how she looked so good in the pictures, then without noticing it he grew addicted to taking photos of her. He then turned the gadget off and stared at it, scrutinizing every angle of it he needed to have something like that. He needed a camera. He then grabbed his phone and dialled some number.
Dara quickly jogged to him after the ride was finished. ‘That was fun!’ she said as she grabbed the camera from Jiyong’s hand who just looked at her. She then began checking the photos then she smiled as she quickly went beside Jiyong and pressed herself to him as she took a photo of them. She then looked at the picture and smiled as the lad rolled his eyes. ‘Let’s eat,’ he said knowing that it’s about lunch time and he just felt like he doesn’t like the idea of her skipping meals. Dara nodded as she laced her hand with his once more. Then they began walking searching for a good restaurant.
After eating Dara began dragging Jiyong again to anywhere she could think of until they reached a horror house. ‘This looks fun,’ Dara said grinning as Jiyong rolled his eyes. He could imagine it, he could feel it that once they entered that thing one will go out while sobbing. And he’s hell sure that it would never be him. ‘Let’s go,’ he said as Dara giggled. After showing their band the staff let them in and in seconds Dara broke into loud screams that Jiyong thought his ear drum just broke and now history. In the midst of the way Dara shut her eyes as she stopped walking while gripping Jiyong’s hand tightly that her nails were practically digging in his skin. ‘We should start walking,’ Jiyong said as Dara stubbornly shook her head like a child. Jiyong heaved a sigh. ‘If we don’t walk how can we get out of here?’ he asked as Dara remained silent with eyes tightly shut. ‘I-I can’t walk,’ Dara confessed in a low voice that he barely hear, stuttering.
Then there was silence between them and the only thing they can hear was the scary sound effects filling the whole, quite dark and not to mention hot place. Jiyong pulled his hand from Dara’s grip making Dara snapped her eyes open. Then out of nowhere she just found herself on Jiyong’s arms as he started moving. She stared at him, while he was carrying her, expressionless, still the straight faced Kwon Jiyong. There were people scaring them but it was as if she doesn’t give a damn to anyone right now. A smile broke in her lips as she snuggled closer to him. The very moment she understood how the coldest guy felt warmer than anyone else in the world. After getting out he gently put her down as she was still staring at him while he was fixing his self. He didn’t said a thing but just entwined his hand with her and started walking with her still drown in what just happened.
After walking for few meters Dara’s eyes was suddenly caught by a gaming machine, she quickly pulled Jiyong with her as she stared closely at the machine. ‘Look Jiyong isn’t that cute?’ she asked as she pointed a yellow stuff toy chick. Dara quickly rummaged her pouch looking for coins after finding one she then started to play the claw machine aiming to get even one chick stuff toy. But you know how that machine was; it was a cheater that would give you false hope upon seeing that the stuff toy was lifted in the air only for it to fall on the piles of stuff toys.
Dara pouted she haved spent all her coins to the machine without getting anything in return. She heaved a sigh as she turned to Jiyong. ‘Let’s go,’ she said with a smile though she was a bit frustrated inside. Jiyong then pull out coins in his pocket as he turned to the machine and started playing it. Dara stared at him in confusion at first but now she was cheering him that they just caught people’s attention.
He would curse loudly when he failed getting the stuff toy and she would giggle. He was even gritting his teeth and his fists were clenched tightly wanting to do it in an easy way, his way. Which means he would punch the glass until it broke and just grab one stuff toy. But he couldn't do that, he doesn’t want any commotion and he doesn’t want her to freak out. Then while trying to calm himself down he would try his luck again earning cheers from Dara and everytime he fails he would curse she would laugh and they would do the scenario over and over again without getting tired of it.
‘You know what let’s just go, before you spend all your money,’ Dara giggled as he frowned. They were playing on the machine for about two hours already that they actually didn’t notice that the sky was now dark as stars were slowly appearing. Jiyong glanced at the sky as he grabbed his phone in his pocket. ‘Shit,’ he said as Dara stared at him with brows meeting in the center. He then grabbed her hands. ‘Let’s go,’ he said as he pulled him. They were now half running. At first Dara thought he was in a hurry that they were going home already but seeing that they were clearly not aiming for the gate she started to get curious of what’s really going on.
She just found herself in the playground as he pulled her to a stair leading to small replica of a hanging bridge. Then they stopped there with him not saying anything. She was about to open her mouth and ask something when she heard a loud bang in the sky. She snapped her head. Her eyes grew wider as her lips stretched into a smile. She gripped the rope in front of her tightly while watching as the sky glimmered with fireworks. They were in different colors, different sizes and shape and to her they just all looked wonderful.
Then without knowing it her tears fell in her cheeks as her shoulder started to move up and down. She started sobbing. She felt like she had waited for all the things that happened today all her life. She would dream of it every time she stared at the night sky from the widow of her hospital room. She couldn't believe that everything that she just dreamt of happened today. And it was all thanks to Jiyong. Jiyong stared at her as he tightened the hold of her hands. He then brushed his thumbs to her wet cheeks. He knew she was happy but he can’t understand why it bothered him so much seeing her in tears.
‘Thank you,’ Dara said sobbing as she faced him and looked straight to his eyes. He pressed his lips and nodded to her. ‘Thank you so much,’ she repeated as tears crawled on her cheeks once more. He just nodded again. She wiped her tears as she smiled sweetly at him. That time he just realized he regret nothing about today, about bringing her here, enduring the crowd, the noise. It was probably the first right decision he had ever made. And he was even happy that it was.
As the sky was continued to be filled by fireworks, Dara gently cupped Jiyong’s face as she tiptoed and touched her lips with his. He was stiffened at first, seemingly can’t process what was happening. But as he felt her soft lips on his his hand just automatically crawled on her back pulling her closer as his other hand was behind her pressing her more to him, as he deepened the kiss.
Sandara Park’s To-Do List :)
1. Go to an AMUSEMENT PARK!!
--------- :]]
// author's blabbering //
I didn't proof read this. Sorry for the errors :(
Have I mention that this is cliche? Have I ? Ohh. Did I? ;A; I'm sorry if this is damn damn damn cliche. But even though it's cliche you're still reading. Thank you. Thank you so much TT^TT Will update very soon since I'm touched. :)
mbie's out
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