《Unknown || Ziam》Not giving up


"I'm not giving up on you, you can say you've had enough but I won't stop."

why are you sad baby boy

I don't like seeing you sad

you deserve to be happy, not sad.

tell me who done this to you. I'll teach them a lesson.

is this about naughty boy, fucking shahid.

I swear if he's the reason you're crying, I'm ending his life.

Please, I'm not in the mood for any of this.

Can you just stop, I beg of you for the 10th time.

No, but seriously. If I find out who made my baby boy cry.

You have no idea what I'm going to do to them. You don't deserve to be sad, yeah.


Don't be like that baby boy, I'm trying to be nice to you.

You're not helping at all

: I guess there's no point of me trying then is there baby boy

But I'm not giving up on you.


Liam is never going to give up until he gets what he wants ;)

And that is Zayn. Obviously..

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