《The Unknown》Chapter 27: Truths part 1
April had finally arrived and Dahlia thought that the DA was finally ready to learn the Patronus charm. They needed to if her assumptions were right that the Dementors were not under the Ministry control anymore. Everyone was very keen to work on their Patronuses but Dahlia warned them, "producing a Patronus in here will be easier than when you're faced with the Dementor. Then, you have the fear of them stood right in front of you and having trouble with thinking of just a happy memory. The incantation is 'Expectro Patronum' and it's a swish of the hand, like this". She did the incantation and everyone was expecting to see the stag appear but something much bigger and winged like appeared out of her wand. It was a Thestral.
Dahlia was surprised, just like everyone else in the room at the change of her Patronus. Since the recruitment, everyone believed that she had a stag for a Patronus; a Patronus meaning determination, vigilance, and intuition. Now it's a Thestral, a very rare Patronus at that; loyal, protective, fast, wary, a creature that is strongly misunderstood because of its differences. She looked around the room to see everyone staring at her as her Patronus disappeared, she coughed and said, "now, I want everyone to try that spell. Spread out".
They did just that but Hermione and Ron pulled Dahlia aside and Ron asked, "what's wrong with your Patronus?"
"Don't you know?" Hermione said, "a Patronus can change throughout a wizard's life, it doesn't always happen. It can transform due to a period of bereavement, a shift in the persons character, or love".
"Love?" Ron exclaimed looking between the girls.
Dahlia shrugged and said, "I don't wanna talk about it. Just...go practise".
So, they did, rather reluctantly, and Dahlia already knew why it happened, or she assumed why. A Patronus charm usually takes the form of the commonly found animal in the caster's country which represents them, which is why many of them were cats and dogs. Dahlia now considered somewhere else her home, she became a different person since meeting her sister, discovered the truths of her life and of course family love contributed. After all, she wasn't alone anymore.
Dahlia walked around the room, examining everyone's performances and helping them in any way she could. Whether that was through wrist movements or pronunciation. She kept on reminding them that it would be different when it came to a Dementor but it was still very impressive if they could do it without one. She did consider for a moment finding a Boggart to make it more realistic for everyone in the room but didn't know where the look.
The whole room was covered with wisps of light but there were a few who were successfully doing a corporeal Patronus. Cho had a swan, Hermione had an otter, Ron a Jack Russel terrier, Ginny a horse, Luna a hare, and Seamus managed to form one but it soon disappeared, he was adamant it had fur.
The door to the room opened and in came Dobby with his unusual eight hats on. Everyone was quiet as he worked his way through the crowd, the silver wisps disappeared and the animals created disappeared too.
"Dobby, what're you doing here?" Dahlia asked then was concerned, "what's happened? What's wrong?"
The elf's eyes were wide with terror and he was shaking. His hands fighting together as if he was trying to say something but couldn't, "Dahlia Potter, miss...Dobby has come...come to warn...but house elves have been told not to," he said trying to fight against orders.
Dahlia kneeled before the house elf and reached out to hold Dobby's arms as he began to hurt himself, she said, "Dobby, what happened?"
"Dahlia Potter...she...she..."
"Who?" Dahlia questioned then thought again and asked, "Umbridge?" The look of fear on the house elf gave her the answer, "has she found out about us?" Dobby began to fight Dahlia to get his hands free so he could hit himself but she refused to let them go. She then asked quietly, "is she coming?"
Dobby began to bang his feet on the ground and for a moment, Dahlia thought that he could break his bones in the feet and legs at the force that he was banging them at. Dahlia had to let go of him as she ran to the door and opened it ajar, just enough to see that at the end of the corridor, coming towards them, was Professor Umbridge, Filch, and the Inquisitorial Squad. There was no way they could run without being seen, even with the large majority of them, they would be caught due to spells.
She closed the doors and leaned against them as everyone now looked to her terrified knowing it was the truth, that they were discovered. Whispers then filled the room, all of them nervous about what would now happen to them. All of these people trusted Dahlia to teach them and she said she'd protect them and now she couldn't. If found, Dahlia knew Professor Umbridge would try to use their group to get Dumbledore thrown out of Hogwarts and potentially get the students expelled. Not only that, several members of the DA, including the Weasleys, had family members working at the Ministry and who knew if they'd be punished for their actions.
Dahlia knew what she had to do so she rushed past everyone and said to Dobby, "Dobby, I order you to stop hitting yourself. Get back down to the kitchens and if anyone asks if you helped us or gave us any warning, lie and say no. I forbid you from hurting yourself".
Dobby stood hitting himself and smiled, "Dobby thanks Dahlia Potter," he then disappeared.
Dahlia stood and pointed to the wall of the fireplace and said, "everyone get there. Stand beside one another against the wall".
They did as she said but Hermione said, "we need a way out".
"Just trust me," Dahlia said as she ripped the list of members off of the wall and placed it into her pocket before she stood in the middle of the line, "you all believe in me to teach you, now trust me to keep you safe".
Dahlia knew what she was about to do would change everything, her friends would look at her differently and members of the DA may never show up again but she had to protect them. She took a deep breath, let her magic flow out of her fingertips, and mumbled the incantation, everyone saw the purple smoke as it went into a line in front of all of them just as the door opened. They all gasped and looked up to find that Professor Umbridge, Filch, and the Inquisitorial Squad was before them but they weren't looking at them. It was as if they couldn't see them.
"Where are they?" Professor Umbridge shrieked and began to walk all over the room, "they're supposed to be here".
"Someone must have tipped them off," Pansy Parkinson said while the rest of the Squad nodded in agreement.
"Find them," Professor Umbridge said clenching her fists while trying to keep her sweet sickening smile on her face, "if they were notified, they couldn't have gone far. The library, the bathrooms, search them all. Look for anyone out of breath, GO!". The entire Squad immediately left.
"Since when was this room here?" someone asked and when they came into view, it was Steve with Natasha and Clint.
Natasha's eyes immediately went to the symbol on the floor and she shared a look with Clint before glancing to Steve to see that he had noticed. Professor Umbridge said, "it appears a group of students have been breaking Educational Decree number 24".
"Which one's that again?" Clint mumbled to Natasha.
"A club has been formed," Steve said looking around the room. "You sure it's not just a study group, I mean with all the books in here?".
Professor Umbridge stiffened as she strongly disliked the Muggles being in the school to begin with and now they were questioning her. She said, "I have it on good authority, and there's a witness".
"Who?" Natasha questioned.
"That doesn't matter this moment in time, what does is finding those children," Professor Umbridge then left with Filch behind her, the three Avengers then left and closed the doors.
Dahlia, whose arms were now shaking and blood was beginning to drip from her nose, counted to thirty before she said weakly "'mione, go to the door and check if they're gone. Don't worry, they won't be able to see you".
Hermione nodded and stepped past the line of purple light but then noticed some of it stuck with her. She walked to the door before she opened it for a moment, closed it, and said, "they're gone".
Dahlia immediately put her arms down as she collapsed to her knees. Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and the twins rushed to her as Dahlia gasped, "everyone leave, try not to be seen. They'll be checking places close by, try to get back to your common rooms..."
They all nodded and left rather reluctantly, people wanting to ask questions but could tell that Dahlia was too weak to answer them. The Weasleys and Hermione stayed, however, not being able to leave their friend there.
Ron asked, "what the bloody hell was that?"
Ginny hit his arm as the twins began to help Dahlia to stand, seeing that she was having trouble. They put her arms over their shoulders, just as Dahlia mumbled, "not now, I can't explain it now...later".
Hermione said, "let's get her back to the common room before Umbridge comes back".
Ginny opened the door and let the twins walk out with Dahlia as Ron and Hermione walked behind them. Ron couldn't help himself but to ask Hermione as they left the room, "what did she do? That wasn't like any magic I've ever seen. They couldn't see us, and what was she saying? That wasn't any language I've ever heard".
"Shush, Ronald. Whatever she did, it stopped us from being seen but made her weak. She said she would explain later, let's just leave it at that for now," Hermione answered not knowing that hidden in an alcove were three of the Avengers, listening.
As the Gryffindor's vanished from sight, Clint looked to Natasha and said, "looks like you were right about his daughter having an act".
"The fucking saviour," Natasha exclaimed not being able to hide her surprise at the turn of the events.
"Fury's not gonna like this," Steve commented, "we have to get back and tell the others". They nodded then left the alcove to inform their teammates that the girl who was destined to save the world was also the daughter of the man who tried to take it over.
Half an hour later and the clock had just struck past nine. The Weasleys, Hermione, and Dahlia were all sat in the common room with a blanket over Dahlia and a warm drink of hot chocolate. She was still shaking from the use of magic, the blood from her nose now cleaned away. She sat leaning against the side of the fire as her drink was in front of her, the flames keeping it warm while everyone else sat on the couch and chairs. Apart from them, there was no one else in the common room. They hadn't discussed what had happened as they just wanted Dahlia to stop shaking, but even after she claimed that she wasn't cold, they wrapped her in a blanket and placed her in front of the fire.
Dahlia knew with the glances they were passing between one another that they wanted to ask so she decided to break the silence and said, "it's a very old kind of magic, it's in my blood," they all looked to Dahlia, relieved that she finally spoke and they didn't have to ask. "I found out about it at the end of first year and began to learn, but it takes practise and I can't rush myself, just like you can't with your magical core. Too much at once has an effect on you".
"The blood?" Hermione questioned.
"Yeah, that's what happens. I didn't turn everyone invisible, I made an illusion so that no one could see us. I've never done anything as powerful as that. I was shielding almost thirty people and I had no idea how many people would be coming into the room so I had to make it so anyone who walked past would see the illusion. I'm not supposed to do that much. I haven't trained enough for it". Dahlia stared intently at her mug of hot chocolate and said, "one of the first things that I have learned was to levitate droplets of water. I used to use my hand but I could eventually do it without it...now, I can't get a single droplet up".
"What's wrong with it?" The twins asked.
"I've exhausted myself and my powers, for now I can barely use them," she removed one hand from underneath the blanket and held it out to the cup, she focused for a moment and luckily two drops began to float. She smiled but the others gasped and she said, "however, I should be back to normal in a couple of days". She put her hand back down and the droplets followed.
"You said it was in your blood," Ginny said, "does that mean one of your parents could do it?"
They could all tell that Dahlia stiffened as she shifted to face them more and she said seriously, "listen, I need to tell you something but I need you to promise me you won't tell anyone-"
"Promise," the twins said.
"More than that...I need you all to take the unbreakable vow".
"Don't you trust us?" Ron asked offended.
"It's not that," Dahlia said defensively, "they're people in this castle I don't trust, people that would kill me if they knew who I am".
They all agreed and took the vow of silence, Ron slightly reluctant, feeling betrayal that Dahlia hadn't told them before and that she didn't trust them to keep quiet about it. He eventually took it but Dahlia got the feeling it was only because he was afraid of missing out on the secret.
The vows had been taken so she said, "at the end of the school year I'm leaving and I'm not coming back".
"What?" They all exclaimed.
"What about school?" Hermione asked.
"What about the war?" Ron asked.
"I'm leaving so I can learn more about my other kind of magic, I'll still be studying this kind of magic too but it'll be different. It's not safe for me to be here and I don't just mean Voldemort but Dumbledore-" Dahlia answered but it was interrupted.
"What's he done?" Ginny questioned.
"Lies and secrets. The things he tells people may be for the greater good but he's putting others in danger. I need to destroy Voldemort myself and to do that, I need to leave. I won't be alone, my sister and-"
"Sister?" George asked.
"What sister?" Fred questioned.
Dahlia sighed and ran a hand through her hair as she said, "I should have probably gotten to big part of my story first, it would have made more sense. First part, James Potter isn't-"
"Guys, Umbridge wants everyone in the hall," the portrait opened and Angelina Johnson came in and said.
"Why?" Ron asked. "It's almost curfew".
Angelina shrugged and said, "I don't know but she's demanding everyone to go there now," Angelina ran to the stairs and began to shout for those in the rooms to come down and get down to the hall. It was no surprise when most of the people that came down were the younger years.
Walking to the hall, they ran into Cho Chang who said, "she didn't mean to do it. She was just scared, her mum works at the ministry and-"
"What're you talking about?" Dahlia questioned sharply.
"Marietta," Cho said hesitantly, "she's the one who told Professor Umbridge".
"Bitch," the twins said.
"She just-"
"Cho, tell me everything now," Dahlia demanded and grabbed her arm to stop Cho from walking into the great hall.
"She...she told Professor Umbridge that something was happening in the Room of Requirement, that there was a meeting and she...she said your name. Dahlia, something's happened to her. Her face, she has all these pimples and it spells 'sneak'".
"That'll teach her not to betray us," Hermione said smiling confidently that the spell worked.
"You said she only said my name?" Dahlia asked and Cho nodded, "okay, tell everyone in the DA not to admit to anything. They only know me for now, I don't want anyone else getting in trouble," Cho nodded and left as Dahlia let go.
"We can't let you take the fall for us," George said.
Dahlia nodded, "what's the worst they could do, expel me? Remember, I said I was leaving soon, this just pushed my schedule ahead".
They entered the hall and everyone was stood with their houses facing forwards but what surprised them wasn't that the teachers were stood at the front but the fact that the Minister himself, along with Kingsley, Percy, and the Auror Dawlish, were there. Dahlia glanced to a few members of the DA who were whispering and when they caught eyes, they nodded, knowing not to do anything.
While the professors, even Dumbledore, stood back, the Minster stood in the centre and said, "you're all probably wondering why you've been brought in here at this time. It has come to our attention that a group of students have broken not only a school rule but also a Ministry decree. I'm sure you all know how severe this is, which is why I am here...now, we've been given the name of one student involved in this illegal group, but I am willing to give the students who are a part of this group a chance to step forward now. The consequences will not be as severe, simple detention, if you step forward now..."
No one stepped forward for several minutes but everyone seemed to be looking around to see if anyone actually did. Some students in wonder at who were part of this group and others in suspense. Most of the staff seemed to behave in a similar way, except Professor's McGonagall, Dumbledore, and Umbridge. The latter looking more in a thrill of excitement than concerned but that didn't surprise anyone. Knowing such a group existed only proved to show that Professor Dumbledore couldn't control his students.
"Very well," Fudge said and gestured to Dawlish. Dawlish then walked along the centre line of the room, stopped when it came to the Gryffindor students, and pointed Dahlia out before grabbing her arm. Everyone began to whisper as Dawlish brought her forward and Fudge said, "Dahlia Potter, your name has been given for the person responsible for creating this group, the leader. For creating an illegal organisation, you could face expulsion and that means the destruction of your wand".
Professor Dumbledore stepped forward and said, "Cornelius-"
Dahlia interrupted him, "I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't created any organisation, in case you didn't know, I'm doing my Owls and they tend to take up most of my time".
"You claim this is the first you've heard of any organisation being formed?" He asked and as Dahlia was about to answer, he held up his hand to stop her and said, "be aware, we have a witness".
"Yes," Dahlia answered, pulled her arm out of Dawlish's grip, and stared at Fudge confidently.
Professor Umbridge then let off one of her usual sweet laughs and said, "you must remember the report I sent you six months ago, Minister. Potter was spotted with a group of students in the Hog's Head. I have a testimony stating that that she was seen and the purpose of the meeting then was to recruit students to join the organisation Potter had created".
Fudge walked away from Dahlia and walked along the pathway between the students and said, "Miss Potter has sealed her fate by not only lying, but by creating this organisation. I urge those of this organisation to step forward and you will not receive the same fate. If you are discovered after this though, you will receive the same fate as miss Potter".
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