《The Cricketer's Verdict》~18~
"I am going to say it .. "
" No Karn. Don't do it"
" I cannot take it any longer "
" Nor can I but... " No matter how hard I try to control my body is giving obvious reactions. I cover my mouth to hold the laughter threatening to break out of me.
" I am rocking it! " Kiara exclaims from inside the net as she hits another shot which is as unique as her other shots. No player on this planet could hit that and worse celebrate.
" She's abysmal " Karn sighs deeply and scratches his brow bone.
" She has nothing when it comes to cricket. " I say back. She was not bad she was nothing at this sport.
" But she is enjoying it and she seems happy that is all that matters " I turn my head to look at Karn smiling.
" I am not talking to whipped in love Arjun, I want to talk to the professional cricketer, she is... oh god! " Karn throws his hands in the air as he looks at Kiara's shot. The scoreboard proudly stands at zero .
Cheerily, enthusiastically kiara comes towards us with the bat wrapped between her arms , almost as tall as her .
" This was so much exhilarating. Why did I never tried it ? No wonder you enjoy the sport so much , its easy and fun " She exclaims. My lips thin into a line as I try to control the bubbling laughter .
" I am glad you think this way ." I say slowly keeping a hold of myself .
" Glad ? No no no . What the hell was that ?" Karn stands up and grabs the bat from her for his turn .
" What is that supposed to mean ? I was playing cricket! " Kiara retorts equally pissed .
" That was not cricket Kiara sweetie it was god knows it was nothing " He exclaims the last part. Kiara does not look slightly convinced or clam as a matter of fact . Holding her head high because her height does not support her to intimidate our tall frames , Kiara throws daggers at him.
" I was hitting the ball perfectly . It touched the net ceiling every time . Why are you so sour karn ? " Kiara deadpan says . This is getting interesting each passing second .
" Kiara , you just don't have to hit the ball. It is not just supposed to go higher but longer too . All your shots fell right at your feet and would you look at the score board . " Karn says way too sweetly. That would irritate her .
" I do not have to listen to your insignificant lecture we have a professional cricketer amongst us . What do you say Arjun? " with that said , Kiara turns to me and smiles .
See , that smile right there is something for which would do anything even if I have to call that hopping around playing cricket . Also , there is some different level of satisfaction to irritate karn .
" You were great. Karn is a sour beginner and loser . Don't worry , I am winning anyway " Which is true . Karn might play nice but he is not beating my score.
" Are..re .. this is bullshit. " Karn exclaims and gives me the look as if I have lost my mind .
" yes , indeed . All the words coming our of your mouth are indeed that " Kiara says solemnly.
" Karn , would you take it easy . Its just a game . " I do my bit to pacify the situation which I instigated .
" Ju.. just a game . How could you so easily say its just a game ? Its gully cricket pro . You get 6 runs for breaking windows and guess what you don't have to pay for it or run for your life as soon as it breaks the window . " Karn is damn serious about it . There is so much anguish written on his face , definitely reminiscing how Shalu aunty ran after us when we broke her bedroom balcony door .
" Karn , why don't you take your turn .
Its a serious game I mean .. try to beat me " I try to tone down the tension in the room .
" At last !" Karn exclaims. Passing kiara not before glaring and deliberately bumping her shoulders karn takes his position.
I take a hold or her hands and pull her towards me . Standing in between my legs Kiara starts shaking lightly obviously holding her laughter.
" He is impossible.. kitne kaanch phode tumne padosi ke ( How many neighbourhood windows did you guys break ) ? " Kiara asks . Karn shouts and we both turn to look at him .
" Karn was very bad at aims . Shalu aunty ran after him the most with a chappal ( footwear) in her hand . " Carassing her back I speak softly not to get karn's attention.
" I figured that much. " kiara shrugs . Looking at karn who is busy gloating but still far away from my score.
" He is a sore loser . " I whisper . Kiara smiles widely amd sits beside me .
" I do not remember how we agreed to come here . " kiara scratches her brow bone . I give her the ' I told you so ' look .
" Truth to be told , I enjoyed myself .
How long are you in the country? " Holding a strand out of her pony I twirl it around my fingers .
" 2.5 months of rest but the we have matches in the country. " I smile at her .
" Will it happen in Delhi? " She asks enthusiastically.
" Ofcourse. You are coming . " I am already imagining her at the stadium in my jersey , cheering for me . That is the scene I want to witness.
" I would love to . I never watched any sport live and I would never miss the chance to see you play by my eyes . " Kiara gushes .
" You would also get to go home with me so , it makes you a very special spectator ."
" First time lucky! " Kiara fans her face and laughs .
" My woman would get just the best " I leap forward to kiss her cheeks which has turned crimson.
" We decided being on friends " Kiara teased.
" We are friends, flirting is organic. " I click my finger. Kiara shakes her head in affirmation.
" As a friend, I can wear your Jersey. "
" You will but trust me we won't be friends that long " I speak the truth .
3 months ! No way in hell . Kiara laughs at my serious expression.
" The game was fun . " Karn breaks out moment . He lost well obviously.
" It was wasn't it . " I tease him with a sugar coated smile on my face .
" Moving on , let's grab a few drinks. "
A few? Karn does not do a few drinks. He would drink till it fills up his whole body .
" You have time ? We can grab something to eat . " I ask kiara .
" I am all in . I has a hectic week at the court, I am in mood for some wine . " Kiara nods and grabs her bag .
" What is with you people and wine ? That thing has like 12 % alcohol content. You know what's the real deal , whiskey , neat , 2 ice cubes . This is what a drink it and some grape juice . "
Karn shakes his head in disbelief.
Being brought up in Delhi , punjabi family with our father being the biggest fan of patiala peg there was never any restraints to try alcohol. We had our first drink on our 18 birthday which was made by our father but there has always been a rule to not be a rigorous drunkard or violent. Karn has had experiences of being pissed drunk but he never turned violent or a ruthless addict. I , on the hand chose not to have strong drinks because in my profession, you are slow and you are out ! And then there is this fear of being out of control for your own body .
" You know.... " I start to say but karn cuts me off.
" I know you are an athlete so you can't drink and you should not but , I can show my disappointment to the fact . " Karn shrugs indifferently .
" Shall we ? " I was the last one to stand up .
" Oh we shall . " Karn shakes his head hastily. We walk to our car and karn opens the driver's seat to settle in .
" Can I drive? "
I slowly turn my face to look at kiara looking at us hopefully. Karn has turned stiff in motion to settle in and looks at me .
" Umm ...um its Arjun's car ... I think he should be the one to decide that . I mean it does not matter to me who drives unless I reach home safely , alive tonight. " Karn is an ass !
Kiara looks at me hopefully and so does karn but for two very different reasons .
" Are you sure? " I ask kiara .
" Yes , I would love to try it . " Kiara gushes . I throw a look at karn who is mouthing ' no ' continuously.
" The car is a tad different , it picks up speed very fast " I try to reason with kiara only for her to get more excited.
" I can manage. Pleaseeee" Not that word. I hear karn sigh loudly looking defeated. My weakness is that I can't say no the people I love , care about and karn knows that given that he has tried to get his way with a single word ' please ' . This is Kiara we are talking about !
Karn gets settled at the back while kiara rushes to the driver's seat . I stride slowly to the passenger seat .
As soon as I close the door , karn pops out from the center space .
" Seat belt laga le Arjun ( put on the seat belt) " I put on my seat belt and turn to face kiara .
" Go easy , slow ok " I hold her shoulder and squeeze.
" I know how to drive really well . Why you two look so scared? " Kiara asks confusingly.
" We never has a female drive us around plus there is no reason to trust your driving skills till now " Karn rumbles from the back seat .
" I understand but how about this ? If I drive well tonight you will allow me to use your cars " Kiara turns her body completely to face karn who snorts as a reaction.
" It is a fair deal " Kiara pushes .
" I guess . " Karn contemplates then says .
" Buckle up ! " With that she revives the engine.
" Arjun , mera dil haath me aa gaya hai( My heart has jumped into my hands ) " Karn exclaims as soon as we park outside our destination .
" That statement is completely exaggerated and unnecessary . Name one instance where I was above the speed limit . " Kiara holds up her index finger .
" You were about to drive straight through a car " Karn whispers harshly . I know his heart is beating wildly just like mine .
" That was an immature student driver .
Ticket kaatni chaiye uski ( He should be given over speeding ticket ) " Kiara imitates karn's tone .
" I guess what matters is that we are here and I am famished. " I break their staring contest.
" And I won ! " Kiara throws karn a smile and gets out of the car .
" Just so know your girlfriend will have access to all your cars " Karn speaks hastily and rushes out of car .
" Saw that one coming. " I mutter to myself. Putting on my glasses , baseball cap I walk out of the car .
Walking into the hotel , we settle on the farthest table . Placing the orders and after eating them we slouch into our chairs . The current situation to put it mildly is ' bad ' . Karn is half asleep , kiara well she is stiff right now. She had one glass on wine so it may be fair to say that it was her limit.
I had already called my driver to pick karn up and deposit him to home whereas I'll drive kiara to her place .
I shake karn to wake him up which he does almost hastily. He is at the stage where his body becomes slow to process. When he sees our driver, he leaps out of seat towards him, wrapping his arms around his shoulders for guidance. One has been taken care of , on to the second.
I wave my hand in front of her face to gain her attention as she is staring at someone's shoe .
" Kiara ... " I shake her a little . She comes out of trance by a jolt and gives me a delightful smile . My lips turn upwards in a smile because she looks gorgeous.
" We have to go . " I hold her wrist and give her a tug .
" I had a nice time tonight. The wine was tasty. " Kiara speaks.
" I had a great time too . Yes , the wine was good now we have to get you home come on . " I pull her hand once more but kiara remains seated .
" What are you thinking? " I ask her softly because it is quite evident that her mind is wandering places .
" You are very handsome " She picks her hand to trace my jaw .
" Thankyou. You know you are the most beautiful woman . " I murmur soflty against her forehead and plant a kiss . She leans into me placing her head on my shoulder.
" I am happy " She speaks so low that if she was not right against my ear I wouldn't hear it . A smile breaks onto my lips and my heart swells . There is no greater feeling in this world than what I feel right now . I wrap my arms around her and bring her closer . I know her past , the life she has lived alone in a new city . I had karn but she had no one . She is happy , my heart swells . I achieved something today , her happiness and I would damn make sure that she stays like this .
" I am a tad fatigued and sleepy. " This time she says a tone louder .
" Come on , let's get you home . " Intertwining our fingers we walk through the lobby to the parking area .
I get seated in the driver's seat after getting kiara in . As soon as we hit the road Kiara shifts in her seat so that her whole body is facing me . I give her a side glance to make sure she is alright.
" Arjun Malhotra , can I ask you a million rupees ( Indian currency) question? " Kiara finally speaks preceding her staring.
" You don't have to ask me to ask out anything? " I reply.
" No it really is a million dollar question ? " Her brows creases then suddenly she laughs.
" Um... something happened? " I give her a glance confused.
" Nah huh.. I was wondering you can afford a million dollar question. " She throws her hands in the air and mouths ' million ' . A laugh breaks out me at her reaction.
" You haven't asked the question yet . " I click my fingers in front of her face .
" I want to see you abs . " This is not I was expecting. Luckily, we stop at a red light . I turn my face to find kiara looking at my chest .
" That wasn't a question. " I tease her .
" I know but what is your answer . " She looks at me hopefully.
" I have no problem in showing my abs to you but we are in car and I am driving. " I point out at the road .
" Can I feel it ? " She asks me hopefully.
Kiara did not stagger while walking nor her speaking skills deteriorate its her tongue that starts speaking her heart and mind . I take her hand and place it on my stomach flexing the muscles there . Her eyes widen as she presses her hand and her fingers roam around.
" That is so strong . " She speaks with shock and awe . The light turns green , I start driving while kiara is feeling my muscles.
" I could see you have a great body through your shirt but this is wow . " A sober kiara would never say that. She earlier said that she never has more than one glass of one and that too occasionally . Looking at it now , I guess one glass does the due work . Kiara removes her hand and goes back to looking at me .
" Do you have another equation which has a hidden demand in it ? " Given her expression it is exactly that .
" Which shampoo do you use ? " This is more unexpected than the last one .
" I umm its some herbal one , karn orders it . Why ? "
" Your hair look shiny and perfectly styled all the time . " Kiara gives my hair an envious look .
" I have a regime and a stylist. " I answer .
" Ohh . " She gives me a nod and settled back into the seat with her body still facing me .
" You know , I had some time to look you up on the internet. " She gives me a thin lipped smile and I instantly know it is not good for me .
" That is good . What did you find ? " I ask curiously.
" Umm let's see. Your birthday, Jersey number , your records and something something . But , one particular slide got my attention. " She lifts her finger pointing one .
" Which one was it ? "
" The ladies of Arjun Malhotra. " Kiara spreads her hands as if showcasing the title for a big budget movie . I knew something like that would come up in the future . Damn the paparazzi!
" There were pictures of you with so many women . " She narrows her eyes at me . I know those pictures would not look good or setlle well but once a picture is out on the internet it stays and the worst is everyone assume the same .
" I am not going to lie that I did not date even one of them , I dated a few women in the past but nothing lasted nore than few months and if you look at the date of post you would find there is no woman except for Illyana for past few years. " I tell her honestly because from the last few years my focus was on my game and I understood the value of having one woman who would become my support system , my peace in the fast marching life . Took me time , patience but now I have her by my side .
" I trust you . You did not have to explain also you look moody in those pictures why is that . " Kiara tilts her head and waits for my answer.
" If I am shooting an ad with any actress or model that company wants extra promotions so they suggest us to appear together at some events . It never excites me but you have to do it so , after some time of going through this I made sure not to get into those promotional activities and half of them are exaggerations . " I shrug off my shoulders.
" That is a faux life , I mean you are feeding lies to the public and your followers. " Kiata points a finger at me .
" Not really fooling the followers because everyone has idea that they are mere PR stunts . " I tell her . The media would link my name but it did not sustain for more than 2 - 3 weeks because I would not appear with that person anymore nor the public takes it seriously. The pictures and news sell views for a certain period of time .
" Home sweet home . " Kiara says as soon as I park right outside the main gate .
" Come on lets get you inside. " I get out and so does kiara without letting me open the door . I remove the paddle from the the iron gate as we walk inside . Standing right in front of the main door kiara turns towards me . I try to subside the urges but decide against it . Bending down I kiss the corner of her mouth.
" What was necessary or you are just evil ? " Kiara throws slits through her eyes at me .
" I guess both . " I smile .
" Good night Arjun" She smiles and says softly .
" Good night Kiara . "
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