《The Cricketer's Verdict》~10~
12 days ! It has been a fucking week and additional 5 days since that night and still it replays in my mind like it happened moments ago . I had her face in my palms , so close . Her cheeks were squished between my rough plams . For a second I thought I would hurt her , she was that soft . Her eyes , like a doe . She was a true beauty hiding behind those glasses and I was one , lucky ass who got to see it . She was wild but so are all the best flowers. I couldn't help but wonder that has anyone told her how beautiful she is . Whenever me and karn complemented her she would just brush off , never gave a reply .
I had no idea why my mind was messing with me .
" urghhhhhh " . I shout and snatch my hair . This is getting out of hand . I am sitting like a hopeless man from last 7 days . A fucking week ! But I really don't have any hopes , case is so out of my hands . I am thinking how to save my home , made with glass from the stone pelters . People love me but when they find out I am a fixer, all hell will break loose. I should put a spider web kind of structure around the house .
Karn is here . He came to Delhi when I called him at midnight after I couldn't help myself around Kiara. My mind drifts back to our conversation .
I stormed off to the resting room when I saw shetty framed me . I tried so hard to reconcile with him , he was at fault and he knew this but that big bad ego ruined him . He would come up has a friend but there was this mischief in eyes . I cannot imagine he would do something like this to me . Damn ! I was definitely some glasses of wine down to comprehend what he was trying to do and brushed off as a lively conversation. And now I am in deep shit . That little fucker would never come to my rescue. I cannot even let out the reason as to why he has personal grudge against me , it was too much to risk . I accept my defeat! I am never playing cricket again .
" Malhotra, open up " Karn is knocking at the door . I turn the knob and let him enter .
" So , can I get my bat now ? " I try to be casual but in front of whom .
" So that you can trash this place to subdue your emotional turmoil. Nah ! I think I'll pass " He comes a step away from me .
"What are you waiting for ? Pretty girl won't see you " That's my breaking point , I engulf him in a bear hug .
" Its over. Everything I worked for just in a second and I can't do a thing about it "
" When you were alone I came along and when my parents died you did . Someone will come and save our day and I might know who that is "
" Karn , I'm scared "
Karn tightens the embrace and strokes my head like a baby . This man who gives me headache because of his juvenile behaviour is the same person who would care for me as an elder.
" You have nothing to be scared of brother. I am there , fighting with you all the way . I know you won't reconcile with viyaan but I know this for sure that you will be ok . Remember when you had a wrist injury and many thought it was end of your career but I knew it will pass . Similarly, this will be over . I know it ! "
We step away and karn squeezes my shoulders.
" I'm coming to Delhi day after tomorrow. I'll wind up all the work here so there would be no need to fly back for some time "
I just nod . I can't frame any words .
" Kiara , is something . Don't you think?" He watches me with a smile .
He knows !
" Yess , she's nice " I stutter.
" You were holding hands and you never do that . Try to fool somebody else "
" It's just she's different. She had no idea who I was and that was something like dang it , I could be me in front of her . I don't have to be like on camera Arjun malhotra andd and those hair , glasses makes me weak . I don't know what is that I feel but its something alien. I mean I just keep looking at her. She's not an actress or any model or someone who I hang out with , man she's my trial judge but I can't make myself to you knoww feel hostile towards her even when she's mean and hurts my ego to rock bottom. She does not try to be funny but she cracks me up like all the time . She keeps amusing me all the time , she's innocent and had no idea about our world of fame and money . I justtt I don't know and did you see her with those glasses off ! " .
I shout the last line . Like oh my God . Could she get any prettier?
" Ohh wow " Karn says with open mouth.
" I know ! " I exclaim.
" No no . My brother you just ranted and you never do that, that's my thing and yes I took off those glasses and it was too much for my eyes to take "
" I was not ranting " Was I ?
Karn looks as me amusingly. Ok maybe I was .
" I like her alot . She's this so small , outsider for this world and I got this warm vibe from her , I did try coming hard on her but she's too pretty to remain mad at "
" Hardly reaches my chest " Kiara is what 5 '3 or maybe 4 but not an inch taller .
" I knew you would like her "
I was sure that karn will like her . We met women who just tried too hard to be with us but Kiara is not like that and that's what I adore and knew that karn would too .
" Well I gave her my new drink "
And with that karn made an statement. When illyana used to hang out with us , karn would experiment with drinks but never let her have any . We had a large group of friends but no one could meet the line which karn has drawn, kiara did in a minute !
" We have been here for long and she's outside clueless . Come on " We walk out the door and karn keeps his arm around my shoulder .
" You are going to England . Don't stress over and keep training " I was looking down and simply nod .
"Karn , where is my knight in shining armor ?" A week and no one has appeared out of the blue to help me .
Who was that person karn was talking about?
" Malhotra , would you relax . Magic is happening" Karn shouts back from somewhere.
" Can I join as a gym trainer or maybe an underwear model ? " I shout out .
" Why do you need to work ? " He shouts again .
" To earn myself a living " I shout again . Wait , what ? Living , I am getting funnier.
Karn enters my room laughing .
" Yaa , I know that was good " I say .
" That was hilarious " He can stop laughing.
" karn , 5 days are left , mere 5 days before the tour starts . I think I should use this time to pen an apology letter and do you know how to delete an Instagram account. I see there is no option. "
" You have more than 50 million followers, you are not deleting it "
" Well I would love all of them commenting colorful curses when all this comes out "
" Malhotra, take sleeping pills and fucking sleep . I don't want you coming into my room at 2 in the night with this white fluffy blanket of your's wrapped around and make me piss my pants "
I need a goodnight sleep . I have been going to karn's room after tossing around half of the night and wake him up . We talk , well I talk and he sleeps
Nothing to worry about. I am alone just with my thoughts .
My wanders to kiara . When was the last time a person has occupied my mind ? NEVER! . Maybe I was ready to love , to have someone and that's why I am feeling weird towards her . But I don't know what I feel for her , I knew if we met in other circumstances, I would have tried to flirt with her only to be rejected . I feel giddy around her , constant need to impress. All my emotions get into a turmoil . She keeps me in check, I an calm and content around her . She does not try to impress me . I know this for sure that I have begun to feel something for her , I want to have her around me , I like her smile. I like her .
That's it ! I accepted my feelings.
And then something happened with made my surroundings mute .
A text message.
" Arjun , kiara here . I have completed the report and I'll be giving it out tomorrow. I thought I'll tell you this myself, the board will also inform you soon .
I breathe in and out for a few seconds and then I do what should be done.
I take hold of the fluffy wrap it around me and shout.
" Karnnnnnnnnn "
I am trembling. My hands shake , my ears feel red hot , sweat . I see my whole journey as a cricketer flash in front of my eyes . I am nobody now . All the innings where I have failed will be called as gimmick.
" Brother " I glance at karn sitting beside me and he looks just like me but he manages to keep a calm exterior . I can see everything in his eyes .
" Why us ? What did we do to deserve this ? We came a long way to be where we are today but this is being snatched away , as always " I sigh loudly and my head falls .
" I don't know why . We do not deserve this but what won't ever go away is you and me . I have still not lost any hope , you are born to play " I tilt my head upwards to a smiling karn .
" Karn , what if you are wrong? I me .. meann I get banned . No more matches to play , no bat . The thrill to be on the field , thousands chanting.... nothing "
" Well , I always booed so I can make you feel at being the field "
A laugh erupts from my chest .
" How do you manage to be sheild all your emotions and turn it into a wit . I tried taking this traits since forever but I can't. No matter how hard I try ! "
Karn pulls me up into sitting position again .
" All my life, all the people surrounding me said that I am a stone cold bastard. Trying to crack jokes at the lowest of moments. I did that at our parents funreal . Just assuming but never trying to make out why ? I did not see any pain or sorrow in my life before but you came along ,you were that emotional counterpart to me . I juss .. just could not stand you the mess of crying ball you were . I matured way before any human could because I had a reason and that need to see you happy . Some people need to become a stone cold bastard "
I was trying to frame words but I broke into a sobbing ball again . Karn took me in his arms tightly.
" I can be caring and reckless to , just in front of you " karn says .
I just stay still , my arms limb on my sides. Everything flashes in front of my eyes. The day my parents died , running from my cruel relatives, starving the whole day , meeting karn on road side , meeting his parents who eventually became mine too . His parents were very rich and they adopted me . They gave me the best moments I could have if my parents were not deceased , made me follow my dreams and never once they made me feel like a outsider. Karn , the sibling that I never had . They died right after my U - 19 world cup . They came to my every match, wearing my Jersey , loudest at the stadium. I was sure that I am not going to get myself together after this but Karn cared for me like any elder would do . They left everything to me and karn which I abdicated. I could not take that money and that motivated me to work on my game . Karn , took the company to new heights and expanded it overseas. He is a multimillionaire now , so am I . But he is richer like double my net worth , though he spends his money on me and gives 50 % ownership to me and I do the same . I really can't blame people when they think we are together . We have bought real estate with 50-50 rights because this is what our parents would have wanted. Now I am annoyed.
I straight up myself and wipe my tears.
"I want my car back " I say to him sharply.
" Ya, about that . You see ,its gone . You are never getting it back. Now , back to crying "
I stand up to add more weight to my words.
" I need it back. I am serious " I point a finger towards him .
Karn simply waves a hand in the air .
" You sure you don't want anything else like you not getting banned "
That bastard. I dash forward to wring his neck and the guard interrupts us .
" They are ready for you "
That's is it . I dreaded moment is here .
Karn gets up and drags me forward .
" you seem excited to get in " I snap at him .
" Because let's just get it over with "
We are standing right in front of the gate.
" We are getting through this together "
Karn lightly slaps my back and opens the door . I walk slowly to stand in front of the table . Everyone is here and so is Kiara. She's looking down at papers and not even looking up to meet my eyes . I settle in my chair right in front of the director with karn on my right.
Kiara is right beside the director on the other side . She stands up and the room's temperature drops to that of artic .
" Good morning. At first, I would like to give my warm greetings for having me here . I assure you all my investigation is free from any bias , prejudice and not based on any conscience "
I can't even make myself to be angry at her . She is going to announce my doom but I am here gawking at her like a creep ! Her hair are tied into a ponytail , one which is high and weirdly sexy . But her face looks like she has not slept properly for days .
" I also want to extend my support to both the parties for their support and cooperation "
She still is not looking at me .
" First , I contacted all the coaches, trainers that Mr. Malhotra had throughout his journey to get an insight of him "
Mr. Malhotra !!!
Karn taps his hands on my thighs and leans to whisper in my ear .
" Hurts like a little bitch "
I throw a glare at his side . Well , it does hurt . We came on first name basis and now she looks distant and something unattainable.
I do not like it one bit . She is saying something something but I am a world class ass . My career is on the like , no it has crossed the like still I am staring at her .
" I have reached a decision and its accurate and something which is a organic outcome given that we have the evidence "
My lungs contract and my breathing come rigged . I begain to shake , I am gone . BOWLED OUT !
" Arjun nnn "
I hear distant sound of karn calling me but my body is numb . He shakes me and makes me turn towards him .
" Fucking stop zoning out and listen " He points towards the table where kiara is standing . I look towards her and she's carrying a audio recorder.
" I want the board to hear this before I pass my jurisdiction "
The audio plays and the room goes silent.
" I hate that guy . He gets everything he puts his eyes on and has the audacity to beat me . My girl and I can do whatever I want with her but he came to meddle his moral ass and fucking beat me . I wanted revenge and the lured him into saying yes . He thought I was having a lively conversation but no he is too good for his own good "
Kiara stops the audio .
" Mr. Malhotra was falsely framed and attacked. I have made the audio confession reach women safety department and a strict action is being taken against Mr . Shetty "
Karn hugs me and repeats 2 words on loop.
" I told you , told you .... "
I tighten my arms around him.
The board members congratulate me but all I have is my eyes on kiara.
She's picking up the papers and preparing to leave . Even now she's not sparing me a glance . She hurriedly hangs her bag on her shoulder and walks towards the door she's out .
I let go of karn and stand up .
"Go to her go go .. "
I make a run for the elevators . She's getting inside but I run and put my feet in between.
" Kiara ... " I whisper smooth.
She finally looks at me . She looks sad , lone .
" I .. I just can't say enough Thankyou to tell you how greatful I am "
" You should have trusted me with the story "
Her voice sounds broken .
" I was not close to you but just for your sake you should have told me this "
I realise my mistake . To save the identity of the woman I hid it from her because she did not want it to get out but I should have told her. She wanted to help and she went all the way to do that . I just have told her . It is her karn was talking about ? He said he knows someone will help me .
" I'm sorry "
" You have nothing to be sorry about. We are not friends and we just had to come together for sometime and I'm sure we will never ever cross paths again "
It was like a big blow to my heart and all the emotions came crashing down to me . I like her . So much and hearing her say this hurts, I feel this heaviness on my chest and it burns . I want to be with her , talk , walk , laugh , play poker . She's my lucky charm . I can't let her go but I have no right on her.
" Kiaraaa .. I umm " I try to frame some words but my tongue is fumbling.
"My work here is done . Goodbye "
She pushes me lightly and my skin tingles where is touched. I see the door closing and the last thing I see is the broken look and it manages to tear me apart.
How am I going to stop myself from seeing her?
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