《The Unknown》Chapter 16: The Earth wins
Previously on The Unknown
Realization flashed on all the conscious Olympian's eyes, they now saw the painting that was shown to them not long ago. And now standing with their back to them is a tall man in a black suit and a celestial bronze sword in hand.
Gaia's eyes widened when she saw the man, along with the eyes of the all his former foes, "Jackson!"
Every eye widened and many jaws dropped at the sight of the long dead hero. Percy Jackson was in front of them after over 70 years of being gone. And now he was standing in between them and the most powerful and dangerous enemies they could think of; a gorgon, 4 giants, 3 titans, the mother and father of all monsters, some of their most powerful children and the mother of all of them.
"Jackson!" Kronos called, his scythe in his hands raised to attack. "You are dead. No one has seen your soul in so many years and now you are just an illusion. A final and feeble attempt at that."
"Do you really think that I am an illusion child?" Percy called back, bringing confusion to many of the spectators, even Kronos looked confused. "You will not harm my family, you shall not pass me."
Kronos looked at him strangely, as if he had grown a new head before laughing at this. "You are foolish Jackson, you won't be able to defeat us. We are blessed by the great Lord Order and we are unstoppable." Kronos finished with a smug look. And with that he waved his first attack forward.
"Impossible." Order's shocked expression made the young man chuckle and Chaos to match Order, still in her fallen state. "No...No, you are dead. Chaos, you have always been tremendous at your creations but you have outdone yourself now." Order's face turned to a smirk, looking not at the man before him but at his weakened sister. But then his scrutinizing eyes narrowed at the figure between them. "He actually seems like the same little insolent boy from before."
The young man then smirked, "Oh brother, I am more than just real." A bright black aura began to spread from him, more powerful than the auras coming from either of his siblings.
Order's eyes widened before a blade made of darkness formed in Void's hand and quicker than light his sword swept up slashing across his brother's chest. Order stumbled back, gasping holding his chest, a harsh white blood-like substance leaking out. Void gave another lop sided grin as Order tried to straighten up summoning his own white blade and shield.
"Let us try this then brother," Void challenged, "I am more powerful than anyone can know." Then he rushed forward.
The blades met, sparks of black and white flying off continuously. Order would lock their blades but couldn't hold against the strength of his brother. They were pushing each other but it was obvious that Void was not fighting with all of his strength; that only angered Order more.
"You are getting weak big brother." Void taunted as they locked swords again.
Order pushed off, "But I drained you of all your energy."
Void smirked, "Oh, you did. But I learned my true power. My domains are making more powerful than you could ever be."
"STOP LYING" Order screamed before charging his brother.
Swords clashed and flashed between the two before Order's impatience got the better of him. Order sent a beam of his harsh white energy at Void, but Void simply absorbed the energy into his blade.
"You have no powers that I can't match and beat easily brother." Void claimed.
Order roared again as he started his next charge but he was met by an identical blast that he sent at Void only this one was the darkest of blacks. He was sent hurdling into the side of the same hill that his sister was buried in, only a few yards away from her crater in fact.
"Wh...Who are you, really?" Order stuttered.
"Oh brother, I am the one to beat you. I will be the one to free you from your immortality. I am Void, lord of the faded and king of the void, son of the Unknown." Void called, "Now get up brother, I am not going to fight you while you are in a crater."
And the fight continued, Chaos watching it all but still there were some of Void's words that confused her greatly, who was this 'Unknown'? If they were all siblings then she figured that they had been made from the chaos of the energy and nothing more, she was the first being. Wasn't she?
While Chaos' had her internal musings the battle didn't cease; Order was fighting his hardest, throwing every dirty trick he could think of, even causing some small explosions around Void but Void couldn't be stopped and all he did was use his sword that seemed to absorb all the light around it.
SLASH! CLANG! Void continued his assault on Order, never relenting on his attacks on his brother.
But Order was getting desperate, turning to a new trick he picked up from his sister, creation. And so with a wave of his hand, 4 new beings were born. They were all formed out of the same harsh white light that Order emits.
Void stopped and stepped back to look at his surroundings, he was encircled by these entities all armed with swords, but he didn't falter and he didn't attempt any fancy trick. Void simply began to assault all 5 beings around him, his sword's dark aura absorbing light from all of them, dimming the new entities.
Then a roar was heard, one of anger and pain that broke the concentration of Void, but it also disrupted Order, both glance back to the origin of the sound only to realize that they could not see the creature that was now obviously angry and ready to destroy. But Void didn't stop for long, mumbling something that Order could barely make out, something like "Dad made the big guy angry" but it didn't make any sense. But Void got right back into his swings and Order had to take a defensive barely stopping a near deadly blow.
The clashes continued this way; Void would be nearing victory when Order tried another trick but Void would slap it away and parry, only to continue the cycle. But then Order then began to slow, his tricks stopped and his shine was waning.
Void continued to smash into his brother, not allowing him time to regroup or rest. But he ended his assault with a quick slash, disarming Order and cutting his hand.
Void gave a playful smirk to his brother, holding his sword just under his neck. "So brother, it appears that you lose again. Anything to say for yourself?"
Order held his bleeding appendage while sneering at his younger brother, not saying a word simply glaring at Void.
"Okay then, well now that this is over," Void turned his head to Chaos, "Sis, would you like to get out of that hole, Dad wants to talk to all of us when he is done with his little fight." Chaos' eyes widened along with Orders before they were engulfed in a black flash.
Percy stood there staring at Kronos who had just signaled for the Nemean Lion to charge him, not moving an inch before the last minute. The golden feline pounced, jumping directly at the lone man, with maw open wide. But Percy simply stepped to the side at speeds that were not possible and slashed his sword up in an arc, cutting through the impenetrable coat like it were butter. And the cat burst into fine golden sand.
Kronos went bug eyed at this, along with every other spectator, but Percy acted as calm as ever, stepping back into his original place, staring blankly at Kronos. "Was that all? Ready to surrender?"
Kronos steeled his vision on Percy but did not make a move; it was Alcyoneus who did.
"That was impressive Jackson, but what ever your little sword can cut through, I am invincible in my homeland, fate won't allow me to die where I have been risen. And this time I was brought back here, in Greece." He boasted, his ego stretching higher than his imposing stature.
"Your cousins have nothing on me giant, let us see how you fair." Percy said before leaping into the air, over Alcyoneus' have raised spear, and planted his sword into the giant's temple before sliding down his front, him the giant in two. Alcyoneus' form didn't last though, but instead of crumbling into gems and oil, the giant melted into nothing.
"What are you Jackson? You can't be a god." Koios, the ever so curious titan of knowledge questioned as he stepped closer to look at the man, not thinking of his proximity to the one man that could kill him at this moment.
But before he got his answer Koios' head was promptly lobbed off by Anaklusmos.
Kronos went wide-eyed; there went 3 of his elite army, the strongest and most dangerous of the titan and giant's army. But they couldn't fight Percy one at a time, but not also all at once, too many chances of hurting each other. But in groups the chances were better, but also some were stronger than the rest.
Kronos waved his hand and three more from their ranks charged forward. Echidna led her child the Lernaean Hydra and Medusa towards Percy. But Percy even made quick work of the mother of all monsters and two of the most devastating of her kin. Medusa reached him first, her glare could have frozen almost any who gazed at it, but Percy glared right back before swiftly relieving her of her head. But before the head hit the ground Percy swiped it up in his grip, holing it up to the Echidna's face, but nothing happened.
"So it seems that you are blessed not to be turned to stone." Percy dodged the Hydra's strike, "Oh, well." And with a swift thrust Percy ended the mother, leaving only the original Hydra.
The Hydra continues to bite and snap at Percy with its 9 different heads but Percy dodges all of them with ease and unseen speed. But Percy doesn't let this dance last too long, lighting the beast on fire with some unknown power that no one had expected. But the creature still burned before everyone's eyes as Percy turned again to the now withering force in front of him.
But the death of Echidna did not bode well with her colossal husband; a yell of unmatched anger was unleashed from the hideous maw of Typhon. Most heard a bellow and nothing more but the ones still conscious and of better hearing could make out the cry, "ECHIDNA!"
Percy gave the stone colossus one last once over before leaping up, hopping much like a mountain goat up the son of Gaia. But with every time he landed a new deep and vicious cuts would appear, dripping golden ichor down his leg. Percy wound his way up the beast who was feebly trying to swat at him, mostly hitting himself with his slow moving arms.
When Percy reached his neck he stabbed riptide into his neck and Typhon buckled, the loss of ichor was new alone but his spine was just pierced and he fell. But as he fell his body began to melt just the same as the titans and giants before him, he didn't even strike the ground his body gone completely beforehand.
Percy floated down from his spot up on the colossus, seemingly not noticing the snake crawling up behind him. Right as he landed that mighty Python took one last pull back and struck, Percy not acting in time was swallowed quickly.
The giants and titans watching smiled while Artemis simply glared at the Python, not an action usually used when a beast had just swallowed your fiancé but she knew better than to be worried.
And rightly so, because not to long after the incident a sword sprouted from the stomach of the Python before going in full circle around cutting it in half. As the snake split it revealed a perfectly clean and unscathed Percy Jackson.
"Man, it was dark in there. And can I suggest a tic-tac next time." His signature smirk displayed proudly on his face.
Polybotes roared at this, not at all pleased by the man's humor or well-being, "Enough, I defeated your father, and we can kill you!" and with that Polybotes and Oceanus charged him, trident and sword brandished for the kill.
This was something that Percy had been waiting for, these two were big targets of his, his 'father's' enemies were going to have to pay for what they did to him. So when they were approaching him he could only smirk and prepare for his fun.
Percy brought up his hand, using his powers to change the air above him into water. Both Polybotes and Oceanus saw this on their sprint towards him and grew smirks underestimating the boy's gift of hydro-kinesis compared to Oceanus and the fact that Polybotes could turn it into acid to hurt him.
As Percy watched them running towards him he just lowered his hands bringing the water down onto Polybotes, on contact the clear water got a nauseating green color, signaling the change to acid. But the water didn't stop lowering, completely encroaching on Polybotes, coating his body. But that didn't concern the giant, why would it, he was the creator of it so it won't affect him, right?
Wrong, once the acid had encased his body completely, only leaving his face open to the air; did the hissing sound start with steam rising off the mass of acid. Polybotes looked down at himself seeing thins and feeling it all the same. That is when he released a scream, not even a bellow or yell in pain. No this was a high pitch and girlish scream, especially for a giant that boasts his strength and ability to rule the seas.
Through the green waters his skin could be seen peeling off, layers of scales from his legs were being shed along with his chest and arms. But once a layer would become part of the blob around him another would grow in, a never ending and excruciating process.
Oceanus had frozen in shock, watching his partner in crime was being burned alive by acid of his own creation. But Polybotes saw him though his own pain and tried to call for help.
"Oceanus! Help!" Polybotes managed between his screams. But as he opened his mouth to say more the acid moved from his body, rushing into his open mouth.
Polybotes fell to the ground, trying to gag it out of him, but the acid was now burning him from the inside out and it was not ending quickly.
"Polybotes!" Percy's brought dread to all, his voice so cold and wicked that everyone watching grew a feeling of dread. "I will not let you fade simply, Poseidon was a good father to me, and for what you have done to him and his domain, I will let you suffer." Somehow Percy had managed to be standing above him now in his kneeled down position, "Be gone you vile giant." And with those words Polybotes melted down to the ground leaving nothing behind.
"Now who is left?" Percy turned to the still frozen Oceanus, only to smirk harder, "Oh yes, now I remember." And Oceanus tried to run, fearing the man who had just tortured and killed Polybotes in a way that none could have expected, it was impossible.
Percy shook his head, waving his hand. Oceanus disappeared only to reappear in front of Percy appearing to be frozen again. "Now, Oceanus. Being a coward and hiding in the depth of the ocean in not something I wanted to see. But for your cowardice, I won't fight you." Relief flooded on Oceanus' face while disbelief was visible on all the defenders of Olympus'. But then Percy finished his thought, "No I will simply torture you."
Horror was all that was seen on Oceanus' face as Percy approached him with riptide out and shining.
"Now what do you fear titan of the ocean?" Percy asked, still his ice-cold voice as hard as steel and his eyes more terrifying than the deepest depths of Tartarus. "Let's try this." And Percy lit his sword, casting an evil shadow over his face.
And so the remaining forces on both sides watched as Percy tortured the titan, creating agonizing shrieks to come from him. The way he butchered him with his flaming sword giving all who watched a sickening fascination. But Oceanus' allies watched, as he was butchered, unable to move in different levels of fear and fascination.
And Percy continued his administration of torture it was Gaia that was able to break from her frozen viewing, watching as her son was being tortured. It was painful to watch for her, she was a loving mother that is why she is doing everything that she is. And the woman ran as fast as she could towards Percy and her suffering son. But as she was about to strike Percy from behind she was frozen, not able to move.
Percy slowly turned around and everyone watched as he smiled sadly at the mad mother, "I am sorry my granddaughter." The way Percy sounded was like an old man trying to comfort a grieving woman; he touched her forehead and crumpled to the ground. Her brown hair began lightening but everyone was more interested in Percy as her turned back to Oceanus.
"Allow me to end this boy." And Percy took his flaming blade and cleaved the ocean titan in two before his body disappeared into nothing on the ground.
This broke the remaining three supporters of Order out of their spectating all of them readying their weapons. Porphyrion with his spear held at the ready next to Eurymedon, the olden giant king born from the blood of Ouranus along with the furies, standing at 70 feet tall with a sword at least 40 feet long and Kronos with his scythe poised to attack. The two giant kings moved to the sides of Percy, circling the lone man.
Percy looked at Kronos in the eye, but stayed silent and kept riptide at his side. The combatants remained in this position for 10 minutes. Percy's face just remained blank though, as if challenging them to make him care. All three of the fiends snarled at the calm swordsman in front of them. But what motivated them to pounce was when his stoic face grew the slightest of smirks.
The enraged giant king Eurymedon brought down his sword in a deadly arc while Porphyrion thrusted a fully charged spear towards his abdomen. This pair of attacks was finished by a swipe of Kronos' scythe. But as the attacks met their mark Percy disappeared, both Kronos and Eurymedon receiving volts of electricity through their weapons from 'porpoise boy's attack.
"Well that was exciting." A voice came from behind the three. They whirled around only to find a fully smirking Percy standing unscathed behind them. "Ready for another bout?"
Eurymedon roared in anger, this boy had just insulted their strength and challenged them to a fight. Eurymedon charged at Percy, brandishing his sword high and swinging it about, quickly joined by the equally angry Porphyrion with his electrical spear.
Percy met their stride though, running at them with equal vigor and had his sword ready to strike. In any other situation this scene would be seen as a suicide. One man, tall at 6' 2", charging 2 giants one at 70 feet the other at 60 with weapons drawn at poised. But in this situation it was more likely a suicide mission for the giant kings, fighting a man they saw demolishing their siblings and most likely would kill them just as easily.
Porphyrion threw his spear at the sprinting form of Percy, implanting itself in the ground where Percy would have been, had he not done a flip and landed on the spear. He was running along the still electrified spear with not effect on himself. Percy ran until the tip only to use it like a spring launching him over the giants. But right as he was above Porphyrion Percy plunged riptide down, digging his blade into the scalp of the giant. Porphyrion bellowed in pain, electricity flying off his skin but nothing affected Percy, or at least he didn't show it. But Percy wasn't done there, with a twist of his blade Porphyrion's body shifted to his side, launching lightning at the olden giant king who had his sword primed to split Porphyrion's head if it would rid them of Jackson.
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