《The Cricketer's Verdict》4 ( E )
There is a calm silence.
It surrounds you in a cocoon, a protective shell.
Everything is obliterated.
You feel like the surroundings are moving at a slow pace. The air is breezy and comforting. You feel like the sole human on the planet, with no compulsions, worries, and no relationships which is the biggest farcical notion of the world. Life is a vicious cycle, you get attached and then ....nothing.
You are always on your own, always have, and always will be. Still, you have to wake up every day and get on with your life as if nothing ever happened, no one left you, no one is there to rest your back on, a shoulder to just close your eyes and breathe.
This is until honking eradicates my little heaven. I prop myself on the elbows to look at something hanging right in the center of the room. A suit jacket, a mere jacket. Which has been hanging here for the past 2 days catching my eyes all the time and what it does to me is not normal.
The bride was my friend who got lucky to be married to the love of her life. She was glowing from within, the smile never left her lips. I was happy for my friend, more than happy but it made me have a look into my life. Will I ever have that? I know it was petty of me to even compare with someone's happiness.
That whole night I was evaded and enclosed with its warmth and his smell literally. I smelled like rain, wood, flower buds mixed with his scent. My skin was tingling, warmth engulfing my whole body at our proximity. My action was unconscious but I did take lean into his warmth, onto his hard chest. My legs were aching, my dress was torn and at that moment was unnerving. I needed comfort which in an idiotic manner I sought from Mr. Malhotra. A suspect of match-fixing. The man who held my back. The man who helped me.
These words were imprinted in my mind the whole night as those eyes flashed perpetually and incessantly in front of me. My face morphed into a genuine smile when he said that because his voice was pleading, determined and unwavering.
His presence there was a surprise.
I never knew this man before but his presence is formidable and confident.
He screamed fame and opulence. A man from another world. We are from two different worlds but as I said earlier life is vicious. He was dragged down and now he stands before me. I do not deal with the likes of him. I deal will pretty criminals and offenders. He was far away from them in every aspect.
I walk towards it as my fingers brush against the fabric softly. Why is that man is intruding and piercing through my thoughts since our first meet? Enigma. That's what it is. A jacket, a smile, and small support brought something indescribable into my life.
I am taken back to our first meeting 3 days ago when a sudden appearance disrupted me. When I looked up I saw him, a beautiful man. I scolded myself incessantly for that intrusive and unprofessional thought but at the end of the I am a human, I have heart and eyes and the latter was beating furiously. I saw him take a step back and freeze. He was looking at me with unblinking eyes but he seemed to have reached another realm. I contained myself before he could catch me staring as I switched back into the professional tone after a few moments of absurd thoughts. Unfortunately, I will be spending my whole day getting well versed about the man who was making it hard for me to just see him like any other person and forget!
I walk through the modernized glass doors of the ICB's rustic yet alluring building. It is always buzzing with people, laughs and the pictures adorning the walls bring new energy to the building.
I take the elevator to the top floor where the meeting room is situated.
I look down at the floor while walking and then a pair of exuberant shoes catch my eyes. I halt my steps as my eyes slowly and slowly move up taking in the long stretch of legs clad with dark denim fitted to perfection, a v - neck T-shirt which accentuated his muscles all over his upper torso and then right onto his face, a perfectly smiling face.
This is normal. Humans do appreciate good bodies, clothes, and beautiful faces. I, on the other hand, do not. I never pay attention to the opposite sex, never. This is getting peculiar for me and I do not do peculiar, I am simple. I get up, work, ear, meet my friends, go on a stroll in the park, meet my friends, and sleep. A cricketer is not on the list. I am not a cricket enthusiast nor socially active to know the magnitude of the personality that is ' . Now, I am well aware. The jam-pack media outside at the door is the evidence, the number of his followers that pour in when he is here, the never ending news bulletin, and discussions on news channels make everything crystal clear. He sits on a throne, he may be around us and breathe the same air but he is different. He is a sensation Idol to many The best player in the sport today. He has not abdicated his throne but taken a time off owing to the ordeal. He now stands before me, waiting for my judgment. This professional never ceases to surprise you, challenge you, shock you and at the end fills you with immense pride. You can make or break life.
" Good morning, your honor." He says taking a few steps towards me.
" Good morning, Mr. Malhotra." I nod my head with a closed-off smile contrary to his friendly one. There is something that has changed but I can't put my finger on it. He looks genuinely ecstatic and carefree.
" Let me help you with that. " He points at the carry bag in my hand as he bends slightly to take it out of my hand.
" This is for you so.... yes. " He looks into the bag and then starts laughing lightly.
" What happened? Did I get the wrong bag? " I get on my heels and move forward to look at the contents.
" You have the right bag. It is just that I gave it to help you and honestly it wouldn't matter to me if you kept it but that's ok because you returned it with candy. " He takes our a single candy piece as his face dances with amusement.
" Force of habit. " I shrug on my shoulder.
" Thanks to that habit that now I am having a candy after years. I really can't remember the last time I ate one. Maybe, it was back in school. Maa uses to send 2 candies as an incentive to eat methi ka parantha. " His nose scrunches at the memory.
" That's a long time. " I conclude.
" And awful. The con of playing international sport is that your dietary practices do get healthy but you miss cheat food more. Are you from Delhi? "
" Ahh...no. " I say cautiously given the perplexity for the sudden change of topic.
" I am. Chole bhature was on the weekly menu at home and now they look like a dream, something that can't be chased. Ohh...now my mouth is watering. "
" You could lose the fat by going to a gym. " I cheat food should not matter that much.
" Have you seen a bhatura? The USA could raid it for oil. I eat one and then it would take me a whole month to counter it. " He looks horrified at the thought.
This conversation makes me slightly comfortable around him, comfortable to be alone with him. He talks like every other Delhi native I met, friendly aura, dreams about chole bhature which makes him appear less formidable and more natural, more closer, not formidable. Maybe he always was.
" I cannot say I empathize with you but the pain is palpable. " I raise my brows dramatically as he laughs loudly. A smile graces my lips seeing his reaction.
" I appreciate the support of words and the candy. " He uses his free hand to unwrap it and breaks it into two pieces.
" Here... " He passes one half to me. He looks at me as if he is reliving those childhood days and miraculously he looks like a boy.
" No no... " I shake my hand in a 'no ' motion but he clicks his tongue.
" You can't possibly say no to eclairs. That is like.... umm.... legally offensive ."
This is my turn to laugh.
" I cannot imagine that something like this would come under legal scrutiny. "
I take the piece out of his palm. He throws it partly up in the air and it directly lands into his mouth.
" Ohh God...waaahhh. " He says in a hoarse voice as he closes his eyes to savor it.
" I have few more in purse umm if you want. " I say softly fumbling with the chain of my purse.
" I have no tour for quite some time and let's say that I eat 20 of these...I could give 20 hours extra in the gym, give me it. " First he points at my purse then up at the ceiling and the end extends his palm with excitement. I have a small transparent packet of candies for travel and munching. He puts it in his back pocket and goes back to grinning.
" I came early today so that it gets it through my skull that it's happening warna aisa lgta hai ki sapna chal raha hai ( Otherwise it feels like a dream ). I think it's a great start. " He puts his hands in his pockets with quite an enthusiasm.
" You look quite happy and excited. " I knit my brows together in skepticism.
" I am not taking it to my mind and worrying. I am being accused...there is that and there is going to be an end to it. " He speaks with the utmost nonchalance.
" Do you believe that in the end, everything is going to work out in your favor? "
" Hypothetically, I am innocent. What would you do? "
" Hypothetically, if you are innocent then I would not let you suffer, you deserve to walk out without any blot. " I enunciate every word with meaning.
Having it on your conscience that you ruined someone's career, a life that was built with hard work and passion kills you every day.
" Why do I need to worry then? This is not something I wanted but now here I am so might as well be present and cooperative to get us all out of it. " He says with an elated voice.
" This is just the 4 day so there is still a long road but I appreciate the enthusiasm, it's rare to find. " He shrugs at shoulders indifferently at my statement.
"It's a part of life. I could as well be daft to believe that everything would go smoothly, I'd play, retire and enjoy my days but that's not it. Life is made up of varied experiences that make you feel alive, they can be both good and bad. Everything happens for a reason, this too. " He says in a smooth, velvety voice as he held my eyes with indescribable emotions dancing in them. I was held in place by the intensity of his eyes.
" What do you think is going to become out of it? " I was compelled to ask this.
" That is my secret. " He wiggles his brows at me but my inquest on the matter does not stop.
" Do you think it would be worth all this? The media barrage, your career at stake and it does bring mental pressure. " What worthy could come out of this?
" It would be worth more than any of the materialistic things. " His face softens and his voice gets a sudden edge to it, passion and determination.
" I hope you get whatever you are wanting out of this because it seems quintessential to you. " He suddenly laughs.
" It is quite quintessential. I would say more life-changing and fulfilling. Though, I am not sure it would be reciprocated. " My mind races even faster. What is fulfilling? The thing that could change your life? What reciprocating?
" I am really curious right now but I am going to respect your personal life and not step over the professional boundaries. This is seriously the first time I met someone with such a lookout."
" I think that's a compliment. " He keeps his hand on heart and bows his head slightly.
" Let's get seated, shall we Mr. Malhotra? " He looks at me comically as if someone pinched him secretly.
" Is something wrong? " A smile again finds its way onto his face as she shakes it.
" Nothing at all. " He is hiding something.
" You can call me Arjun you know. I am not habitual of listening to Mr. Malhotra. I, on the other hand, should be addressing you at ' Your honor'. "
" That won't be appropriate. " His smile falters but he nods his head as if it did not happen. I noticed it.
" Very well. Let's go inside, shall we? " I nod as I pass him and walk straight into the meeting room. He jogs forward to open the door for me. Silence fills the room once we both are seated but it's a comfortable silence.
He is on his phone typing speedily and then he turns the phone upside down on the table. Within a second it rings to which he groans.
" What Karn? " He says disinterestedly.
" Ahh...hmm...no ... down the hill ......I am hopeful.....I am not whipped..... Shut up. " He cuts the call and places the phone back into his pocket.
" I am sorry for that. My brother is alone at home and he thinks irritating me at this time is the perfect time pass ." He looks like a deer caught in the light, squirming in his chair.
"Your brother owns that place umm Zara right? " I tilt my head, rummaging the name through my mind.
" The zarza. " Arjun corrects.
"It is a unique name also it makes your ears lift in attention. "
" That place is easy on the eyes too, very sublime aesthetics. It took around 6 months for the interior, Karn wanted everything to be perfect. "
" I hope his business venture is a success. " I unconsciously touch the wood.
" His all business ventures are successful. He is the elder in our home so he takes his work very seriously. He has one person to take care of. " He points at himself as he says it.
" And you are not capable of that? " I raise my brows at him to which he laughs. His clothes speak for themselves. He is rich. Over the top.
" I can very well do it for both of us but he has assumed himself the giver of the family and he is like a few months older than me, we both are 26. "
" I can say that you have achieved a lot for yourselves at such young age. "
I guess success runs in the family.
" Thank you. I can say it to you too. " I look down for a second and then smile.
" Thank you, Mr. Malhotra. " I go through my purse to take out my lens box. During the whole process of taking out my lens and cleaning my eyes, I feel his eyes burning on my face but owing to my vision I could see a blurred figure.
" Ahh..glasses. " I frantically move my hands on the table and practically shove my face into it.
" Wait .. wait..." I feel big hands on both sides of my head.
" You will hurt yourself. " His voice now closer to my ears.
" Sit back. You need your glasses right? " I nod my head as I look at his face right in front of my eyes, his hand has a soft grip on my head.
" You just took out your lens box, not your glasses. I am going to look into your bag for it, ok? " I nod again for permission.
" Don't move. " He says and then disappears out of my vision. I hear the bag's chain being opened, movement of its contents.
" There is a lot of stuff in here and 2 cases. Which one is it? "
" Black one. " I hear a confused sound from him.
" They both are black ."
" Open them and look. " I widen my arms in his direction to indicate my vexation.
" There you go... " I hear him in a second. I turn around in his direction as he moves towards me, I feel my glasses being placed as I push them onto my face hastily. It takes a second for my vision to set, I blink my eyes and then look straight. My breath hitches.
His face is in closer proximity to mine, so close that I can smell the minty breath and the incense that I am very familiar with.
" Hyperopia. " He says looking at me.
" I developed it in school. " I say looking down at my feet and then move my chair to look straight.
" You were into studies. " He states and moves towards the other side of the table.
" Now ... " I sit back comfortably in my seat, move my glasses to my eyes from the bridge of my nose, clear my throat.
" On your tour to Australia..... "
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