《Too Far | Botw Sidlink/Zelink》11.) Epilogue


Link and Zelda sat on a hill, somewhere near the domain. At least a year had passed since the misunderstanding between the two. Link, no longer a knight, is simply a close friend to Zelda. Nothing more, nothing less. He decided that it was for the best to move on from the past, Zelda currently had no reason for a soldier to follow her around anymore, so he wasn't going to. That did not mean he wasn't going to stop protecting her though, Link was still the young woman's friend.

The reports of the Yiga clan had recently died down. There have not been incidents for months. The pair wondered if they were simply preparing for their next attack, or if they had finally realized there was no point to their struggles.

And Sidon, he was everything to Link. They had later gotten married, making them both princes of the domain. They now had a lovely combo of both Zora and human children to take care of. Personally, Zelda did not know how that was going to work out, but it was for her to keep to herself and for them to find out. She had finally learned her lesson, you can't make people stay around if they don't want to. Luckily for her, Link had decided to drift back.


Link barely had a moment to turn his head before his eyes widened in surprise. He received an unpleasant slap to the face from their one Zora son, the Gerudian girl was bouncing up and down on her father's chest, and their one Hylian boy actually kept to himself while his siblings proceeded to 'trample' their parent.

"Kids! What did I tell you? Do that to your dad, not. . . me." Link barely managed to chuckled. He had to take a breath before saying the last word.


"Sorry. I tried to stop them." The Hylian boy, Ran, stated. He the dirty blond moved to removed his younger siblings off of Link, who started whining. Sidon spoiled them a little too much.

"It's alright, Ran. Why don't you head back home? I'll be right behind you." Link laughed. Ran had always tried to look responsible and strong. Link knew he looked up to him a little more that Sidon, but that was mostly becasue Sidon had told him that their father was some amazing hero. To be honest, Link appreciated the responsibility in the household, but he was afraid of the boy growing up too fast.

Once the kids were on their way back safely, Link turned back to Zelda, who was laughing like a madman. She stopped once she caught her breath though. "They're really cute. They're lucky to have you as their father. Both you and Sidon."

"Thanks." Link smiled warmly. The two sat in silence for a moment listening in to the wind before Zelda broke it.

"Link?" She looked down. "May I ask you something? Don't answer if you don't want to."

"Ask away."

"Why did you choose Sidon?"

Link let out an audible sigh. He knew he would have to eventually answer this question.

"Well . . . There was a time where I wondered if I would ever fall in love. It's not like I had the time to find somebody good. Most of the people from before were interested just for my money, fame, or something. And then . . . there were the . . . psychological issues. I don't have at the moment, they seemed to fade a couple months ago. But . . . he was the only one who was willing to sit through the worst of it. The nightmares . . ." Link shuddered at the end of his explanation.


"Don't push yourself, Link."

The young man stared off into the distance for a moment before smiling like nothing ever happened. "It's time we go. I promised the kids we would be right behind them."

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