《Be Mine》\\ t h r e e \\
Dara heaved a sigh for the nth time as she started playing with the silver ring in her thumb. She was thankful that though she went home dripping wet that her mother almost fainted, she didn’t get sick; though she earned herself some rant and nagging from her mother who was in the verge of having a seizure. She was walking to the gymnasium where they would welcome the kids. She was thinking, would he keep his words, would he be really there to be her partner. She knew him by no means. She could read him like she owned him. Even her found it weird that she can read him easily. She knew he had his pride, he’s someone who was true to his words. Yet she couldn't help not to doubt even a bit since he seemed to really hate her. She shook her head wanting to stop thinking about him, to stop doubting.
Dara almost jumped when Youngbae just popped out of nowhere and hanged his arm around her which she slowly removed making the latter pout. ‘Already got a partner?’ the guy asked. Dara gave him a timid smile. ‘I’m not sure though,’ she answered honestly making the guy formed his lips into an ‘o’. ‘Who?’ he asked. Dara just smiled at him telling him he should guess. ‘What about you? who’s your partner?’ she asked.
‘Minzy,’ Youngbae said not excited, rather he felt he was really forced to. ‘You two will make good parents,’ she chuckled making him just pull a forced smile, if only she knew. ‘But wait ‘till you see Seung Ri and Chaerin,’ he laughed remembering how the two were punished to be the partners after bickering in one of their classes. ‘I know right I can’t hardly wait,’ Dara giggled. ‘Let’s hurry,’ she added as Youngbae nodded to her.
The gymnasium was filled with children, then there were volunteers from each orphanages, you can also see the nuns, then you’d see the buffet tables filled with snacks and the gymnasium which they spent days to decorate. A smile drawn on her lips as she glanced at Youngbae who just melted from the beauty of her smile. They quickly went to their friends who were already entertaining some kids. Then they heard the signal making them fall in line by partners as they will be assigned to children. Dara roamed her eyes in the whole gymnasium searching for even a glimpse of his shadows only to be disappointed. She heaved a sigh and stared at the silver ring on her thumb. She closed her eyes, chanting words in her head trying to make the anxiety building up ready to gobble her fade.
He will come... he will, just believe him.
‘Don’t you have a partner Ms. Park?’ one of her teachers asked as attentions were drifted to her. ‘I guess I’ll have to take the hard role of being a single parent,’ she said chuckling making her teacher chuckle too. Then out of the blue Jiyong arrived as he stood beside Dara scratching his head. ‘I’m her partner, I overslept,’ he said still breathing heavily as not only everyone’s eyes landed on him but Dara’s too. There was a moment of silence even the children stopped from playing and stared at the two. The teachers and the students who had known Jiyong for almost two years couldn't almost decipher what they were witnessing at the moment. There, the all rude Kwon Jiyong was standing next to an innocent pretty girl who was staring at him. He was there not only for attendance, not for any shit that he would give damn to, but he was there to be a one day father, to be part of this event. And that was so near impossibility, no it was really impossible but he was there. ‘What?’ he hissed making everyone snapped back to reality.
She stared at him in disbelief, he was really in a hurry, his clothes were still disoriented, and his hair was just pulled into a bun without combing it. He shyly fixed himself as he rolled his eyes making their teacher fake a cough. ‘He will be the one assigned to you,’ their teacher said as he lightly pushed a boy aged of seven to them. Then he turned his back from the two with a smile on his lips which he tried hard to hide but just show up.
Both Dara and Jiyong were staring at the child assigned to them. He has a band aid on his right cheek and wearing baggy clothes, he was like a miniature Kwon Jiyong which made Dara giggle just by thinking about it. Dara bent down and smiled at him. ‘Hello, I’ll be your mommy for today. I’m Park Sandara but you should call me mommy Dara,’ Dara gleefully said to the child who just stood there glaring at her. Dara stood up straight as she gave Jiyong a light nudge making the guy hiss. ‘Wassup kiddo, Kwon Jiyong your one day daddy,’ he said monotonous making Dara grimace. ‘Don’t mind your dad, what’s your name?’ she asked at the child who just stood still staring at her which finally made her uneasy.
Then a smirk emerged from the child’s lips as he pulled Dara’s pigtail real hard making Dara whine in pain. He then laughed at her as the child went on running just knocking everything and everyone on his way. ‘Hey!’ Jiyong yelled as both he and Dara run after the child which earned them the attention of everyone. They both decided to split up to easily catch the child who was still laughing while causing great chaos all over the place.
‘Gotcha!’ Dara exclaimed as she locked the child in her arms making the child wiggle wildly to free himself. Dara was knocked on the ground as the child went lose once more. ‘Ouch,’ she murmured as she stood up only to see Jiyong grabbing the child who was glaring at him and literally barking at him. ‘Man, are you some kind of a
?’ Jiyong asked at the child who kept barking at him as the child move his arms almost in all direction wanting to escape his hold. When finally sensing that it’s no use he stopped and glared at Jiyong as if he was planning in his head how to end his life in every gruesome way possible.
‘Let go of me, asshole,’ the child warned gritting his teeth making Jiyong smirk. ‘Make me,’ he challenged. ‘Let go of me!!!’ he shouted over and over again as he tried punching him, kicking him which all fail and did not even touch him. Dara smiled as she went closer to the two. She then hugged the child. ‘Don’t hug him, he’ll hurt you,’ Jiyong ordered but Dara just hugged the child who was just pushing her away. ‘You know, I know someone like you,’ Dara whispered at the child’s ear. ‘He’s just like you,’ she giggled making the child stop what he was doing and just stood there. Dara held the child’s shoulder as she pushed herself away from him. ‘Who?’ the child asked in low voice.
‘Your father,’ Dara smiled at him making the child turned his head to Jiyong who just looked at him. ‘Him?’ the child asked pointing Jiyong as Dara nodded at him. ‘He’s sad... like you,’ she said as she brushed the child’s cheek with her thumb and drown herself in his eyes that were full of innocence replaced by agony. Jiyong stiffened in his place as he stared at Dara who was staring at the child. His fist clenched, mad. How can she just see right through him? How can she say things easily right in front of him? ‘So even just for today, I want to make you both happy even for just three minutes,’ she smiled at the child who just stared at her.
The child then pushed her away from him. ‘Who needs three minutes of happiness? Nothing will change after this day I’m still homeless, I’m still an orphan,’ he said bitterly. He the turned his back from her and walked away as Dara’s smile died in her lips. ‘But isn’t pitying yourself making you worse than being homeless and orphaned? Other people pity you and you pity yourself too. Man, you’re pathetic,’ Jiyong said without looking at him like he was talking to someone same of his age. The child stopped walking as Dara stared at Jiyong. His tiny fist clenched as he started trembling, he bit his lips wanting to stop his tears only to fail greatly. Then they heard a weeping sound as the child roughly wiped his tears and mucus using his small arms.
‘I’m not pathetic! I don’t pity myself! I don’t need anyone’s pity! I don’t need your pity!’ he bawled as he turned to face Jiyong and Dara. ‘Who told you we pity you? We just got nothing to do so we want to fool around with you and play house,’ Jiyong answered with a smirk as Dara chuckled at his words. The child roughly wiped his tears as he stared at his one day parents. ‘And besides if I make you happy for the three minutes of your life that three minutes might make your three hours happy, then that three hours will make your three days happy and that three days will make your three weeks, three months and three years. And who knows maybe without noticing it I made you happy your whole life... that is why time is so important and most of all, trying is important,’ Dara smiled as she ruffled the child hair making the child took a step backward as he pushed her arm away.
Jiyong just stared at Dara and at the child who was staring at her. He doesn’t know if she should be called stupid because that was definitely an understatement, she’s more than that. She’s an idiot, bird brain, scattered brain and probably she doesn’t have brain at all. But she has a heart, a very big heart that can accommodate everyone or just anyone, he bet even the people she passed by who were total strangers to her, will be welcomed in that big heart of her.
‘Yoochun,’ the child said hissing as Dara giggled. ‘Nice to meet you my dear son Yoochun,’ she said chuckling as she hugged the child. Jiyong just nodded at the child as the child turned his head away from him. ‘Why you,’ Jiyong gritted as Dara let out a hearty laugh. ‘Oh! Look the
are about to start! Let’s join! We should show everyone we’re the best family!’ Dara cheerfully said as both Jiyong and Yoochun let out a groan. ‘Aww, come on don’t tell me you can’t beat those silly games... geez I pity both of you,’ Dara said clicking her tongue, shaking her head as her boys glared at her accepting her challenge. Dara smiled inwardly congratulating herself for making them join the games.
‘Our first game would be a family relay, mommies on the first line, daddies on the second line and children on the third line so who would like to join the first game!’ the Mr. Yang announced as the student shot their hands up. Both Jiyong and Yoochun shot their hands up with epic grimace in their face telling everyone that if they were not going to be chosen hell will break lose, right here, right now. Dara giggled as she raised her hand. ‘First players will be Kwon-Park Family,’ Mr. Yang announced with a smile on his lips, delighted to see the all too grumpy Kwon finally joining a school activity. Then he called another teams after selecting the families then started lining up.
‘I’m impressed you manage to make Kwon do silly stuffs,’ Minzy giggled as they positioned theirselves with different coloured baton in their hands. ‘That’s me,’ Dara said chuckling. Then when they heard the loud bang of the gun they started running. Dara tried running as fast as she can but she’s easily out of breath she was now even left behind by the others but she wanted to win, she wanted to pass the baton to Jiyong as fast as she can. And for that, she’s willing to set aside the fact that she could have another seizure that her heart will fail again.
‘Don’t run!!’ Jiyong yelled at her making her snap her head at him. He hissed and bit his lips. ‘I told you to don’t run!!’ he gritted, authority in his voice that made her drop her pace as she walked toward him still looking at his eyes. Confused. Lost. She was the last one to hand the baton to him. ‘Stay there,’ he commanded as he ran his way, catching up to his opponents who were already half way. Dara fell on her knees as she watched Jiyong running his way to his opponent. Then she started sobbing, blaming herself. She wanted them to join games and win yet she’s dragging them down. She then pounded her chest. ‘Work hard heart,’ she sobbed.
Jiyong was able to catch up to his opponent easily. He got stamina and the right speed. He was now even battling one on one with the school’s ace basketball player known for his speed and stamina, Youngbae. They were both running in an unbelievable speed leaving the others behind. Youngbae gritted his teeth as he tried grabbing another speed. He already lost Dara to him and he will not let him just suddenly come out and beat his record. While he was so into the competition Jiyong was just running because he has to, or else he would lose. They both reached their own child as they handed the baton.
‘Make them eat dust kid,’ Jiyong smirked at Yoochun who gripped the baton and ran as fast as he can. ‘No need to tell me!’ he shouted. ‘Brat,’ Jiyong muttered as he turned his back and jogged his way back to Dara who was still slumping on the ground, sobbing. When Dara saw Jiyong coming she quickly wiped her tears and fixed herself and smiled at him. ‘Are you alright?’ he asked bending down as he grabbed her wrist checking her pulse. Dara quickly yet gently pulled her arm. ‘I’m fine,’ she smiled as she stood up and tiptoed to see Yoochun. Jiyong rolled his eyes at her attempts to show him an ‘Im-fine’ facade. Jiyong then stood up and looked at Yoochun.
‘Oh my God!! Go Yoochun!!’ Dara yelled as she happily cheer for the child running his best to reach the finish line. In seconds Yoochun was able to break the red ribbon waiting at the end. He won, their team won. Dara jumped out of joy. ‘We won!!’ she yelled as she jumped and threw her arms on Jiyong who was a bit caught by her sudden embrace. Dara quickly distance herself to him as she grabbed his arm. ‘Let’s go to him, we won,’ she said happily. Jiyong brushed his thumb at her cheeks wiping the trails left by her tears. ‘See, you don’t even need to cry,’ he said leaving her dumbfounded. He hissed as he pulled her arm with her as the half run to Yoochun who was happily jumping up and down.
‘We won!!!’ Dara said as she gave the child a warm hug making it blush. ‘Of course we will win I’m a fast runner,’ Yoochun said tainted with arrogance making Dara giggle. Dara then pinched both his quite chubby cheeks. ‘You are Yoochun,’ she smiled at him making him blush a bit. ‘But...’ she trailed. ‘We still got tons of games to win! Let’s go! Fighting!’ Dara cheered as Jiyong and Yoochun rolled their eyes. They can exactly feel that they will be force to play and win tons of games by this bubbly girl.
Oh well, they don’t have anything to do nyway. At least it will be less boring.
------- :]]
\ author's blabbering \
wassup back again with another updat hehe. this is cliche. OTL you know what kill me now LOL
anyways in the question whether this will be a short FF. I still got no idea lol. anyways. this will be a full length [full length LOL] fic if i was able to have 80 subbies before i reach chapter five but if not i think this is will short. LOL. idk. lol
thanks for subscribing, commenting and loving
mbie's out
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