《Loving You Differently》Twenty Two


With each step he takes, my throat grows tighter. My hands suddenly feel clammy and my heart feels like it might beat straight out of my chest. Seeing him with tamed hair and a clean-shaven face, nice unwrinkled clothes, and skin that was no longer pale and sunken in from years of constant drug abuse, was weird.

When I was a naive little girl I prayed daily to a God I no longer had the heart to believe in; I hoped and wished and dreamed that one day my dad would finally put the drugs to rest and focus on us instead.

He never did.

And now that he had.. but knowing that it wasn't because of the best interests of his children, was a hard pill to swallow. I take a deep breath and straighten my shoulders, mentally preparing myself and trying my best not to waver under his sharp, focused gaze. He looks like a man on a mission.

Dad stops a foot away from the counter, suddenly hesitating. I'm thankful for the distance and the way that the counter serves as a makeshift barrier between us.

He clears his throat, awkwardly shoving his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. "Hey, kid."

Unable to control it, I visibly flinch. I want to throw the napkin dispenser next to me at his face, but I refrain.

"Mark," I say through clenched teeth.

He sighs. "Don't do that," he starts.

"Don't do what?" I snap. "Call you by your name? It's the only one you've earned."

My throat tightens and my right hand, clenched in a fist next to my side, twitches with the urge to reach into my back pocket and call Austin. But now isn't the time, it's late and Vice is undoubtedly packed right now. And even if it was, I remind myself that this is my battle to fight.

"I'm sorry I haven't called," He continues. "I didn't know what to say."

I can't help it. I let out a mocking laugh. "You didn't know what to say? How about "Hey, guys, I haven't given a single fuck about either of you from the moment you were born, so I think my time here is done?"" I fume. "What kind of fucking coward runs from his family when he doesn't want to get his shit together? You're pathetic."

This time, Dad flinches. And I guess I'm not entirely like Maeve and Mark Adkins, because for a split moment, I feel guilty. Even though I shouldn't. He deserves far worse than what I'm dishing out.

Just like that, the guilt vanishes when his true colors begin to show. "I was sick," He grits out stiffly, "I needed help, and I couldn't get it when your mom was bitching at me all day and you and your sister were constantly hanging all over me. I needed space."

Dad's yelling now, and the few customers that are seated in the dining area glance between us warily, murmuring to themselves. I feel disgusted with myself for allowing another one of my family members into work space, ruining the feel-good vibe that it brings. It's a miracle RJ hasn't fired me yet with all the drama that I've unintentionally brought to his establishment.

I want to yell back, scream "I know you needed help, but you never wanted to get it," but I know that it's no use. He won't listen to me or allow me to be right. He'll do anything to justify his actions, because he wants to be the victim. He always has.


"You need to leave," I state firmly. "You said it yourself, you needed space. There's nothing here for you anymore, right? So go back to your new family and leave mine alone."

Dad smirks and brings one hand up to his face, rubbing his jaw. I narrow my eyes, wondering what the fuck he's up to

RJ's gruff voice suddenly rings out behind me. I turn, seeing him, Sidney, and Anthony standing behind me like bodyguards. "She told you to leave. If you're not a paying customer, you can get the hell out and stop harassing my employees."

Dad shakes his head as if he's amused and promptly drops his hand, reaching behind his back and pulling a folded manila envelope from the back pocket of his jeans in one fell swoop.

"I will," he says, still wearing a grimy smirk. He carelessly drops the envelope on the counter between us and it lands with a definite plop. "If you make sure your mom signs these."

I close my eyes, dread curdling in my gut. I already know what they are. If dad's departure alone sent mom into a six month spiral of alcohol and drug abuse, then what the fuck would the divorce papers do?

Mom wanted dad back, but he didn't want her. Knowing that he wanted to finalize a divorce would crush her. He'd threateningly sent a copy of them before a month after he first left, but he never followed through with it. I guess now he is.

Masking my dread, I calmly ask, "Aren't you supposed to get a divorce before knocking up a woman twenty years younger than you?"

Dad exhales sharply, his nostrils flaring in anger. He shakes his head again. "Make sure she gets those. The forwarding address to my lawyer's office is at the top. After she signs it, consider this as me finally wiping my hands clean. Tell her to make it quick. I want nothing to do with her anymore, and I don't want to drag this out any longer than I have to."

He pauses, hesitating. And then, he decides to go for the final punch. "Like you said, I have a family to get back to."

Rage, embarrassment, and sadness build up in my throat, making it hard to breathe. His words are the final blow.

RJ steps forward. "Get out before I drag you out, boy," he warns.

Dad sears me with a piercing look, silently telling me You know what to do, before turning on his heel and walking away. The glass door swings behind him, and his departure feels like one of the most defining moments in my life. He didn't just walk out of the diner.

"Aria," Sidney murmurs. I flinch when her hand gently touches my shoulder.

I clear my throat. "I'm good," I tell her.

"Let Sidney take your tables, Aria. Why don't you go home and get some rest?" RJ says, rather than asks.

I look over at Sidney and she nods, squeezing my shoulder. "Okay," I breathe out. I turn to RJ, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. When I speak, I'm talking more so to his flannel-covered chest, staring intently at the black suspenders he wears. "I'm so sorry for... that. It won't happen again."

The gruff man shakes his head. "You have no reason to apologize. I'll let the staff know not to let him back in if they see him."

My heart swells and tears prick my eyes. They threaten to fall when, "You've been here a long time now, Aria. You're family, ya hear?"


I breathe out shakily, nodding my head. "Thank you," I say. He nods in understanding. He gets it.

It feels like I'm standing outside of my body watching myself shakily thumb out the number to the local cab service. After the call is placed and one is on the way, I text Savannah double-checking that she'll be spending the night with her coworker and new friend Allie tonight. I gather my things, clock out, and stand underneath the awning outside.

Sidney follows me out, throwing up a hand behind her at RJ to signal she's taking an allotted break. Together we lean against the brick building, the rough texture digging into my spine through my thin work t-shirt. I welcome the slight sting, staring distractedly at the scarce traffic that lightly drives by.

Sidney is the first to break the silence. "What are you gonna do?" I bring a hand up to my face, lightly brushing away the tendrils of hair that the wind brushed into my eyes. I sigh. "I don't even know where she is, Sid."

She hums quietly, lost in thought. "Fuck him," I say suddenly. "He blazed in here fucking expecting me to get his shit done for him. And I just stood there and let him believe that I would," I laugh weakly. "Because I was fucking going to. God, I hate myself. I never learn, do I?"

Sidney pushes off of the brick wall and moves to stand in front of me. She grabs my hand, lightly squeezing it. "He never gave you the choice, Aria. I understand wanting to do right by your parents, trust me. You know the story with mine."

I did. Neither of our parents' were in the running for 'Parent of the Years awards, that was for sure. Sidney understood better than anyone, and she'd already played the same cat and mouse game with hers. I knew she wanted me to come to my senses and cut ties with mine just like she did, but there was a part of me that still craved approval from them. I wanted them to love me.

"But," she continues, staring at me pointedly. "There comes a time where we have to finally say to ourselves "Alright, I've done all I can here. The rest is up to you." You have to let them figure things out on their own, because if you keep coming to the rescue every time, they'll continue putting you through the ringer. They know the power they have over you and they'll keep using it to their advantage." she finishes.

My eyes burn with unshed tears. "I think a part of me thinks that if I keep vying for their attention they'll realize what they're missing out on and change. But they never do."

Sidney sighs sympathetically. "Babe, at this point, they don't even deserve you. If you keep spreading yourself thin for the people who don't deserve you, you'll have nothing left to give for the people who do. And the people who do deserve you? They don't want to lose you to the toxicity that is your parents."

"I know," I say dejectedly. I shake my head ruefully and swipe away the few tears that have cascaded down my cheek.

"You're different when Mark and Maeve aren't running you ragged. When you aren't forced to deal with their shit you're happier and healthier. Don't let them continue to take from you," she pleads.

I'm trying, I think to myself.

"I love you," I choke out. "And there's a part of me that still doesn't believe I even deserve you, but I'm working on it. Thank you for everything you've done for Sav and me, I mean it."

"Aw hell," she says, sniffling. "How the hell am I gonna serve tables with snot running down my face?"

We both laugh, leaning forward at the same time to meet in a bone-crushing hug. Moments later, my cab pulls up to the curb. I squeeze Sidney's hand and say my goodbyes, and I double-check that we're still on for Monday afternoon. She made plans to go shopping for Sav's birthday party supplies.

Once I'm seated on the leather backseat, I pull my phone out and sigh in relief when I see that Savannah confirmed she'll be staying at a friend's house tonight. I need a minute to myself to collect my thoughts and mentally prepare for how to proceed, especially when it comes to telling her what went down with our father. She might have laughed off the news about his mistress' pregnancy, but I have a feeling that deep down, she's feeling just as hurt as I am. She just won't admit it.

Fifteen minutes later I pay my cab fare and make my way up the front porch of my house. I collapse on the sofa with a heavy sigh, unsure about what to do. The manila envelope peeks up at me, sticking out of my purse.

"Fuck him," I murmur angrily. Before I can talk myself out of it, I'm off the couch and snatching the envelope from my purse. I want to set fire to the papers in the backyard, but instead I march to my bedroom and hastily shove them under my mattress, out of my sight.

I have no fucking clue where my mom is, and honestly? I don't want to know. She's not my problem anymore, I think bitterly. And neither is he. If he wants those papers signed, he needs to approach mom himself. I can't be the middle man anymore. I can't keep doing things for them just because they expect me to. It only hurts me, and it doesn't solve anything.

Mind running a mile a minute, I quickly change out of my work clothes. I hastily change into an oversized sweatshirt and forego pants completely. I wipe away my makeup and let my hair down, the dark tresses wildly framing my face and my scalp stinging from the high ponytail I've had it in all afternoon.

Heading into the kitchen, I lean against the counter while I quickly scarf down a slice of cold leftover apple pie that I brought home from RJ's a few days prior. I down a glass of water and make quick work of brushing my teeth. Tired, I make my way to my room and climb into bed. I plug my phone into the charger, pausing when I see an unread text flashing across my screen.

Oh god. Despite serving Austin and his brother burgers at RJ's the day he hired me, I'd never actually been properly introduced to him. My stomach flutters with nerves.

I'm surprised when my phone chimes not even a second later.

I smile and quickly thumb out a reply.

His response is even quicker.

"Damn," I mutter.

I sigh, mind running with memories of what went down earlier. I jolt when my phone starts ringing. Austin's name flashes at me. Before I can greet him with a standard 'hello', he says "I'm free for a few minutes so I thought I'd call. You okay?"

I lean my head against the pillow that smells like him after our nap earlier today. I snuggle under the covers and say, "I'm good. You're working, so we can talk about it tomorrow."

"Aria," he rasps. "Don't do that. Let me worry about you, alright? You're more important to me than emails and check stubs. What happened?"

I swallow. "Mark Adkins happened. It's nothing, he just showed up at RJ's tonight and showed his ass. RJ sent me home because I was upset."

Austin curses and growls out, "The fuck did he say to you?"

My heartbeat speeds up. "Nothing that I didn't already know," I say quietly. I quickly change the subject. "Do you know why Reed is in town?"

Austin sighs, and I can mentally picture his frown and furrowed brows. "I'm gonna let you slide just this once," he says knowingly. "But I want to be there for you. You just gotta let me."

I burrow myself deeper into the blankets. "I'm working on it," I say weakly.

Without skipping a beat he says, "I know you are." It's a quiet for a moment. "Reed sounded off when I talked to him earlier. He's hiding something."

My stomach turns. "Do you think it has something to do with your dad?" He chuckles, and I can picture him scratching at the stubble on his jaw, a wry smirk on his lips. "I know it does," he says. "I just hope that whatever it is doesn't piss me off too badly."

"Whatever it is, we'll deal with it. Together," I say.

I can hear the smile in Austin's voice when he says, "Remember that. It works both ways. I gotta go, but I'll talk to you tomorrow, alright? I'll pick you up around two."

I say goodbye, and it's not lost on me how much lighter I feel after talking to Austin. Sidney was right; I know who deserves me and who doesn't. In this moment, I silently make a vow to myself to stop focusing on people who don't deserve my time and more on people who do.



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