《The Unknown》Chapter 10: Birthday Ball
The day of the ball came and the whole kingdom was hectic. The celebrations would start inside the castle in the ballroom, where only those with an invite could come, then it would be moved outside where anyone could come. Dahlia had one request though: that the children at the orphanages, where she had been helping out, could come and celebrate. She knew they wouldn't miss out on the celebrations but wanted them close so they could get the full feel of the heart of the celebration.
It was four hours before the celebration was due to start at 6pm, and Madame Caivano and Ishra had finally arrived with their dresses. Madame Caivano held Hela's while Ishra held Dahlia's and they opened the zippers which they were concealed in and the dresses were revealed. Hela had a black dress with a tight bodice with thousands of diamonds on, and then it went out at the waist with the diamonds going down in spikes but stopped after half a metre. It gave the dress at the top a silver look, with some hints of blue like Hela's magic. It was strapless and had a low back.
Dahlia's was similar but individual to her, it was strapless but didn't have a low back like her sister's as Madame Caivano was reminded by her adopted daughter that the princess was only a child, only 14. Almost all of her bodice was covered in small purple diamonds, but just below her chest area was a strip of black, the fabric underneath, and then in the centre was a cluster of white diamonds to make a tight rhombus shape. The dress puffed out slightly as it got to the waist, showing off the dark purple fabric underneath but with a thin layer of black over so the purple wasn't too bright with little diamonds appointed in different places after the waist so it wasn't completely plain on the bottom end.
Madame Caivano said, "Made from the finest silk in this realm, and between the two dresses there are more than 120,000 diamonds".
"It's beautiful," Dahlia gasped, smiling whilst reaching out for her dress.
Ishra handed her the dress and said smiling, "I'm glad you like it".
"Like it? I love it".
Hela smiled at Madame Caivano and said, "Madame Caivano, you've outdone yourself once again. Thank you".
"Anything for my Queen and Princess," she curtsied along with her daughter.
"I hope you enjoy yourself at the ball tonight," Hela said as the dress makers were getting ready to leave.
"I am sure we will. Good day, Milady," they then left.
While Dahlia returned to her room, knowing Eva would be there to begin to get her ready soon, Hela went to her office, promising to be ready in time for the ball. Like Dahlia suspected, Eva was in her room, already preparing her bath but what she didn't expect was the little girl, no older than 2, sat in the middle of her floor playing with a couple of dolls. She looked up when the doors closed and Dahlia saw her brunette hair and blue eyes which contrasted well with her blue skin. "Hi," Dahlia said with a little wave.
Eva then came out of the bathroom and said, "I'm sorry, Dahlia. This is my daughter Lucia. Due to all the arrangements today, I have no one to look after her. I hope it's fine I bring her here, she's really quiet".
Dahlia held up her hand to pause Eva from making up excuses and said, "Eva, it's fine, honestly. You know I like children". Dahlia kneeled down and sat in front of Lucia and said, "Hi, Lucia. Your mummy has told me lots about you. These your dolls?"
Lucia nodded and shyly said, "This one, Zarah, she's a warrior and this ones Peta, a prince". Of course, her speech was better than any ordinary two-year-old, she had after all been dead for many years and even though she wouldn't grow, physically, her speech would improve which was a godsend to parents.
"Really. What's the story you made up?"
Lucia glanced to her mother then back to Dahlia and smiled, deciding she liked the Princess. She said, "Zarah rescues the prince and they fall in love but a dark witch tries to tear them apart".
Dahlia gasped acting, "Then what happened?"
"She made the prince forget but Zarah was really a good witch and made him remember with a kiss".
Dahlia laughed and said, "Like waking up, like sleeping beauty. That's a very nice story".
"Thank you. My momma says you have magic, she says you are good and nice".
Dahlia glanced at Eva who blushed and said, "Yes I have magic". She swiped her hand across the dolls and they slowly began to levitate.
Lucia giggled and reached out for them, hugging the dolls tightly to her chest as Dahlia stopped levitating them. She stood and looked to Eva who said, "Your bath is ready, when you are". Dahlia nodded, handing the dress to Eva while she walked to the bathroom.
Lucia was a quiet child but opened up to Dahlia whilst she was getting ready, as her mother was styling the princess' hair she talked rapidly about what her mother was like, how she would style her hair, even though it wasn't as long as Dahlia's but she still liked the way her mother did it. It took Dahlia three hours to get ready and a further half an hour to decide on what shoes and jewellery to wear with the dress which Eva and Lucia helped with.
She was stood in front of her mirror, admiring the dress, black heels, the tight curly hair with her tiara and carefully added makeup to give her eyes that mysterious look. She also wore a thick diamond bracelet with a matching necklace. She stood in front of the mirror, taking a deep breath as she tried not to be nervous, knowing that members of the Council would be there; high authority figures of each of the realms on Niflheim and of course, some of the old Kings. The last thing she wanted was to embarrass her sister.
A knock was heard on the door and Eva answered it, curtsying as she opened it, then left with her daughter without Dahlia even noticing. "There's nothing to worry about".
Dahlia directed her eyes to the corner of the mirror and saw her sister's reflection. "How'd you know I was worrying?"
"That is what I did, at my first ball".
Dahlia turned and sighed, "I just don't want to embarrass you. You've done all of this for me, I don't want to go out there and embarrass you".
Hela gestured to the bed, where they both sat, and Hela handed her a small box she was holding. "I was going to give this to you later, better now".
Dahlia unwrapped the paper from the box and opened it. Inside was a locket. "I had the blacksmith make it weeks ago, I've just been waiting for the right time to give it to you".
The silver chain was long, if she had put it on, Dahlia knew it would reach slightly below the centre of her chest. It was a circle locket and, on the front, was the Norse symbol for family and six stones, all different colours.
Hela pointed to it and said, "Each one for one of us. Green emerald for papa, ruby for Lily, burgundy was her favourite colour, it was the closest I could get. Clear silver diamond for me, violet diamond for you, dark blue sapphire for Jörmungandr, and finally a dark brown-gold diamond for Fenrir. All of our favourite colours in diamonds". Dahlia bit her lip as she tried not to cry at the gesture, knowing everything she wanted was a family and Hela tried to give her that as close as possible. Wrapping her arm around her shoulder, Hela said, "Open it". Dahlia opened the locket and her heart skipped a beat at the images. On the right side was a picture of her parents, Hela and herself as a baby while on the other was a painted image of Jörmungandr and Fenrir in their human form. "Obviously, we didn't have cameras a thousand years ago, so I had to speak to an artist to paint the picture of our brothers from memory".
"How come you've never shown me this picture?"
"I couldn't find it. I've been looking for it since you arrived," Hela reached to turn the necklace over, onto the back which held her pentacle symbol. She said, "I've had this engraved into the back so that when you go back to Midgard, if you want to practise any of the stronger spells I've taught you without Heimdall detecting you, wear this. Also, I have one similar so we can communicate with each other through our thoughts. If you ever need me, you can call for me".
Dahlia took the necklace completely out of the box and turned, "Please, can you put this on".
Hela laughed for a moment and said, "Are you sure? It doesn't really go with your outfit".
"It's long enough to be hidden in my dress and I don't care if it doesn't go. I want to wear it".
While Hela unclasped the lock, Dahlia carefully lifted up her hair so that her sister could lock it without any trouble. Once done, she put her hair back down and held the locket as she turned to her sister.
"There you go," Hela said, "Now I think we should go, people have started to arrive".
"I thought it started at 6?" Dahlia asked looking to the clock to see that it was only 5:30pm
"It does but there are always those who turn up early and I've been informed that some guests are already here. For balls such as this, we don't greet anyone until everyone arrives so that we can leave a conversation quickly if we don't like the person," this made Dahlia laugh. "But I usually stand on the balcony and watch everyone arrive".
"Let's go," Dahlia jumped slightly off of the bed as her sister did and they linked arms as usual.
Watching on the balcony, Dahlia noticed the different kinds of people that were coming to her ball. It was obvious when it came to each of the appointed leaders of the realms as they had guards with them, even though it wasn't necessary. Many arrived in a thestral and carriage but of course, the thestrals walked instead of flew.
As the people coming in slowly came to a halt, no one else entering the doors, Hela gestured to Dahlia to follow her, knowing the ball would finally begin with their entrance. Going out of the room where the balcony was, they walked through a set of doors which led to the double staircase that was the ballroom. Two guards opened the doors while a servant held a tray with glasses of wine on it. "Only one, remember," Hela commented and Dahlia rolled her eyes like she always did.
They walked out onto the balcony at the top of the staircase and looked over the ballroom and instantly, silence fell. Everyone looked up to them as Hela began her speech, "I want to thank all of you for attending tonight. If any of you know my sister personally, then you will know that her birthday isn't for another seven days but she'll be leaving us tomorrow to return to Midgard. This ball isn't just for her 15th birthday, it's to say goodbye but I hope not for long".
Dahlia stepped closer and held her sisters' hand.
"Now, Dahlia is one of the most annoyingly stubborn but determined people that I know. I remember when she was learning how to walk, she would take a step but would always fall over and scrunch up her nose and get angry that she couldn't do it," Hela laughed and the ballroom followed as Dahlia blushed, "But she got right back up and tried again until she could do it. Everything was a challenge and she took each one with confidence, just like she does today and I'm proud of her for that. But her most memorable quality is her kindness. No matter whoever, or whenever, or whatever the circumstances are, my sister is always there with a smile and a shoulder to cry on if needed. Just ask the children at the orphanages she's been telling stories too. I know that even though her parents aren't here, they're proud of her, as would our brothers be. I just want to say, I love you and happy birthday...now please, raise your glasses, to Dahlia".
"To Dahlia," everyone cheered then drank.
Dahlia, on the other hand, hugged her sister tightly and said, "I love you too".
Hela pulled away after a moment and gestured to the stairs and said, "Go. You have some people waiting for you". Dahlia quickly glanced down the steps to see her grandparents there. "Go, besides, I have someone on my side to meet and dance with," she glanced down the steps beside her to see Falcon at the bottom in a new suit.
Dahlia nodded and winked at her sister before she walked down the stairs, smiling when she made it to the bottom and said, "Grandma, grandpa" and hugged them.
Throughout the ball, Dahlia met many interesting people, especially friends of her grandparents who couldn't help but brag about how much they had heard about her and how it was an honour to finally meet her. Several people asked her to dance but the first honour went to her grandfather. He noticed how nervous and tense she was during the dance and told her that if she continued to be nervous throughout the dancing, she would make mistakes so it was better to relax. Thanks to the advice, she was much more relaxed when she got asked to dance with other people.
After the fifth person asked her to dance, her sister saved her from being asked again by dragging her away as she said, "Sister, I want you to meet someone very important to me".
Pulling her towards an old man with lavished clothing and his posture intact as if he was someone of high importance made Dahlia nervous. He smiled, however, when they stood in front of him and said, "It is an honour to meet you, Princess Dahlia," he bowed and reached for her hand to kiss her knuckles.
Hela quickly said, "Dahlia, this is Alec".
Dahlia quickly smiled and looked to the old King and curtsied as she said, "It is an honour to meet you. I don't know how to thank you enough for what you did for my sister. If there's ever anything I can do for you, just ask. I know my father is grateful".
Alec shrugged it off and said, "I saw the great Queen and woman she would become. She is like a daughter to me and I could not be prouder".
Hela blushed slightly as Alec gestured to her and Dahlia said, "I've seen that for myself while being here".
"You two look very similar though," Alec said, "both qualities from your father but the eyes, they're a different shade of green".
"I have my mum's while she has dad's," Dahlia answered smiling.
"Well, your sister told me all about you when she visited me. It seems like she can't stop talking about you," both girls blushed and he laughed. "You are truly sisters. Hela told me that you've recently acquired a thestral, you are not scared of heights, are you?"
Dahlia immediately shook her head, "I'm the seeker of the Gryffindor quidditch team at my school. The game requires us to fly in the air. My job is to catch a snitch, a ball slightly smaller than a golf ball so that we win. Sometimes the snitch flies really high, so you get used to it. Especially since all my trust is in my broom, I can't afford to be afraid".
"I see you love the game. Tell me about your life on Midgard? I haven't been there since the end of my reign".
"It is okay. The Muggle world and magical world are completely different from one another. It's like entering another world when the summer ends, quite literally".
Hela said, "Well this time you will be literally going back to another world," she laughed and took a sip out of her goblet.
Dahlia rolled her eyes at her sister's attempt at humour and said, "Anyway, I'll be going into my fifth year at Hogwarts when I go back. I have these amazing two best friends Ron and Hermione and they've been with me since I started there. Got into trouble on the odd occasions but other than that..."
He hummed and said, "I've heard about these odd occasions. I think fighting a basilisk and being entered into a tournament that can kill you within a short amount of time is quite odd".
Dahlia looked shocked at her sister who nodded and said, "I trust him, you know I do. He won't tell anyone, least of all father".
"I have given my word," Alec said proudly, "my word is my honour".
Dahlia nodded, "my sister trusts you, so do I".
Alec gave a slight nod then said, "I know some people that want to meet you," he looked to his left and said loudly, "Godric, come meet the princess".
The man called Godric was a tall and muscular man with wavy red hair and a beard to match. Green eyes and peach coloured skin wearing red robes with golden highlights. Two women accompanied him; one was beautiful yet with a strict and intimidating manner. Tall with long black hair, dark eyes, and a dark blue dress. The other woman was the opposite with a round plump form with red hair and blue eyes wearing yellow and had a large smile on her face.
As the three stopped in front of Dahlia, Alec said, "Dahlia, this is-"
"The founders," she mumbled after putting the pieces together, shocked that she was actually meeting them.
Godric gave off a jolly laugh and said, "we have wanted to meet you. We heard you were one of our students at Hogwarts".
Dahlia could only nod, still in shock.
"What we haven't heard is of which house you belong too," Godric said intrigued.
"Godric," Rowena said sternly, as if telling him off.
Helga, however, laughed and said, "I think what our dear friend is trying to ask is, which house do you belong to?"
"I'm a Gryffindor," Dahlia answered.
Godric smiled in victory as Rowena handed over a few coins and Helga rolled her eyes, and said, "pay no attention to them. They bet on which house you belong to, Godric thought his own while Rowena said her own or Salazar's. They have a gambling problem".
"No, we don't," both said which made the four others laugh.
"If it helps, Lady Ravenclaw," Dahlia said, "I was almost sorted into Slytherin. The hat was going to place me there but I argued with it. I ended up being with my friends".
Rowena smirked towards Godric, as if she had won because the hat was going to place her in Slytherin first. She then said, "call me Rowena, you're the Princess, after all".
Dahlia gave a single nod as Godric asked, "so tell us, how is our old school? We only see so much, let's have it from a student's view".
Dahlia answered, "It's great, it is like a second home to me. The only issue is, I don't know what it was like in your time, but there's a strong rivalry between some of the houses. Slytherin and Gryffindor mostly".
Rowena hummed as Helga said, "we are aware and we have witnessed that when we watch over the school. It is a disappointment to see our own houses fight over trivial things".
Narrowing her eyes, Dahlia questioned, "I was told that you three lived in peace but Slytherin didn't?"
The three founders glanced to one another for a moment, specifically Helga and Godric glanced at Rowena while she looked down, and it made Dahlia question whether it right to ask and was there something she said that could upset Rowena. Helga said after a moment, "that is true but for a long time we all lived in peace, even Salazar. It was only in the last few years or so whilst he was at the school did his heart turn when it came to those of non-magical families".
Godric continued, "he did, however, change when we came here and viewed our school. He regretted the decisions he made and his attitude towards Muggle-borns".
"What about the basilisk? The chamber of secrets?" Dahlia questioned.
Rowena jumped to its defence and said, "the basilisk wouldn't hurt anyone unless it was ordered to. It has the potential to hurt everyone but it didn't. It is great for protection and that is what Salazar intended when he brought it to Hogwarts. Believing that it would protect, not harm".
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