《Unknown || Ziam》Sleeping beauty


Zayn woke up later in the afternoon by his phone beeping on the nightstand, signalling that he received a message.

He groaned in annoyance, he hated when something or someone interrupts his beautiful sleep.

He laid there still, trying to go back to sleep and trying to forget that his phone received a message, he didn't care about his phone right now.

He wanted to go back to sleep and dream about Drake, hot guys, rainbows, unicorns and weed. But he can't because his phone dinged again, vibrating rapidly.

"Fucks sakes." He growled, opening his eyes and stretched his arms out to grab his phone.

He was annoyed, who would be texting him so early in the- he sighed when he looked at the time; 2:30pm. "Too early." He mumbled.

He unlocked his phone, rubbing his eyes and opened the messages seeing 4 unread messages from Liam.

He rolled his eyes and opened the messages, sighing softly. He might find Liam very attractive, only if he wasn't always stalking him. Zayn would be asking him out but no, Liam ruined that.

Zayn knows that he fancied Liam, he likes the attention he gives him and he was amused that someone actually had the time to stalk him almost everyday.

hey, sleeping beauty

sleep well?

cannot wait to see you today ;)

kinda miss you ;)

Zayn rolled his eyes again and didn't bother to reply to the messages.

He laid back down and placed his phone back, groaning and dragging the covers over his head.

He doesn't know when Liam was going to pick him up, but he really should start getting ready because he didn't want Liam to walk into his room again, budging in basically.

After 10 minutes of laying there still on his bed with the bed sheets over his face, he finally got up and made his way into the bathroom.


He started up the shower and sighed, looking at himself in the mirror. He ran his fingers through his hair and slid his boxers down.

He stepped in and let out a moan of pleasure as warm water hit his tensed and tired body. 13 hours of sleep, he was still tired as hell.

He really wished he could be able to sleep as much as Sleeping Beauty did but unfortunately he can't because he doesn't have fairy godmothers and a prince charming to come save him and wake him up.

The thought made him sad, he wanted his Prince Charming to come and save him from his stalker but he doesn't have one so that's kinda sad.

Zayn was so damn oblivious, Liam is literally his Prince Charming, but a stalker Prince Charming. Who wouldn't want Liam Payne to be their stalker?

Zayn stepped out after washing and cleaning every inch of his body. He walked back into his room and grabbed out clothes to wear.

Putting on his black jumper that said stay real and the number 10 on it, sliding up his boxer briefs and black jeans.

He grabbed the towel and dried his hair with it, putting on socks and walked towards his closet and grabbed out his black combat boots.

He started doing his hair, styling it up into his regular quiff as usual. He really should do something new with his hair.

He looked at the clock on the nightstand and frowned. It was only 3:10 and he was guessing Liam was going to be here in 20 or either an hour but we never know he probably is here in his house talking to him mum.

That thought terrified him, he didn't like Liam talking to his mum. He does t trust his mum because what if she shows him baby pictures and tells him embarrassing stories.


Zayn widen his eyes and quickly grabbed his phone, walking out of his room.

"Mum?" Zayn called out, making his way towards the kitchen.

"Mu- Liam?" Zayn questioned, slightly surprised and creeped out. He looked around for his mum, wondering where she was.

Liam looked at him a smirk slowly forming on his lips. "Hey, babe. You're mum's at the supermarket. She wanted me to look after the chicken, making sure it doesn't burn or anything."

Zayn cocked an eyebrow and looked at what Liam was doing. He nodded seconds later, remembering that Trisha was having a girls night with her friends.

"Okay? Why didn't you text me?" Zayn asked and walked towards the fridge, grabbing out his favourite drink which was pineapple juice.

Liam watched him and chuckled a bit. "I did." He replied.

Zayn poured himself a cup and glanced at his phone, seeing Liam's messages. "Oh.."

"Liam, why don't you invite your mum over tonight? I want to meet her! Me and my girls are having a girls night, I'm sure she'll have fun." Trisha beamed, clapping her hands together at her amazing idea.

Zayn looked at Liam who had a weird look on his face but the look disappeared within a second.

Liam nodded and smiled at her charmingly. "Of course, I'm sure she'll love to. I'll just quickly text her to see if she's busy or not."

Trisha smiled and nodded her head, giving Zayn a look before placing bottles of wine on the table.

Zayn helped his mum, he couldn't help but glance at Liam every second. He had a weird feeling every time Liam would catch him staring at him.

He would quickly look away and blush, then there's Liam smirking.

"Mum, said she'd love to. I'll give you her number and you can text her if you want?" Liam looked at Trisha.

Trisha smiled and nodded, standing next to Liam and told him her number. Zayn watched them both, leaning on the counter with his arms crossed.

He caught himself smiling at the two, which made him shake his head and drop the smile that was on his face. He really shouldn't be smiling.

"Okay, she'll text you any minute. Zayn, ready to go?" Liam put his phone away and looked over to Zayn.

Zayn sighed and nodded his head, giving his mum a kiss on the cheek. Trisha smiled and looked at the two boys.

"Zayn text me if you're going to stay at Liam's or not, take care boys." Trisha waved at them.

Zayn looked at Trisha with his eyebrow raised and nodded his head after.

Liam chuckled and followed Zayn out of the house with a smirk across his face.

What's on your mind, Liam?

But ooohhh Karen and Trisha??? Yussss

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