《The Unknown》Chapter 16: Hogwarts
Being back at Hogwarts didn't feel the same to Dahlia, it didn't feel like home. Enemies lurked at every corner, especially the Slytherins who Dahlia knew were being recruited. It wasn't the death of Cedric or the return of Voldemort that made her look at Hogwarts differently, it was her time in Niflheim. Being in a place where there was peace, where no one wanted to harm her, where she and her sister could be together, that was home. If you had told her when she was 11 that she would eventually look to the realm of the dead as home, she would have laughed in your face and recommended to go to St Mungos, but times had changed; discoveries and truths had been revealed. She loved Hogwarts, it was where she met her friends, it was the beginning of the life away from the Dursleys, a connection to her mother, but with every passing day knowing of the dangers, of the secrets hidden from her by a man she trusted, people in the Order she trusted, it only made the longing to leave more. Familiarity was there though, even in the form of the Thestrals that pulled the carriages to the castle. At first, Dahlia was surprised to see them but then remembered that her sister told her that there was a Hogwarts herd. It did, however, make her think of Eclipse and how Dahlia had to leave her. It made her worry that Eclipse would feel she was abandoned by her rider and mistress, as Thestrals only have one. Dahlia prayed that someone would manage to get Eclipse to ride outside the city, or else she wouldn't have much room to run.
At the start of term feast, the Sorting Hay sung a new song like always but this time the song made Dahlia nervous. It was as if the Hat was trying to warn them about friends being divided and being united by a common goal, could have meant both light and dark.
"In times of old, when I was new,
And Hogwarts barely started,
The founders of our noble school
Thought never to be parted.
United by a common goal,
They had the selfsame yearning
To make the world's best magic school
And pass along their learning.
"Together we will build and teach"
The four good friends decided.
And never did they dream that they
Might some day be divided.
For were there such friends anywhere
As Slytherin and Gryffindor?
Unless it was the second pair
Of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw,
So how could it have gone so wrong?
How could such friendships fail?
Why, I was there, so I can tell
The whole sad, sorry tale.
Said Slytherin, "We'll teach just those
Whose ancestry's purest."
Said Ravenclaw, "We'll teach those whose
Intelligence is surest."
Said Gryffindor, "We'll teach all those
With brave deeds to their name."
Said Hufflepuff, "I'll teach the lot
And treat them just the same."
These differences caused little strife
When first they came to light.
For each of the four founders had
A house in which they might
Take only those they wanted, so,
For instance, Slytherin
Took only pure-blood wizards
Of great cunning just like him.
And only those of sharpest mind
Were taught by Ravenclaw
While the bravest and the boldest
Went to daring Gryffindor.
Good Hufflepuff, she took the rest
and taught them all she knew,
Thus, the houses and their founders
Maintained friendships firm and true.
So Hogwarts worked in harmony
for several happy years,
but then discord crept among us
feeding on our faults and fears.
The Houses that, like pillars four
had once held up our school
now turned upon each other and
divided, sought to rule.
And for a while it seemed the school
must meet an early end.
what with duelling and with fighting
and the clash of friend on friend.
And at last there came a morning
when old Slytherin departed
and though the fighting then died out
he left us quite downhearted.
And never since the founders four
were whittled down to three
have the Houses been united
as they once were meant to be.
And now the Sorting Hat is here
and you all know the score:
I sort you into Houses
because that is what I'm for.
But this year I'll go further,
listen closely to my song:
though condemned I am to split you
still I worry that it's wrong,
Though I must fulfil my duty
and must quarter every year
still I wonder whether sorting
may not bring the end I fear.
Oh, know the perils, read the signs,
the warning history shows,
for our Hogwarts is in danger
from external, deadly foes
And we must unite inside her
or we'll crumble from within
I have told you, I have warned you...
let the Sorting now begin.
The children get sorted then Professor Dumbledore begins his speeches. It was the same old speeches about the dark forest and pranks etc, but when he welcomed the new DADA professor, that's when Dahlia's attention was caught.
"Welcome our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge. I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the Professor good luck," Professor Dumbledore said and was about to continue, if not for the short squat women whose face resembled that of a toad. Broad, flabby face and a wide slack mouth, along with a little neck. Her hair mousy brown but was covered by a small pink hat that went with her overall pink tweed outfit.
"She was at my hearing," Dahlia whispered to Hermione, Hermione turned, "she works for Fudge".
"Thank you," a simpering high-pitched voice that was girlish and breathless stated, it was Professor Umbridge. She walked around the table to stand at the front of everyone and gave them a smile which made them all want to turn away in disgust. "Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. How lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me".
Not a single student, or Professor for that matter, was even close to a smile, except for Filch who was by the doors holding Mrs Norris.
"I hope we can be good friends".
"That's likely," the Weasley twins said sarcastically and those around them heard and began to snigger.
"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each Headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, progress of the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected, and prune practises that ought to be prohibited".
She finally then sat back down, and Dahlia couldn't help but smirk at the fact that both Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall didn't look impressed, especially Professor Snape who was sat next to her. Dahlia scanned the table to see all the other teachers bored reactions before she whispered to Hermione, "'Mione, who do you think the six extra chairs are for at the table?"
Hermione shrugged and whispered, "I don't know, I've been thinking the same thing since we came into the Great Hall".
"Now," Professor Dumbledore continued after Professor Umbridge sat down, "this year will be a different year to all those that have passed. You will, all of you, be taught by Muggles as I am adding subjects onto the curriculum".
The entire room went into uproar, many agreeing it was the right idea while some disagreed, and Dahlia could hear from her table Malfoy say, "wait until my father hears about this".
"SILENCE," Professor Dumbledore shouted. "Many years ago, when some of you here were just babies, before some of you were ever born, there was a battle, one that had changed the fate of the world. You see, we are not alone in the universe. There are other worlds, but our community thought it best to shield it from the news. Many of you in here, probably know the tales of the day I speak".
Whispers of "New York", "the Avengers" and "Loki" were being whispered around the room and although all Muggle-borns, the majority of half-bloods, and surprisingly the odd pureblood knew what the headmaster was talking about, there were some that didn't. Some that began to whisper to others to try to understand. Draco and his friends were some of them and asked around.
"A battle that involved gods and magic outside of our world and it wasn't witches and wizards that saved the world, no, it was Muggles. These Muggles have come from America to teach, please welcome the group best known as The Avengers".
Dahlia clenched her fists, her heart skipped a beat and she didn't need to look into a mirror to know that she had paled as each members of the Avengers walked out from the side doors and stood in front of the school. They were dressed in Muggle clothing, even Thor who she loathed most among them all. She hated them for what they did to her father, for imprisoning him when he was only grieving. It would have only taken one person, one single being no matter where their origin, whether that be Asgard or Midgard, to ask her father why he was trying to take over Midgard. Why he did what he did and to look past the lies he told about wanting to become King, to see that there was another reason. One that caused him immense agony, that even the thought of it caused him suffering. Many would have believed that Thor would have been able to tell his lies, as they grew up together, but not even the man who called himself his brother could tell his pain. That's why she hated Thor so much, because he should have been able to tell but he didn't.
The Avengers stood together at the front as Professor Dumbledore said, "welcome, welcome. This is Professor Anthony Stark and Professor Robert Banner who will be teaching science and technology. Professor Thor Odinson and Professor Steven Rogers who will be teaching history, current events of the Muggle world, and about realms. Finally, Professor Clinton Barton and Professor Natasha Romanoff who will be teaching sports and self-defence. I hope you will all join me in welcoming the new Professors and embrace what they're teaching".
Professor Dumbledore clapped, as did many in the hall, as the Avengers took a bow and sat down. Professor Dumbledore then made the food appear and everyone dug in, except one. "'Lia, aren't you eating?" Hermione asked.
Dahlia snapped out of her thoughts and said, "yeah, of course. Sorry, lost in thought". She then began to reach for small portions of food and put them onto her plate. She began to eat a few grapes and tried to communicate with her sister, "Hela...Hela, can you hear me?... Sister, I need you".
"I am here, little sister, you do not have to worry," Hela finally answered, "what bothers you?"
"Avengers are at Hogwarts, they're here".
"WHAT?" Hela shouted.
"Dumbledore has just announced that they are here to teach us more about the Muggle world". Dahlialooked around the Great Hall, so it didn't look like she was staring into space and saw that the Avengers were talking amongst themselves. "They're sat right in front of me. What do I do? Do you think they know?"
"There are two possibilities. They rather know about you or they have been brought in because of the war. You said Muggles died last time?"
"Yes. The Muggles almost got involved because of all the deaths that happened in their world".
"I do not see any way they could know about you. They must be there to monitor the war, so no Muggles are in danger".
"It is possible".
Dahlia could sense that her sister sighed at what she said next, "however, I'd feel better if you returned to Niflheim. I don't like the idea of them being so close to you, no matter their intentions".
"No," Dahlia said, "if I leave, it will look suspicious to everyone, not just to the Avengers. The best thing I can do is stay here and I might be able to find out why they're really here"
"I'd put that on the bottom of the best things you can do list. Sister, please".
"I can do it. I won't be driven from the castle because they're here. I won't be a coward and run".
"Gryffindor stubbornness," Hela hissed. "Fine, I'll allow you to stay but I want you to contact me every day. Even if it's just before you go to bed, to say that everything is okay".
Dahlia rolled her eyes and said, "yes, Queen overprotectiveness".
"Dahlia," Hela said softly, "don't hide your emotions from me, I know they make you feel uncomfortable. I know, you never wished to meet them".
"I can handle it".
"I know...don't let them get to you. If you ever need me, I'll be there. Carry your blade with you always, be safe and be strong".
"I will".
At the Professors table, most of the staff were talking about the new school year or getting to know their new colleagues. Natasha and Clint, however, sat at the end of the table and were talking quietly amongst themselves, while their teammates found out more about the school. Clint said quietly, "well, that's the introduction. Looks like the first plan didn't work".
"No one took your first plan seriously," Natasha teased, "did you really think she would get up and run when she saw us?"
Clint shrugged and said, "not the most unlikely thing, let's be honest. Looks like we're gonna have to sort through the kids and look for pure evil".
"Not exactly," Natasha said as she ate, "remember when you first met me?"
"Sphinx in a green dress who charmed an entire room," Clint commented, "that part or the part of us fighting on the roof".
"What I'm saying," she said seriously, "is that, if you hadn't read the file on me, if you weren't sent to kill me, would you have thought from just my appearance that I was a master assassin?" He shook his head. "Exactly. If she's smart and cunning, she'll act the opposite of what we believe her to be".
He sighed, "why do I think we'll be here longer than I thought?"
"Because this is Loki's daughter, I doubt she's going to make this easy".
Everyone went to the dormitories to get ready for bed and the new year that awaited them at Hogwarts. Entering the fifth-year girls Gryffindor dorm room, Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil were talking on Lavender's bed while Fay Dunbar and Louise Rowtree were putting their things away and talking quietly. Dahlia wished that Hermione was with her as it seemed conversations seemed to stop when she entered the room, but Hermione was busy with the first-years. She sat on her bed as she began to arrange some of her things and asked, "good holidays?" To Louise.
Louise nodded, "alright".
"Better than Seamus' anyway," Lavender commented.
"Why?" Dahlia asked, "what happened?"
Lavender stood from her bed as Fay said, "don't, Lavender".
Lavender stood close to Dahlia's bed as she crossed her arms and said, "Seamus' mum didn't want him coming back this year, all because of you. Because of you and Dumbledore. She read the Daily Prophet and-"
"So, she believes I'm a liar and Dumbledore a fool".
"Well, they're not the only ones. What really happened the night Cedric died?"
"Why don't you just read the Prophet? That'll tell you all, what they want you to believe," Dahlia almost snapped.
"Don't talk to me like that".
"I'll talk to you however I like. If anyone has a problem with sharing dormitories with me, go to Professor McGonagall," her temper rising, "see if she'll have you moved somewhere else".
"What's going on?" Hermione asked entering the room.
"She's mad, that's what," Lavender said pointing to Dahlia.
"They believe the Prophet," Dahlia said.
"Do you?" Lavender asked Hermione. "Do you believe everything this one says?"
"Yes, I do. Not everything the Prophet writes is the truth-"
"Then you're mad. Just as she is, you're all mad".
"I'm also a prefect," Hermione had to resort to using her authority, "so unless you or anyone else wants a detention, be quiet and keep your opinions to yourself". Lavender scoffed but didn't say anything and glared at Hermione as she walked to her bed.
Dahlia put all her things away and took off her belt that had a wand holster on the left and a pocket at the back to hide her dagger. She brought it in Diagon Alley and paid for the man's silence too. She put the dagger under her pillow, after finally changing into her pyjamas and going to sleep. As she tried to fall asleep, she thought on Lavender's words and wondered exactly how many people would fight when it came to Voldemort. Would it be too late when the war comes for people to believe? Or would they believe in time to stand together and fight?
The next morning Dahlia woke up early, 5:45 am, wanting to do some exercise and keep her promise to Akio that she wouldn't become like an average teenager and do nothing, that she would keep healthy. Getting into some black leggings, a red tank top and trainers, along with putting her hair up, it was finally time to leave and luckily enough, it was almost 6am; the time that students could leave their common rooms.
Running out of the common room, some of the paintings were only just waking up. They stared at Dahlia confused but didn't question why she was up so early, as she ran right past each one and outside. She ran around the castle, past the greenhouse, the lake, and was near Hagrid's hut when she realised she wasn't alone in her jogging. She stopped not too far away from the hut and saw both Black Widow and Hawkeye not too far behind her in their own jogging gear.
"Hey, kid. Didn't expect anyone to be up this early," Clint said as he and Natasha stopped. "Usually kids your age stay in bed".
Dahlia shrugged and said, "I'd rather run. It helps me clear my mind".
"You're Dahlia Potter," Natasha said bluntly and when Dahlia looked at her, Natasha pointed to her head where the scar was showing.
Dahlia looked anywhere but at them, not liking when people pointed out her scar. Clint then said noticing how uncomfortable she was, "Hey, kid, we're not judging or anything. We had to read about this world before we came into it, you're a big part of its current history".
"All because my parents sacrificed themselves to a psycho," she hissed as she looked back up to them. She shifted where she stood and said, "sorry".
"It's okay," Natasha said, "war affects everyone, especially kids".
"You believe he's back?" Dahlia questioned, knowing if they did their research, then they would know of the accusations against her and Professor Dumbledore.
Clint and Natasha glanced at each other for a moment before Clint said, "either way, you kids need protecting".
"So that's why you're here," Dahlia smiled slightly as the scales were tipping in the reasons for them being there was the war and not her. "No one believes you're simply here the teach us. The Avengers our teachers? Please, we're kids but we're not stupid. Even some of the purebloods, who've never heard about you, are wondering why the hell you're here".
"Guess it was too much to ask for you kids to believe us. Hopefully, being taught by us, you can defend yourself in physical attacks and maybe convince some of those prejudiced kids that their magic isn't stolen from Muggles," Clint said and ended with a laugh as Natasha shook her head.
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Oh, does it sound familiar? That's not really a surprise. After my death, God, bored by watching the worlds, choose to send me to a new world. I wonder does he know this is an over-used trope? Oh well, I will be alright. For now, let's find my first event. I'm sure it's around here somewhere. "It's like a trope wrapped in a cliché." "It's great and despite the ''over-used trope'' actually original." "Refreshing, dare I say pretty original too." "One hell of a plot twist." MAY CONTAIN BLATANT FANSERVICE. 15+ Suggested.
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// DUNGEON Mechanics will start to appear around chapter 100+/Arc 3 of the story! \ Avan, a 25-year-old young man, is torn from his rather boring life. He awakens in Aorus, a world full of magic, monsters and dungeons. By a stroke of luck and an ominous skill called "Potential", he awakens a new class never seen before called Dungeonheart (Human). Dungeons, although sentient, are never sapient nor mobile. Join Avan as he pursues his passion for healing and martial arts, and building his very own dungeon at the same time. He’s the hybrid of a moving dungeon and a healer. "Healing Dungeon" will include City building, strategy, very little romance, exploration of the world of Aorus, and a touch of power levelling. (There are elements from other fantasy novels, as well as anime, games, and more). What will all be possible with a dungeon that can move, but still brings some of the familiar dungeon mechanics along for its journey? -- Please note that the beginning and thus the first chapters were really my first writing works in english, and can only be rewritten at a later time (lack of time in favor for new chapters) --(The writing style and also the story improves VERY much from the 12th chapter at the latest! Proofreading is available, but I depend on any well-intentioned advice from you guys). If you have any questions, suggestions, constructive criticism, or just because you feel like it, feel free to leave me a comment below the respective chapters!For every positive and serious review or rating, I am infinitely grateful! ;) I am a creature of few words and the beginning is therefore a little faster than I would have liked it now in retrospect. Please do not expect huge paraphrases and descriptions of the environments, but only what is really necessary to get into the scene. Cheers and hopefully see you in the comment section.
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For the Taking
Mates are gifts. Mates are two halves of a shared soul.Mates were created for each other.So then why was I cursed? Why am I unable to shift let alone find my mate?It's been nearly five years since the time I should have been able to shift. I have long given up on the fact that I was defective and broken. I had two werewolf parents, but it didn't matter, I was still human.Over the years I've kept myself in the shadows of my own pack. I was unwelcomed and didn't belong. I was the black sheep. No one wanted a weak link in the pack and I, to them, was a weak member, unable to pull their load. If I couldn't pull my load and I had nothing to really offer my own pack, they soon saw me as a nuisance. Just another mouth to feed. I was a shameful excuse for a werewolf. ~A mate is a target.A mate is easy prey.A mate is the quickest way to weaken an alpha.So, when I laid my eyes on her I wanted nothing more than to reject her, but I couldn't, not while he had his hand wrapped around her throat. I couldn't let him, or anyone know who she was to me. I had to take her with me where I could keep an eye on her from a distance. But I should have known that distance was subjective. She'd be the death of me.Updated: Weekly⚠️Mature Content⚠️
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