《1984》Chpt. 2


...How many hours has it been? Maybe days? I have no idea where I am. I'm struggling with the year. 1980-something...?

My last clear memory is me at a nightclub. I was having drinks and talking to this guy. He seemed a little- off, but had some charm to him. He seemed professional, wearing some pretty formal clothing. Then, I guess things got a little heated, and afterwords, he chained me up? I always was a heavy sleeper.

I very uncomfortably turned to my side, curling up in a kind of fetal position to just be in a different pose. I had pissed in the bed a while ago. After that, I got sick from being hungover. I threw up. Mind you, I had my mouth gagged by the towel, so all that vomit had to stay inside my mouth. My bed was soaked, and the smell was terrible.

My arms ached like they were being ripped off. My back ached from being in the same positions for so long. My jaw was tired from being forced open for so long. I'd never been in so much pain my entire life. I was so hungry, I felt like I could've thrown up. The cuffs were beginning to feel embedded in my skin. 

I began to think about my family, or-, what was my family. The thought of how good I once had it made me cry. 

I completely squandered all of my relationships! It would be so different right now...

Then, the basement door opened. I quivered and curl up in a tighter ball. I got so embarrassed by the fact we would see me like that!




Here he comes...

He rushed down the stairs to find me in my pitiful state, naked.

"Ah shit, you made a mess of yourself..." he let out a frustrated sigh.. "Let's get you cleaned up first, then I'll throw your sheets and stuff in the wash."


I lie still and silent, shaking.

He walked over somewhere, then back to me. He paused over me. 

"..Can I trust you?" he firmly asked.

I continue to lie still.

"You can rot here in your own filth if you want."

Fear stricken, I vigorously nod.

"Good boy." he praised, petting the side of my head with hair.

He wrapped something around my neck. It was chain. I could tell by the texture. He pulled it taught around my neck, showing me without words that it was designed to choke.

He took a key and unlocked one of my cuffs. He He unwrapped it from around the bar on the bed and took me free hand again.

"You don't think I'd let you go so easily, do you?" he taunted.

He quickly cuffed my free hand and bent back up. He did something with his hand.

"Do you need help getting up?" he asked.

I timidly take his hand, and he helped me out of bed.

"Alright," he said, "I know you're still blindfolded, so just try to pay attention to me. I'll help guide you."

He turned around and started walking at a slow pace. I had no choice but to follow. He lead me to the stairs and stepped up them even slower. I got overwhelmed by not knowing where anything was and stopped, distressed.

"It's okay. Take your time." he said in an oddly polite tone, It made me feel as though he was mocking me.

I eased down and felt the steps with my hands. I judged the distance between them, and crawled up them after him. 

He let out a small chuckle. "Cutie."

I hate being called that..

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