

I am going to Shrishti's hospital today, okay not exactly Shrishti's hospital but the hospital where she works. I met her 2 months back when I got injured during the net sessions and fell unconscious. I still remembered that when I opened my eyes again after 1 whole hour, I saw a beautiful face, she was talking to Cheeku bhai and Ro bhai who were also in the room. I weekly moved myself and tried calling bhai, "Bhai, bhai." I called out to him.

They all looked towards me and came near my bed, she then asked me, "How are you feeling now?"

I barely had any energy to answer, but I slowly replied, "Better, but weak and tired."

"That is completely normal, because of the injury you have sustained." She replied.

"What exactly happened to me?" I stupidly asked, I dont even know what is wrong with my body wow.

"You seriously dont remember what happened?" Cheeku bhai asked me, he looked shocked.

"Calm down Cheeku, he fell unconscious remember? So, Shreyas, you were practicing in the nets, and the ball hit your head, you fell unconscious. We all were really worried, so we rushed you here, luckily Dr. Shrishti was quick enough to assist you and ya now you are conscious I guess. And yes Shrishti is the doctor who is going to be treating you and she will also take a concussion test." Ro bhai said ramming through all the information.

"Are you serious Ro? conscious you guess this. His eyes are wide open but no you need to guess that he is conscious." Cheeku bhai said sarcastically and I laughed.

"Okay, so I need to take a concussion test for him, only then can I say when he can get back to playing cricket." She declared looking at all of us.

"Okay I am fine with it, can you take it now itslef? I wanna know when I can get back to the field?" I impatiently asked her.

"Yes, we need to take the test right now itself. If you both could wait outside for a while it will be better, I will get back to you once the test is done." She told Cheeku bhai and Ro bhai.

After they left she conducted the test and asked a few questions. After it was all done, she called everyone inside, when I say everyone, I mean it, Cheeku bhai, Ro bhai, Harry, Rahul, Kuli, Yuzi, Jassi, Rishabh.

"Woah! I did not know that all of you are here." I said surprised.

"We had to be here, you literally scared us so badly." said Rishabh.

"Obviously, we had to be here." Harry agreed.

"Look who spoke, you know when you fell unconscious, he went like, 'Guys why is Shrey sleeping in the nets? even Ro bhai doesnt randomly go to sleep like that.'" Rahul said and we all laughed.

In a few minutes Shrishti came in with some reports and for some really good reason that is when I noticed her carefully. She is so simple yet so pretty, her passion towards her work and her determination towards it is just like how I am passionate towards cricket. She seemed so professional that even though such famous cricketers, like us were together right in front of her she treated me like any other patient. Okay, maybe we are not that famous or she does not watch cricket and each and every person in India does not need to know us.


She finally spoke, or maybe I was lost somewhere all this while, "So, he has had a very mild concussion and the Xray we took of his ankle shows that he has a minor fracture." she patiently announced, but this got me hyped up.

"What do you mean by fracture, the concussion is fine but when will my ankle be okay?" I asked hurriedly.

"No Mr. Shreyas, concussion is not at all okay because it affects your brain, you will have to be admitted in the hospital for a night, then I will do a check up and discharge you in the morning only if you agree to take good rest this means no cricket. Coming to your fracture, it is minor and nothing major to worry about. Considering both these things you need complete rest and you can get back to cricket in 1 - 2 months." She said strictly.

"You mean his brain got affected now? how is that possible? He has been an idiot ever since he was born." Harry commented and I shot daggers on him, everyone literally everyone was controlling their laugh listening to this.

Cheeku bhai controlled himself and asked Shrishti, "So, he will be good to score centuries in max 2 months right?"

"Yes sir, provided he takes proper rest and medication." She replied.

"Done, Shrey you are going to be taking rest for 2 months from now, if Dr. Shrishti thinks that you are good to got then maybe 1 or 1 and a half month." Cheeku bhai looked at me and ordered.

"But bhai, I cant stay away from cricket for 2 whole months. I need to play." I whined in my attempt to protest.

"Looks like the concussion has really gone over his brain, how are you going to play with a fracture in your ankle?" Ro bhaiya asked me.

"Shrey yaar, listen to your doctor and you will be fine, be obedient like how I was." Harry said.

"You were obedient before your surgery?" Yuzi asked mockingly.

"Ya he was na, that is why before he left for London for the surgery he called everyone to his home and did a long drama saying that if he does this surgery he will die." Rahul said.

"That is not yet, then right before the surgery he video called to give his last good byes like he going to undergo some severe heart surgery or cracked his brain up or something." Rishabh continued.

"So you do not want to be like Harry." Jassi then said.

"Okay stop insulting me guys." Harry whined.

"You get insulted also, wah. I never knew that." Kuli said and we all laughed, including Shrishti.

When she realized that she was also laughing and so she stopped awkwardly, I noticed that so I said, "Chill, he is our teams joker, you can continue laughing."

"So, you are going to adhere by my instructions I believe?" she asked me.

"Yes I guess I need to, I certainly do not want my example to be given to anyone when they get injured." I said and she nodded approvingly.

"You all can leave, Ro and I will be here today night with Shrey then he will be back home anyways." Cheeku bhai said.

"No bhai, Harry and I will stay." Rahul insisted.

"Ya in that way Shrey will not get bored also." Harry said.


"What did you say?" Ro bhai asked Harry giving him a look.

"Kuli and I am there na, we will stay." Yuzi said.

"No Rishabh and I are staying and that is fixed." Jassi insisted.

"It is completely okay if none of you also stay, I anyways have night shift today so you can trust me on this." Shrishti said reassuringly.

"Ya, and I am not going to die tomorrow or anything." I said.

"Never say anything like that ever again." Cheeku bhai warned and I just nodded.

After a while everyone slowly started to leave, they kept insisting to stay but with Shrishti's help I managed to send them off.

"So, Mr. Shreyas" Shrishti was about to say something more but I stopped her.

"Its just Shreyas for you or even Shrey." I said in a weird voice, I kind of tried flirting but I guess Harry's flirting tips do not work.

"Umm, okay Shreyas, I will be back in a while after I finish my pending appointments, till then you can rest cause you are still weak, I would prefer you to limit the use of your mobile and gadgets for a while atleast today night." She said and left.

"Can you stay? I will get bored." I screamt but she had already left by then.

She is so cute mahn, the way she was laughing and suddenly stopped and became all professional. Even her strict voice sounded sweet. I do not exactly know what I am feeling, but I dozed off with her thoughts in my mind.

"Shreyas, wake up!!" I heard a voice, I slowly stirred and woke up.

"What happened?" I said irritated.

"Seems like you love your sleep, I was trying to wake you up since really long and before me the nurse who bought you dinner." She said.

"Ya, I am really tired and I love sleep not as much as Ro bhaiya though." I said.

"You can certainly resume sleeping once you have dinner." She said and placed the tray in front of me, it had khichdi.

"Yuck, I dont want this hospital food." I said making a face.

"I am sorry to say you will need to have it." She said sternly.

"No, I am not having this, who the hell eats khichdi?" I protested.

"Sick people eat khichdi, and it is not very heavy also, cause you might just sleep in a some time after having dinner, so you need to eat something light that is easy to digest." She explained.

"Okay I will eat this boring food, doc. But you need to answer my question." I said.

"I hate people who put forth conditions, but ya just ask whatever you want to fast." She replied.

"Okay, did you really know us before I was hospitalized?" I asked.

"I am a huge cricket fan so I knew you all but I believe in treating all my patients in the same way and give them equal attention so I did not react and stayed professional." She replied.

"Oh you stayed really very professional." I said quite impressed.

"Now eat." She said and I started eating.

"Wont you have dinner?" I asked her while eating.

"No, I dont eat much at night when I have a night shift or else I start feeling really sleepy." She replied.

"Is that the reason or do you hate hospital food?" I asked her with a smirk .

" Umm, honestly speaking both." She said and I laughed.

"Then why are you forcing me to eat this?" I asked her.

"That is because you are the one who is sick not me. I need to go for my rounds to check up on the other patients, I will be back in a while." She said and left me into boredom again.

Something was really special about her indeed, I just dont know what. After I finished my dinner, she came in again and asked, "So, done with dinner?"

"Yes, I am done." I replied.

"Thats good, I will just take a lookat your ankle, I may have to put a cast on it." She said .

"Okay." I said and tried moving my right ankle but it hurted, she checked the ankle properly and then spoke, "Do not move your ankle, as of now I will just apply some medicine and put a cast after a month we will take any X-ray, and then if it is okay, I will remove the cast and you will be given physio sessions."

"Hello?" she said and waved in front of me when I did not reply, I was totally lost in her.

"Ya, what happened?" I said coming back into reality.

"Nothing, you continue." I said.

"Where were you lost? Tell me what was I talking about?" She asked me, okay she is smart enough to deal with patients like me I guess.

" You were talking about the cast." I replied.

"Okay, what about the cast?" She asked me.

"You were telling that you will put a cast now and then after 2 months you will take another X-ray and you will give physio sessions." I said.

"Looks like you are in no hurry to get back to cricket." She commented.

" I obviously am" I spontaneously replied.

"Then I guess you would have heard me telling that after one month a X - ray will be taken, not after 2 months." She said with a smirk on her face.

"Oh I misheard it then." I said and bit my tongue.

After she put a cast on my ankle she set to leave but I screamt from behind, "Can you please stay for a while, I am not sleepy yet."

This time she heard me and stayed back. She asked me, "If you are not feeling sleepy, what should I do sing you a lullaby?"

"No I didnt mean that, you know what you can go." I said, giving up.

"Okay, chill. I am kidding." She told me.

"So ya, I cant play cricket but we can talk about it atleast?" I asked her in an attempt to start a conversation and end the awkwardness.

"Ya, I dont mind. I am a huge cricket fan." She replied.

"Really? Who is your favorite player?" I excitedly asked her.

"My favorite player is Virat Kohli." She replied.

"Oh not me." I sulked.

"No, not you." She replied.

"Then I dont want to talk to you." I said throwing a tantrum.

"Okay, you were not getting sleep, not me bye." She said and got up to leave.

"No no, you can stay." I quickly said.

"You can stay? I did not want to stay here if you remember, you told me to stay here."She reminded me and turned to leave.

"No, I meant please stay." I hurriedly said.

"Better, then next time you want me to stay, use please and ask directly, all this drama wont work with me." She replied with attitude.

"Okay, and stop showing so much attitude." I replied and she laughed.

We talked almost all night long, at around 2 am another doctor entered the room and he said, "Hey Shrishti, whats up? I searched for you almost everywhere."

"Hey Anish, I was with Shreyas, my patient." she said and went and hugged him. Is he her boyfriend? They might be just friends, stop overthinking so much Shrey.

"Wait by any chance, when you say Shreyas, do you mean to say Shreyas Iyer?" he asked her as he had not seen me yet.

"Yes I do mean to say Shreyas Iyer." she said and he looked at me and came towards me.

"Oh my god you are actually Shreyas Iyer, I cannot believe it. Why do you always such amazing patients yaar? Why not me?" He whined and Shrishti hit her head on her hand.

"Ignore him, he is a big fan and an idiot." She said.

"Dont ignore me, I am Anish, Shrishti's colleague cum bestie and a doctor." He introduced himself. Like I care can you please leave now I said in my mind. The only reason I didnt say anything was that, I love my fans and Shrishti was here.

After talking a bit with me, he set up to leave and asked, "Ya by the ways, Shrishti you want some mind night snacks? was going to have some in the canteen." He said and left with a wink. This is when all my insecurities blowed up and I realised that I really did like her, "What did that wink mean?" I asked her.

"Everything you dont know." She answered slyly.

"Huh?" I reacted.

"Its just a code we have, dont use your brains too much he is my bestie and is already dating." She said and winked before leaving as if reading my mind.

"Sleep now its too late." She screamed back before leaving.

In the morning a woke up with a really loud 'Good Morning', as soon as I got up I saw all of them, Cheeku bhai, Ro bhaiya, Kuli, Yuzi, Rishabh, Rahul, Harry, and Jassi.

"Hey, when did you all come?" I asked in a really sleepy tone.

"When the second Kumbhkaran of our team was sleeping, the first is Ro bhaiya." Harry replied.

"Stop yyaar, I slept so late yesterday." I blurted out.

"What did you even do till late?" Rahul asked.

"Nevermind forget it." I replies but I was not to be left so easily.

"No, India wants to know." Yuzi said.

"I was talking with Shrishti." I confessed cause there is no use hiding anything from these people.

"Oh, thats nice." Harry said and winked.

"It is not what you guys are thinking, stop running you dirty minds." I said cause I knew exactly what they were thinking.

"We totally know what it is so spit it out." Cheeku bhai said.

"I like her." I admitted.

"So, go propose her." Ro bhai urged.

"Look who is talking." Cheeku bhai said and we all laughed.

"You have 2 whole months, make good use of it." Cheeku bhai advised and smirked.

(Flash back over) And that is what I did, today I am going to propose her for sure because if not now then maybe never because today is my last follow up session with her.


Today will be the last time I might be meeting Shrey, we met when he was rushed to the hospital because of a concussion and I treated him and today is his last follow up check up. I always had a crush on him, and being his doctor once was my dream which came true, but now I guess it is going to break.

I was lost in all these thoughts that I did not realize if someone entered my cabin.

"Shrishh" I heard Shrey's voice and I looked in front, wait there is no one on the seat.

"Where are you Shrey?" I asked him and looked around.

"Look down atleast." I heard him, and when I did I saw him kneeling on the floor.


"Shhh, this is a hospital." She said.

"Seriously? I know, I work here for your kind information." I replied back.

"I am trying to propose you I guess." He said, what?

"Huh??"I asked him.

"I am not kidding Shrishti, I love you, from the past 2 whole months. These 2 months were enough to make me realize how amazing you are. I LOVE YOU." He said.

"I LOVE YOU TOO, I had a crush on you every since I saw you playing cricket for India, I just cannot believe this." I said in a rush.

"You need to believe this Shrishh, cause we are made for each other, even our names start with SHR." He said.

"Seriously? Our names start with Shr? I said yes wheres my ring?" I asked.

"I did not even ask 'Will you be my girlfriend?' yet, you spoiled everything yaar. I even forgot my lines now." He blabbered and I laughed.

"Its okay then I will ask you. Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked him with a smirk.

"Yes, where's my ring?" He teased me and I gave him a look.

"LOVE YOU DOC."He said and slid the ring into my finger and I bent down and hugged him tight.

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