《The Cricketer's Verdict》~25~
" I am so sorry.... I would say I got stuck at the long line at a red light but I woke up late. " I walk upto my friends and Manav .
" No one would have believed you if you went on with the former . " Arpit replies giving me a wide smile .
I straighten my dress looking at the venue. A group of people from my law school has taken up the responsibility to organize a Law school reunion. It is exciting but , I was very much into studies , moot courts, parliamentary debates, running for internships and in between all that I was shadowed by it . Now , to the contrary believe that I must have friends who very much were alike now , that is where the mainstream story changes. Manav was the most social person and being his cousin that he loved came with certain advantages. He included me with his group, took me everywhere even when I was not willing but I thank him evevrday for that because I wanted that deep inside but never opened up . It took me time , a relatively slow process but I am there . Arjun spreads my parameters every day , I can be the carefree person that I am because he has my back .
" We all have so many questions . " Shewta asks hugging me .
" I am here to give answers to all your questions. " I widen my arms .
" I am going to begin by saying that you look happy all the time . " Sanya says holding my hand in affection.
" I am really happy Sanya like I am smiling all day long . " I say as my smile widens even further .
" We can see that . " Manav saya bumping his shoulder to mine as I round my arms around his waist .
" Kiara , let's address the elephant in the room ? When am I meeting him? " Arpit says with a delighted look in his eyes . Arjun would be so happy to see that atleast one of my friends is not unaware of his existence.
" To be honest, I want you all to meet him but I wanted to give myself some time in that relationship . " I explain them to which they all nod in affirmation.
" You thought just right . " Priyanshu says tapping the front of the car . He has this habit of tapping the table in fornt of him whenever he is in support just like the parliament.
" Do we have do this ? " Sanya says .
She eyes the batchmates who are entering.
" It won't be bad , we are meeting them after 3 years. Everyone is at a better position, married and we are not college kids anymore. " I try to persuade her .
" I just pray that I do not see some of them , the reunion can go smoothly. " Priyanshu says correcting his tie .
In the beginning of the Law school, Sanya had a disagreement with a girl who came from a wealthy background and the notion that she knew everything. They had a classroom debate at which she failed miserably, pooling her frustration she fought with Sanya . Then an unsaid fight was brewing all the time, which group did better . In a way it was good for all of us because we were pushing ourselves but it got toxic, mentally exhausting after some time. We never got together and some of the girls did say some petty things to back then but topping every class was a nice retaliation without making any noise. They took mere disagreements to their hearts but everyone was a kid back then , not now .
" We should get inside . " Manav says tugging me forward with him .
" When am I meeting my brother - in - law ? " Manav asks me as soon as we start walking .
" So , you are at peace with the fact that I am with someone. " I ask feigning a look at disbelief .
" I am a football fan but when I looked up Arjun Malhotra as saw him in list with the biggest footballers my mind changed. Then I saw his net worth but most importantly I saw you together. You are glowing I must add . " I hug his waist tightly.
" You deserve a man like him . " Manav adds further.
" I am enjoying myself. I love every second with him , I love him . He is my future . " I say as a blush crepts is way onto my face .
" I can see that on your face . " He says rounding his finger at my face .
" I want to meet maa papa . " I say instantly making Manav stop for a second. He knits his brows looking at me .
" You don't have to do that you know . " He tells me with a concerted expression.
" I want to , one last time . " I squeeze his waist to assure him .
" I will tell bhua ( Father's sister ) tomorrow. " Manav says but he does not look impressed with the decision.
" Please do . "
We enter thorugh the hotel lobby towards the banquet hall . Standing at the entrance of the hall , I make my eyes go around .
" Should have agreed with Sanya. " Priyanshu whispers into my ears from the back.
" Its too late now because they have seen us . " Shweta says from behind.
" Most importantly they are looking at you . " Shewta says after 2 seconds. I think I can very much feel the eyes on me .
" Come on , you are famous. " Manav extends his arm for me to take which I do . As we move forward many known faces come around to greet us .
Manav increases his pace to reach at a secluded standing table .
" Some of them are the same peole who used disappear when you needed any help" Manav exclaims with a look of disdain .
" I would say this again but we should have listened to Sanya . " Priyanshu says adjusting his cufflinks.
" Ye nah nikal hi janege aise toh ( They will come out with this pace) . " Sanya says slapping his hands away .
" I think I spoke too soon . Look at all of them , they are jealous . I wouldn't miss this for anything. " Sanya says cheerfully .
" Now , that you point it out , they are jealous of the opportunity she got and many are jealous of who she is in a relationship with . Interesting! . " Shewta says looking aroud the room .
" I say we enjoy ourselves and let them be . " Manav says clapping to get our attention.
" Vartiks Sisodia . " Priyanshu says out of the blue .
" What has gotten into you ? " Sanya says incredulously. Vartika Sisodia is Sanya's arch nemesis. The same girl who lost the debate and turned a simple competition into a full fleged one .
" She is here .. what was I thinking she would be here . " Priyanshu says shaking his head . Sanya , Priyanshu, Manav and Shewta are lawyers whereas Arpit and I are in Judiciary . They see her almost regularly moving around at courts.
" There is a great buffet . " Manav says clapping again .
" Why do we need plummet our moods . We are here to meet our batchmates and enjoy. " Arpit says after quietly listening and observing our surroundings.
" To the most amazing company ... " Manav hoists his water glass in air and we repeat the motion.
" To the most amazing company... " We all say in unison.
" Excuse me , I have to use the rest room . " I nod at my classmates with whom I was talking and slip past the peole smiling at them . Exiting the washroom stall I start washing my hands .
" Kiara , hello. " I turn to look at the entry door and there stood Vartika whose eyes I have been catching all night .
" Hello Vartika , its good to see you . " I smile drying my hands .
" How are you ? You are quite the talk of the night with your case . " She says tilting her head but with a smile on her face . We all are grown ups now and sticking to petty child like competition , coldness was futile.
" I am good and to be honest actually just lucky to get the opportunity its was unexpected. " I say with a genuine smile . If I was not given the case then I would have never met Arjun , it paved our paths to coincide.
" You got lucky with the man too. " She folds her arms on her chest .
" That was just coincidental. " I feel the temperature go down abruptly.
" You think that was a smart move . " I look at her knitting my brows .
" I do not get it ... " I ask quizzically .
" You made a deal with him to save him and in return he helps you climbing the social ladder ...or whatever you plan to do . Kiara , I must say I never thought you would have such brains but you proved us wrong ... and you two put out quite an act . " She gives me a half smile , lifting her hands in air in an appreciating gesture.
" That is not what that happened? " My voice loud and clear.
" You can't fool others . " She says with a little head bobble.
" Vartika , under no circumstances I would take my work as a joke for some puny favours that I do not even need .
What my relation is so not anybody's concern . " I speak with my chin held high .
" I am not accusing just being vocal about what the people in this room are thinking. " She says putting her hands up front.
" If they have any questions , I am more than happy to clear the air . " I say adamantly.
" That is upto you. I think you really got lucky with the case and the man . I was no expecting something like that too happen in wildest dreams but here we are... " Vartika swats her hair from her shoulder.
" I feel like that too . " I reply.
" Enjoy the night . " She says turning around to leave .
" You too. " I speak before she leaves.
It went better than I anticipated .
2 hours into the get together my phone chimes .
" Kiara , he is bald . " Manav whispers into my ears .
" I can very well see that . " I whisper back with a smile plastered on my face .
" Naveen Singhal now has 12 rings ? "
" 12 stones yet he can't get married. "
I say looking at Naveen .
" I think..... " Manav starts but the room goes silent. I look around to find people stalling in their conversations.
" What just happened? " I nudge Manav .
" Jijaji happened . " He says completely turned around so now he is looking at something at the back .
" Kya bol raha hai ( What are you saying) ? " I ask and turn around to be stopped in my movement making me stumble half motion. Manav holds my shoulders to steady me . I blink to clear my vision but that human figure does not disappear. Arjun is standing at the entryway, dressed immaculately in a white button down , black slacks and shiny shoes . He was looking around obviously looking for me but his unexpected presence threw me off guard.
" She is here ... " I hear Manav say beind my back catching Arjun's eyes . He looks at me and smiles in relief. When he is face to face , he throws his arms around me , I hug his waist, squirming myself into his chest. He moves his hand to my waist moving back to look at me .
" Babe , I really tried but I couldn't wait any longer than this to see you . " He speaks into the slient room which went completely still with his declaration. He came for me , he is giving them answers without even saying anything and most importantly he has my back .
" You are the best. " I speak softly into his ears giving him a knowing smile.
" Introduce me to your friends. " Arjun plants his hand on my back. When I turn around Manav is the standing there will a big smile of his face .
" This i.... " I start to say but Arjun cuts me off .
" This must be Manav . It is so good to meet you in person , I have heard so many things about you . " Arjun and Manav dive in for a brotherly hug .
" I have been wanting to meet you too. " Manav says backing away .
" I have come prepared of you want to give me the brother talk . " Arjun says making both of them laugh .
" I will start with , ' if you ever hurt my sister ' . " Manav humorously points his finger at Arjun who in return holds his hands above his head .
" I would never do that , take my word for it . " He says with dedication.
" You passed the test . " Manav exclaims happily taking him in for another hug which was more warm .
" I was really scared for this confrontation . " Arjun whispers into my ears as he takes a step back to stand beside me .
" You did it ! . " We bump our closed fists together.
" Where is Arpit ? " Arjun asks me with an excited glint in his eyes . Obviously.
" Arpit is..... " I look around to find him staring at Arjun with a total awe .
" I think I see him... " Arjun says beside me . He waves at Arpit who finally walks upto us .
" I was happy to hear atleast one of her friends are into cricket. " Arjun takes Arpit into a manly hug .
" This seems surreal. " Arpit says shaking his head .
" I heard your father is also a cricket fan , I can give an autograph for him . "
Arjun says tapping his pocket, searching for a pen.
" He would be thrilled to see that . " Arpit takes our his handkerchief which Arjun signs happily.
" Let's go to a table . We all can talk easily there . " Arjun offers . We walk towards our table where Sanya , Shewta and Priyanshu were already standing . The rest of the event went smoothly and its safe to say Arjun charmed my friends within the first meet by the end of it if felt like he was always a part of our circle .
" I think I am dumb . " Arjun announces as soon as we get into his car .
" Why would you say that ? " I ask placing my seat belt.
" If you deflate someone's tyre then its an offence . " Arjun gasps in disbelief.
" You were talking about so many developments that I had no idea about. " He looks at me with wide eyes .
" That is our field of work . Newspapers are a staple breakfast. " I explain.
" That does not change the fact that I am lacking behind on so many things . "
Arjun shakes his head as we speed down the road .
" Not everyone has all the news . " I tap his shoulder in consolation.
" You are so intelligent. " He shouts looking at me with admiration.
" Thankyou. " I say laughing at his sudden outburst.
" I hope our kids get your brain . " Arjun says softly tapping my head .
" They should be athletic too . " I pipe in .
" They are going to be cricketers. " Arjun spoke like a true south asian who decides what their kid is going to pursue even before they are born .
" I think they should be lawyers. " Making Arjun give me a side glance.
" Atleast we agree that there are going to be more than one child . " Arjun says smiling.
" But we are about to have quite an argument about their careers , they are going to he sports person . " He continues making me break out of my happy bubble.
" No , they are going to pursue law . " I state firmly .
" No , if its a boy he is going to be a cricketer. The girl is going to be a badminton player. " He says mimicking a badminton shot .
" Why an 'if ' in front of a boy ? " I ask knitting my brows .
" Oh we are definitely having a girl . " Arjun nods his head with immense zeal .
" You can't possibly know that . " I throw my hands forward .
" Trust me , I know we are having a girl first but by any chance my intuition is wrong then we are not going to stop until we have a girl . " He places his hand on my stomach which I slap away .
" What is there is no girl even after let's say 4 boys what then ? " I move forward to get closer to him .
" 5 times the charm ? " He asks hopefully.
" That is not even a saying. " I slap his upper arm really hard.
" Why are you beating me ? " He asks innocently , rubbing his bicep using the other hand .
" Let's make a deal ... 2 kids . " I extend my plam towards him which he turns down by turning my hand downwards.
" 4 kids . " He shakes our conjoined hands but I snatch away mine .
" How about we come at a mutual number ? " I offer giving him a luring smile.
" I see what you are doing here ? " He says giving me side glance.
" 3 . Done . Final. Deal ? " I enunciate every word extending my hand . Arjun just looks forward with his brows knitting together .
" Deal . " He laces his fingers with mine which I keep on my lap .
" They are going to be in sports . " Arjun says making my victorious smile falter .
" We have to meet at an mutual ground here too . " I sigh loudly.
" If you are going to say that they should complete law school then I am not agreeing because they are going to be 23 by then . " Arjun turns my idea without even me proposing it .
" But education is important. " I reprimand .
" I am a 1 year college drop out and look I turned out just fine . " He is what now !
" You are not a graduate? " I ask him with disbelief.
" Passed my class 12 that's it . " He shrugs as if it is not a big deal .
" You are a school pass out and that's it ... you don't have a college degree . " I ask again thinking that it must have been an instance of miscommunication.
" That is what a drop out means . " Arjun looks at me pointedly.
" I never saw myself with a mere school pass out. " I bend down to look at his face properly.
" Kiara , mere face pe likha hua nahi milega ki mein college nahi gaya ( It is not written on my face that I have not gone to college ) . " He says softly as I move back in my seat gulping.
" In the future if we fill our kids admission form we have to write you are senior secondary passout . " I can already imagine the horror.
" And then you will write cricketer in the profession coloum . " He adds .
" No wonder you felt dumb being with my friends . " It was supposed to be inside my mind but the look Arjun gave me makes me realise I spoke it out loud .
" You are a great cricketer though... " I plant my face on his cheek with a sugar coated smile .
" Nice try ... " He scoffs.
I don't know what was about the situation, his face , tone but I broke out in a loud string of laughter .
" I am happy to see you are enjoying yourself ... I am feeling just great by the way ." I hear Arjun say this in between my laughs but it only adds up .
" You won't be laughing when our kids choose Cricket over Law ... "
That did it .
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