《The Cricketer's Verdict》~12~
" Opps " Karn says behind me .
" Malhotra, you have landed yourself in a pickle " Karn shakes his head side to side .
I look at Arjun again who is looking at me all dreamy . I use this chance to admire his features once again . His hair , eyes and would you look at that eyelashes. High cheek bone , chiseled jaw like and you can see the outline of his rock hard abs through that shirt .
He's wearing BLACKKKK !
Black shirt rolled upto his elbows, black slacks and a very prim proper chain which is peeking from inside the shirt . He has left 3 buttons undone giving a glimpse of his cheat .
Arjun comes out if his trance and sits his eyes on Karn .
" Is she real ? " He a asks pointing at me .
Karn puts his hands on my shoulder and shakes me and my whole body shakes.
" 100% orignal "
Arjun sets his eyes on me again and smiles .
" I thought I would never see you again " He says with a sad glint in his eyes giving me an assurance that he indeed was gloomy not it was not just any of my illusions.
" Not going to lie but I had the same thought and then karn came to my door steps and here I am " I say laughing nervously. Where is my confidence? I am behaving like a squealing teen yet again around him . I blame his charm !
" Then we are going to see each other alot "
" I figured that much . He is very persistent and pushy "
" You are going to find yourself at places where you will think how in the world I agree and sometimes worse , how? " He saying shaking his head .
" Should I be scared ? " I asked as my face scrunches.
" We have no idea what will hit you . I cannot wait to see you losing your sanity " He laughs out loud.
" That bad ? " I mean I can imagine the level at which karn's mind operate .
" You have no idea " He says with a serious expression and I cant help but feel a tad scared .
" Kiara , its nice to have to here and I have no words to express how to show my gratitude to you " He says looking me dead in the eye .
" There is n.... " But he cuts me off .
" I naver had anyone except for karn to do anything for me and today what you did for me its that I am in debt to you and you will always have a special place in my life and in my heart even if you don't want to see me again tonight . I also want you to know that I would love to see you again and again "
Arjun's eyes scream gratitude and honesty. I can feel my heart flutter and his words .
" Umm .. I umm ... I just did what my heart wanted and maybe I would like to see you again you know . You are a nice person so different for what I perceive celebrity to be " I say and start fighting with my hands . Oh nice shoes ! I twist my leg to look at it . My examination is stopped by a loud laughter . I look to find Arjun laughing like some maniac .
I give him a werid look .
"You said that out loud and they indeed are good how tall are these things " Arjun bends his waist slightly to look at my heels . I take a step back .
" 3 inches something " I mumble.
He takes a step forward and stands really close to me . He touches my head and brings it forward and my head touches his shoulder.
" 5 inches easily . How does it feel up here ? " He asks with a smirk .
" Are you saying I'm short ? " I give him am impossible look . He just raises his left eyebrow . Who am I kidding ? I am 5 '3 compared to his towering 6 feet something inches .
I pissed off turn to find karn and I find every eyes looking at me . My body goes stiff . What if I look funny ? I can see from the first look that I do not sit well with these people because I can see some actors and everyone is wearing clothes which shout " UNAFFORDABLE " . I shyly turn around only to find Arjun looking at me amusingly.
" You did not tell me I look werid " I hiss at him .
"Because you don't . You are the most beautiful woman here tonight " Arjun says it with a smile . My cheeks feel hott! I am blushing.
" Uhhh ok . Why are they looking at me ? " I asked confused.
" Because you are very beautiful and you came with karn and hanging out with me . You see we are a big deal "
" I don't like attention makes me feel nervous and then I turn clumsy and my tounge fumbles "
" You think you are the only one with insecurity here . Let me " Karn wraps a arm around my shoulder and makes me face the crowd.
" The guy on your right with a blinding blazer has failed college "
" 3 divorces "
" Bald spot which he hides through some wig "
" Her botox got failed and a smile was etched to her face permanently "
And I snort loud . A few people aroud me turn to look at me . Oh god ! So much for not wanting attention .
Arjun makes a snorting sound .
" That's how I laugh " He says smiling. I elbow him in the ribs and he laughs louder .
" I don't want to talk to you that was so humiliating " I hide my face in my palms .
" I won't let you down ever "
Why is he so sweet? I just wanted to follow my heart's desire for one night but he making a permanent mark with every word and gesture.
" Want to dance ? " I look at his extending hand as I remove my hands from my face . I slowly slide my hand into his and he leads me towards the middle of the crowd not turning but he keeps facing me as we walk . We get into position and his hands slides onto my waist and he pulls me even closer making my breath hitch . I look up at him and he's looking at me like something precious. I settle my head on his shoulder and we move with the slow rhythm. Everything feels like perfect . I feel at peace , calm and I feel there is not place better than here , in his arms . Arjun makes me hold tighter and puts his head into my hair . I can feel all the eyes on us but I feel nothing. I feel like I have reached a better place all together. The music stops and we move away from each other .
" People are looking " I say softly .
" Want to get out of here "
" Fast "
Arjun takes intertwines our hands and we move towards the elevator . I can feel eyes burning hole into me . We get down to the parking and settle into his car .
" Where do you want to go ? " Arjun asks me .
" I am famished " I say rubbing my stomach.
" I can't let you stay that way now can I ? "
" You better not "
We hit the road are he's taking me to outside of Delhi.
" Against my better judgement of your's. I still would like to ask , where are we going? "
Arjun erupts into laughter.
" Nahh . You can't give me any money as ransom because karn told me your salary . So , I am not abducting you "
I slap his shoulders hard and he jerks away .
" oww . You hit bad " He says rubbing his shoulder.
" Its not that less and I'm the only person who is dependent on it so its too much for me . But I always wondered, where do you keep your money ? In some basement, a sceret box against a big picture " I turn completely and pull my legs onto the seat and lay in a fetus position.
" You think I have a basement full of money " And he laughs again .
"I meannn , I just heard rich people keep it like that " I murmur.
" I keep it invested in various things or buy real estate and no there is no secret safe or box or passage as a matter of fact . Do you have any idea how much karn earns ? "
" No "
" You wouldn't be asking me that question if you knew . It sometimes makes me dizzy when I see the zeros "
" That muchh ! "
" He had his bathtub imported from Turkey and the drink you had at Mumbai is all imported from all aroud the world "
" My heart is racing " I tap my heart to calm it down .
" He does have that effect " Arjun says with a chuckle.
" Now that you are out of trouble. What are you planning? "
" I had lost all hopes and I was aiming for a different job . But now that I'm out of his and England tour is coming , I'll train "
" When is the England tour ? "
" I have to leave for England in 4 days and a night " He looks at me and smiles as if saying that this night is important.
He's leaving in 4 days . How did the time pass so soon ?
" But there were 30 days of investigation. What if I hadn't done it early ? "
" These tours are decided months ago .
If you would have done the initial investigation on some later date I would have been dropped out "
" Well , I guess you going back into your routine and we'll see less of you " It did made me sad . He's going be himslef . Training, gym , hanging out with rich people, celebrities or mile high in the sky .
" I think I have to make some room for you "
OH OHH OHHH OHHHH . My heart is melting .
" Oh " That's the most I could frame.
" You are my friend and someone very dear to me now , I told you this before and I'm saying it again I'll love to spend time with you and I'll make time for you anyday "
Kiara , your plan to stay away after tonight is all vain . I want to meet him again and again and always . But I chose not to say that .
" I guess given that both of you brothers are persistent , I don't have any other resort "
" No you don't "
I am swaying away every passing minute. This feeling , its alien . I have never felt like this ever but I am happy , content here . I want to have him around like this , I love his company and the certainly like the person beside me . I like everything about him. I never knew what love is but what I feel right now is not love but not something far away from it , I like him and I know it in my heart that if I spend more time with him , I am going to fall for him hard and I'm ready to take that leap .
I am scared to be broken, left alone but that fear subdies with him around and my heart it wants to give it a try . I deserve to be happy even if its for a short time . Experience what it feels like , that zest to see the person , feel him .
We reach a road side home . Arjun opens the door for we and intertwine our hands . I keep my other hand on his arm to walk .
" Me and karn were always you know what they say , a sucker for that old traditional food . Here they make chicken out of a mudpot and its tandoor"
" First chandini chowk and now here . You guys certainly know the hidden gems here"
" Our parents were scared of us . Like where would we go next . We used to dump our driver and go on our own and we did get into an accident where the car got wrecked but we were unharmed. That's when we realized how close we were to death and stopped being reckless "
" Karn's parents were amazing humans"
" They certainly were . No one would keep an unknown kid found on the street at their home and give him all the love . I do not remember my real parents but I know they wouldn't have made any difference "
" Love is thicker than blood "
Arjun turns down upon me and smile .
" It certainly is "
I cannot help but smile at him.
We get into the house and its like a traditional home . Typical Indian charpoys . We settle ourselves on the sitting but because of the dress I'm having trouble sitting. If I sit in the typical Indian style than my dress would reach my waist .
" Here " I look at what Arjun is holding. A hoodie .
" How many of these you have ? " I ask .
" I always keep it with me just in case "
I take the hoodie and put it on my legs as I fold them .
" It has been really long . I was in Australia for almost a month and before that karn and me took a trip to New Zealand to get him some wine "
" Travelling must be nice "
" It is but I do have my limit . I spend half of the year playing and when I am at rest , I do not want to leave my bed "
" I thought no one in this whole world would have life as hectic as mine and now I feel like I just whine like a kid "
Arjun laughs and his phone rings.
" That's my manager " He is talking on the phone about some deal , photos and then he hangs up .
" I have to go to Mumbai tomorrow for some photoshoot " His voice drops down a tone, his shoulders sag .
" I don't believe that I'm having lunch at this place with a celebrity who has a photoshoot tomorrow. I feel special " I fan my face as I say this , almost trying to cheer him and most importantly me .
"You don't need to be with me to feel that , you are special " He says with a sincere smile .
"If you say so " I say that with all the will power I have but inside I'm screaming . Our food arrives and we start digging. I was so hungry that I did not even speak and ate really fast and stopped only when my stomach felt like bursting.
" ughhh this feels so good . I'm about to burst " I bend backwards and rub my stomach.
" I can see you were ravenous "
" I was and this is the best chicken I've ever had . When are we coming back here? "
I just don't know what got into me and said 'we' but I don't mind it as I have prepared myself to give this a chance.
" Whenever you want . I am right here "
Never knew words would make you feel secure, delighted and wanted.
" Its getting late and I have court tomorrow "
"I do have an early flight to catch "
"Umm I don't have any money , I thought we would eat at the party "
I say shyly.
" Keep this in your mind . When you are with me or karn , you don't need to put your hand into your wallet. Let me spoil someone other than that brat"
" I don't feel good about people spending money on me "
" You know how much money we have so just sit back and money used for you is not a waste or any obligation. I want to do that "
" How about we share like one day its you other day its me "
" No . That does not fit well with me a bit " He shakes his head .
" You sure both of you are not real brothers because you guys sure as hell behave like each other "
" People say that alot "
He gets up and gives me his hand to hold and I'm fast in accepting it . We walk back to our car and get on our way .
" You live alone? " Arjun asks me with curiosity.
" Yes "
" Where are do your parents live? "
" Indore , I guess "
" What do you mean by that ? " His forehead creases .
" I came to delhi for college . My parents were just married but they did not look like , they never talked . I had just passed my school and looking for college in Indore but ...umm...one dat I don't know what happened but she just told me get out and never come back . I did not want to be back with her but my maternal grandparents are darlings. They sent me all the money for my college, coaching but I never went back to Indore "
" You are a strong woman and I just somewhere can relate what its must be like . I can see how you have conquered so much in your life , for god sake you are a judge. The most respectable and elite position this country can offer . I pity those parents who could not see you become this beautiful woman inside out " Arjun grabs my hand kisses my knuckles and keeps it on his thigh.
" That means alot Arjun " I squeeze his hand back.
It feels like the most natural thing in the world. Both of us sitting together hand in hand and a comfortable silence stretches in the car . I look at trees, buildings, lights pass by and Arjun rubs the back of my hand with his thumb making me go in my cocoon and rest . He is not a cricketer and I'm not his judge but normal people who had a great time together.
Arjun malhotra, you are conquering my heart piece by piece and its needs no saving now .
This is the last thought in my mind and I drift into a slumber . Next this I know is waking up in his arms at my front door .
" Kiara , the keys " I am so tired and sleepy that his voice is distant , with all the strength I have I just mumble carpet . I hear him laugh and I feel being move forward and being settled in my bed . Arjun covers me with a blanket and I snuggle into it . He removes my shoes and kisses my head and murmurs good night. This indeed is a good night. It has been years since someone has affectionately wished me a good night , kissed my head .
I like him . I like him like crazily.
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